Papers by Herma Prabayanti
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, Dec 31, 2022

Technium Social Sciences Journal
The presence of increasingly advanced technology has affected positively the advertising industry... more The presence of increasingly advanced technology has affected positively the advertising industry. The presence of a virtual tour as an alternative to virtual tourism, for instance, has offered a new space for the travel experience as users can feel how it is to be in a certain place without having to go to that place directly. In addition, virtual tours are able to provide an initial description of how a tourist object is reviewed before traveling and be used as a virtual promotional medium. As used as a means of digital promotion, the visual depiction in the virtual tour should comply with the rules of the elements and design concepts of the virtual tour. Using content analysis through explanatory approach, the results of visual observations of virtual tour objects in Indonesian Virtual Tour are Surabaya virtual tourism objects which are described even though they have fulfilled several elements of the design concept but still need to take a more selling point of view to the visit...

Lumbung inovasi: jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat, Jun 29, 2023
UMKM memiliki peran yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Tingginya jumlah UMKM di... more UMKM memiliki peran yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Tingginya jumlah UMKM di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari berbagai tantangan serta kondisi pandemi Covid-19 yang mendorong perubahan pada pola konsumsi barang dan jasa menjadi momentum untuk mengakselerasi transformasi digital. Globalisasi dan pasar bebas menjadi tantangan bagi Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) untuk terus bertahan. Salah satu potensi yang dapat dimanfaatkan adalah potensi teknologi informasi. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kepada pelaku UMKM tentang bagaimana memasarkan produk melalui social media. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu persiapan, survey, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Data hasil kegiatan dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan hasil penilaian langsung oleh tim pelaksana setelah sesi pelatihan/penyampaian materi dilaksanakan pada 20 pelaku UMKM yang terlibat dalam kegiatan ini. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan pelaku UMKM mampu membuat akun social media memasarkan produknya lebih luas. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pelaku UMKM melalui pemanfaatan e-commerce dan social media dengan memperluas akses pasar.

Jurnal Pustaka Komunikasi, Mar 30, 2022
This study uses a qualitative approach that aims to examine the government's crisis leadership du... more This study uses a qualitative approach that aims to examine the government's crisis leadership during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that requires appropriate and fast handling from the government as a leader. Leaders must have crisis leadership characteristics in order to get out of crisis situations. The unit of analysis for this research is the December 2, 2020 edition of, entitled "9 Bulan Pandemi Covid-19, Apa yang Salah dengan Penanganan di Indonesia." Through this news, media is trying to evaluate the government's performance in dealing with COVID-19 in Indonesia. The news text is analyzed using Robert N. Entman's framing analysis model as a data analysis method, which consists of four main elements, namely define problems, diagnose cause, make moral judgment and treatment recommendation. The results show that the three indicators described in the news illustrate that from March to December 2020, the government is considered not to have the characteristics of a crisis leader, namely being responsive, implementing performance management (rewards and consequences) and having good articulation in conveying communication.

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
Social media has a significant role in the life of an individual, because it can create two-way o... more Social media has a significant role in the life of an individual, because it can create two-way or more interaction and communication in different places. The social media that are often used and also follow the development of trends in social media applications. TikTok is one of the most popular social media applications in Indonesia. The factor of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak that spreads throughout the world makes distance learning still implemented in Indonesia until 2021. Students can study not only from formal schools, but also from social media networks. TikTok is here to answer the needs of these students in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational content creators take advantage of this facility to create more interesting and educational videos for Generation Z to watch. Based on the TikTok Data Report in 2019, videos with the topic of language education ranked second in the Top 5 most popular knowledge category. Based on these facts, language learning plays an important role in the distribution of educational videos on TikTok. By using correlational quantitative methods, researchers can find out the relationship between consumption patterns of high school students in Surabaya. It is known that there is a positive relationship between high school students' TikTok media consumption patterns that lead to motivation to learn. This means that it can be input for other educational fields who want to use Tiktok as a learning medium in order to improve the quality of video content uploaded later.
Wacana (Jakarta), Dec 29, 2022

Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2021
An interesting phenomenon of the rise of Koplo dangdut today are the lyrics that are sung are bec... more An interesting phenomenon of the rise of Koplo dangdut today are the lyrics that are sung are becoming increasingly varied and get a quick positive response from their fans. Lyrics that tell about infidelity become natural. East Java is in second place in the province with the highest number of widows and high divorce cases due to infidelity. While for Indonesians the case of an affair is something that is considered taboo and there are social sanctions for the perpetrators. Dangdut Koplo lyrics are usually bolder and easier to deliver intentions to the opposite sex. There is a change in the perspective and mindset of women when addressing relationships and feelings of love for the opposite sex. Moreover, it was established that marital ties are no longer seen as something sacred that must be maintained and maintained. In the process of producing and consuming song lyrics, men continue to dominate in certain ways, although they sometimes appear as passive FIGUREs when responding to problems with women. In the socio-cultural context, dangdut koplo has become a form of resistance to various systems that have been suppressed and established by groups of interests. The flexibility of dangdut music to adapt to changing times makes dangdut koplo as music that can adapt in the age of innovation interruption.

Jurnal Representamen, Apr 26, 2020
Our health is the primary key to our activeness and productivity to create something that would b... more Our health is the primary key to our activeness and productivity to create something that would benefit others. Our advancement in modern medicine has greatly helped us to reinforce our health. But, despite the modern medication we now have, and the world's health campaign, access to medication and modern healthcare can still be so hard to reach for several people in some area. One of the example of alternative medication that is now getting on trend is none other than Ningsih Tinampi from Pasuruan, East Java. Ningsih Tinampi has been practicing alternative medication for 5 years, and had published contents about the practice in her personal Youtube account, which now has gained over 1.5 million subscribers which range from the older to the younger generations, including the Z generation. This is something that we found interesting, since the Z generation, culturally speaking, is so far from practice of animism, dinamism, and any other practice that would sound irrational. The researching team wants to find out how the Z generations perceive the practice of alternative medication which has been constructed at Youtube. The method of this paper uses the study of phenomenology with a qualitative way of research. The theory of social constructionism will be used as the guiding theory and the result showed that the Z generations truly believe that the viral contents in Youtube is true and real.

Retorika politik menjadi salah satu bentuk penyampaian pesan politik. Tahun 2014 adalah tahun pol... more Retorika politik menjadi salah satu bentuk penyampaian pesan politik. Tahun 2014 adalah tahun politik, banyak aktor politik yang saling serang untuk mendapatkan simpati khalayak. Peran media menjadi sangat besar dalam penyampaian pesan. Bahkan pemilik media mainstream pun bersaing dengan menggunakan media milik mereka untuk mendapatkan suara. Salah satunya Surya Pemilik Media grup yang juga ketua umum partai Nasdem yang beretorika politik di Metro Tv. Pidato politik Surya Paloh saat apel siaga perubahan adalah momentum untuk bisa meraih simpati rakyat jelang Pemilihan Umum 2014. Bahkan Pidato tersebut disiarkan ulang selama satu mingggu di Metro Tv. Inilah yang menjadi dasar penelitian, untuk meneliti komunikasi dalam retorika politik Surya Paloh. Retprika bukan hanya sebagai komunikasi kepada khlayak, namun lebih mengarah pada penyampaian pesan politik. Dengan meneliti teks pidato Surya Paloh dalam Apel Siaga Perubahan 2014, penulis mampu mengetahuimakna pesan politik dan retorika politik yang muncul. Dengan meneliti pidato Surya Paloh dalam Apel siaga perubahan yang berdurasi 20 menit menggunakan analisis diskursus dan teori gaya retorika James Martin. Dalam penelitian menemukan bahwa Surya Paloh konsisten menggunakan makna dasar Restorasi Indonesia dengan menggunakan diksi denotatif. Selain itu penggunaan diksi indria juga dilakukan untuk memperkuat ide dasar yang disampaikan kepada khalayak. Sebagai ciri khas dalam pidato politik, Surya Paloh selalu menggunaakan siksi khusus. Surya Paloh juga menambahkan penggunaan majas yang meningkatkan efek penyampaian pesan kepada khalayak. Dalam penelitian ini unsur kekuasaan dan kebangsaan muncul sangat kuat dari retorika politik Surya Paloh. Dalam analisis penelitian ini, ditemukan bahwa makna Gerakan Perubahan sebagai perangkat yang secara spesifik disebutkan sebagai alat perjuangan untuk bisa melakukan perubahan. Peneliti menemukan makna pesan dan ideologi Surya paloh. Dalam temuan penelitian terlihat bahwa Surya paloh berideologi Nasionalis, Demokrat dan sosialis. Di awal pidato, ditemukan bahwa Surya Paloh mempunyai penilaian bahwa kondisi Indonesia di tahun 2014 semakin terpuruk. Pemaparan kondisi bangsa Indonesia, berakhir dengan mengajak khalayak untuk melakukan gerakan perubahan Restorasi Indonesia. Partai Nasdem bertekad berpolitik sebagai wujud pengabdian untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan rakyat, bangsa dan negara. Bukan mencari atau memperebutkan kekayaan. Seperti yang disampaikan dalam pidato Surya Paloh, Partai Nasdem merupakan partai gerakan perubahan sebagai harapan akan kondisi Indonesia yang lebih baik. Retorika Surya Paloh dalam pidatonya juga menunjukkan kehati-hatian dan pencitraan dalam mengangkat berita Partai Nasdem yang pada awal tahun 2013 memang sedang bergejolak terjadi internal partai. Analisis yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya menunjukkan proses penghalusan. Oleh karena itu ketika mendengarkan suatu kosakata tertentu, akan dihubungkan dengan realitas tertentu. Semuanya diselesaikan dengan cara yang baik-baik dan jauh dari retorika konflik. Dari hasil analisis peneliti, makna yang tersimpan dalam pidato Surya Paloh mengarah pada kekuasaan pemimpin Partai Nasdem untuk mengajak khalayak melakukan gerakan yang bisa menyebakan perubahan bagi Bangsa dan Negara.

