Papers by Hidayati fatchur Rochmah

Riwayat, Apr 10, 2024
The Indonesian government launched the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program to provide h... more The Indonesian government launched the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program to provide higher education that is more inclusive, flexible and relevant for students in 2019. However, there are indications that students still need to understand the implementation and procedures of the MBKM. This research aims to determine perceptions of knowledge, implementation and student evaluation of MBKM. Survey activities were carried out by collecting descriptive data from active students with statement criteria of 4 scales (strongly agree, agree, disagree and disagree). More than 95% of the respondents strongly agreed and agreed with implementing MBKM. However, the survey results show that socialization regarding the MBKM program is needed. After conducting socialization of the same respondents, all respondents stated that they strongly agreed with the MBKM program and that the registration process and guidance for the MBKM program had been well carried out.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 5, 2023
Rubber trees are one of the main tree crops in Southeast Asia that provides latex as the primary ... more Rubber trees are one of the main tree crops in Southeast Asia that provides latex as the primary source of tire production. However, commercial clones of rubber trees are attacked by pests such as root and foliage diseases and are exposed to abiotic stresses such as drought, which make the development of resistant rubber clones to biotic and abiotic stresses crucial. This mini review highlights the breeding program to develop resistant rubber tree crops through crossing and biotechnology, including in vitro culture and genetic transformation.

Universal Journal of Agricultural Research, Nov 30, 2023
Multiple cropping is often more efficient in land use than sole cropping; however, the yield of e... more Multiple cropping is often more efficient in land use than sole cropping; however, the yield of each crop can be lower in multiple cropping than in sole cropping. This study evaluated the effect of multiple cropping on the yield of corn and groundnut. Seeds of groundnut and corn were sown simultaneously. Corn seeds were planted 1 m between rows, and groundnut seeds were sown between corn rows for one and two rows. The one-way ANOVA shows that yield of corn was not affected by multiple cropping, while the yield of groundnut in multiple cropping at <71 g/plant was significantly lower than in sole cropping at 119 g/plant. Morpho-agronomic traits (plant height, number of leaves, circumference of corn stalk, biomass and length and circumference of corncob) between sole and multiple cropping in corn were not significant. However, groundnut grown under multiple cropping was significantly taller and produced more leaves than under sole cropping. The number of leaves had a positive correlation with the yield in corn (0.76) but had a negative correlation with the yield in groundnut (-0.72). The land equivalent ratio in multiple cropping was between 1.5 and 3.0, indicating that multiple cropping is more land-use efficient than sole cropping. These findings demonstrate that multiple cropping between corn and groundnut is efficient for using the land, and groundnut yield compensates for this multiple cropping treatment.

The increase paddy can use with fertilizer. The aim of this study is to determine the influence o... more The increase paddy can use with fertilizer. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of a combination of organic manure, inorganic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer to the growth of paddy and the yield. This research had been done in Ipb's experimental station in Sawah Baru, Laboratory soil and Breeding and seed technology laboratory, agricultural faculties, IPB. This research has been conducted on September 2008 until March 2009. This research using split plot design with 2 factors and 3 repplications. The first factor is dose of combination of organic manure and inorganic, whereas the second factor, namely liquid fertilizer. Manure and inorganic treatment as the main plot and liquid fertilizer as the sub plot. The combination treatment of manure and inorganic, consist of : 200 kg/ha urea + 100 kg/ha SP36 + 100 kg/ha KCl, 10 ton/ha organic manure, 5 ton/ha organic manure and 200 kg/ha + 100 kg/ha SP36+100 kg/ha KCl, 7.5 ton/ha organic manure and 200 kg/ha + 100 kg/ha SP36 + 100 kg/ha KCl, 10 ton/ha of organic manure and 200 kg/ha urea + 100 kg/ha SP36 + 100 kg/ha KCl, 10 ton/ha of organic manure and 100 kg/ha urea+50 kg/ha SP36 + 50 kg/ha KCl, 10 ton/ha organic manure and 150 kg /ha urea + 75 kg/ha SP36 + 75 kg/ha KCl. In general, application 10 ton/ha organic manure can not only increase the growth of paddy and yield. This is shown in the variabel higher plants, leaf color chart, feature biomass per family, unhulled rice straw, the unhulled rice / family, and the results unhulled rice / plot a low weight and high unhulled rice empty. Treatment combination of organic and inorganic fertilizer can increase the growth of paddy and yield. Treatment 10 ton/ha of manure organic and 200 kg/ha urea + 100 kg/ha SP36 + 100 kg/ha KCl can increase plant level , BWD, harvest / alleged plot and the yield / ha. While treatment 5 ton/ha and 200 kg/ha urea + 100kg/ha SP36 + 100kg/ha KCl can increase the number of unhulled rice / tassel, tassel length, and dry straw. The addition of 1 dose of liquid fertilizer may not increase the growth of paddy and yield.

