Papers by Hilda Longhi-wagner

The family Poaceae in Morro Santana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). A floristic survey of the family... more The family Poaceae in Morro Santana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). A floristic survey of the family Poaceae (Gramineae) in Morro Santana, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, was carried out. The work was based on intensive field collections and revision of herbaria. A hundred and twenty-four species were confirmed, distributed in eight subfamilies and 54 genera. The studied area contains near a quarter of the estimated grass diversity for the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Panicoideae (65 species) is the most representative subfamily, including over half of the species. The other species are divided among the subfamilies Pooideae (28), Chloridoideae (18), Aristidoideae (seven), Bambusoideae (two), Ehrhartoideae (two), Danthonioideae and Pharoideae (one species each). A hundred and thirteen species are native (91%) and 11 are exotic (9%). Morro Santana contains great grass richness and it is a very important area for conservation in the city of Porto Alegre. A checklist of the confirmed species, a...

A taxonomic revision of the Briza complex was carried out, including the genera accepted by past ... more A taxonomic revision of the Briza complex was carried out, including the genera accepted by past authors as subgenera or
sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex
Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi,
Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies
with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new
circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American
species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety
of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation
status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi,
Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill.
& Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species
are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.

International Journal of Plant Sciences, 2007
A detailed study of floral ontogeny, anatomy, and embryology in two (of six) species of Pharus is... more A detailed study of floral ontogeny, anatomy, and embryology in two (of six) species of Pharus is presented as part of a series of comparative investigations on early-divergent grasses. Pharus is a taxonomically isolated genus belonging to the earliest-diverging grass lineage with a true grass spikelet. It is unusual in possessing remarkably dimorphic florets: male florets possess two lodicules, six stamens, and a pistillode, whereas female florets lack lodicules entirely but possess six staminodes and a tricarpellary ovary with three stigmas. The rudimentary lodicules in male florets are initiated after the stamen whorls. There are most commonly six androecial organs, but in some florets, a five-staminate condition was observed, resulting from suppression of the abaxial stamen from the inner whorl, or even a four-staminate condition resulting from subsequent fusion of the two adaxial outer stamens (i.e., elements of both whorls). Thus, the pattern of floral zygomorphy in Pharus differs from that of many other grasses. Centrifixed anther attachment is reported for the first time in Pharus, resembling the condition in another early-divergent grass, Anomochloa, though anthers are introrse in Anomochloa compared with latrorse in Pharus. Anther wall development is of the reduced type in Pharus, in contrast to most other monocots. Microsporogenesis is of the successive type, as in many other monocots. The ovary develops from three distinct primordia and is unilocular with a single ovule and a pronounced ovary beak that is highly characteristic of Pharus. There is a hollow style, in contrast to the solid styles that are common in many other grasses. The embryo is highly differentiated, as in other grasses, with a distinct epiblast and a small cleft between the scutellum and the coleorhiza.
Sporobolus nesiotioides (Poaceae) is described as a new species from Trindade Island, Brazil, usi... more Sporobolus nesiotioides (Poaceae) is described as a new species from Trindade Island, Brazil, using morphological and anatomical characters. The species has affinity with the extinct S. durus from Ascension Island. The presence of the genus on other tropical oceanic islands of the South Atlantic is discussed. Resumo Sporobolus nesiotioides (Poaceae) é descrita como nova espécie da Ilha da Trindade, Brasil, usando caracteres morfológicos e anatômicos. Esta espécie tem afinidade com o extinto S. durus, da Ilha de Ascenção. A presença do gênero em outras ilhas oceânicas do Atlântico Sul é discutida.

