Papers by Hayriye Korkmaz

IEEE access, 2024
Over the past few years, there has been a significant emphasis on improving the capabilities of W... more Over the past few years, there has been a significant emphasis on improving the capabilities of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) by making advancements in communication protocols, energy efficiency, optimal deployment, data analytics, and integration with emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence. The deployment of WSN nodes can greatly enhance the effectiveness, scalability, and capability of different systems, resulting in cost reductions, enhanced performance, and improved safety in which the deployment of WSN involves determining the best positioning of sensor nodes to attain maximum coverage and connectivity while minimizing the number of nodes needed. WSNs often face challenges in deploying nodes effectively and Genetic Algorithms (GAs) offer a valuable approach for tackling this problem due to their ability to efficiently search large and complex solution spaces, such as those of complex network design, taking into account various constraints and objectives, which are common characteristics of real-world WSN deployment scenarios. The objective of this study is to use a new method, called the vibrational genetic algorithm, which can be used to optimize the placement of sensor nodes more efficiently. Apart from the other research, it is preferred to use heterogeneous sensor nodes to increase the coverage rate in an irregularly shaped area. The results of the experiments demonstrate that the proposed model offers an effective solution for achieving maximum coverage in application theaters that are more realistic and complex.

ÖZETSICAKLIK VE VAKUM ORANI KONTROL EDİLEBİLEN LABORATUVAR TİPİ BİR FIRININ TASARLANMASI VE GERÇE... more ÖZETSICAKLIK VE VAKUM ORANI KONTROL EDİLEBİLEN LABORATUVAR TİPİ BİR FIRININ TASARLANMASI VE GERÇEKLEŞTİRİLMESİBu tez çalışmasında, sıcaklık ve vakum oranı kontrol edilebilen laboratuvar tipi bir fırın tasarlanarak, gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen bu sistem kullanılarak, belirlenen standart ölçülere sahip metal deneklerin ısıl uzama miktarının ölçümü de yapılabilmektedir. Fırın-içi sıcaklık oda sıcaklığından itibaren 600°C'ye kadar; vakum oranı ise 0 ile -1 bar aralığında ayarlanabilmektedir.Fırın-içi sıcaklığın denetiminde Bulanık Mantık yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Denetleyici tasarımında, Bağıl Hata (e), Bağıl Hatanın değişimi (De) ve referans (r) olmak üzere 3 değişken bulanıklaştırılmıştır. 90 kuraldan oluşan kural tabanı kullanılarak, sıcaklık denetimi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bağıl hata 6 küme; bağıl hatanın değişimi 5 küme ve referans 3 küme kullanılarak bulanık formda ifade edilmiştir. Bağıl hata, bağıl hata değişimi ve referans bulanık değişkenlerinin sahip oldukları üye...

The purpose of this work is to add a new feature to bench-type conventional instruments used in E... more The purpose of this work is to add a new feature to bench-type conventional instruments used in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Laboratory which do not have any voice recognition and wireless communication technology. By this way, the user can control these instruments/devices remotely with voice commands and also monitor the results/values in graphical or numerical/text format as well over a mobile device screen. The only limitation is that such instruments should have a driver supported by any software such as NI LabVIEW and a PC connectivity interface such as USB, GPIB or LXI (LAN extensions for Instrumentation). Controlling the instruments (such as oscilloscope or signal generators which are frequently used for training purposes and whose functions are manually set) over a mobile device with voice commands will make life easier for disabled students who especially have difficulties in using their hands.
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2019

2020 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST)
BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motors are widely used today due to its high reliability and high... more BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motors are widely used today due to its high reliability and high efficiency. These motors are synchronous motors that have a linear relationship between voltage-speed and current-torque. To control these kinds of motors, inverters are needed. Inverters create a rotational movement in the motor by switching at the appropriate time according to the rotor position information. Rotor position is obtained in two ways, with and without sensor. Sensor method uses encoders, resolvers or hall effect sensor. Hall-effect sensors are generally preferred for the control of BLDC motors in terms of cost. In this study, the rotor position was obtained by using hall-effect sensor. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is used to control the frequency and voltage of the inverters. Today, Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) and Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) techniques are frequently used in such applications. This study explains the development of a Field Oriented Control Algorithm (FOC) based on SVPWM technique by using the LabVIEW FPGA Module for a BLDC Motor. It also shows the effects of using PI and FFC (Feed Forward Control) algorithm together and separately in the controller for the control of Id and Iq reference currents. In addition, simulation of all project was developed and run in Matlab/Simulink.
2022 International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA)

