Books by Hesamedin Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi
A self-sufficient autonomous mini farm for natural fresh food production. This somewhat futuristi... more A self-sufficient autonomous mini farm for natural fresh food production. This somewhat futuristic concept will help produce part of the foods needed by people living and working in indoor places like homes, offices, schools, kindergarten, etc. limited space, our project cannot support the daily food demand of a family.
Book chapters by Hesamedin Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi
"Considering environmental aspects in early product development stages is a complex endeavor. Pro... more "Considering environmental aspects in early product development stages is a complex endeavor. Product life cycle data are fuzzy and subject to changes. Additional workload due to data handling is a common reason why it is withdrawn by engineering designers. Some studies suggest parameterization of products in order to gain a limited set of parameters to handle, some others suggest integration of Life Cycle Assessment into CAD or Product Data Management systems. However, the handling of heterogeneous data from multiple sources is not paid much attention. This paper suggests an ontological approach that allows considering data from multiple sources to set up an environmental profile of the product and allow for adaptations
in the product concept."

The consideration of environmental aspects into product design is becoming more and more a key st... more The consideration of environmental aspects into product design is becoming more and more a key strategic feature of products. However, the inclusion of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Ecodesign aspects in design is still far from being common practice. The complexity of the task, time-consumption and additional workload during design process may be some reasons therefore. There have been some efforts to integrate LCA
in CAD systems and Product Data Management systems (PDM) to ease the handling of data and to assist the designer. However, these concepts suffer from inflexible data and database structures which are difficult to maintain and to update, in particular when
complex products are designed in collaborative teams. This paper presents an ontological
approach to include environmental data in PDM systems. This approach reduces
complexity of data structures, eases the use of environmental assessment methods and
eases the sharing of product relevant information.
"Target setting in ecodesign generally requires of handling environmental information in the earl... more "Target setting in ecodesign generally requires of handling environmental information in the early design stages. Even if commonly encouraged in literature, recent research in the field of creativity show that exposure to models of the product can hinder creativity in the idea generation process. This papers discusses a case study where three experts in design are asked to rate the ideas previously generated by 56 students. These students had been originally delivered different types of environmental information, usually available in the early design stages. The perception of the experts regarding creativity, feasibility and originality of ideas were analyzed and conclusions are drawn for the sort of information that should be used in the early design
Papers by Hesamedin Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi

Creativity attracts the attention of very different disciplines. But what is creativity when put ... more Creativity attracts the attention of very different disciplines. But what is creativity when put under the spotlight? This book presents the work and findings of the participants to the Creativity Engineering Summer University in Vienna, July 2011. The motto: from a creative idea to its successful implementation. The reader is guided through the common steps and reflections that occur when trying to deliver a solid outcome, out of our ideas. How does the mind behave? Why and how do we have ideas? How do we develop them into tangible solutions? The basic concepts are introduced, serving as an introduction to five different and inspiring projects, all of them facing creativity in the different way. From children to professional work, from products to spaces, from networks to consultancy, creativity has its impact on all fields of life.Collado Ruiz, D.; Ostad-Ahmad-Ghorabi, H. (2013). Exercising Creativity 2012. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València.

Life Cycle Assessment is one of the most popular environmental assessment tools. However, due to ... more Life Cycle Assessment is one of the most popular environmental assessment tools. However, due to its comparative nature, assessing a newly developed product relies on having benchmark information. Since data on previous products is bound not to be of identical products, this entails scaling on functional terms (i.e., in terms of the product s functional unit). For that reason, the authors developed the concept of LCP-families for scaling, and that of fuons to standardize the parameters by which they would be scaled. In order to facilitate the development of new fuons, a systematic stepwise approach is presented in this paper. Step one defined the basic functional flows of the fuon, step two defines and analyzes the scaling parameters through a linear regression model, and step three covers parameters that can potentially differentiate between LCP-families. The framework is shown in the development of two fuons in a case study, and their statistical suitability to be used in scaling...

International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences, 2012
The raising sustainability awareness of consumers has brought the discourse about environmental i... more The raising sustainability awareness of consumers has brought the discourse about environmental impacts of products into pulic discourse. Industry has had to respond to this demand for sustainable products. Among the different customers groups, teenage rs play a considerable role: Sustainability is particularly important for the younger generations. Children and teenagers of today are going to have to cope with the consequences of negligence of previous and current generations in protecting the environmental and social situation. It is thus important to understand how children and teenagers perceive the problem, and how they will act as consumers in the future. This paper discusses a project where teenagers were surveyed to find out about the importance of sustainability and quality aspects of products. Electronic entertainment products and clothing products were considered as it is assumed that teenagers mostly spend their pocket money for these two branches of products.

International Journal of Fundamental Physical Sciences, 2012
The public is more and more demanding sustainable solutions. In case of mobility, consumers have ... more The public is more and more demanding sustainable solutions. In case of mobility, consumers have experienced turbulent years regarding the change in economic stability, showing it in rapidly changing fuel prices, energy costs, or in general, prices for any goods and resources. Mobility and the ability to stay mobile is a driver for today's economy. People move to go to their work, goods and resources move around the globe to reach their customers. Thinking of restricted mobility capabilities may constitute an unpleasant scenario with serious consequences to common wealth. It is thus not surprising that the call for sustainable mobility, new concepts and technologies that are environmental friendly, economical and respect social values is more evident than ever. This paper discusses some of the current trends for mobility with a focus on their potential sustainable performance.

Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2015
In order to address environmental aspects during redesign, the product specification must include... more In order to address environmental aspects during redesign, the product specification must include related targets that are reachable and challenging. To do so, this article presents a stepwise approach for combining benchmarking information and component impact, out of life cycle assessment (LCA) scaling. This approach requires allocating environmental impacts to each subsystem, which is not commonly done for some life cycle phases in LCAs, most particularly for use phases. This article includes a methodology for allocating such impacts. The underlying criterion is avoiding complex calculations, to make the method more agile. This methodology is presented in a full case study of a complex product: a knuckle boom crane. The case study results in the percentage of impact reduction needed to meet the market average or best competitors. In particular, the results show that the cylinders of the crane have a high contribution to environmental impact, not only because of their weight, but also because of the active power consumed to activate them.
The Impact of Technology on Sport II, 2007
ABSTRACT This paper shows how to achieve environmental improvements of sport equipment. Two case ... more ABSTRACT This paper shows how to achieve environmental improvements of sport equipment. Two case studies are presented. For an alpine ski a classical product redesign is shown using available methods and tools. For a new Golf Swing Analyzer it is shown how to integrate Ecodesign in a new product development without having a reference product to evaluate.
Lecture Notes in Production Engineering, 2013
ABSTRACT Considering environmental aspects in early product development stages is a complex endea... more ABSTRACT Considering environmental aspects in early product development stages is a complex endeavor. Product life cycle data are fuzzy and subject to changes. Additional workload due to data handling is a common reason why it is withdrawn by engineering designers. Some studies suggest parameterization of products in order to gain a limited set of parameters to handle, some others suggest integration of Life Cycle Assessment into CAD or Product Data Management systems. However, the handling of heterogeneous data from multiple sources is not paid much attention. This paper suggests an ontological approach that allows considering data from multiple sources to set up an environmental profile of the product and allow for adaptations in the product concept.

CIRP Design 2012, 2012
The consideration of environmental aspects into product design is becoming more and more a key st... more The consideration of environmental aspects into product design is becoming more and more a key strategic feature of products. However, the inclusion of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Ecodesign aspects in design is still far from being common practice. The complexity of the task, time-consumption and additional workload during design process may be some reasons therefore. There have been some efforts to integrate LCA in CAD systems and Product Data Management systems (PDM) to ease the handling of data and to assist the designer. However, these concepts suffer from inflexible data and database structures which are difficult to maintain and to update, in particular when complex products are designed in collaborative teams. This paper presents an ontological approach to include environmental data in PDM systems. This approach reduces complexity of data structures, eases the use of environmental assessment methods and eases the sharing of product relevant information.

Design Creativity 2010, 2011
Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review... more Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the publishers. The use of registered names, trademarks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made.
Books by Hesamedin Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi
Book chapters by Hesamedin Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi
in the product concept."
in CAD systems and Product Data Management systems (PDM) to ease the handling of data and to assist the designer. However, these concepts suffer from inflexible data and database structures which are difficult to maintain and to update, in particular when
complex products are designed in collaborative teams. This paper presents an ontological
approach to include environmental data in PDM systems. This approach reduces
complexity of data structures, eases the use of environmental assessment methods and
eases the sharing of product relevant information.
Papers by Hesamedin Ostad Ahmad Ghorabi
in the product concept."
in CAD systems and Product Data Management systems (PDM) to ease the handling of data and to assist the designer. However, these concepts suffer from inflexible data and database structures which are difficult to maintain and to update, in particular when
complex products are designed in collaborative teams. This paper presents an ontological
approach to include environmental data in PDM systems. This approach reduces
complexity of data structures, eases the use of environmental assessment methods and
eases the sharing of product relevant information.
the management of CAD data along the design process. This is particularly true for technical and vocational schools in Austria. The consequence of this educational system is that almost
no design collaboration is taking place and the raise of individual designers is favored. However, technical design processes in industry are taking place in project teams; data exchange between different parties with different responsibilities in the design process is daily business. To facilitate and strengthen collaborative design, the authors of this paper have
conducted a project to implement a PDM system into the design education syllabus of different national technical schools. In a follow up project a specific Ecodesign case serves as
a basis for implementing collaborative design among involved schools. Therefore, the implemented PDM platform is enhanced with functionalities to allow for environmental evaluation of the design concepts. This paper gives an overview of the enhanced PDM functionality, discusses the experiences gained during the project so far, and presents a survey that shows how much the system was accepted by students. It concludes for further
adaptations and best practices of the platform for Austrian vocational schools and technical universities.
the fields of urbanism and planning, considering the actual lack of any long-term visions projected
on these practices. A critical lecture of planning through history retraces fundamental
tendencies and aspects of socio-economical and ecological awareness in European collective
projects. It also helps us out establishing a link to understand the actual situation as a possible
receptacle for utopian ideals.
some level of skepticism and reluctance from industry, who sees this as a considerable investment in time and budget. But what is the cause of such divergence? LCA was initially introduced in the design workflow with very minor modifications, and does not seem to meet the requirements of designers as-is. Some problems arise in the information input for LCA, in the dynamics and specificity of the process itself and in the way in which results can affect the rest of the design process. This paper outlines some potential problems, as well as candidate
solutions to ease Ecodesign, without limiting itself to the burdens of current environmental practice. Some first steps on adapting environmental evaluation to design thinking are presented,
as well as an outlook of further research with this target in mind. An expected midterm outcome is an effective integration of LCA within CAD systems, in parallel with structural or management recommendations as to integration of environmental criteria within the company.
and show how the reduction of the environmental impact can be considered during engineering design processes. CAD systems include much information about dierent parameters of the product life cycle, from which Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can benet. This paper describes an approach by which LCA could be integrated into CAD systems to provide an easy to apply environmental evaluation in early design stages.
and tasks in order to improve a product in such a way that they fulll the requirements of the WEEE and the RoHS directive. Both tools, the Assistant and the EEE-PILOT, are integrated in the actual project 'ECODESIGN Toolbox for the Development of Green Product Concepts'.