Papers by Hfz Hajredin Hoxha

The objective of this study is to explore and analyze the main intellectual and religious trends ... more The objective of this study is to explore and analyze the main intellectual and religious trends and tendencies in the writings of Albanian Ulema in their dealing with Qur’anic studies, in the modern time, in the Balkan Peninsula in Europe. In conducting this study, the researcher has utilized inductive, historical, critical and analytical methodologies. The Albanian lands in the Balkan Peninsula were governed and ruled by the Islamic Ottoman Empire for almost five centuries. Historically, to some extent and despite the conflicts and clashes, Albanians were able to show to the world a very good sample of peace, unity and harmony among themselves, as a multi religious and multi ethnic society. The attention and the engagement of the Albanian Ulema with the Qur’anic sciences have been tremendous since the spread of Islam, and have to be taken into consideration. Despite the tough and serious political, economic and religious challenges in the 19th and 20th centuries, they were not dis...

This study aims to deeply analyze the theory of modern leadership from the perspective of Qur'... more This study aims to deeply analyze the theory of modern leadership from the perspective of Qur'anic verses and compare them with contemporary studies. In this study, the researcher followed the descriptive, analytical, and comparative approaches. The problem of this study revolves around explaining the inability of Western studies to solve the problem of leadership due to its narrow view of the science of leadership and its various dimensions. For them, the leadership is purely institutional, local, and worldly issues! Unfortunately, it was noticed that some Muslims were impressed negatively by these studies. This study comes to refute those allegations and to show them that the Noble Qur’an has provided us with the principles of local and global leadership in its various surahs and verses through the personalities of the prophets, messengers, kings, and other people in different eras and regions. This study proved that contemporary studies, despite their abundance and diversity;...

In certain countries around the world some Muslim youngsters have appeared who call for the retur... more In certain countries around the world some Muslim youngsters have appeared who call for the return to Islam. They cause unrest, chaos, disorder and scandal on earth, but deem themselves to be acting justly. They deeply shake and upset the spiritual, intellectual and political peace of the Muslims in the world. They call for disrespect towards leaders, for opposition and upheaval against them, inciting the youth to also fight those who are beside those leaders, without taking into consideration whether they are scholars, or members of the security service, police, the army, etc. Unfortunately, this whole action is done in the name of enjoining good and forbidding evil. This study will make the diagnosis of this illness starting from the basic principle that terrorism is first of all an ideological, dogmatic and fundamental illness, whose roots are deep in the ideology, dogma and history. Thus, we must first of all wage an intellectual, civilizational and cultural battle in order to d...

Ekev Akademi Dergisi, 2019
Extremism and Terrorism
(Its treatment through Qur’anic verses, Prophetic sayings and diplomatic... more Extremism and Terrorism
(Its treatment through Qur’anic verses, Prophetic sayings and diplomatic efforts)
In certain countries around the world some Muslim youngsters have appeared who call for the return to Islam. They cause unrest, chaos, disorder and scandal on earth, but deem themselves to be acting justly. They deeply shake and upset the spiritual, intellectual and political peace of the Muslims in the world. They call for disrespect towards leaders, for opposition and upheaval against them, inciting the youth to also fight those who are beside those leaders, without taking into consideration whether they are scholars, or members of the security service, police, the army, etc. Unfortunately, this whole action is done in the name of enjoining good and forbidding evil.
This study will make the diagnosis of this illness starting from the basic principle that terrorism is first of all an ideological, dogmatic and fundamental illness, whose roots are deep in the ideology, dogma and history. Thus, we must first of all wage an intellectual, civilizational and cultural battle in order to defeat their ideas, because the treatment and remedy of a deviated idea and strayed culture is only possible through a correct and sound idea, which is based in the Qur’an and the Sunnah and in the scientific efforts of the scholars.
In conducting this study, the author has utilized the Descriptive, Analytical, Critical and Inductive Methodology.
