Papers by Henita Rahmayanti

European Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Environmental learning in the 21st century requires a high level of thinking ability, especially ... more Environmental learning in the 21st century requires a high level of thinking ability, especially to solve environmental problems when COVID-19 pandemic. This was to develop a new level of thinking, namely Higher Order Thinking Skills of Environmental Problem (HOTSEP) which is a revision of Anderson's Taxonomy. The purpose of this study was to measure students HOTSEP in the context of environmental problems related to COVID-19. The research method used in this research was descriptive. The sample used 277 university students from several cities in Indonesia. The instrument used HOTSEP which has 3 categories of thinking level start from develop innovation about environment (C6), solve environmental problem (C5), criticize environmental problem (C4). The results showed that students HOTSEP were still in the very low category (33.64). This study concludes that the HOTSEP of students was still low and needs to be improved to the understanding of COVID-19 concept in environmental lear...

Sustainability, 2021
Coastal flooding is a natural disaster that often occurs in coastal areas. Jakarta is an example ... more Coastal flooding is a natural disaster that often occurs in coastal areas. Jakarta is an example of a location that is highly vulnerable to coastal flooding. Coastal flooding can result in economic and human life losses. Thus, there is a need for a coastal flooding early warning system in vulnerable locations to reduce the threat to the community and strengthen its resilience to coastal flooding disasters. This study aimed to measure the level of public acceptance toward the development of a coastal flooding early warning system of people who live in a coastal region in Jakarta. This knowledge is essential to ensure that the early warning system can be implemented successfully. A survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to people in the coastal areas of Jakarta. The questionnaire results were analyzed using cross-tabulation and path analysis based on the variables of knowledge, perceptions, and community attitudes towards the development of a coastal flooding early warnin...

PERDULI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Pendidikan mitigasi telah diakui secara luas memiliki dampak yang positif dalam upaya pengurangan... more Pendidikan mitigasi telah diakui secara luas memiliki dampak yang positif dalam upaya pengurangan risiko, serta para ahli sangat merekomendasikan bahwa setiap individu manusia dituntut untuk dapat mandiri dan meningkatkan keterampilannya dalam melakukan mitigasi dan adaptasi. Tujuan dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah untuk dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan merubahn perilaku masyarakat dengan cara memberikan pendidikan kepada masyarakat secara langsung. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah dengan ceramah, demonstrasi dan diskusi. Hasil dari pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah menujukkan bahwa rerata nilai pengetahuan masyarakat sebelum diberikan materi adalah sebesar 43.8 dan mengalami peningkatan menjadi 69.20. adapun pada rerata skor perilaku masyarakat yang juga mengalami peningkatan yang pada awalnya sebesar 41, kemudian mengalami peningkatan sebesar 45 point.

Jurnal Penelitian Transportasi Laut
Lapangan penumpukan merupakan fasilitas yang diberikan kepada importir sebagai tempat penimbunan ... more Lapangan penumpukan merupakan fasilitas yang diberikan kepada importir sebagai tempat penimbunan sementara dengan jangka waktu optimal barang impor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi barang impor terlambat dikeluarkan dari lapangan penumpukan. Penelitian ini memakai metode kuantitatif dengan tehnik analisis faktor exploratory. Berdasarkan hasil 9 variabel yang telah dianalisis menggunakan tehnik analisis faktor diketahui terbentuk 2 faktor yang mempengaruhi keterlambatan pengeluaran barang impor di lapangan penumpukan karena memiliki nilai eugenvalue 1 yaitu faktor pertama, 4,637 dan faktor kedua, 2,561. Tahap selanjutnya pengelompokan terhadap variabel kedalam 2 faktor terbentuk yaitu sebagai berikut, faktor pertama terdiri atas variabel keterlambatan trucking, padatnya traffic di area pelabuhan, gangguan pada sistem autogate dan jaringan, buruknya cuaca serta besarnya biaya penumpukan akibat lamanya waktu timbun dan faktor kedua terdiri atas varia...
The purpose of this study is to study the effect of learning by using the media of “Revit” learni... more The purpose of this study is to study the effect of learning by using the media of “Revit” learning based on BIM (Building Information Modeling) on student learning outcomes as well as students’ learning interest in productive lessons especially on planning lessons for students of SMK Department of Construction of Batu Beton. The research used quantitative method. Selection of learning media “Revit” based on BIM (Building Information Modeling) to attract students’ interest in Department of Construction of Stone Construction of Concrete which initially used standart media that is excel for calculation of financing plan and simple building structure calculation. In this research, it is expected that students can more easily think in application in project which will be used as learning. Keywords: revit learning media, interest in learning, learning outcome