Systematics and Biodiversity, 2012
The montane grasslands of eastern and southern Brazil occur mostly at elevations above 900 m and ... more The montane grasslands of eastern and southern Brazil occur mostly at elevations above 900 m and are regionally distinguished as campos rupestres and campos de altitude, with the former having a more interior and seasonal climate and the latter a more coastal and humid climate. The floristic relationships between 13 sites of montane grasslands, distributed from north-east to south Brazil (roughly 13-28 • S), were analyzed on the basis of grass species composition. After a compilation of the published literature, the floristic lists were updated according to current taxonomic circumscriptions. The final list had 311 species within 72 genera. The genus Paspalum had the highest number of species , whereas 25 genera contained only a single species. Relatively many species (∼50%) were restricted to single study sites, and very few species were widespread. Multivariate analysis supported four groups (bootstrap values >70), primarily distinguishing between seasonal tropical versus humid temperate climates and secondarily between surrounding biomes (caatinga versus cerrado) in the northern tropical sites and geological substrates (granitic versus basaltic) in the southern temperate sites. Our study documents the effects of large-scale climatic and geological factors on the floristic differentiation of montane grasslands and contributes to knowledge of the major vegetation types occurring within Brazilian mountain systems.
Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 1998
... & Rupr., alcançando os campos de altitude da Serra da Mantiqueira, em Minas Gerais, l... more ... & Rupr., alcançando os campos de altitude da Serra da Mantiqueira, em Minas Gerais, limite norte de distribuição do gênero e da tribo Stipeae no Brasil. ... Ocorre em campos de altitude, geralmente associada a locais sombreados ou semi-sombreados. Stipa jurgensii Hack. ...
Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 2006
INSULA Revista de Botânica, 2010
Novon, 1992
... 28819 (UB); Diamantina, 8 km E Diamantina, road to Extracao, 16 Mar. 1970, HS Irwin et al. 27... more ... 28819 (UB); Diamantina, 8 km E Diamantina, road to Extracao, 16 Mar. 1970, HS Irwin et al. 27687 (MO, NY, UB), km 996-997.5 antiga ferrovia Diamantina-Corinto, 12 Feb. ... nov. TYPE: Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul: Santana do Livramento, Cerro Palomas, 17 Nov. ...
Novon, 2003
... Hilda Maria Longhi-Wagner Departamento de Botanica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul... more ... Hilda Maria Longhi-Wagner Departamento de Botanica, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Avenida ... In Brazil, the greatest species di-versity is found in "cerrado" and "campos rupes ... AC Marcato, MC Assis & A. Rapini 694 (holotype, SPF; isotypes, FLOR, K). Figure 1 ...

Acta Botanica Brasilica
RESUMO -(Vegetação campestre do Morro da Polícia, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil). Estudou-se a variaçã... more RESUMO -(Vegetação campestre do Morro da Polícia, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil). Estudou-se a variação da composição norística da vegetação campestre e suas relações com altitude e exposição no Morro da Polícia, de origem granítica, em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, a 30 0 S e 51 °W. O levantamento foi realizado de novembro de 1992 a novembro de 1994. A presença e freqüência de espécies foi avaliada usando o método de pontos sobre transecções em 19 unidades de vegetação, as quais foram delimitadas com base na exposição da encosta (N, S, L, O) e altitude (160 a 280m). Os dados foram submetidos a análise multivariada de agrupamentos e ordenação. Nas transecções foram observadas 189 espécies, sendo Poaceae, Asteraceae e Apiaceae as famílias mais freqüentes e Trachypogon montufari e Schizachyrium tenerU/11 as espécies dominantes. A análise de agrupamentos e de ordenação revelou conexões entre variação da vegetação e falOres altitude e exposição solar. Aristida /aevis e Sorghastrul11 a/bescells são características de comunidades mais expostas à radiação solar, enquanto Ageniwn vil/osu/11 e Eryngiwn eriophorul1l o são de comunidades menos expostas. Vernonia nudiflora e Axonopus su./fu/tus caracterizam as áreas mais elevadas do morro, enquanto Eupatoriu/11 /igu/ifo/iwn e Sorghastrum a/bescens as mais baixas.

