Papers by Hazleena Baharun

Sains Insani, 2021
Efforts to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus have been carried out on a large scale around th... more Efforts to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus have been carried out on a large scale around the world, and among the measures that have been taken is to change the mode of learning among students in universities to online learning. Although various online learning platforms have been made available for student use, the level of mastery of students as well as the challenges they face to maximize the use of technology while studying from home is still understudied. This study will add to the previous research by focusing on the aspects of English language online learning processes experienced by Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) students during the Movement Control Order period. This study collected qualitative data through open-ended questions which were distributed online, involving 29 first-year students from the Bachelor of English with Commerce (BELCOM). The data revealed two (2) categories of challenges – external and internal. Internet connection and environment are for...

IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 2017
Within the context of the Islamic religion, having Taqwa or the traits of righteousness is impera... more Within the context of the Islamic religion, having Taqwa or the traits of righteousness is imperative because Taqwa reflects the level of a Muslim's faith. Hence, the purpose of the present study was to identify the traits of Takwa in surah Al-Baqara in the Holy Quran. The data for this study were obtained from verses in surah Al-Baqara. Purposive sampling was used to select the verses that contain the traits of Taqwa using an established tafseer (Quranic interpretation) in the Qurainic field as a guideline in marking the Taqwa traits in sampling the verses. Two experts in the field of Quranic tafseer validated the traits of Taqwa extracted from each selected verse. The data were analyzed using manifest and latent content analyses. The findings reveal 10 categories of traits of Taqwa which are tawheed or monotheism, do good to others, performing solah, paying of zakat, honouring rights, repentance, doing good deeds, righteous communication, being grateful, being sincere, and recognition of the absoluteness of Allah's sovereignty. Sequential emphasisbased analysis was used to tabulate the reiteration of each trait of Taqwa in order to find out the trait that is most frequently emphasized in the form of reiteration. Among the Taqwa category traits, the major emphasis is on tawheed or believing the oneness of Allah. The findings help in enhancing the understanding and the meta-framework of the traits of Taqwa, which is particularly useful for non-scholarly Muslims in strengthening their Islamic faith in accordance to what is commanded in the Holy Quran.

Sains Insani
This study aimed to explore peer group interaction of learners when engaged in collaborative task... more This study aimed to explore peer group interaction of learners when engaged in collaborative tasks. Eighteen gifted EFL learners aged 14 from an intact class were the participants of the study. The learners were grouped in groups of three and their oral interactions when they engaged in given collaborative tasks taken from their textbook were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Focusing on the dynamics of peer group interaction and learning, this study used a descriptive system of analysis of peer group interaction to analyse the kinds of peer group interactions generated by the participants as they approached and processed the collaborative tasks given to them. Two main dimensions-cognitive processing and social processing-were explored. The qualitative analysis of the recorded interaction revealed that the learner interactions of the participants were very exploratory in nature when they approached and processed the tasks. This exploratory nature of the learner interactions was very much characterised by intensive negotiation. They were also highly argumentative yet collaborative. The article concludes with a discussion on pedagogical implications generated from these findings.
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia eBooks, 2014

International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development
As one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, English in Malaysia is also an important... more As one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, English in Malaysia is also an important language for both national and global operations widely used in the aspects of business, education, and international relations. Due to such importance, there is constant concern towards the English language performance of students at all levels of education, and it is one of the issues addressed in the Malaysian Education Blueprint 2013-2025. This paper sought to answer the question of 'What are the factors contributing to students' English language performance?', with specific reference to students from the religious education background at an Islamic-based public university in Malaysia. Derived from a larger study, this paper reported the qualitative findings gathered from interview sessions with a total of 47 English teachers, English and content subject lecturers as well as students regarding the factors contributing to the students' English language performance. Findings revealed 4 main themes of internal features or inner components that influence the students' English achievement which are: (1) teacher attributes (2) learner determination (3) learner beliefs / attitudes and (4) 'I don't understand'. The findings of this study reveal the needs to explore new areas to address the issue of students' English language performance, particularly those of religious background education. It also has broader implications for the global community, which makes it critical for educators and policymakers to collaborate in developing new strategies and resources to help learners overcome the challenges and develop the language skills they need to thrive in today's interconnected world. With that, it is hoped that students are able to access the same opportunities for success as their peers, regardless of their linguistic or cultural background.
International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics, May 29, 2020