E3S Web of Conferences
During the early stages of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, regional leaders attempted to imp... more During the early stages of the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia, regional leaders attempted to implement appropriate policies in order to mitigate the negative effects that occurred in their respective regions. This crisis period necessitates good managerial skills and a strong leadership personality from regional leaders. Policies are developed on the basis of public ethics and are geared toward providing high- quality public services. This study used a qualitative approach that employs Robert N. Entman’s framing analysis method to examine the news text of in relation to the policies implemented by several regional leaders in Indonesia to control the spread of COVID-19. The results of the study show that several regional heads in Indonesia have the competence and character of crisis leadership and apply public ethics in taking and implementing policies to overcome the spread of COVID-19 in their respective regions.

The availability of a number of social media applications provides easy access for everyone to in... more The availability of a number of social media applications provides easy access for everyone to interact, especially the student segment as part of Generation Z. The social media application TikTok is one of the popular media for sharing short videos from handheld devices. Based on data quoted from Key Market Indicators (KMI) (Dagendart, 2021), the number of TikTok application users in Indonesia has increased significantly from year to year. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online learning is still the main learning model. Certain innovations should be noted so that online learning is more interactive and does not reduce students' motivation to absorb the subject matter. TikTok is here to answer the needs of these students in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. By using correlational quantitative methods, researchers can find out the relationship between media usage patterns of high school students who use TikTok media to carry out alternative learning. It is known that there is a pos...

Jurnal Pustaka Komunikasi
This study uses a qualitative approach that aims to examine the government's crisis leadershi... more This study uses a qualitative approach that aims to examine the government's crisis leadership during the early period of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The COVID-19 pandemic is a crisis that requires appropriate and fast handling from the government as a leader. Leaders must have crisis leadership characteristics in order to get out of crisis situations. The unit of analysis for this research is the December 2, 2020 edition of, entitled “9 Bulan Pandemi Covid-19, Apa yang Salah dengan Penanganan di Indonesia.” Through this news, media is trying to evaluate the government's performance in dealing with COVID-19 in Indonesia. The news text is analyzed using Robert N. Entman's framing analysis model as a data analysis method, which consists of four main elements, namely define problems, diagnose cause, make moral judgment and treatment recommendation. The results show that the three indicators described in the news illustrate that from March to De...