RESUMO -Foi analisada a anatomia foliar das 30 espécies de Panicum L. subg. Panicum ocorrentes no... more RESUMO -Foi analisada a anatomia foliar das 30 espécies de Panicum L. subg. Panicum ocorrentes no Brasil, visando fornecer caracteres diagnósticos para auxiliar na sua identificação. Secções transversais da lâmina foliar foram obtidas com o uso de micrótomo, coradas com Azul de Toluidina, observadas em microscópio óptico Olympus CH30 e fotografadas por câmera Olympus PM-C35B. Os caracteres mais relevantes são: presença e grau de profundidade de sulcos na face adaxial da epiderme; presença e localização de papilas nas células epidérmicas; presença e tipo de colunas de células parenquimáticas aclorofiladas no mesofilo; tamanho relativo das células da bainha parenquimática dos feixes vasculares de segunda ordem, e, quando não uniforme, a forma de sua célula adaxial. Os resultados mostraram que os caracteres de anatomia foliar são mais úteis para a delimitação das seções de Panicum subg. Panicum, embora também diferenciem algumas das espécies estudadas. Palavras-chave: Poaceae, Gramineae, Panicum, anatomia foliar, taxonomia.

Iheringia Serie Botanica
(Synopsis of the genus Schizachyrium Nees (Poaceae - Andropogoneae) in the State of Rio Grande do... more (Synopsis of the genus Schizachyrium Nees (Poaceae - Andropogoneae) in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.) The genus Schizachyrium belongs to the tribe Andropogoneae and includes about 60 species distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, half of which occurring in the Americas. This work consists of a survey of the species of Schizachyrium in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Intensive field collections were made in different physiographic regions of the State, as well as revision or loans from several herbaria. The occurrence of 13 species of Schizachyrium was confirmed, representing about 70% of the species of the genus in South America and 80% of the species from Brazil. This paper presents an analytical key for the identification of the species, descriptions and data on their geographical distribution, habitat and periods of flowering and fruiting, as well as illustrations of important taxonomic characters.
A survey of the Poaceae species that occur in Serra do Ouro Branco based on fieldwork and herbari... more A survey of the Poaceae species that occur in Serra do Ouro Branco based on fieldwork and herbaria collections as well as bibliographical data is presented. Eighty-four species were found and are presented in a checklist. Five of these species were introduced to the area from Africa. Isachne (Micrairoideae) is a new record in the Espinhaço Range and Dichanthelium stipiflorum is a new record in the State of Minas Gerais. An analysis of the geographic distribution patterns of native species is presented together with a comparison with the Poaceae diversity on other mountains of the Espinhaço Range.

Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2007
Morphometric studies were conducted using 25 quantitative characters in 14 populations of the Rad... more Morphometric studies were conducted using 25 quantitative characters in 14 populations of the Raddia brasiliensis complex, occurring from Ceará to Rio de Janeiro States, Brazil, in order to identify how many entities exist in this group and how they can be distinguished morphologically. Results of the discriminant and cluster analyses show that we are dealing with five distinct taxa, four of them here described as new species. A group of populations from northern Espírito Santo and southern Bahia showed high differentiation in relation to other areas. They are here considered as the new species R. megaphylla. Two other distinct populations also showed significant differentiation, described as R. lancifolia and R. stolonifera. Raddia brasiliensis s.s. turned out to be polymorphic and closely related to another new species, R. soderstromii. They present some ecological preferences related to soil and water conditions. These conclusions were supported by genetic data based on allozymes analysis.
Systematic Botany, 2014
During a survey of the species of Poaceae in Serra do Ouro Branco in the southern Espinhaço Range... more During a survey of the species of Poaceae in Serra do Ouro Branco in the southern Espinhaço Range, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, a new species of Isachne (I. hirtiglumis) was found and is described here. This new species differs from the other three species of the genus occurring in Brazil mainly by the hirsute indument of the glumes. Isachne hirtiglumis grows in swamps and wet areas associated with gallery forests within the campos rupestres. Besides the description and illustrations, an identification key for the species of Isachne, confirmed for Brazil to date is provided and nomenclatural problems are discussed.

Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2012
The genera Eriochrysis P. Beauv., Imperata Cirillo and Saccharum L. (Poaceae -Andropogoneae -Sacc... more The genera Eriochrysis P. Beauv., Imperata Cirillo and Saccharum L. (Poaceae -Andropogoneae -Saccharinae) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). The subtribe Saccharinae belongs to the tribe Andropogoneae and comprises ca. 140 species in 13 genera, including Eriochrysis, Imperata and Saccharum. This work presents a survey of the species of these three genera in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. Intensive field collections were made in different physiographic regions of the state, as well as studies in several herbaria. The occurrence of three native species of each genus was confirmed in Rio Grande do Sul, in addition to sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) that is cultivated in the region. Based on the material examined, Eriochrysis villosa is reported for the first time in the state of Paraná, Brazil. Identification keys for the species, descriptions, data on their geographical distributions, habitats and flowering and fruiting periods, as well as illustrations of important taxonomic characters are provided.