Birtane, Sibel (Arel Author)Today, with the improvement of socioeconomic conditions, consumption ... more Birtane, Sibel (Arel Author)Today, with the improvement of socioeconomic conditions, consumption of ready-to-eat foods increased and a more non-mobile lifestyle became widespread. Thus, the incidence of a number of metabolic problems together has begun to increase. These problems arise in the form of bodily changes, deterioration of glucose tolerance, disorders of fat metabolism and blood pressure elevation. It is called the "metabolic syndrome". The metabolic syndrome is a definition that emphasizes the importance of combining some risk factors that increase the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, not alone. The aim of this study is to develop a decision support system that helps the doctor working on the data obtained from the demographic and laboratory tests necessary for the diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome. By entering the data of the person through the developed user-interface; it is aimed to determine the risk factor of the person according to the...

2020 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST)
BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motors are widely used today due to its high reliability and high... more BLDC (Brushless Direct Current) motors are widely used today due to its high reliability and high efficiency. These motors are synchronous motors that have a linear relationship between voltage-speed and current-torque. To control these kinds of motors, inverters are needed. Inverters create a rotational movement in the motor by switching at the appropriate time according to the rotor position information. Rotor position is obtained in two ways, with and without sensor. Sensor method uses encoders, resolvers or hall effect sensor. Hall-effect sensors are generally preferred for the control of BLDC motors in terms of cost. In this study, the rotor position was obtained by using hall-effect sensor. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is used to control the frequency and voltage of the inverters. Today, Sinusoidal PWM (SPWM) and Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM) techniques are frequently used in such applications. This study explains the development of a Field Oriented Control Algorithm (FOC) based on SVPWM technique by using the LabVIEW FPGA Module for a BLDC Motor. It also shows the effects of using PI and FFC (Feed Forward Control) algorithm together and separately in the controller for the control of Id and Iq reference currents. In addition, simulation of all project was developed and run in Matlab/Simulink.

2017 Medical Technologies National Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2017
Today, with the improvement of socioeconomic conditions, consumption of ready-to-eat foods increa... more Today, with the improvement of socioeconomic conditions, consumption of ready-to-eat foods increased and a more non-mobile lifestyle became widespread. Thus, the incidence of a number of metabolic problems together has begun to increase. These problems arise in the form of bodily changes, deterioration of glucose tolerance, disorders of fat metabolism and blood pressure elevation. It is called the “metabolic syndrome”. The metabolic syndrome is a definition that emphasizes the importance of combining some risk factors that increase the development of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, not alone. The aim of this study is to develop a decision support system that helps the doctor working on the data obtained from the demographic and laboratory tests necessary for the diagnosis of the metabolic syndrome. By entering the data of the person through the developed user-interface; it is aimed to determine the risk factor of the person according to the analysis result. In this study, the program was run on the data of 56 patients including 34 female and 22 male, using Mamdani type fuzzy logic clusters in the LabVIEW platform.

2017 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 2017
Realization of temperature characterization on focused ultrasound treatment devices by using tiss... more Realization of temperature characterization on focused ultrasound treatment devices by using tissue-mimicking phantom systems (Tissue-Mimicking Material, TMM) is indispensible in pre-clinical studies. In this survey, in order to examine the viscous heating effect of thermocouples, temperature rise due to excitation of a HIFU transducer has been measured by using two different types of T-type thermocouples embedded inside the TMM. In order to obtain the temperature values from the thermocouples more effectively, a PC-based multi-channel data acquisition and monitoring interface were developed by using LabVIEW graphical development platform. Measurements were carried out inside a TMM which has characteristics like human liver tissue. Temperature rise has been characterized for the different input ultrasonic powers (25 W, 38 W and 50 W) and frequencies (1,1 MHz and 3.3 MHz) and the time intervals applied (1 s, 2 s and 3 s). The temperature values obtained from two different types of T-type thermocouple were compared to each other and discrepancies between these two different thermocouple measurements were shown with the study.

