BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology
Wine coffee is a type of coffee that comes from a post-harvest process that is processed through ... more Wine coffee is a type of coffee that comes from a post-harvest process that is processed through a fermentation process to produce a unique taste resembling the aroma of wine. Therefore, wine coffee is also often referred to as fermented coffee and the aroma in coffee wine is produced by the overhauling of compounds due to the metabolism of microorganisms in the fermentation process. However, the strong aroma and taste of coffee wine does not diminish the original taste of coffee. The purpose of this study was to determine the organoleptic and physical tests of wine coffee from SUMBAWA tepal coffee. This research was conducted for 3 months. The changes observed in this study were organoleptic tests, color physical tests, and pH. From the organoleptic test results, color, taste, and aroma were more dominant on the somewhat liking scale and the strong scale on the level of liking (hedonic) and acceptance (scoring). Whereas on the physical test, the color brightness (L *) shows ...
Based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia Decree No. 1827.K / 30 / MEM / 20... more Based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia Decree No. 1827.K / 30 / MEM / 2018 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Good Mining Practices, every mine company is required to implement OHS requirements in the work environment through measurement and control of the work environment including physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychological factors. Noise is one of the physical risks in mining due to sound intensity due to the operation of work equipment. PT XYZ in this study is one of the largest copper mines in Indonesia which processes 120,000 tons / day of rock and operates 111 units of the 793C Catterpillar Haul Truck. Grinding or grinding functions to grind the material to a size small enough so that mineral particles containing copper and gold can be easily separated by the flotation process. The grinding process consists of 2 SAG Mill and 4 Ball Mill which have noise intensity above 90 dB. Noise control programs for work sites that hav...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
This research is aimed to synthesize iron-pigment complex of anthocyanin extracted from the peel ... more This research is aimed to synthesize iron-pigment complex of anthocyanin extracted from the peel of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus). The targeted iron-complex was then evaluated to confirm its potential use as photosensitizer on Dye Sensitize Solar Cell (DSSC). The electronic absorption spectrum of the red dragon fruit extract showed a broad band spanning from 400 nm to 600 nm and a band maximum at 533 nm. This band was then evaluated to find out the energy of electronic transition; an excitation from highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO; valence band) toward lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO; conduction band). The calculation resulted in the equivalent energy level of 1.98 eV for HOMO, and 4.48 eV. These values represent the energy gap (Eg) for sensitizer on DSSC. Furthermore, evaluation of electronic transition of iron complex reveals that there is an increase of absorption coverage range, due in particular the blue shift of the conduction band. These characteristics are supporting evidences that the iron-anthocyanin complex is a good candidate for sensitizer of DSSC.
Jelly is a candy made from components of water or fruit juice, flavor, sugar, and gelling ingredi... more Jelly is a candy made from components of water or fruit juice, flavor, sugar, and gelling ingredients. Apart from fruit juice, jelly candy can be made from the basic ingredients of leaf extracts. One of the leaves that can be used is Muntingia calabura L. leaves. The existing jelly candies generally do not use natural ingredients as colorings and flavors. Fruits that can be used as natural ingredients in making jelly candy are Averrhoa bilimbi L. This study aims to determine the effect of adding starfruit extract to the physical quality, shelf life, and organoleptic of Muntingia calabura L. leaves jelly candy. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 1 factor, namely the concentration of Averrhoa bilimbi L extract (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). The results of this study indicate that the addition of Averrhoa bilimbi L extract does not significantly affect the physical quality (color) of Muntingia calabura L. leaves jelly candy. In the shelf life test, the addition of...