Brazilian journal of biology = Revista brasleira de biologia, 2010
Anther and pollen development were studied in Olyra humilis Nees, Sucrea monophylla Soderstr, (Ba... more Anther and pollen development were studied in Olyra humilis Nees, Sucrea monophylla Soderstr, (Bambusoideae), Axonopus aureus P. Beauv., Paspalum polyphyllum Nees ex Trin. (Panicoideae), Eragrostis solida Nees, and Chloris elata Desv. (Chloridoideae). The objective of this study was to characterise, embryologically, these species of subfamilies which are considered basal, intermediate and derivate, respectively. The species are similar to each other and to other Poaceae. They present the following characters: tetrasporangiate anthers; monocotyledonous-type anther wall development, endothecium showing annular thickenings, secretory tapetum; successive microsporogenesis; isobilateral tetrads; spheroidal, tricellular, monoporate pollen grains with annulus and operculum. Nevertheless, the exine patterns of the species studied are distinct. Olyra humilis and Sucrea monophylla (Bambusoideae) show a granulose pattern, whereas in the other species, it is insular. In addition, Axonopus aureu...

Rodriguésia, 2012
The genus Schizachyrium Nees includes ca. 60 species, 15 of them previously cited for Brazil. Sch... more The genus Schizachyrium Nees includes ca. 60 species, 15 of them previously cited for Brazil. Schizachyrium bimucronatum Roseng., B.R. Arrill. & Izag. is a new record for Brazil and S. lactiflorum (Hack.) Herter, for the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Morphological data to aid in the identification of the two species, including short descriptions and illustrations, as well as data on their geographical distribution and habitat, are provided. Resumo O gênero Schizachyrium Nees inclui cerca de 60 espécies, das quais 15 já foram citadas para o Brasil. Schizachyrium bimucronatum Roseng., B.R. Arrill. & Izag. está sendo citada pela primeira vez para o Brasil e S. lactiflorum (Hack.) Herter, para o Rio Grande do Sul. São fornecidos dados morfológicos para auxiliar na identificação das duas espécies, incluindo breves descrições e ilustrações, além de dados de distribuição geográfica e hábitat. Palavras-chave: Gramineae, sul do Brasil, taxonomia.
Papers by Hilda Longhi-wagner
sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex
Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi,
Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies
with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new
circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American
species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety
of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation
status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi,
Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill.
& Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species
are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.
sections of Briza s.l. (Briza L., Calotheca Desv., Chascolytrum Desv., Lombardochloa Roseng. & B. R. Arrill., Microbriza Parodi ex
Nicora & R´ugolo, and Poidium Nees) as well as other related genera (Brizochloa V. Jir´asek & Chrtek, Erianthecium Parodi,
Gymnachne Parodi, and Rhombolytrum Link). As a result of the morphological analysis presented here, confirmed by other studies
with molecular data, Briza is accepted with three Eurasian species, Brizochloa is accepted with one species, and a new
circumscription for the genus Chascolytrum is proposed. This new circumscription includes all the accepted South American
species that were previously assigned to the other genera cited above. Descriptions and illustrations of three species and one variety
of Briza, one species of Brizochloa, and 22 species and two varieties of Chascolytrum are provided, as well as IUCN conservation
status for most species. A new status is proposed for Briza media f. caucasica Marcow.: Briza media var. caucasica (Marcow.) Essi,
Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies. The following name is newly transferred: Chascolytrum rufum var.sparsipilosum (Roseng., B. R. Arrill.
& Izag.) Essi, Longhi-Wagner & Souza-Chies [[ Briza rufa var. sparsipilosa Roseng., B. R. Arrill. & Izag.]. Keys for genera and species
are also provided. Lectotypifications are provided for Briza neesii D¨oll and Briza triloba Nees.