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The suitability of the science-arts convergence is currently being actively discussed because it ... more The suitability of the science-arts convergence is currently being actively discussed because it is important in educating students to become more creative and knowledgeable people. This type of research is a quantitative study using a bibliometric approach. This study aimed to carry out systematic mapping of research trends in the STEAM field in science education. We analyzed 30 articles from 25 leading journals from 1 January 2013 to 31 August 2020 (8 years period), the metadata obtained from the Scopus database was then analyzed and mapped using VOSviewer software. The articles were written by 91 authors related to 64 in 13 countries. South Korea is emerging as the most productive country. 91% of authors in this publication have only 1 publication 8% have 2 publications and another 1% have 3 publications. The 5 clusters have been reviewed, the keywords that appear most often and become the most researched topics, namely STEAM education, STEAM, engineering education, education com...

JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia)
Practical learning activities carried out in remote situations during the COVID-19 pandemic trigg... more Practical learning activities carried out in remote situations during the COVID-19 pandemic triggered vocational students to take advantage of the surrounding environment as a learning resource. The process also determines how their HOTS and HOTSEP are. A learning model that can accommodate the skills is needed, such as ITA (Identify problems–Think and write–Analysis and argumentation) model. This learning model utilizes environmental issues intending to guide students to understand the environment through an online platform. This study aimed to analyze the HOTS and HOTSEP of vocational students, as the basis for developing a new learning model. The research sample consisted of 61 students with 29 male students and 32 female students. The sample was selected by simple random sampling. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that the total scores of students' HOTS (17.14) and HOTSEP (18.74) were suggested as very low categories. Thus, the students' s...
Elementary Education Online, 2021

International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education (IJERE), 2021
Current environmental learning amid the COVID-19 new normal situation requires an innovation. Thi... more Current environmental learning amid the COVID-19 new normal situation requires an innovation. This is due to students need various skills to solve environmental pollution issues using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) and is implemented in the form of Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB). The innovation is aimed at supporting e-learning utilization. This study aims to delineate university students’ HOTS and PEB and examine the e-learning utilization. Method used in the study is descriptive method using survey technique. Samples involved in the research are 265 university students. The study results indicate that the students’ HOTS score is, overall, in a very low category (31.37). The students’ PEB score, however, is already in a very high position (89.88) as a form to prevent COVID-19 in their surrounding environment. The result of e-learning description suggests that there are still some obstacles in terms of e-learning implementation. The research concludes that the HOTS score is r...
Psychology and Education Journal, Feb 1, 2021

E3S Web of Conferences, 2020
Environmental education during a pandemic is something that must be focused especially on natural... more Environmental education during a pandemic is something that must be focused especially on natural disasters. One of the skills needed to solve natural disasters is Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The purpose of this study was to describe student HOTS to develop a Disaster Mitigation of Flood based on the Online Learning (DIFMOL) model. The research method used descriptive with data collection techniques using surveys. The results showed that the student’s HOTS score was still in the very low category (33.09). This makes DIFMOL need to be developed for students, especially in aspects related to HOTS, which are still weak for aspects of flood disasters. Environmental education innovation is important to improve students’ ability to overcome environmental problems. DIFMOL in this case, acts as an environmental education innovation related to the disaster that can be developed. This study concludes that students’ HOTS scores are still in the very low category and need improvement. ...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
This study analyzes the profile of Carita people in the efforts of tsunami disaster mitigation an... more This study analyzes the profile of Carita people in the efforts of tsunami disaster mitigation and the role of environmental learning in coping with the disaster, then analyzes the use of environmental learning. The method used is a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative method measures various community readiness levels in performing disaster mitigation, whereas the qualitative method is utilized to obtain various further information from the communities using interview technique. There were 88 randomly selected respondents participating in this research. The study results indicate a low land utilization density (below 33%). Indicators suggest a good category, namely: people evacuate when a disaster occurs (86%), rescue during a disaster (96.59%), and try to find new livelihoods (82.95%). In addition, public knowledge of disaster evacuation route is at a good level (87.50%) and there is an increase of 39.77% respondents with improved knowledge after ...