Keywords: Terrorism, Qur’an, Extremism, Diplomatic, Ideological.
Aşırılıkçılık ve Terörizm
(Kur'an ayetleri ile tedavi, Peygamberce sözler ve diplomatik çabalar)
Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki bazı ülkelerde, İslam’a dönüşü isteyen bazı Müslüman gençler ortaya çıkmıştır. Dünyada huzursuzluk, kaos, düzensizlik ve skandala yol açmakta, ancak kendilerini adaletli görmektedirler. Dünyadaki Müslümanların manevi, entelektüel ve politik barışını derinden sallıyor ve üzüyorlar. Liderlere karşı saygısızlık etmek, muhalefet ve onlara karşı aldatmak, gençleri bu liderlerin yanı sıra, alimler veya güvenlik görevlisi, polis, ordu Ne yazık ki, bütün bu eylem, iyiliğin ve iyiliği yasaklayan kötülük adına yapılır.
Bu çalışma, bu hastalığın teşhisini, terörizmin her şeyden önce, ideolojide, dogmada ve tarihte kökleri derin olan ideolojik, dogmatik ve temel bir hastalık olduğu temel ilkesinden başlayarak ortaya koyacaktır. Bu nedenle, öncelikle fikirlerini yenmek için entelektüel, uygar ve kültürel bir savaş başlatmalıyız, çünkü sapmış bir fikir ve başıboş bir kültürün tedavisi ve çözümü ancak Kur'ân'a dayanan doğru ve sağlam bir fikirle mümkün olabilir. ve Sünnet ve bilginlerin bilimsel çabalarında.
Bu çalışmayı yürütürken, yazar Tanımlayıcı, Analitik, Eleştirel ve Endüktif Metodolojiden faydalanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Terörizm, Kur'an, Aşırılıkçılık, Diplomatik, İdeolojik vb.
Papers by Hfz Hajredin Hoxha
(Its treatment through Qur’anic verses, Prophetic sayings and diplomatic efforts)
In certain countries around the world some Muslim youngsters have appeared who call for the return to Islam. They cause unrest, chaos, disorder and scandal on earth, but deem themselves to be acting justly. They deeply shake and upset the spiritual, intellectual and political peace of the Muslims in the world. They call for disrespect towards leaders, for opposition and upheaval against them, inciting the youth to also fight those who are beside those leaders, without taking into consideration whether they are scholars, or members of the security service, police, the army, etc. Unfortunately, this whole action is done in the name of enjoining good and forbidding evil.
This study will make the diagnosis of this illness starting from the basic principle that terrorism is first of all an ideological, dogmatic and fundamental illness, whose roots are deep in the ideology, dogma and history. Thus, we must first of all wage an intellectual, civilizational and cultural battle in order to defeat their ideas, because the treatment and remedy of a deviated idea and strayed culture is only possible through a correct and sound idea, which is based in the Qur’an and the Sunnah and in the scientific efforts of the scholars.
In conducting this study, the author has utilized the Descriptive, Analytical, Critical and Inductive Methodology.
Keywords: Terrorism, Qur’an, Extremism, Diplomatic, Ideological.
Aşırılıkçılık ve Terörizm
(Kur'an ayetleri ile tedavi, Peygamberce sözler ve diplomatik çabalar)
Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki bazı ülkelerde, İslam’a dönüşü isteyen bazı Müslüman gençler ortaya çıkmıştır. Dünyada huzursuzluk, kaos, düzensizlik ve skandala yol açmakta, ancak kendilerini adaletli görmektedirler. Dünyadaki Müslümanların manevi, entelektüel ve politik barışını derinden sallıyor ve üzüyorlar. Liderlere karşı saygısızlık etmek, muhalefet ve onlara karşı aldatmak, gençleri bu liderlerin yanı sıra, alimler veya güvenlik görevlisi, polis, ordu Ne yazık ki, bütün bu eylem, iyiliğin ve iyiliği yasaklayan kötülük adına yapılır.