Al-Azkiyaa - Jurnal Antarabangsa Bahasa dan Pendidikan
Examining the linguistic representation of a minority group using computer-assisted method is the... more Examining the linguistic representation of a minority group using computer-assisted method is the heart of this study. In particular, we are interested in investigating how the indigenous people of Malaysia or Orang Asli are being represented by the news media in Malaysia as we believe that mass media play a huge role in curating the image of a group and affecting perception of readers about that group. It affects how they are perceived by the mainstream community. Using corpus-assisted critical discourse analysis, a 700,000-word corpus was examined focusing on grammatical words. Through the analysis, we found that the Orang Asli are consistently being framed as a helpless group who are frequently in need of assistance. Often, they are positioned as passive recipients of things from more dominant groups like volunteers and governments. These consistent negative and helpless images of the Orang Asli, we believe will be detrimental to the overall perception of society towards them whi...

Issues in Language Studies
This study explores the motivation of learning English among students in selected Tahfiz governme... more This study explores the motivation of learning English among students in selected Tahfiz government and state schools in Malaysia. Questionnaires adapted from Dornyei (2004), with an additional construct, were administered to 1,017 students aged 13 to 17. Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) with Robust Maximum Likelihood estimation technique (MLR) were used. From the SEM analysis, a new model of motivation in learning English among Tahfiz students is proposed. The study discovered that attitudes towards community, promotion, prevention, parental encouragement, interest, Islamic values, ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and attitudes towards learning English all play central roles in the proposed model. A comparison motivation model between the Tahfiz government and state schools was also provided. The results suggest that Tahfiz English language teachers and other relevant parties should be aware of their stud...

International journal of health sciences
Although Tahfiz students’ Islamic knowledge is generally accorded privilege, Tahfiz students’ Eng... more Although Tahfiz students’ Islamic knowledge is generally accorded privilege, Tahfiz students’ English language proficiency is considered weak and insubstantial. The advent of technology and the 21st century reveal the centrality of English proficiency as it is still the most spoken language in the world. As such, to become global Da’ie, Tahfiz students might better possess English language proficiency commensurate with the global demands. Based on Dornyei’s (2005) L2MSS, a new L2 motivational model for Tahfiz students has been proposed. In this paper, the authors describe one specific factor in the new model, namely the Islamic Drive which contains five items extracted via the Exploratory Factor Analysis. The element of Islamic Drive used singly is useful because it substantiates a unique aspect of motivation for Tahfiz students. In essence, the Islamic Drive suggests that Tahfiz students’ motivation is closely associated with their spiritual vision; to use English mainly as a means...
Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia, Dec 1, 2004
Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia, Dec 1, 2003

Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2016
The prominent role of the English language has led to the teachingof the language as a second lan... more The prominent role of the English language has led to the teachingof the language as a second languageworldwide at tertiary level as a requirement to be assured of better prospects in a student’s life. English language teaching (ELT)has been anever-ending topic as it is seen as an uphill task for teachers due to the motivation factor in the acquisition of the language among the learners.Hence, one of the most valuable concepts used in relation to the success and failure in second language acquisition is motivation. It is apparently one of the most important constructs of individual differences (IDs).As the theories on motivation are countless, this paper is limited to its focuson review of relevant literature andinvestigation on the broad self-determination theory (SDT) that embodies three different types of motivation: (i) autonomous regulation, (ii) controlled regulation, and (iii) amotivation, and its relationship with the acquisition of English as a second language (ESL). It is ...
Malaysian Journal of Learning & …, 2005
This article is based on a four-week ethnographic study of a discourse community ie first and sec... more This article is based on a four-week ethnographic study of a discourse community ie first and second year students of Kolej Universiti Islam Malaysia (KUIM). The researchers believe that the ethnographic approach could help provide valuable insights that would indirectly help ...

