Papers by Jasmin Hasanović

Filozofija i drustvo
Protests among citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are becoming more frequent. Most often, their a... more Protests among citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are becoming more frequent. Most often, their aim is to decry the dysfunctionality and opacity of the government, which are the result of the ethno-political structure created by the Dayton Agreement, but also a trend towards democratic regression and autocracy. A number of authors have tackled the ?JMBG? protests of 2013 and the Plenums that emerged from the February 2014 protests, from their particular disciplines. The focus of this paper is the social movement ?Justice for Dzenan,? organized by the Memic family upon the tragic death of Dzenan Memic in Sarajevo in February 2016. An in-depth study was conducted with key actors of the movement, as well as those who follow or in some way support the protests. Particular emphasis in the research was paid to the pragmatic symbiosis of the social movement and one political party. We argue that it is possible to identify a pragmatic symbiosis as a novel form (democratic innovation) of soc...

Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske
Purpose. The aim of the paper is to examine whether – and to what extent – the concept of Media a... more Purpose. The aim of the paper is to examine whether – and to what extent – the concept of Media and Information Literacy (hereinafter: MIL) can be understood as a possible approach to critical pedagogy in practice by examining the adequacy and comprehensibility of the content of its curriculum, previously adapted to the BiH (Bosnian and Herzegovinian) context and its fragmented education system. Approach/methodology. The first part of the paper presents a brief framework of the concept of critical pedagogy, its relationship with media and information literacy, together with the specifics of the education system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the second part, the paper focuses on the case study of pilot training conducted at the Sarajevo Hasan Kikić elementary school, aiming to acquaint teachers and librarians with the concept and curriculum of MIL. Results. Although teachers and librarians have adopted skills to teach about MIL, the results point to a lack of emancipatory pedagogical p...

The Unwanted Europeanness?, 2021
The shadow of old Europe has entered the spirit of the new Balkans. Initially used as a denominat... more The shadow of old Europe has entered the spirit of the new Balkans. Initially used as a denominator of a mountain chain also known by its antique name of Haemus and later expanded to cover the entire peninsula, the term ‘Balkans’ has transformed from a geographical category into a derogatory metaphor standing for hatred, insta- bility, and savagery. Maria Todorova notices how the new name of an old mountain and a part of Southeastern Europe – Balkan(s) – stands for Eastern legacy, as well as how the Ottoman elements mostly invoked the current stereotypes about the Balkans as an abstract symbol of violence (Todorova 2009, 12). However, the Balkan region does not just separate but it also stands for a bridge between the East and the West, as perhaps most symbolically illustrated in Ivo Andrić’s The Bridge on the Drina, for which he won the Nobel Prize in 1961. Whether a border or a bridge, the region appears as the Other that in order to include, has to also imply exclusion. Understanding Europe as the cape of Asia, and the Balkans as the cape of Europe, Katarina Luketić believes that “the Balkans are a double margin, the edge of an edge. However, it does not share in the European pattern, it does not move away from the margin, from the remote cape into a cultural or social center. Its symbolic geography and spatial potency are completely different from those of Europe” (Luketić 2013, 14). In this manner, the idea of otherness has additionally inspired the archaic and stereotypical notions, which are exceedingly beyond the rational, be- coming so metaphysical that they are no longer attempted to be explained.

Socijalne studije, 2021
Shortly after the begin of the global pandemic of the Corona virus, numerous leading social and h... more Shortly after the begin of the global pandemic of the Corona virus, numerous leading social and humanistic intellectuals attempted to respond to the situation we all found ourselves in. Two years later, the "new normal" has, almost imperceptibly, blended into the "normal". Wearing protective masks is understood, physical distance is upheld, the sight of hugging and crowds from past concerts or movie screenings cause discomfort, while new regulations, from traveling to public assembly and events, are undoubtedly becoming a part of our reality. The paradoxical situation in which isolation and social (conscious rather than physical) distance have become an act of collective engagement and solidarity, places fear and safety above freedom, and common good behind individual responsibility. Thus, it seems that the issue of returning to a previous normalcy has been wrongly set from the beginningneither is the post-pandemic society going to appear after the virus vanishes, nor did the crisis begin only with the pandemic. Portraying the way the pandemic undoubtedly influenced all aspects of sociability, the author uses a panoramic overview of the most recent theoretical reviews from the past two years, to identify three important topics which arose in these circumstances: the issue of social control, the role of modern technology and social networks, and the issue of social distribution and the anticipation of new possible forms of sociability. Connecting practical action with theory, disruptive processes prove to be of immense importance in desacralizing the foundations from which we were taught to look at and interpret the world, regardless of the outcome.