Bu çalışma, bu hastalığın teşhisini, terörizmin her şeyden önce, ideolojide, dogmada ve tarihte kökleri derin olan ideolojik, dogmatik ve temel bir hastalık olduğu temel ilkesinden başlayarak ortaya koyacaktır. Bu nedenle, öncelikle fikirlerini yenmek için entelektüel, uygar ve kültürel bir savaş başlatmalıyız, çünkü sapmış bir fikir ve başıboş bir kültürün tedavisi ve çözümü ancak Kur'ân'a dayanan doğru ve sağlam bir fikirle mümkün olabilir. ve Sünnet ve bilginlerin bilimsel çabalarında.
Bu çalışmayı yürütürken, yazar Tanımlayıcı, Analitik, Eleştirel ve Endüktif Metodolojiden faydalanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Terörizm, Kur'an, Aşırılıkçılık, Diplomatik, İdeolojik vb.
(Its treatment through Qur’anic verses, Prophetic sayings and diplomatic efforts)
In certain countries around the world some Muslim youngsters have appeared who call for the return to Islam. They cause unrest, chaos, disorder and scandal on earth, but deem themselves to be acting justly. They deeply shake and upset the spiritual, intellectual and political peace of the Muslims in the world. They call for disrespect towards leaders, for opposition and upheaval against them, inciting the youth to also fight those who are beside those leaders, without taking into consideration whether they are scholars, or members of the security service, police, the army, etc. Unfortunately, this whole action is done in the name of enjoining good and forbidding evil.
This study will make the diagnosis of this illness starting from the basic principle that terrorism is first of all an ideological, dogmatic and fundamental illness, whose roots are deep in the ideology, dogma and history. Thus, we must first of all wage an intellectual, civilizational and cultural battle in order to defeat their ideas, because the treatment and remedy of a deviated idea and strayed culture is only possible through a correct and sound idea, which is based in the Qur’an and the Sunnah and in the scientific efforts of the scholars.
In conducting this study, the author has utilized the Descriptive, Analytical, Critical and Inductive Methodology.
Keywords: Terrorism, Qur’an, Extremism, Diplomatic, Ideological.
Aşırılıkçılık ve Terörizm
(Kur'an ayetleri ile tedavi, Peygamberce sözler ve diplomatik çabalar)
Dünyanın dört bir yanındaki bazı ülkelerde, İslam’a dönüşü isteyen bazı Müslüman gençler ortaya çıkmıştır. Dünyada huzursuzluk, kaos, düzensizlik ve skandala yol açmakta, ancak kendilerini adaletli görmektedirler. Dünyadaki Müslümanların manevi, entelektüel ve politik barışını derinden sallıyor ve üzüyorlar. Liderlere karşı saygısızlık etmek, muhalefet ve onlara karşı aldatmak, gençleri bu liderlerin yanı sıra, alimler veya güvenlik görevlisi, polis, ordu Ne yazık ki, bütün bu eylem, iyiliğin ve iyiliği yasaklayan kötülük adına yapılır.
Bu çalışma, bu hastalığın teşhisini, terörizmin her şeyden önce, ideolojide, dogmada ve tarihte kökleri derin olan ideolojik, dogmatik ve temel bir hastalık olduğu temel ilkesinden başlayarak ortaya koyacaktır. Bu nedenle, öncelikle fikirlerini yenmek için entelektüel, uygar ve kültürel bir savaş başlatmalıyız, çünkü sapmış bir fikir ve başıboş bir kültürün tedavisi ve çözümü ancak Kur'ân'a dayanan doğru ve sağlam bir fikirle mümkün olabilir. ve Sünnet ve bilginlerin bilimsel çabalarında.
Bu çalışmayı yürütürken, yazar Tanımlayıcı, Analitik, Eleştirel ve Endüktif Metodolojiden faydalanmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Terörizm, Kur'an, Aşırılıkçılık, Diplomatik, İdeolojik vb.