Proceedings of the 1st UMGESHIC International Seminar on Health, Social Science and Humanities (UMGESHIC-ISHSSH 2020), 2021
An interesting phenomenon of the rise of Koplo dangdut today are the lyrics that are sung are bec... more An interesting phenomenon of the rise of Koplo dangdut today are the lyrics that are sung are becoming increasingly varied and get a quick positive response from their fans. Lyrics that tell about infidelity become natural. East Java is in second place in the province with the highest number of widows and high divorce cases due to infidelity. While for Indonesians the case of an affair is something that is considered taboo and there are social sanctions for the perpetrators. Dangdut Koplo lyrics are usually bolder and easier to deliver intentions to the opposite sex. There is a change in the perspective and mindset of women when addressing relationships and feelings of love for the opposite sex. Moreover, it was established that marital ties are no longer seen as something sacred that must be maintained and maintained. In the process of producing and consuming song lyrics, men continue to dominate in certain ways, although they sometimes appear as passive FIGUREs when responding to problems with women. In the socio-cultural context, dangdut koplo has become a form of resistance to various systems that have been suppressed and established by groups of interests. The flexibility of dangdut music to adapt to changing times makes dangdut koplo as music that can adapt in the age of innovation interruption.

Retorika politik menjadi salah satu bentuk penyampaian pesan politik. Tahun 2014 adalah tahun pol... more Retorika politik menjadi salah satu bentuk penyampaian pesan politik. Tahun 2014 adalah tahun politik, banyak aktor politik yang saling serang untuk mendapatkan simpati khalayak. Peran media menjadi sangat besar dalam penyampaian pesan. Bahkan pemilik media mainstream pun bersaing dengan menggunakan media milik mereka untuk mendapatkan suara. Salah satunya Surya Pemilik Media grup yang juga ketua umum partai Nasdem yang beretorika politik di Metro Tv. Pidato politik Surya Paloh saat apel siaga perubahan adalah momentum untuk bisa meraih simpati rakyat jelang Pemilihan Umum 2014. Bahkan Pidato tersebut disiarkan ulang selama satu mingggu di Metro Tv. Inilah yang menjadi dasar penelitian, untuk meneliti komunikasi dalam retorika politik Surya Paloh. Retprika bukan hanya sebagai komunikasi kepada khlayak, namun lebih mengarah pada penyampaian pesan politik. Dengan meneliti teks pidato Surya Paloh dalam Apel Siaga Perubahan 2014, penulis mampu mengetahuimakna pesan politik dan retorika ...
Wacana (Jakarta), Dec 29, 2022

Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities 2021 (IJCAH 2021), 2022
Social media has a significant role in the life of an individual, because it can create two-way o... more Social media has a significant role in the life of an individual, because it can create two-way or more interaction and communication in different places. The social media that are often used and also follow the development of trends in social media applications. TikTok is one of the most popular social media applications in Indonesia. The factor of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak that spreads throughout the world makes distance learning still implemented in Indonesia until 2021. Students can study not only from formal schools, but also from social media networks. TikTok is here to answer the needs of these students in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational content creators take advantage of this facility to create more interesting and educational videos for Generation Z to watch. Based on the TikTok Data Report in 2019, videos with the topic of language education ranked second in the Top 5 most popular knowledge category. Based on these facts, language learning plays an important role in the distribution of educational videos on TikTok. By using correlational quantitative methods, researchers can find out the relationship between consumption patterns of high school students in Surabaya. It is known that there is a positive relationship between high school students' TikTok media consumption patterns that lead to motivation to learn. This means that it can be input for other educational fields who want to use Tiktok as a learning medium in order to improve the quality of video content uploaded later.

representamen, 2020
Our health is the primary key to our activeness and productivity to create something that would b... more Our health is the primary key to our activeness and productivity to create something that would benefit others. Our advancement in modern medicine has greatly helped us to reinforce our health. But, despite the modern medication we now have, and the world’s health campaign, access to medication and modern healthcare can still be so hard to reach for several people in some area. One of the example of alternative medication that is now getting on trend is none other than Ningsih Tinampi from Pasuruan, East Java. Ningsih Tinampi has been practicing alternative medication for 5 years, and had published contents about the practice in her personal Youtube account, which now has gained over 1.5 million subscribers which range from the older to the younger generations, including the Z generation. This is something that we found interesting, since the Z generation, culturally speaking, is so far from practice of animism, dinamism, and any other practice that would sound irrational. The resea...
Papers by Herma Prabayanti