Security Dialogues /Безбедносни дијалози, 2021
Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, along with the longings for a return to "normal ... more Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, along with the longings for a return to "normal state", statements that nothing will be the same afterwards could also be heard. However, the real task remains in deconstructing the relationship between the pre-pandemic normality and the political consequences that coronavirus has shed light on. Hence, the idea of a global risk society, developed by sociologist Ulrich Beck and Anthony Giddens, could easily be recalled within those circumstances. Questioning the role of politics and political science while assuming that we live in a post-industrial age, the central idea presupposes that politics is displaced from the traditional areas of big, ideological questions. In other words, in the age of Anthropocene marked as reflexive modernization, it is being considered that politics is merely taking place as subpolitics, dealing with individual things considering small, everyday life politics. Deprived of big questions, it rather anticipates manmade risks as the consequences of modernization and achievements of the changed nature related to production and distribution in capitalist societies. Though, this paper aims to see how the global state of emergency-as a state of exception-shook such ideas, illuminating their hidden ideological charge with the goal to normalize the relations of power and domination within society. In this regard, the paper also seeks to contribute to the discussion of the importance of social and political crises and transformations, and to affirm a critical concept of theoretical practice.

Chaos, Complexity and Leadership 2020
Considering the increasing reliance on technology during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemics, the ... more Considering the increasing reliance on technology during the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemics, the aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the specific state of isolation and the possibility of using digital technologies being percieved as the then-dominant free space for acting. Starting with the assumption that virtual space is not given by itself, but rather diabolical in the middle of reflecting the existing power relations and the parallel inscribing of the potential for their resolution, the paper seeks to examine the (im)possibility of anticipating wider socio-political alternatives with the emphasis of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the pandemics. In other words, acting on the Web is both immobilizing and emancipatory. Based on the attempt to read chaos theory from a dialectical perspective, the significance of this paper is reflected in the application of theoretical assumptions about the influence of technology towards the affirmation of radical democratic practices. The interdependence of liberating and limiting as emancipating and immobilizing in the context of information and communication technologies will show that emancipation is not to be seen as a linear, eschatological process. Instead, it depends on different, unpredictable, and nonlinear outcomes, as well as the complexity of the interpenetration of global and localized phenomena.

Politička misao, May 4, 2020
Ovim radom ispituje se da li i na koji način politički poredak u Bosni i Hercegovini determiniran... more Ovim radom ispituje se da li i na koji način politički poredak u Bosni i Hercegovini determiniran logikom etnopolitike sadrži i producira subverzivni potencijal za vlastitu negaciju. Ideja se postepeno javljala u kontekstu različitih protesta u proteklih pet godina, ali se kao naučno pitanje ozbiljnije oblikovalo tek stapanjem protesta "Pravda za Dženana" i "Pravda za Davida" 2018. godine. Kroz proteste se od jedinstvenog matičnog broja i zdravstva preko radničkih prava i demobilisanih boraca kao politiziranih tijela par excellence pa sve do institucionalizirane instrumentalizacije smrti uočava izražena biopolitička dimenzija sa potpisom etnodeterminizma. Politološkim čitanjem odnosa između kontrahegemonijskih narativa odozdo i njihove sve vidljivije kriminalizacije odozdo, autor problematizira kako ono što se ovdje naziva biopolitikom etnodeterminizma producira narativ otpora kao mogućnost koja osvjetljavanjem naličja samog sistema dovodi u pitanje osnovu njegove legitimacije.

Politička misao, 2020
Ovim radom ispituje se da li i na koji način politički poredak u Bosni i Hercegovini determiniran... more Ovim radom ispituje se da li i na koji način politički poredak u Bosni i Hercegovini determiniran logikom etnopolitike sadrži i producira subverzivni potencijal za vlastitu negaciju. Ideja se postepeno javljala u kontekstu različitih protesta u proteklih pet godina, ali se kao naučno pitanje ozbiljnije oblikovalo tek stapanjem protesta “Pravda za Dženana” i “Pravda za Davida” 2018. godine. Kroz proteste se od jedinstvenog matičnog broja i zdravstva preko radničkih prava i demobilisanih boraca kao politiziranih tijela par excellence pa sve do institucionalizirane instrumentalizacije smrti uočava izražena biopolitička dimenzija sa potpisom etnodeterminizma. Politološkim čitanjem odnosa između kontrahegemonijskih narativa odozdo i njihove sve vidljivije kriminalizacije odozdo, autor problematizira kako ono što se ovdje naziva biopolitikom etnodeterminizma producira narativ otpora kao mogućnost koja osvjetljavanjem naličja samog sistema dovodi u pitanje osnovu njegove legitimacije.
Preglednu studiju o politikama i strategijama medijske i informacijske pismenosti (MIP) u Bosni i... more Preglednu studiju o politikama i strategijama medijske i informacijske pismenosti (MIP) u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH) izradio je multidisciplinarni tim stručnjaka uz učešće aktera iz različitih sektora. Njena svrha je da posluži kao temelj za rasprave i diskusije u procesu konsultacija o politikama i strategijama medijske i informacijske pismenosti u BiH, kao i da ponudi konkretne preporuke o uključivanju medijske i informacijske pismenosti u formalno i neformalno obrazovanje, u različite vladine sektore i u bosanskohercegovačko društvo.