ETHOS (Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian), 2020
This course should be done to develop the independence of creative industry with graphic design f... more This course should be done to develop the independence of creative industry with graphic design for Pasir kuda village society that will be one of effort for developing potency improvement Pasir kuda village. And also it will help to carry out the mission from the village to optimize the village's potency and resource within the society economy enhancement, Improve human resource quality, skillful, knowledgeable, also realize a safe society with environmental knowledge. The used method for problem solving includes analytical method. The step to resolve partner's problem are: 1) Field Observation; 2) Identify partner weakness and problems; 3) Offering solution to partner; 4) System designing; 5) System implementation; 6) Integrating the system with previous system that already exist. The result of this course showed skill improvement of Youth organization of Galuh Pakuan in the amount of 80% in graphic design product creating, based on presentation result that every course participant had understood the course matery.

Journal of People, Plants, and Environment, 2022
Background and objective: Numerous flood disaster events encourage mitigation efforts. One of the... more Background and objective: Numerous flood disaster events encourage mitigation efforts. One of the efforts is education to high school and college students through a project-based learning (PjBL) model during COVID-19. The PjBL innovation can be developed by teachers with a formulation that integrates it with learning media and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) as the measured parameter.Methods: The research goal is to analyze high school and college students’ HOTS, learning media, and the PjBL model. Learning method employed in the research is descriptive. The HOTS instrument was developed according to Anderson's taxonomy to measure the ability of high school and college students.Results: The research results indicated that the HOTS score of the high school and college students was very low at 28.29 and 46.01, respectively. The research results suggested an improvement of the HOTS by developing a learning medium to enhance students’ HOTS. In addition, the results of the study ...

Menara, Jan 9, 2012
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) di wilayah DKI Jakarta, eva... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) di wilayah DKI Jakarta, evaluasi yang dilakukan adalah dari segi kuantitas dan kualitas. Kuantitas yaitu jumlah ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) dan kualitas yaitu sejauh mana pemanfaatan dan kondisi ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan di seluruh wilayah Kotamadya di DKI Jakarta pada bulan Februari hingga Juni 2011. Pada penilitian ini digunakan populasi berupa seluruh wilayah DKI Jakarta dan sample berupa beberapa wilayah ruang terbuka hijau yang ada di setiap wilayah Kotamadya di DKI Jakarta tergantung dengan bentuk yang dikembangkan di setiap wilayah administratif. Pada penelitian ini akan mengkaji kesesuaian data yang ada pada Dinas Tata Ruang DKI dengan kebenaran data langsung di lapangan.. Pada penelitian ini juga akan dikaji seberapa besar pemanfaatan ruang terbuka hijau dan bagaimana kondisi ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Dari penelitian, pendataan dan survey langsung di lapangan didapat jumlah ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) di wilayah DKI Jakarta sebesar 9,12%. Jumlah tersebut masih jauh dari target Pemda DKI Jakarta itu sendiri yakni 13,84%. Dari pengamatan secara kualitas, didapatkan pemanfaatan dan kondisi yang berbeda-beda dari setiap RTH di setiap wilayah. Bentuk RTH yang dikembangkan di setiap wilayah adminstratif di DKI Jakarta juga berbeda-beda tergantung dengan tujuan pemanfaatannya. Beberapa RTH yang disurvei terlihat dalam kondisi memprihatinkan terutama pada RTH pemukiman dan kondisi yang cukup baik terlihat pada Taman, baik taman bangunan umum, taman interaksi, maupun taman rekreasi.