Jurnal Keluarga Berencana
Pada penulisan ini, penulis mengemukakan perlunya optimalisasi RTHP untuk memenuhi beberapa kebut... more Pada penulisan ini, penulis mengemukakan perlunya optimalisasi RTHP untuk memenuhi beberapa kebutuhan dasar penghuninya. Optimalisasi RTHP pada penelitian ini diterapkan di Kampung KB Mawar untuk mendapatkan hasil terbaik pemanfaatan RTHP. Salah satu kriteria penetapan kriteria kampung KB adalah tingkat kepadatan penduduk, yaitu wilayah padat. Hal ini yang menjadi hal menarik untuk kajian RTHP, mengingat kepadatan penduduk merupakan salah satu hal yang mengakibatkan pergesaran atau penyempitan RTH. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah keluarga yang tinggal di lokasi Kampung KB Mawar. Sampel adalah sebagian dari individu (20 keluarga) dari populasi yang diteliti. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Jenis tanaman yang dibudidayakan pada RTHP Kampung KB Mawar meliputi tanaman sayuran semusim, bumbu dan obat serta tanaman buah. Berdasarkan data sekunder yang diperoleh, Desa Rancabungur termasuk daerah padat penduduk, dengan 73% penduduknya termasuk dalam kisaran...

ABSTRAKS Komoditi kelapa sawit dengan produk utama CPO (Crude Palm Oil) dan PKO (Palm Kernel Oil)... more ABSTRAKS Komoditi kelapa sawit dengan produk utama CPO (Crude Palm Oil) dan PKO (Palm Kernel Oil) sangat berperan dalam perekonomian nasional. Teknik pemanenan yang baik akan menentukan kualitas dari TBS. Mekanisasi system pemanenan dapat meningkatkan kualitas TBS dan mengurangi jumlah tenaga pemanen. Penelitian dilaksanakan di PT Sari aditya Loka 1 Merangin Jambi dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5 Februari sampai dengan 28 April 2018. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui hasil dan kualitas TBS yang dipanen dengan alat mekanisasi. Teknik pemanenan yang dilakukan di PT SAL 1 adalah panen mekanisasi yang terdiri dari petugas panen/potong buah dan tenaga evakuasi buah/infield. Kegiatan panen di Afdeling OF PT SAL 1 mencakup persiapan panen, pelaksanaan panen dan evaluasi/kontrol panen. Rata- rata nilai AKP yang didapat yaitu 13.75%. Selisih atau deviasi antara taksasi dan realisasi masih ditemukan ada yang melebihi batas toleransi 10%. Pengamatan pada mutu buah masih ditemukan buah mentah s...

