Miscellaneous by Henri Yambene Bomono

Between 2013 and 2014, the Central African Republic (CAR) underwent a crisis during which the gov... more Between 2013 and 2014, the Central African Republic (CAR) underwent a crisis during which the government was overthrown in a coup d’état following an armed offensive that began in December 2012. Hundreds of thousands of migrants—particularly citizens from Cameroon, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)—were not only implicated but also directly targeted amidst the politicisation of sectarian rivalries pitting largely Northern-based Muslim populations against Southern-based Christians. This case study report generally investigates the experiences of nationals of Cameroon and Chad during and after the CAR crisis with a focus on key actors that participated in the provision of evacuation, return and reintegration assistance and returnees’ re-integration experiences in origin countries. The report on CAR presents the results of one case study among six of the Research Component of the four-year project ‘Migrants in Countries in Crisis: Supporting an Evidence-based Approach for Effective and Cooperative State Action’, which provides policy-relevant analysis of the implications of crises in host countries.
Papers by Henri Yambene Bomono
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Dec 16, 2022

Between 2013 and 2014, the Central African Republic (CAR) underwent a crisis during which the gov... more Between 2013 and 2014, the Central African Republic (CAR) underwent a crisis during which the government was overthrown in a coup d’état following an armed offensive that began in December 2012. Hundreds of thousands of migrants—particularly citizens from Cameroon, Chad and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)—were not only implicated but also directly targeted amidst the politicisation of sectarian rivalries pitting largely Northern-based Muslim populations against Southern-based Christians. This case study report generally investigates the experiences of nationals of Cameroon and Chad during and after the CAR crisis with a focus on key actors that participated in the provision of evacuation, return and reintegration assistance and returnees’ re-integration experiences in origin countries. The report on CAR presents the results of one case study among six of the Research Component of the four-year project ‘Migrants in Countries in Crisis: Supporting an Evidence-based Approach for Effective and Cooperative State Action’, which provides policy-relevant analysis of the implications of crises in host countries.

L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer l'impact des activités de la gare routière de Mvan sur l'... more L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer l'impact des activités de la gare routière de Mvan sur l'environnement et la santé humaine en vue de faire des recommandations pour une meilleure gestion de cet espace stratégique pour les activités de transport routier interurbain dans la ville de Yaoundé. Pour y parvenir, nous avons recueilli des données socioéconomiques et environnementales et déterminer à l'aide de tests statistiques l'état des lieux de la qualité de l'environnement à la gare routière et les facteurs qui expliquent cette situation. Les résultats révèlent que le constat d'insalubrité de cet espace est largement établi. Cet état des choses génère divers impacts sur les composantes physiques, socioéconomiques et environnementales. Malgré sa contribution à la réduction du chômage et son apport à l'économie locale, la gestion anarchique et l'emplacement actuels de la gare routière de Mvan en font une bombe urbaine. A défaut de la délocaliser, il est proposé dans cette étude quelques mesures pour en faire un espace qui s'intègre mieux au paysage urbain de la cité capitale.

There is an overwhelming andcompelling evidence that land cover mutation is a substantial contrib... more There is an overwhelming andcompelling evidence that land cover mutation is a substantial contributing threat to the vulnerability of land resources to levels where, the cost of restoration has become too colossal and in some cases almost impossible. This paper establishes an early warning signal that uncovers a key constraint contributing to the vulnerability in social-environmental systems in land resource dependent communities. It provides a baseline that draws the attention of development stakeholders and land resource users to sustainable land resource exploitation and planning for rural development. Landsat images with the help of Geographic Information System applications combined with ground truth verifications formed a valid approach to ascertain the nexus in land cover types and threat in vulnerability in land parcels across the landscape. A mapping design was established to illustrate the vulnerability hotspots within each Subdivision. Results indicates that, the hydrological cover, montane forest and built-up land respectively are faced with the greater threat to vulnerability. Stressors initiating changes in the land parcels were observed to be population pressure, the size of land cover, climate variability, farming practices, weak policies and institutional regulationsamongst others increases the susceptibility of land parcels to fragility and vulnerability. The study reveals that, land resource exploitation practices are largely subsistence and the area is void of any land use planning. The proportion of land parcels exposed to threat of vulnerability are expanding since most of the landscape presents a fragile status and land resource users persist with impunity, practices that are unsustainable. Multiple socio-environmental challenges are gaining prominence in the area thus, reducing the viability for livelihood enhancement, sustainable growth and development.Therefore, prioritizing policy recommendations indicate that more concern should be focused on the hydrological cover, montane forest and built-up land respectively. Land use planning and sustainable land management is recommended for integrated rural sector development by all stakeholders especially in this era of decentralization in Cameroon.
Revue de géographie alpine, May 18, 2015
Les mouvements coopératifs dans les hautes terres de l'Ouest-Cameroun
Revue de géographie alpine, May 18, 2015
Cahiers De L Urmis, Oct 4, 2011

Cahiers Agricultures, Jul 1, 2016
-La compréhension des rapports qu'une société humaine entretient avec son environnement permet d'... more -La compréhension des rapports qu'une société humaine entretient avec son environnement permet d'anticiper les blocages aux actions de développement rural envisagées, grâce à la perception des mécanismes locaux qui régissent l'accès à la terre et aux ressources. Cette étude décrit les relations entre l'homme et les espaces-ressources, la typologie de l'espace et l'occupation du sol dans un village densément peuplé (65 habitants/km 2) situé à 100 km au nord de Yaoundé et composé de ressortissants du sous-groupe ethnique Gunu. Les maîtrises foncières exercées sont fortes et vont jusqu'à la reconnaissance administrative de la propriété privée. Toute relance cacaoyère se fera dans le cadre d'espaces fortement disputés, et sans doute au détriment des derniers lambeaux de formations naturelles avec un effet important sur la répartition du travail entre les hommes et les femmes et sur l'appropriation foncière des espacesressources.
Miscellaneous by Henri Yambene Bomono
Papers by Henri Yambene Bomono