Papers by Anupama J . Hingane
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Oct 10, 2017

This database includes the research work carried out on development of medium duration Pigeonpea ... more This database includes the research work carried out on development of medium duration Pigeonpea advanced progenies trials including elite hybrids at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru. Pigeonpea is a very important grain legume crop for food other uses in Asia and Africa. It is often cross-pollinated species with a diploid number of 2n= 2x22 and genome size of 858Mbp. Every year 50 to 100 and above new crosses (and also CMS hybrids) will be made evaluated in nurseries to develop new high yielding cultivars with adaptability to different climatic/agronomic zones. Based on their agronomic performance in nurseries for maturity time, branching pattern and number of branches, pod color, pod yield and other pest and diseases tolerance characters etc, the superior progenies will be selected and advanced to further generations. The progenies selected based on preliminary/nursery data will be evaluated along with controls in replicated (twice or thrice) trials every year for further agronomic evaluation and selection. The agronomic data (days to 50% flowering and/or maturity, plant height, grain yield, grain size and color etc) of the progenies evaluated were presented herewith. The trial details and plot sizes were given. This data helps us to select and advance further. Finally the few best progenies among them will be evaluated in on-farm trials (OFTs) and in multi-location trials. The best performed progenies will be considered to promote/release in respective agronomic zones. Experiment location on Google Map

Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is an important pulse crop of peninsular India and of the ... more Pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] is an important pulse crop of peninsular India and of the 4 m ha grown, this region contributes >70% both in area and production. The productivity of pigeonpea in this region is at around 650 kg/ ha, and to smash this low yield plateau, a hybrid technology, based on cytoplasmic nuclear male-sterility (CMS) and natural cross-pollination was evolved at ICRISAT. Among several location-specific hybrids were bred, ICPH 2740 gave outstanding performance in farmers' fields and later released in Telangana for cultivation in 2015 as "Mannem Konda Kandi". This wilt and sterility mosaic resistant hybrid was tested in 31 locations over five years exhibited 40.7% superiority over the ruling variety "Asha". In the on-farm trials also, this hybrid recorded yield advantage of 36.2% in four provinces. This paper discusses salient features, performance, and seed technology of the hybrid ICPH 2740.
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, Mar 20, 2023

This database includes the research work carried out on development ofmedium duration Pigeonpea B... more This database includes the research work carried out on development ofmedium duration Pigeonpea B-lines trial including elite hybrids at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru ((17°30'39.8"N 78°16'11.7"E). Pigeonpea is a very important grain legume crop for food other uses in Asia and Africa. It is often cross-pollinated species with a diploid number of 2n= 2x22 and genome size of 858Mbp. Every year 50 to 100 and above new crosses (and also CMS hybrids) will be made evaluated in nurseries to develop new high yielding cultivars with adaptability to different climatic/agronomic zones. Based on their agronomic performance in nurseries for maturity time, branching pattern and number of branches, pod color, pod yield and other pest and diseases tolerance characters etc, the superior progenies will be selected and advanced to further generations (to F5s). The F5 progenies selected based on preliminary/nursery data will be evaluated along with controls in replicated (twice or thrice) trials every year for further agronomic evaluation and selection. The agronomic data (days to 50% flowering and/or maturity, plant height, grain yield, grain size and color etc) of the progenies evaluated were presented herewith. The trial details and plot sizes were given. This data helps us to select and advance further. Finally the few best progenies among them will be evaluated in on-farm trials (OFTs). The best performed progenies will be considered to promote/release in respective agronomic zones. Experiment location on Google Map
Burleigh Dodds series in agricultural science, Jan 18, 2018
Introduction 2 Pigeonpea for nutritional security 3 Factors affecting stability of pigeonpea prod... more Introduction 2 Pigeonpea for nutritional security 3 Factors affecting stability of pigeonpea production 4 Genetic factors influencing sustainability of pigeonpea production 5 Enhancing pigeonpea sustainability through crop modelling 6 Enhancing sustainability through an efficient seed system 7 Enhancing sustainability through plant breeding 8 Pigeonpea hybrids for greater productivity and sustainability 9 Future trends and conclusion 10 Where to look for further information 11 References

International journal of scientific research, Jul 1, 2015
Lack of stability associated with low productivity have remained key production constraints in pi... more Lack of stability associated with low productivity have remained key production constraints in pigeonpea for decades. In this paper, efforts have been made to address these two issues together by breeding high yielding pigeonpea hybrids carrying resistance/tolerance to some important biotic and abiotic stresses. In normal course, the selection of parental lines and breeding stress tolerant hybrids will take about 15 years. Therefore as an alternative, a shortcut hybrid breeding approach was designed and its salient features are discussed here. It is expected that by following this approach the crop losses caused by diseases, drought, and waterlogging can be reduced and at the same time, productivity can be enhanced through the exploitation of hybrid vigour. Introductíon Red gram or pigeonpea [Cajanuscajan (L.) Millsp.] is a prime pulse crop of Indian rainfed agriculture with an annual production of about 3 m tonnes from over 4 m ha of plantings (IIPR, 2013). Low productivity and lack of stability have remained key production constraints in this crop for over five decades. Besides various genetic and agronomic reasons, some biotic and abiotic stresses are also responsible for this situation (Saxena, 2008). This scenario can now be changed in a positive direction by simultaneously reducing crop losses and enhancing yielding ability of the crop. Recent success in breeding high yielding pigeonpea hybrids and identifying genotypes that are tolerant to important stresses have given good signals for achieving the goal of increasing yield and stability in the near future. In this article, a shortcut strategy has been outlined to bring these two technologies together for enhancing productivity through hybrids and stabilizing yield through genetic resistances.
International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Nov 10, 2017
Journal of Food Legumes, Sep 29, 2015