Društvene i humanističke studije, May 16, 2019
Pregledni rad Review paper Jasmin Hasanović IZVANPOLITIČKE DISPERZIJE POLITIČKE MOĆI I MOGUĆNOST ... more Pregledni rad Review paper Jasmin Hasanović IZVANPOLITIČKE DISPERZIJE POLITIČKE MOĆI I MOGUĆNOST ZA NOVU KRATOLOGIJU Cilj ovoga rada je da propita odnos između moći i nove društvene stvarnosti, te novih oblika dominacije koji se javljaju u demokratskim društvima. Autor polazi od pretpostavke da se moć u savremenim liberalnim demokratijama izvanpolitički disperzirala, ostavljajući iza sebe depolitiziran prostor politike, kroz koji hegemonijski poredak ostvaruje svoju dominaciju. Rad nema za cilj propitivati mogućnosti prevazilaženja takve dominacije. Analizirajući odnose između njih on nastoji učiniti vidljivim naličje dominantne ideologije i njenog funkcioniranja, te mogućnosti razumijevanja i izučavanja vlasti u eri postpolitike. Ključne riječi: moć; vlast; politika; postpolitika; kratologija 1. NOVO ČITANJE MOĆI U SAVREMENIM TEORIJAMA POLITIKE U vremenu pisanja ovog teksta potrebno je svega nekoliko klikova mišem ili dodira prstom na smartphoneu da određeni meme, fotografija ili video postanu globalno viralni, bježeći izvan kontrole političke, društvene, sigurnosne ili bilo koje druge hijerarhijske strukture moći. Bar se tako misli. Ono što, međutim, viralnost ne ispušta iz svog dometa, iako toga moguće često nismo ni svjesni, jeste pitanje tržišne determiniranosti virtuelnog prostora i sve prisutnijih težnji za njegovom kontrolom i regulacijom, pa čak i nadmetanja između korporativnih i nacionalnih interesa u sferi 283 Jasmin Hasanović Izvanpolitičke disperzije političke moći i mogućnost za novu kratologiju DHS 2 (8) (2019), 283-294
The aim of this paper is to question the relationship between power and new social realities, as ... more The aim of this paper is to question the relationship between power and new social realities, as well as new forms of domination that occur in democratic societies. The author starts from the assumption that power in modern liberal democracies is dispersed out of politics, leaving behind depoliticized space of politics through which the hegemonistic order achieves its domination. The paper does not aim to question the possibilities of overcoming such a domination. By analysing the relations between them it seeks to make visible the reverse of the dominant ideology and its functioning, as well as the possibilities of understanding and studying power in the era of post-politics and multiverse of power.
Pregled : časopis za društvena pitanja / Periodical for social issues, 2019
Rad pod naslovom „Politološki i sociološki novumi u teorijskim propitivanjima bosanskohercegovačk... more Rad pod naslovom „Politološki i sociološki novumi u teorijskim propitivanjima bosanskohercegovačke savremene stvarnosti“ nastao je kao rezultat istraživanja u okviru konferencije „Rukopisi Esada Zgodića i savremene nauke o politici“. Zadatak ovog teksta jeste fenomenološki propitati teorijske novume koje u svojoj političkoj, filozofskoj i sociološkoj misli artikulira profesor emeritus sarajevskog Fakulteta političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu Esad Zgodić.
Cilj ovog rada je prezentirati političku dimenziju kontroverznog umjetni- čkog ali i političkog p... more Cilj ovog rada je prezentirati političku dimenziju kontroverznog umjetni- čkog ali i političkog pokreta Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK), uspostavljenog 1984. godine u Sloveniji, kao totalnog projekta koji obuhvata različite oblasti – muziku, slikarstvo, dizajn, instalacijsku umjetnost, film, inovativno pozorište, uključujući i Odsjek za čistu i primijenjenu filozofiju. Njihovo političko tumačenje, često povezano s totalitarizmom, bit će analizirano u kontekstu vremena u kojem se Neue Slowenische Kunst kao takav javlja i egzistira – u kontekstu raspada socijalizma u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. Ovaj rad stoga Neue Slowenische Kunst ne gleda kao kritiku socijalističkog sistema bivajući njegov totalitaristički odraz, već prije kao odraz onoga šta postsocijalistička budućnost donosi.
Papers by Jasmin Hasanović