The anthocyanin from nature compounds containing colour or chromophore groups biochemically and e... more The anthocyanin from nature compounds containing colour or chromophore groups biochemically and effectively absorbs sunlight in the visible spectrum because it has more than one benzene ring with a conjugated double bond. Super dragon fruit (Hylocereus costaricencis) is one of the plants with the highest anthocyanin content with 1.1 mg / 100 mL of anthocyanin solution. In this research, 400 gr of dragon fruit skin extracted with 300 mL CH3OH for 24 hours in dark room at room temperature. And followed by liquid-liquid extraction using n-hexane and ethyl acetate. Each of 50 mL filtrate from extraction was synthesized with 0,5 gr FeCl3.6H2O, and 0,5 gr CoCl2.6H2O for 5 hours and get well mixture, then identified using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and FTIR. Spectra data’s show the different profile before and after conversion, further characterization to determine the energy gab (Eg) and stability of the compound compared to natural sensitizers and others. The Eg found from synthesized FeCl...
Aspek K3 berorientasi menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman, nyaman, dan sehat bagi pekerja. Ind... more Aspek K3 berorientasi menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman, nyaman, dan sehat bagi pekerja. Industri pertambangan memiliki tingkat resiko cukup tinggi khususnya terkait kebisingan di tempat kerja yang berasal dari intensitas suara tinggi pada aktivitas penambangan, peledakan, alat, mesin, dan perbengkelan. Penelitian dilakukan di area penambangan PT. XYZ, salah satu perusahaan tambang terbuka yang berlokasi di Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan pengukuran kebisingan dilakukan dengan metode personal sampling dilakukan menggunakan peralatan Edge 5, dan mengetahui upaya pengendalian kebisingan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pembagian 12 Similar Exposure Group (SEG) di area mining PT.XYZ dengan hasil pengukuran kebisingan personal menunjukkan rentang 81.1-87 dB dengan SEG tertinggi di area Mine Batch Plant dan terendah di SEG Mine Drill Sampler. PT. XYZ telah melakukan upaya pengendalian kebisingan dengan prinsip hirarki kontrol yaitu eliminasi, substitusi, rekayasa teknik, administrasi, dan alat pelindung diri.
BIOFOODTECH : Journal of Bioenergy and Food Technology
Wine coffee is a type of coffee that comes from a post-harvest process that is processed through ... more Wine coffee is a type of coffee that comes from a post-harvest process that is processed through a fermentation process to produce a unique taste resembling the aroma of wine. Therefore, wine coffee is also often referred to as fermented coffee and the aroma in coffee wine is produced by the overhauling of compounds due to the metabolism of microorganisms in the fermentation process. However, the strong aroma and taste of coffee wine does not diminish the original taste of coffee. The purpose of this study was to determine the organoleptic and physical tests of wine coffee from SUMBAWA tepal coffee. This research was conducted for 3 months. The changes observed in this study were organoleptic tests, color physical tests, and pH. From the organoleptic test results, color, taste, and aroma were more dominant on the somewhat liking scale and the strong scale on the level of liking (hedonic) and acceptance (scoring). Whereas on the physical test, the color brightness (L *) shows ...
Based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia Decree No. 1827.K / 30 / MEM / 20... more Based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Indonesia Decree No. 1827.K / 30 / MEM / 2018 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Good Mining Practices, every mine company is required to implement OHS requirements in the work environment through measurement and control of the work environment including physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic, and psychological factors. Noise is one of the physical risks in mining due to sound intensity due to the operation of work equipment. PT XYZ in this study is one of the largest copper mines in Indonesia which processes 120,000 tons / day of rock and operates 111 units of the 793C Catterpillar Haul Truck. Grinding or grinding functions to grind the material to a size small enough so that mineral particles containing copper and gold can be easily separated by the flotation process. The grinding process consists of 2 SAG Mill and 4 Ball Mill which have noise intensity above 90 dB. Noise control programs for work sites that hav...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
This research is aimed to synthesize iron-pigment complex of anthocyanin extracted from the peel ... more This research is aimed to synthesize iron-pigment complex of anthocyanin extracted from the peel of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus). The targeted iron-complex was then evaluated to confirm its potential use as photosensitizer on Dye Sensitize Solar Cell (DSSC). The electronic absorption spectrum of the red dragon fruit extract showed a broad band spanning from 400 nm to 600 nm and a band maximum at 533 nm. This band was then evaluated to find out the energy of electronic transition; an excitation from highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO; valence band) toward lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO; conduction band). The calculation resulted in the equivalent energy level of 1.98 eV for HOMO, and 4.48 eV. These values represent the energy gap (Eg) for sensitizer on DSSC. Furthermore, evaluation of electronic transition of iron complex reveals that there is an increase of absorption coverage range, due in particular the blue shift of the conduction band. These characteristics are supporting evidences that the iron-anthocyanin complex is a good candidate for sensitizer of DSSC.