2018 Medical Technologies National Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2018
In recent years, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) has been actively used in clinical prac... more In recent years, High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) has been actively used in clinical practice for the treatment of some certain types of cancer. However, as in other cancer treatment methods, dosimetric studies have to be carried out in order to achieve effective treatment. For HIFU applications, dosimetric studies are performed as temperature characterizations on tissue mimicking materials (TMM) that simulate the acoustic properties of the selected tissues. However, due to the acoustical properties of each tissue are different, it is thought that it would give more accurate results by using TMMs which has equivalent acoustic parameters of related tissue while performing temperature characterizations. In this study, the temperature changes resulting from the application of HIFU were determined on two different TMM, which are produced from Agar and Phytagel and have different acoustic parameters, by using thermocouples embedded in TMM. In this manner, temperature values were measured under identical conditions except from acoustical parameters and it was tried to show the dependence of temperature on acoustical parameters.
2019 Medical Technologies Congress (TIPTEKNO), 2019
The widespread use of HIFU treatment method in the clinic depends on the effective and safe dosim... more The widespread use of HIFU treatment method in the clinic depends on the effective and safe dosimetric studies. In this study, an easy-to-produce, cost-effective, transparent and egg-white polyacrylamide-based phantom is produced which can be observed in real time synchronized form with HIFU application. HIFU was applied on phantom at different voltage values and different times and the crosssectional areas and volumes of the lesion regions were calculated in MATLAB program by using image processing methods.

2020 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU), 2020
In engineering education, group experiments in which some students participate as an audience due... more In engineering education, group experiments in which some students participate as an audience due to reasons such as high-cost laboratory equipment, increasing number of students and therefore insufficient number of devices affect students’ learning negatively. On the other hand, the inability of disabled students who cannot use their hands effectively to participate in the experiments actively creates a different problem. In this paper, in order to eliminate these problems encountered in classical laboratory environments and to enable students with disabilities to do experiments independently, the developing an independent mobile application with increased accessibility in order to control the devices in real or remote laboratories and to observe the results via a mobile device with voiced commands are presented. The Apache Cordova Library was used to enable the mobile application can work platform independently. While developing this application, open source softwares are preferred to keep the cost at minimum. Controlling setups with voice commands without touching hands can bring an important advantage in slowing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), which has spread rapidly among people as of June 2020 and negatively affects lifes all over the world.

Bu calismada, karayollarinda cizili bulunan serit cizgilerinin durumunu (duz veya kesik) aracin s... more Bu calismada, karayollarinda cizili bulunan serit cizgilerinin durumunu (duz veya kesik) aracin sag ve sol alt kenarlarina yerlestirilmis algilayicilardan gelen bilgileri kullanarak gercek zamanli olarak degerlendirebilen; gerektiginde yazili ve sesli uyarilar uretebilen bir prototip arac tasarlanmis ve gerceklestirilmistir. Burada amac, insan kontrolune gerek kalmaksizin guvenli bir surus saglamak ve insan hatalarindan kaynaklanan kazalari engellemeye yardimci olacak elektronik sistemlerin otomotiv teknolojilerindeki yerine isaret etmektir. FPGA tabanli olarak gelistirilen sistemde, VHDL dili kullanilarak ilk olarak algilayicilardan elde edilen isaretler uygun sayisal formata donusturulerek; cizgilerin kesik veya duz olarak devam ettigini algilayan, arac surucusunun istemli (surucu serit degistirme amacli sag/sol sinyali kullaniyorsa) veya istem disi serit degistirme durumlarini (surucu serit degistirme amacli sag/sol sinyali kullanmadan serit ihlali yapiyorsa) degerlendiren ve yaz...

