Papers by Hindun Nurhidayati

Journal of Digital Marketing and Communication
Social media platforms, especially Instagram, played a strong role in promoting tourist attractio... more Social media platforms, especially Instagram, played a strong role in promoting tourist attractions. F. Widayanto ceramic house was one of the tourist attractions that used Instagram as a place to market ceramic products and ceramic educational tours. The location of this study was at F. Widayanto ceramic house, Depok City, West Java. The manager of Keramik F. Widayanto ceramic house hoped that social media would be used as a media campaign to attract visits. This research was carried out by analyzing the interest of tourist visits to F. Widayanto ceramic house and analyzing the effectiveness of the @fwidayantogallery Instagram account in attracting tourists' visits using the AIDA model (attention, interest, desire, and action). The methods used were quantitative descriptive approaches and multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The number of respondents was obtained as many as 50 people from active users of Instagram. The results showed that the interest in tourist visi...

Home Journal.
Abstrak Kegiatan swafoto menjadi trend dan banyak dilakukan oleh wisatawan selama berkunjung ke d... more Abstrak Kegiatan swafoto menjadi trend dan banyak dilakukan oleh wisatawan selama berkunjung ke destinasi wisata. De Ranch merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata di Puncak, Bogor yang memiliki berbagai fasilitas spot swafoto. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis fasilitas spot swafoto dan pengaruh spot swafoto di De Ranch Puncak terhadap pengalaman berwisata bagi wisatawan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Analisis data menggunakan metode SEM (structural equation modelling). Adapun pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara, observasi, penyebaran kuesioner, studi literatur dan dokumentasi. Dari hasil survey terhadap 200 orang wisatawan dapat disimpulkan bahwa fasilitas utama dan penunjang tidak berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan pengalaman berwisata bagi wisatawan. Sedangkan fasilitas pendukung berpengaruh terhadap pembentukan pengalaman berwisata para wisatawan di De Ranch Puncak. Kata Kunci: fasilitas wisata, spot swafoto, pengalaman berwisata Abstrack Selfie activities have become a trend and are mostly done by tourists during their visit to tourist destinations. De Ranch is one of the tourist destinations in Puncak, Bogor which has various selfie spot facilities. This study aims to analyze the selfie spot facilities and the effect of selfie spots at De Ranch Puncak to the visitor's tourism experience. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative. Data analysis using SEM (structural equation modeling) method. The data were collected through distributing questionnaires, interviews, observation, literature studies and documentation. From the results of a survey of 200 visitors, it can be concluded that the main and supporting facilities have no effect on the formation of a tourist experience. Only the supporting facilities do have affect to the tourist experience in De Ranch Puncak, Bogor.
Routledge eBooks, May 2, 2022
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education

The tourism industry cannot be separated from the tourism components itself, such as Attractions,... more The tourism industry cannot be separated from the tourism components itself, such as Attractions, Amenity, Accessibility, Supporting Facilities and Institution, which are related to each other. Supporting facility such a place to buy souvenirs is an important component because souvenirs include in objects that can be developed and have added value for tourism actors. The absence of souvenirs in Ciapus leads to the need of planning of sophisticated souvenir making to increase the benefits for local communities and how to empower local communities for better understanding in managing and minimizing the impact of such activities. This research used descriptive qualitative research methods where the data were taken through the process of interviewing with community leaders, tourists and managers of attraction sites located at the tourism village of Tamansari in Ciapus, Bogor. The results showed that some souvenirs that have been previously planned got a positive response by consumers wh...

Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction
Tujuan dari penelitian music tourism ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting Jazz Gun... more Tujuan dari penelitian music tourism ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting Jazz Gunung serta mengidentifikasi faktor pendorong dan penarik wisatawan terkait Jazz Gunung Bromo sebagai atraksi music tourism di Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif, dengan memanfaatkan data primer dan sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, penyebaran kuesioner, serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi eksisting Jazz Gunung Bromo sudah memenuhi indikator atraksi dari Walsh-Heron dan Stevens dalam Swarbrooke. Faktor pendorong yang paling dominan dalam mendorong wisatawan untuk menghadiri event Jazz Gunung Bromo adalah motivasi fisik, dan faktor penarik wisatawan yang membuat wisatawan tertarik untuk menghadiri Jazz Gunung Bromo adalah tempat serta pengisi acara.

Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction
Educational tour or educational tour is a program that combines elements of tourism activities wi... more Educational tour or educational tour is a program that combines elements of tourism activities with the content of informal education in it. This program is packaged in such a way to be an annual tourism activity or extracurricular activities that have quality and weight for participants who follow this educational tour, the material to be used in this tour has been adjusted to the weight of participants and what information will be provided. village 99 Trees is one of the objects of educational-based tourism destination that provides tourism activities in the area of forest conservation and nature. The objective of the study was to identify the educational potential of Village 99 area and to develop education development strategy in village 99 area. The method used in this research is qualitative method, data collection with observation, questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis in this study using SWOT analysis.The result of the research is SO's strategy which involves in...
Proceedings of the Asia Tourism Forum. 2016 - the 12th Biennial Conference of Hospitality and Tourism Industry in Asia, 2016

Utama (2006 ) defines , agritourism is a system of integrated and coordinated activities for the ... more Utama (2006 ) defines , agritourism is a system of integrated and coordinated activities for the development of agricultural tourism as well , in relation to the preservation of the environment , improving social welfare of farmers. The goals of this research is to find the factors that cause the cooperatives and processing plant juices and syrups which are not operated; the factors that cause Depok City Government has not been achieved in making the Pasir Putih Village become Primatani location and area of agro-tourism models; and to find a suitable model community empowerment which able to attract Pasir Putih Village community would be actively involved in the development of starfruit agro-tourism program . Targeted research in the first year of this 2014 is a collection of data about the potential of agro-tourism , tourist attractions , accessibility and amenities as well as agro-tourism development program is right for the future. This study used a qualitative descriptive analys...

Jurnal Destinasi Kepariwisataan Indonesia, 2016
Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) mengetahui identifikasi potensi daya tarik wisata daerah Setu Babak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) mengetahui identifikasi potensi daya tarik wisata daerah Setu Babakan sebagai langkah pemberdayaan masyarakat; 2) merumuskan potensi unik Setu Babakan sebagai daya tarik pariwisata; 3) mempersiapkan masyarakat untuk menerima kunjungan wisatawan melalui hygiene dan sanitasi dan pengelolaan sampah yang baik. Menggunakan metode kualitatif, yaitu observasi, menyebar kuesioner, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Kesimpulannya : 1) kampung budaya setu babakan mempunyai potensi daya tarik wisata budaya, religi, kuliner dan alam; 2) masyarakat lokal membutuhkan pelatihan dan penambahan wawasan untuk merubah karakter ke arah pembangunan pariwisata yang ramah lingkungan dan ramah terhadap wisatawan; 3) dilakukannya evaluasi terus menerus terhadap program peningkatan sosial ekonomi, kegiatan sadar wisata, sanitasi dan hygiene serta pengelolaan sampah.
Papers by Hindun Nurhidayati