This database includes the research work carried out on development of medium duration Pigeonpea ... more This database includes the research work carried out on development of medium duration Pigeonpea advanced F8 lines trial including elite hybrids at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru. Pigeonpea is a very important grain legume crop for food other uses in Asia and Africa. It is often cross-pollinated species with a diploid number of 2n= 2x22 and genome size of 858Mbp. Every year 50 to 100 and above new crosses (and also CMS hybrids) will be made evaluated in nurseries to develop new high yielding cultivars with adaptability to different climatic/agronomic zones. Based on their agronomic performance in nurseries for maturity time, branching pattern and number of branches, pod color, pod yield and other pest and diseases tolerance characters etc, the superior progenies will be selected and advanced to further generations (to F8s). The F8 progenies selected based on preliminary/nursery data will be evaluated along with controls in replicated (twice or thrice) trials every year for further agronomic evaluation and selection. The agronomic data (days to 50% flowering and/or maturity, plant height, grain yield, grain size and color etc) of the progenies evaluated in years 2016 were presented herewith. The trial details and plot sizes were given. This data helps us to select and advance further. Finally the few best progenies among them will be evaluated in on-farm trials (OFTs) and in multi-location trials. The best performed progenies will be considered to promote/release in respective agronomic zones. Experiment location on Google Map

This database includes the research work carried out on development of medium duration Pigeonpea ... more This database includes the research work carried out on development of medium duration Pigeonpea seed parents trials including elite hybrids at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru . Pigeonpea is a very important grain legume crop for food other uses in Asia and Africa. It is often cross-pollinated species with a diploid number of 2n= 2x22 and genome size of 858Mbp. Every year 50 to 100 and above new crosses (and also CMS hybrids) will be made evaluated in nurseries to develop new high yielding cultivars with adaptability to different climatic/agronomic zones. Based on their agronomic performance in nurseries for maturity time, branching pattern and number of branches, pod color, pod yield and other pest and diseases tolerance characters etc, the superior progenies will be selected and advanced to further generations. Progenies selected based on preliminary/nursery data will be evaluated along with controls in replicated (twice or thrice) trials every year for further agronomic evaluation and selection. The agronomic data (days to 50% flowering and/or maturity, plant height, grain yield, grain size and color etc) of the progenies evaluated were presented herewith. The trial details and plot sizes were given. This data helps us to select and advance further. Finally the few best progenies among them will be evaluated in on-farm trials (OFTs). The best performed progenies will be considered to promote/release in respective agronomic zones. Experiment location on Google Map

This database contains phenotypic evaluation data of short duration Pigeon pea varietal trials fo... more This database contains phenotypic evaluation data of short duration Pigeon pea varietal trials for year 2016-17. The research work carried out at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru. Pigeonpea is a very important grain legume crop for food other uses in Asia and Africa. It is often cross-pollinated species with a diploid number of 2n= 2x22 and genome size of 858Mbp. Every year 50 to 100 and above new crosses (and also CMS hybrids) will be made evaluated in nurseries to develop new high yielding cultivars with adaptability to different climatic/agronomic zones. Based on their agronomic performance in nurseries for maturity time, branching pattern and number of branches, pod color, pod yield and other pest and diseases tolerance characters etc, the superior progenies will be selected and advanced to further generations. The progenies selected based on preliminary/nursery data will be evaluated along with controls in replicated (twice or thrice) trials every year for further agronomic evaluation and selection. The agronomic data (days to 50% flowering and/or maturity, plant height, grain yield, grain size and color etc) of the progenies evaluated in years 2015 were presented herewith. The trial details and plot sizes were given. This data helps us to select and advance further. Finally the few best progenies among them will be evaluated in on-farm trials (OFTs) and in multi-location trials. The best performed progenies will be considered to promote/release in respective agronomic zones. Experiment location on Google Map

This dataset contains phenotypic evaluation data of medium duration Pigeonpea (C.acutifolious) ad... more This dataset contains phenotypic evaluation data of medium duration Pigeonpea (C.acutifolious) advanced trials for year 2016-17. Research work was conducted at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru. Pigeonpea is a very important grain legume crop for food and other uses in Asia and Africa. It is often cross-pollinated species with a diploid number of 2n= 2x22 and genome size of 858Mbp. Every year 50 to 100 and above new crosses (and also CMS hybrids) will be made evaluated in nurseries to develop new high yielding cultivars with adaptability to different climatic/agronomic zones. Based on their agronomic performance in nurseries for maturity time, branching pattern and number of branches, pod color, pod yield and other pest and diseases tolerance characters etc, the superior progenies will be selected and advanced to further generations. The progenies selected based on preliminary/nursery data will be evaluated along with controls in replicated (twice or thrice) trials every year for further a...
Release of the world’s first commercial pigeonpea hybrid is considered a milestone in the history... more Release of the world’s first commercial pigeonpea hybrid is considered a milestone in the history of legume breeding. At present three commercial hybrids with yield advantages of 30 -50% are available. This has been possible due to success breeding of (i) a stable CMS system, (ii) quality fertility restorers, and (iii) standardized seed production technology. To sustain the achievements of this breakthrough, it is essential that superior hybrids are bred at regular intervals. In this communication an attempt has been made to highlight the achievements of hybrid breeding and consolidate strategies to develop new high yielding hybrids and their seed technology using the latest breeding and genomics tools.
Papers by Anupama J . Hingane