2017 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 2017
This paper presents a web-based interface for disabled students. When the curriculum of engineeri... more This paper presents a web-based interface for disabled students. When the curriculum of engineering faculties are examined, it can be seen that practice takes important place and learning outcomes of the courses is mostly depend on hand ability. In particular, the implementing and testing the electronic circuits in both real and simulated environments requires using hands. The developed hands-free interface enables the students to design DC circuits including adjustable batteries and resistors. Students can design the circuits, run the simulation and observe the results by speaking. Thus, the huge gap between the disabled students and circuit design can be closed. The circuit diagrams are designed in accordance with the mesh current method and user can design multi-loop circuits. The interface uses Web Speech API (WSA) speech recognition technology to transform the speech into text. Chrome is the only browser that can support WSA. Adobe Flash was used to visualize the circuit and Sy...
Bu calismada esas olarak nesnelerin ne oldugu hakkinda iyi bir tahmin imkâni sunan nesne seklinin... more Bu calismada esas olarak nesnelerin ne oldugu hakkinda iyi bir tahmin imkâni sunan nesne seklinin temel alindigi Genellestirilmis Hough Donusumu LABVIEW Grafiksel Arayuz Programi vasitasiyla kullanilmistir. Fark edilebilir herhangi bir sekli olan bir nesne oncelikle program tarafindan taninmis ve muteakiben LABVIEW vasitasiyla takibi yapilmistir. Nesne sablonlari saniyede 30 imgeye kadar imge yakalama kapasitesine sahip bir web kameranin goruntu akisi icerisinde tespit edilmeye calisilmistir. Belirlenen benzerlik yuzdesini asan hedefler icin imge uzerinde sinirlayici bir cerceve cikarilmistir. Bu sekilde hedef nesne gercek zamanli olarak taninmis ve takip edilmistir.
In this study, the shape which gives a fine estimation about what may the object be is handled by... more In this study, the shape which gives a fine estimation about what may the object be is handled by Generalized Hough Transform via LABVIEW Graphical Interface Program. The template of any object with a distinguishable shape is learned first and then tracked via LABVIEW. The templates are searched in the video of a webcam which has the capability of 30 frames in a second. The matches taking a score over defined level are considered as real matches and bounded by a bounding box. In this way the target recognized and tracked real time

2018 26th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), 2018
In this study, a mixed approach is proposed to increase the detection success of lane-line especi... more In this study, a mixed approach is proposed to increase the detection success of lane-line especially for heavily shaded road images. These kinds of studies are the basis of lane departure warning and lane keeping assistance systems. Accurate and automatic detection is an important feature for reducing the accident risk and increasing driving safety. In most of the existing studies carried out on this subject, it has been observed that MATLAB software is widely used. In this study, the application was developed by using two different software in LabVIEW which is a graphical development platform. The text-based source codes developed in MATLAB has been integrated into the LabVIEW platform using the “Mathscript Node” tool for Hough Transformation (HT). By combining the superior features of both platforms, a stronger user interface in terms of visual objects compared with the MATLAB GUI with satisfactory analytical abilities was get. This mixed approach provides the software developers to choose the most appropriate syntax in a single platform. The proposed method has been tested on a limited number (4) of images, especially for heavily shaded images selected from dataset of the Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute Vision and Autonomous Systems Center and up to 100% success has been achieved in images exposed to high disturbance.
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), 2017
This paper studies the dynamic performance of BLDC motor with MatLab/Simulink, and the results of... more This paper studies the dynamic performance of BLDC motor with MatLab/Simulink, and the results of torques and speeds are verified with Mathematica software. MatLab/Simulink provides suitable environment for control application and power electronic design, whereas Mathematica is better for symbolic part and therefore it could be preferred for design and control applications for electrical motors. By integrating these programs' features provides a better dynamic analysis when predicting the precise value of torque and speed, determined by waveforms of back-emf. The simulation results show that verifying the performance of BLDC motor with Mathematica software gives the more accurate values in current, torque and speed calculations.

Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 2020
When the curricula of engineering undergraduate programs are examined, it can be seen that experi... more When the curricula of engineering undergraduate programs are examined, it can be seen that experimentation plays a very important role and the learning outcomes of the courses are mostly dependent on practical abilities. However, there may be a few who cannot use their hands permanently or temporarily among the students who are attending these courses. Therefore, the participation of disabled students in this part of the course has always been a problem. In this paper, a remote laboratory application that aims to increase the accessibility of electronic circuit design and analysis courses by using speech recognition technology is introduced. This laboratory is designed for hands‐free operation and enables students to analyze the electronic circuits by speaking. Google Web Speech API was used for speech recognition and the user interface was designed using Adobe Flash Professional. The parameters are sent to the ASP.NET page by using ActionScript 2.0 programming language. The application developed by using C# programming language enables programming the experimental hardware that includes a signal generator, a Raspberry Pi 2 with a camera, an oscilloscope, and a new test card. In the Raspberry Pi 2, Python programming language was used to select the desired experiment from those present on the board and to control digitally programmable circuit components such as digital potentiometers or parameters such as the DC reference voltage level. When the student successfully completes the predefined experimental procedures, an automatically generated e‐mail is sent to the instructor including the student's username, log‐in time, the oscilloscope screenshots, and ideal experimental results.
Papers by Hayriye Korkmaz