The increase paddy can use with fertilizer. The aim of this study is to determine the influence o... more The increase paddy can use with fertilizer. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of a combination of organic manure, inorganic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer to the growth of paddy and the yield. This research had been done in Ipb's experimental station in Sawah Baru, Laboratory soil and Breeding and seed technology laboratory, agricultural faculties, IPB. This research has been conducted on September 2008 until March 2009. This research using split plot design with 2 factors and 3 repplications. The first factor is dose of combination of organic manure and inorganic, whereas the second factor, namely liquid fertilizer. Manure and inorganic treatment as the main plot and liquid fertilizer as the sub plot. The combination treatment of manure and inorganic, consist of : 200 kg/ha urea + 100 kg/ha SP36 + 100 kg/ha KCl, 10 ton/ha organic manure, 5 ton/ha organic manure and 200 kg/ha + 100 kg/ha SP36+100 kg/ha KCl, 7.5 ton/ha organic manure and 200 kg/ha + 100 kg/ha SP36 + 100 kg/ha KCl, 10 ton/ha of organic manure and 200 kg/ha urea + 100 kg/ha SP36 + 100 kg/ha KCl, 10 ton/ha of organic manure and 100 kg/ha urea+50 kg/ha SP36 + 50 kg/ha KCl, 10 ton/ha organic manure and 150 kg /ha urea + 75 kg/ha SP36 + 75 kg/ha KCl. In general, application 10 ton/ha organic manure can not only increase the growth of paddy and yield. This is shown in the variabel higher plants, leaf color chart, feature biomass per family, unhulled rice straw, the unhulled rice / family, and the results unhulled rice / plot a low weight and high unhulled rice empty. Treatment combination of organic and inorganic fertilizer can increase the growth of paddy and yield. Treatment 10 ton/ha of manure organic and 200 kg/ha urea + 100 kg/ha SP36 + 100 kg/ha KCl can increase plant level , BWD, harvest / alleged plot and the yield / ha. While treatment 5 ton/ha and 200 kg/ha urea + 100kg/ha SP36 + 100kg/ha KCl can increase the number of unhulled rice / tassel, tassel length, and dry straw. The addition of 1 dose of liquid fertilizer may not increase the growth of paddy and yield.

ABSTRACTCoconut plants are one of Indonesia's leading commodities. The low production of kopy... more ABSTRACTCoconut plants are one of Indonesia's leading commodities. The low production of kopyor coconut is because farmers still carry out nurseries in the traditional way without certifying seeds so that the seeds produced are poor quality. Ngudi Makmur farmer group in Kalikalong village, Pati Regency, Central Java is a farmer group that has been engaged in the supply of kopyor palm seeds, certified and sold to various regions. The study was conducted in January to April 2020. The research methods carried out are direct and indirect methods. Data is collected by following the direct activities of propagation of coconut Kopyor, observations and interviews with Farmer Groups. The observations showed that the growth of kopyor coconut seedlings was declared good. Seedling growth increases every week on the variable number of midribs, plant height, and stem circumference. Kopyor coconut business analysis conducted on a 500 m2 or 0.5 ha area with a calculation of 1 cycle or 4 months ...

Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 2015
The purpose of this research is to get the parameter of plant coefficient and water fraction avai... more The purpose of this research is to get the parameter of plant coefficient and water fraction availability that needed in order to calculate the accurate watering time interval, to get the optimum shade intensity, also the combination of watering time interval and the optimum shade intensity for the growth of coffee seedling. The experiment conducted at IPB Experimental Station, Dramaga, Bogor from May 2013 until April 2014, using split plot design with two factors. Main plot is shade intensity with some levels: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100%, and the sub plot is watering time interval, once in 2, 4, 6 and 8 days. The interaction between shade intensity treatments, and watering intervals result significantly towards leaf thickness, stomata density, chlorophyll content, wet weight of root, evapotranspiration, plant coefficient and available water fraction. The treatment combination that suggested is 75% shade treatment with watering time interval once in 4 days with the value of available water...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Easy method that used simple instrument was needed to calculate irrigation water requirement rapi... more Easy method that used simple instrument was needed to calculate irrigation water requirement rapidly. The research was conducted to get coefficient for determining crop water requirement. Data was generated with single factor experiment arranged in Randomized Block Design with three replications at Bogor Agricultural University Research Station during March to October 2013. The treatment was five levels of shading that were 0. 25. 50. 75 and 100 % of shading. Coefficient of evapotranspiration was calculated by dividing evapotranpiration value with pan evaporation value. Result of the research showed that shading affected evapotranspiration or crop water requirement. So that. the coefficient of evapotranspiration under different level of shading was also different. Trend line between coefficient of evapotranspiration and leaf number was 0.002 X 2 + 0.032 X + 1.305 for 0 % of shading. 0.002 X 2 + 0.009 X + 1.430 for 25 % of shading. 0.007 X 2-0.086 X + 1.676 for 50 % of shading. and 0.002 X 2-0.018 X + 1.311 for 75 % of shading. In conclusion.the coefficient of evapotranspiration under 50% of shading are 1.52. 1.36. 1.20. 1.04 at growth phase of 2. 4. 6 and 8 leaves respectively.