This study investigated the use of different communicative tasks in promoting oral language devel... more This study investigated the use of different communicative tasks in promoting oral language development among English as a foreign language (EFL) learners in a Malaysian setting. It also examined the nature of oral discourse generated through the use of three distinct communication task types i.e. information-gap, jigsaw and decision-making. Eighteen EFL undergraduates from a public university participated in this study. Full learner interactions recorded during the execution of each task type were transcribed verbatim. The oral discourse was then qualitatively analysed with a special focus on episodes of negotiated interactions, language related episodes (LREs) and learners’ uptake of language input. The findings showed that learners generated episodes of negotiated interactions when engaged in all three task types. However, the depth of the negotiated interactions differed between the different tasks. When engaged in the information-gap task completion, they demonstrated a procedu...

Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 2021
Demands for a greater number of preachers or Da’ies who are capable in delivering the Islamic tea... more Demands for a greater number of preachers or Da’ies who are capable in delivering the Islamic teachings clearly and confidently are anticipated to increase. Besides knowledge on Islam and its teachings that they possess, these Da’ies are expected to have a good command of English language to convey the Islamic teachings to a wider global audience. Malaysia has many capable Da’ies who can disseminate Islam in the Malay language but many lack the ability to communicate well in English. Ignoring this problem will produce incompetent Da’ies who may miss critical issues, resulting in lost knowledge, and inadept understanding of Islam. Thus, it is vital for these Da’ies to have the ability to translate Islamic terms, concepts and worldview correctly, to ensure better coverage of da’wah. The objective of this paper is to investigate students’ English proficiency by looking at their ability to translate. This paper examines the translation competence of 71 students from various faculties fr...

Social Interactions and Networking in Cyber Society, 2017
This study investigated the curriculum changes in secondary school system in Malaysia. Thirty exp... more This study investigated the curriculum changes in secondary school system in Malaysia. Thirty experts in physiotherapy were identified through purposive sampling. The Delphi technique was used to build items for the questionnaire which intended to answer the research questions of the study. Findings revealed the fields of physiotherapy expected to provide career opportunities in future as agreed by the panel of experts. To ensure students are prepared to embark on the field of physiotherapy, they believed that subjects such as English language, Biology, Science, Physics, Human Movement, and Biomedical Science need to be introduced and emphasized in the secondary school curriculum. Three teaching approaches, via demonstrations, practical, and clinical practice, are deemed suitable to teach physiotherapy in secondary schools while assessment should focus on both theory and practical components. Further, the panel of experts also stressed that a specific kind of facilities are required at schools which included lecture rooms, laboratories, hydrotherapy pools, gymnasium, treatment rooms, and assessment rooms. The findings show that there is a need for the Ministry of Education (MOE) in general, and the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) in particular, to relook at the existing secondary school curriculum and make the necessary revision should physiotherapy be introduced in the Malaysian secondary school system.

A B ST R A C T Projects are defined as complex tasks, based on challenging questions or problems,... more A B ST R A C T Projects are defined as complex tasks, based on challenging questions or problems, that involve learners in design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative activities; give learners the opportunity to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time; and culminate in realistic products or presentations. Within a project-based approach, learners are usually provided with specifications for a desired end product, and the learning process is more oriented to following correct procedures. Teachers act as instructors or coaches, providing expert guidance, feedback and suggestions for better ways to achieve the final product. Past studies have shown the benefits of PBL which include intrinsically motivating learners to learn, fostering problem-solving, and developing independent and cooperative working skills. It is also believed that project based instruction allows learners to develop critical thinking and decision making skills and engage in in-depth...
Papers by Hazleena Baharun