Papers by Hassan Aït-Kaci
Deliverable D3.3 Complexity and optimization of combinations of rules and ontologies. Will includ... more Deliverable D3.3 Complexity and optimization of combinations of rules and ontologies. Will include the selection of promising combinations, and the complexity analysis of these selected combinations, as well as theoretical optimizations for processing.
This handbook provides a tutorial of the LIFE programming language as well as a completedescripti... more This handbook provides a tutorial of the LIFE programming language as well as a completedescription of the capabilities of the Wild LIFE 1.02 system. Although we have attempted tomake the tutorial self-contained, it is preferable that the reader be familiar with Prolog. Thetutorial exposes gradually the main components of LIFE in a synthetic approach: its originaldata structure---/-term---and its use in
Expert Database Systems, 1984
Ronald J. Brachman, Alex Borgida, Deborah L. Mcguinness, Peter F. Patel-Schneider," ... more Ronald J. Brachman, Alex Borgida, Deborah L. Mcguinness, Peter F. Patel-Schneider," Reducing" CLASSIC to Practice: Knowledge Representation Theory Meets Reality, Conceptual Modeling: Foundations and Applications: Essays in Honor of John ...
ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1994
Formal calculi of record structures have recently been a foc us of active research. However, scar... more Formal calculi of record structures have recently been a foc us of active research. However, scarcely anyone has studied formally the dual notion— i.e., argument-passing to functions by keywords, and its harmonization with currying. We have. Recently, we introduced the label-selective -calculus, a conservative extension of -calculus that uses a labeling of abstractions and applications to perform unordered curryi ng.
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 2015
Experimenting with formalisms for Natural Language Processing involves costly programming overhea... more Experimenting with formalisms for Natural Language Processing involves costly programming overhead in conventional computing idioms, even as "advanced" as Lisp or Prolog.
We introduce an extension of -calculus, called label-selective -calculus, in which arguments of f... more We introduce an extension of -calculus, called label-selective -calculus, in which arguments of functions are selected by labels. The set of labels combines symbolic keywords with numeric positions. While the former enjoy free commutation, the latter and relative renumbering are needed to extend commutation to conflictuous names, and allow full currying. This extension of -calculus is conservative, in the sense that when we restrict ourselves to using only one label, it coincides with -calculus. The main result of this paper is the proof that the label-selective -calculus is confluent. In other words, argument selection and reduction commute.

Experimenting with formalisms for Natural Language Processing involves costly programming overhea... more Experimenting with formalisms for Natural Language Processing involves costly programming overhead in conventional computing idioms, even as "advanced" as Lisp or Prolog. LIFE is a programming language which incorporates an elegant type system which supports a powerful facility for structured type inheritance. Also, LIFE reconciles styles from Functional Programming and Logic Programming by implicitly delegating control to an automatic suspension mechanism. This allows interleaving interpretation of relational and functional expressions which specify abstract structural dependencies on objects. Together, these features provide a convenient and versatile power of abstraction for very high-level expression of constrained data structures. Computational linguistics is a discipline where such abstractions are particularly useful. Therefore, obvious convenience is offered by LIFE for experimentation to the computational linguist, who becomes relieved from burdensome yet extrinsi...
This article illustrates how constraint logic programming can be used to express data models in r... more This article illustrates how constraint logic programming can be used to express data models in rule-based languages, including those based on graph pattern-matching or unification to drive rule application. This is motivated by the interest in using constraint-based technology in conjunction with rule-based technology to provide a formally correct and effective—indeed, efficient!—operational base for the semantic web.

y We introduce a new paradigm for the integration of functional and logic programming. Unlike mos... more y We introduce a new paradigm for the integration of functional and logic programming. Unlike most current research, our approach is not based on extending unification to general-purpose equation solving. Rather, we propose a computation delaying mechanism called residuation. This allows a clear distinction between functional evaluation and logical deduction. The former is based on the -calculus, and the latter on Horn clause resolution. In clear contrast with equation-solving approaches, our model supports higher-order function evaluation and efficient compilation of both functional and logic programming expressions, without being plagued by non-deterministic term-rewriting. In addition, residuation lends itself naturally to process synchronization and constrained search. Besides unification (equations), other residuations may be any ground-decidable goal, such as mutual exclusion (inequations), and comparisons (inequalities). We describe an implementation of the residuation paradi...
DESCRIPTION This is a brief recapitulation of the CEDAR ANR CHEX-2012 Project grant No ANR-12-CHE... more DESCRIPTION This is a brief recapitulation of the CEDAR ANR CHEX-2012 Project grant No ANR-12-CHEX-0003-01 (Jan. 2013 – Jan 2015) ◮ summarizing the CEDAR project ◮ what was the CEDAR project’s objective in the beginning? ◮ tallying the productions of the CEDAR project ◮ dabbling in some details just to give a taste ◮ sharing some lessons learned during the CEDAR project ◮ inviting you all to look deeper under the hood of CEDAR
Papers by Hassan Aït-Kaci