Pemeliharaan bibit kopi di pembibitan yang optimum merupakan sesuatu hal yang sangat penting anta... more Pemeliharaan bibit kopi di pembibitan yang optimum merupakan sesuatu hal yang sangat penting antara lain pemupukan, pengendalian gulma, pengendalian hama dan penyakit, penyiraman dan pengaturan intensitas naungan. Kepekaan bibit kopi terhadap cahaya akan semakin meningkat pada keadaan kekurangan air. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui interval penyiraman air yang tepat untuk mendapatkan keragaan bibit kopi yang baik. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan IPB Cikabayan, Dramaga, Bogor, mulai bulan Juli 2013 hingga April 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan perlakuan interval penyiraman 2, 4, 6 dan 8 hari sekali. Interval penyiraman berpengaruh nyata terhadap keragaan agronomi bibit kopi Arabika. Interval penyiraman 4 dan 6 hari sekali sudah memenuhi syarat bibit siap salur yang baik. Interval penyiraman air 6 hari sekali dengan koefisien tanaman 0.52 dan fraksi air 14.32% nyata menghasilkan tinggi tanaman yang lebih tinggi, jumlah daun yang lebi...

Plants are the country's No. 2 foreign exchange earner. One of the causes of low rubber produ... more Plants are the country's No. 2 foreign exchange earner. One of the causes of low rubber productivity is smallholder farmers who lack the proper cultivation technology and rarely use recommended superior clones according to standards. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of clones and the addition of fertilizers on the success of chocolate grafting and rubber seedling growth. The study was conducted on January 14 April 1, 2020 at Pasir Ucing Estate, PT Pasir Ucing, Bandung, West Java. This study uses two factors, namely the treatment of brown grafting stem clones, namely: (K1) PR 261 clone and (K2) PR 300 clone and Fertilizer treatment, namely: (P1) No fertilizer and (P2) Fertilizer. Each treatment was repeated three times and each experimental unit contained three seeds, so that the total treatment was 36 experimental units. Observations observed are; planting material, percentage of grafting success, percentage of leaf, shoot height, shoot diameter a...

E3S Web of Conferences
Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that play an important role as a source of foreign ex... more Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that play an important role as a source of foreign exchange for the country. One alternative to overcome the land decrease in rural area is to utilize urban farming in the form of a vertical planting system. This study aimed to obtain alternative techniques for planting coffee seedlings using vertical farming and to determine the effect of vertical planting with several growing media on the growth of coffee seedlings. The study was arranged in a non-factorial Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four treatments, namely: 1) conventional nursery; 2) topsoil verticulture nursery; 3) topsoil and compost media verticulture, and 4) topsoil, compost, and husk charcoal media verticulture. The data were analyzed using the Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The observed variables included observations of the morphology of coffee seedlings and verticulture environmental factors. The results showed that vertical planting on the vegetative growth of coff...

Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
Educational activities introducing coffee plants from bean to cup in community service activities... more Educational activities introducing coffee plants from bean to cup in community service activities had been carried out at the Integrated Islamic School (SIT) Insantama Leuwiliang, Bogor. The method of implementing activities were carried out in two ways, offline for teacher and online for student participants. Material delivery using presentation methods and simulations coffee cup testing. Evaluation of community service activities were carried out by distributing questionnaires. Evaluation of the results of community service activities at SIT Insantama Leuwiliang showed that community service activities were useful and received good responses from teachers and junior high school students. Submission of materials in introduction to coffee plants is important and has been conveyed clearly. The results of the selection materials, needed for further community service activities are materials related to junior high school students in the form of experiments, making tofu and tempe, effec...