Jelly is a candy made from components of water or fruit juice, flavor, sugar, and gelling ingredi... more Jelly is a candy made from components of water or fruit juice, flavor, sugar, and gelling ingredients. Apart from fruit juice, jelly candy can be made from the basic ingredients of leaf extracts. One of the leaves that can be used is Muntingia calabura L. leaves. The existing jelly candies generally do not use natural ingredients as colorings and flavors. Fruits that can be used as natural ingredients in making jelly candy are Averrhoa bilimbi L. This study aims to determine the effect of adding starfruit extract to the physical quality, shelf life, and organoleptic of Muntingia calabura L. leaves jelly candy. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 1 factor, namely the concentration of Averrhoa bilimbi L extract (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). The results of this study indicate that the addition of Averrhoa bilimbi L extract does not significantly affect the physical quality (color) of Muntingia calabura L. leaves jelly candy. In the shelf life test, the addition of...
The anthocyanin from nature compounds containing colour or chromophore groups biochemically and e... more The anthocyanin from nature compounds containing colour or chromophore groups biochemically and effectively absorbs sunlight in the visible spectrum because it has more than one benzene ring with a conjugated double bond. Super dragon fruit (Hylocereus costaricencis) is one of the plants with the highest anthocyanin content with 1.1 mg / 100 mL of anthocyanin solution. In this research, 400 gr of dragon fruit skin extracted with 300 mL CH3OH for 24 hours in dark room at room temperature. And followed by liquid-liquid extraction using n-hexane and ethyl acetate. Each of 50 mL filtrate from extraction was synthesized with 0,5 gr FeCl3.6H2O, and 0,5 gr CoCl2.6H2O for 5 hours and get well mixture, then identified using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and FTIR. Spectra data’s show the different profile before and after conversion, further characterization to determine the energy gab (Eg) and stability of the compound compared to natural sensitizers and others. The Eg found from synthesized FeCl...
Aspek K3 berorientasi menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman, nyaman, dan sehat bagi pekerja. Ind... more Aspek K3 berorientasi menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang aman, nyaman, dan sehat bagi pekerja. Industri pertambangan memiliki tingkat resiko cukup tinggi khususnya terkait kebisingan di tempat kerja yang berasal dari intensitas suara tinggi pada aktivitas penambangan, peledakan, alat, mesin, dan perbengkelan. Penelitian dilakukan di area penambangan PT. XYZ, salah satu perusahaan tambang terbuka yang berlokasi di Sumbawa Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan pengukuran kebisingan dilakukan dengan metode personal sampling dilakukan menggunakan peralatan Edge 5, dan mengetahui upaya pengendalian kebisingan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara mendalam dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian didapatkan pembagian 12 Similar Exposure Group (SEG) di area mining PT.XYZ dengan hasil pengukuran kebisingan personal menunjukkan rentang 81.1-87 dB dengan SEG tertinggi di area Mine Batch Plant dan terendah di SEG Mine Drill Sampler. PT. XYZ telah melakukan upaya pengendalian kebisingan dengan prinsip hirarki kontrol yaitu eliminasi, substitusi, rekayasa teknik, administrasi, dan alat pelindung diri.
Papers by Haryandi UGM