Menara, Jan 7, 2013
Method of Sanitary landfill (Piled Sanitary Land), is the waste disposal system conducted by stoc... more Method of Sanitary landfill (Piled Sanitary Land), is the waste disposal system conducted by stockpiled waste and compacted, then covered with soil as a cover. The work of coating soil cover performed everyday at the end of the operating hours, the process is done in stages to 4 in terms of operational techniques of waste management processes. The results of this study using a sample of planning waste from residents and local neighborhood residents only restricted, and in each individual (one person) generate waste 1-11/2kg/day averaged 1 kg/day of organic waste 0.7kg, 0.3kg organic waste number of residents from 55 households (133 people) x (1 kg of waste) 133kg / 0.133 ton /day. The results obtained after processing of waste by type and benefit during the first week until the 3rd week obtained a useful amount of total waste 331kg, and waste that is not useful 96kg. Then the waste is sorted prior to processing based on the type of organic waste in the first week totaled 142kg, 133kg in the second week, the third week of 152kg. It can be concluded based on the above calculation that a modification of a sewage treatment Sanitary Landfill has reduced the amount of waste to landfill, as in the first week of 22.53%, at week-2 of 16.54% and in the last week of 17.76%. Inorganic waste plastic manifold obtained during the first week of 23 kg, in the second week gained 33.7 kg, and last week gained 28kg after the sum of 84.7 kg. The weight of incoming waste within three weeks of 427 kg after processing the waste weight of 331kg or decreased to 77.51% and the amount of garbage that comes out weight of 96 kg or 22.48% of the amount of waste reduction in a single RT, within a period of 3 weeks.
Menara, Jul 7, 2016
The research to intend for to know pattern use space street as place for doing activity family. T... more The research to intend for to know pattern use space street as place for doing activity family. This research is include the survey research. The research population is all head family Perumahan Taman Kedaung on Ciputat region which totaled are 858 kk. Whereas the many sample method are 86 kk 10% which to take with the random sample method. The file process doing after the file collect to pass responden answer, next analysis with to use simple statistic are frekuensi table, matrik and percentase. The research result to point out that the type use space street as place to activity family are : 1. As place to dry in sun are 30% family ever do 2. As place to play the children are 49% 3. As parking are 22% and 4. As place to washing car are 22%. The importan motivation which to push housing occupant to do activity is nothing persil in housing environment.

ETHOS: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 2022
Flooding is a problem that often occurs in urban areas. The flood disaster that occurred in early... more Flooding is a problem that often occurs in urban areas. The flood disaster that occurred in early 2020 left various negative impacts on the environment. This causes flooding to become a problem that must be solved. The purpose of this activity is to empower flood mitigation skills in the community through environmental seminars. The method of activities carried out is by lectures and discussions in seminars. Data collection using the instruments used are test questions and questionnaires related to flood mitigation. Analysis of the data used is to compare the average results between before and after the activity. The results of this activity indicate that the knowledge score has increased from before (28.45) to be higher after the activity (34.93), as well as related to previous flood mitigation behavior (66.62) and has increased after (70.52). In addition, seminar participants are required to create a project. This indicates that this Project Based Learning (PjBL)-based environment...

Tadris: Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah, 2021
This study analyzed Higher-Order Thinking Skills of Environmental Problem (HOTSEP). It was conduc... more This study analyzed Higher-Order Thinking Skills of Environmental Problem (HOTSEP). It was conducted in March 2021. The sample comprised 114 vocational high school students, 66 male and 49 female students from several schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. The data was collected online using Google Form and Microsoft Excel for data analysis. The results showed that the HOTS score with analyzing environmental problems (C4) obtained an average score of 50. The thinking aspect of evaluating environmental problems (C5) obtained an average score of 49. The thinking aspect of making programs to overcome environmental problems (C6) obtained an average score of 47. Therefore, the study showed that the HOTS scores were relatively low since the average score was 51. The results showed that the HOTSEP score on the criticizing environmental problems (C4) obtained an average score of 24. The thinking aspect of environmental problem solving (C5) obtained an average score of 25. Furthermore, the thinking ...
Papers by Henita Rahmayanti