The oil palm should be replanted if it is 25 years old. The area of replanting of open oil palm w... more The oil palm should be replanted if it is 25 years old. The area of replanting of open oil palm will make the soil become dry, dense and will be easily washed so it will become less fertile. Therefore, soil conservation efforts are needed. Intercropping system pattern can be used as an alternative to land conservation in oil palm replanting area. The experiment was conducted at Cikabayan Experimental Estate, Bogor Agricultural University from February 2018 to May 2018. Research conducted using a completely randomized design environment with three replications. The treatment used in this research is corn monoculture, peanut monoculture, intercropping 1 row corn + 1 row of peanuts and intercropping 1 row of corn + 2 rows of peanuts. The results of the growth of corn showed that intercropping treatment gived higher plant growth, stem diameter and more leaf compared to corn monoculture. Similar results were also shown in peanut plants where intercropping treatment showed higher peanut g...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
Pruning coffee plants is intended to stimulate generative growth that increases productivity to r... more Pruning coffee plants is intended to stimulate generative growth that increases productivity to reach optimal. Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) makes it possible to exploit the production potential of plants. Pruning management, combined with the PGR in coffee plants, is expected to improve flowering and berry growth. The research was conducted for 7 mo from October 2017 to April 2018 at Gunung Gede, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. A split–plot design with two treatment factors was used in this research. Pruning was placed as the main plot consisting of two levels, namely without (P0) and with pruning (P1). The PGR application was placed as a subplot, consisting of three dosages, namely without PGR (Z0), and concentrations of 0.3 mL L–1 (Z1) and 0.4 mL L–1 (Z2). The results showed, the pruning treatment significantly influenced microclimate, number of branches, B0, B1 and B2, number of berry sets, and berries. Pruning treatment had a very significant effect on microclimate, plant height, n...

Jurnal Sains Terapan
ABSTRAKCV Frinsa Agrolestari sebagai salah satu perusahaan kopi berfokus pada pemberdayaan dan pe... more ABSTRAKCV Frinsa Agrolestari sebagai salah satu perusahaan kopi berfokus pada pemberdayaan dan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) petani mitra untuk memproduksi biji kopi berkualitas tinggi, menjaga kelestarian bumi, serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat petani kopi. Pengembangan masyarakat perlu terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Bentuk pengembangan masyarakat harus bersifat partisipatif dengan melakukan analisis masalah dan merumuskan perencanaan kegiatan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengembangan masyarakat yaitu simulasi pembuatan pupuk organic cair dan evaluasi kegiatan dengan pembagian kuisioner. Limbah ampas kopi tersedia di petani kebun mitra tani CV Frinsa Agrolestari, namun belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Pemanfaatan limbah ampas kopi dilakukan dengan pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC). POC diaplikasikan pada tanaman yang dimiliki oleh petani mitra kopi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa para petani seb...

Tanaman kelapa sawit harus direplanting jika sudah memasuki usia 25 tahun. Areal replanting tanam... more Tanaman kelapa sawit harus direplanting jika sudah memasuki usia 25 tahun. Areal replanting tanaman kelapa sawit yang terbuka akan membuat tanah menjadi kering, padat dan akan mudah tercuci sehingga akan menjadi kurang subur. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya konservasi tanah. Pola tanam tumpangsari dapat dijadikan alternative untuk melakukan konservasi tanah pada areal replanting kelapa sawit. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan, Institut Pertanian Bogor mulai bulan Februari 2018 sampai Mei 2018. Rancangan percobaan secara rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak dengan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu monokultur jagung, monokultur kacang tanah, tumpangsari 1 baris jagung + 1 baris kacang tanah dan tumpangsari 1 baris jagung + 2 baris kacang tanah. Hasil pertumbuhan tanaman jagung menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan tumpangsari menghasilkan pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, diameter batang dan jumlah daun yang lebih baik dibandingkan tanaman monokultu...

Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia
This study evaluates the feasibility of integration of the single-bud sugarcane and catfish farmi... more This study evaluates the feasibility of integration of the single-bud sugarcane and catfish farming system and the growth rate of both plants and fish. The observation started from September to November 2020. The design used was randomized with one factor. The treatments used were cultivation of single-bud sugarcane in polybags, hydroponic single-bud sugarcane cultivation, integration of single-bud sugarcane-catfish, and catfish cultivation. The results showed that the growth of sugarcane seedlings and the catfish indicate that the integrated cultivation system of sugarcane-catfish is feasible to apply. Such an integration system produces a better number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf area, and root length than the cultivation system of sugarcane seedlings in polybags. The weight of the canopy and the root of sugarcane seedlings in the integration system is also noticeable greater than the sugarcane seedlings cultivated in the polybag. In addition, the rate of catfish growth in the ...
Papers by Hidayati fatchur Rochmah