Papers by Harun SEMERCİOĞLU

Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, 2024
This article aims to reveal the historical background and causes of the Russia-Ukraine War, analy... more This article aims to reveal the historical background and causes of the Russia-Ukraine War, analyze its global and regional consequences in the context of Türkiye's search for balance, and ultimately predict its possibl e effects in the future. In this context, a literature review was made at the beginning, and the developments from the beginning of the war until today were listed. In continuation, the sanctions of the international
community against the annexation of som e regions in Ukraine by the Russian Federation (RF) were explained in general terms. In this process, all of the effects of the war were searched in the selected dimensions, by specifying the diplomacy and mediation efforts carried out by Türkiye within th e scope of the search for balance. This study was conducted with the qualitative research method, which includes the collection, evaluation and analysis of data from various sources. On the conclusion, the situation reached as a result of the policies foll owed by the global and regional actors, including Türkiye, havebeen evaluated for the future by the forecasting possible developments in international politics.

The United Nations (UN), founded after World War II to address global issues, especially security... more The United Nations (UN), founded after World War II to address global issues, especially security, and to promote international consensus, has struggled to maintain its effectiveness in preventing wars. Over the
years, the addition of new member states, shifting global power centers, diminishing resources, andincreasing environmental crises have further challenged its ability to achieve this goal. The view that it can not fully function with it scurrent structure as a result of these factors has begun to gain weight in the World public opinion. In this context, various platforms have voiced the need for reform, calling for the UN to be restructured to enhance its effectiveness and restore its credibility, yet no concrete outcomes have been achieved. In this study, the inadequacy of the UN’s intervention in the October 7, 2023, PalestineIsrael War and its ineffectiveness in ending the conflict will be examined. The study will begin by presenting the current structure of the UN, evaluating its impact, and investigating the reasons for its failure to ensure peace. A model proposal will then be introduced to prevent future conflicts. Finally, a general evaluation of the subject will be made, offering suggestions for addressing power imbalances in the emerging world order, for preventing conflicts, and for making the UN a more effective international organization, ensuring fair representation for all societies globally.

İmgelem, 2024
After the 2020 pandemic, there has been an increasing academic discourse describing the emergence... more After the 2020 pandemic, there has been an increasing academic discourse describing the emergence of a new bipolar international system centered around the United States (US) and the People's Republic of China (PRC). This article aims to test the hypothesis that “the struggle between these superpowers, as seen in the reshaped global order following the 2020 pandemic, will once again bring about a ‘bipolar world order’ similar to that of the Cold War.” In this context, the conceptual framework of the bipolar world order will be outlined, followed by an analysis of the national power elements of the two countries within the framework of realist theory. The international implications of their competition will then be analyzed in the conclusion. A quantitative research method will be employed to collect the necessary data, which will be analyzed using content analysis techniques. Finally, the accuracy of the tested hypothesis will be discussed and evaluated.

Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2024
The Covid 19 pandemic, which started to spread at the beginning of 2020, has led to a new paradig... more The Covid 19 pandemic, which started to spread at the beginning of 2020, has led to a new paradigm that has been defined as the 'new normal' in the world with its ongoing effects until today. With this study, it is aimed to determine which of the existing forms of government achieves more success in solving the problems which have deepened with the effect of the pandemic and are getting more and more complex with each passing day as we experience as a result of global environmental problems, wars and the unfavorable international political economy. In this context, the 'new normal' has been defined by drawing the conceptual framework of politics and forms of government that have been implemented until today. Then, today's complex problems are analyzed in global security and economy, income distribution, social security, education, environment socio-cultural and other dimensions. In the following section, the selected government models were compared within the framework of the determined parameters, and the success of the problems in the solution was determined. In the conclusion, the contribution of government models to this success has been questioned, and some solution proposals have stated. It has been determined that the form of government alone is not sufficient in the success of solving today's complex problems, and other variables such as power ability, geopolitics, identity, religion and moral values are also effective. In addition, the importance of the power model in the country as well as the way of prioritizing the problems understood, while the importance of how international and domestic policies have been determined as the allocation of budget resources also has revealed.

Although it has an important historical background, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbai... more Although it has an important historical background, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, which gained its sovereignty after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, has been the most important conflict issue in the South Caucasus from 1992 until today. Despite the multiple resolutions of the UN Security Council and the international community, Armenia which occupied the Azerbaijani territories there did not take a step back from this de facto situation with the influence of the strong diaspora in the USA and the EU, and the work of the Minsk Group established within this framework could not bring a solution to this problem. It is aimed in this paper to analyze the above-mentioned conflict in 2020. In this context, in the first part, the historical background is set forth and all parties and their effects are revealed. Later on, the events of the conflict and the peace agreement are included, and the final situation after the agreement is examined. Lastly, an analysis of the conflict has been made in conclusion, and also the .new situation that emerged in the South Caucasus has been evaluated.

USBAD Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Akademi Dergisi, 2020
2020 yılının başında Çin’in Vuhan şehrinden tüm dünyaya yayılarak büyük bir salgın haline dönüşen... more 2020 yılının başında Çin’in Vuhan şehrinden tüm dünyaya yayılarak büyük bir salgın haline dönüşen Covid-19 virüsü nedeniyle “yeni normal” diye tanımlanan bir durum oluşmuştur. Bu makaleyle, tıp, ekonomi, sosyoloji ve psikoloji gibi birçok alandaki çalışmalar gibi, yeni normalin uluslararası ilişkilerdeki etkisi ve ortaya çıkan sonuçların küresel ve iç politikadaki yansımalarının analiz edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Makalenin başında, küresel salgın sebebiyle yaşanan gelişmelerin bazılarının Orta Çağ’daki şehir devletleri ve uluslararası sistemi andırması nedeniyle bu dönemin özellikleri incelenmiş, sonrasında günümüze uzanan süreçte küreselleşmenin kısaca kavramsal çerçevesi çizilmiştir. Devamında ise yeni normal kapsamında, uluslararası sistem ve iç politika, politik, ekonomik, sosyal ve diğer boyutlarıyla ortaya konmuştur. Sonuçta, yeni normalin uluslararası ilişkilerde ve iç politikada yol açtığı etkilere yer verilerek konu hakkında bir değerlendirme yapılmış ve gelecekle ilgili öngörülerde bulunulmuştur.
(At the beginning of 2020, a situation defined as “the new normal” occurred due to the Covid-19 virus which spreaded from Wuhan, China to world-wide. With this article, it is aimed to analyze the effects of the new normal in international relations and the reflections of the results in global and domestic politics, like studies in many fields such as medicine, economics, sociology and psychology. At the beginning of the article, because some of the developments due to the epidemic have resembled the city states and the international system in the Middle Ages, this period has been analyzed, and then, a brief conceptual framework of globalization was drawn in the process that extends to the present. Subsequently, within the scope of the new normal, the international system and domestic politics have been presented with their political, economic, social and other dimensions. As a result, an assessment has been made concerning the effects of the new normal in international relations and domestic politics and also a future prediction has been evaluated.)

Contemporary Issues in International Relations, Politics & Law, 2018
In International Relations, a new perspective has emerged in the analysis of contemporary events ... more In International Relations, a new perspective has emerged in the analysis of contemporary events and phenomena, including a holistic approach that encapsulates both political and economic perspectives complementing each other since 1970s. This study area, conceptualized as "International Economy Politics (IEP)", encompasses many different subjects such as "development, trade, money and finance, multinational corporations, information and technology, environment" while "migration" is as a sub-topic. In this study, the conceptual framework of IEP and migration have been described in the beginning and then the political economy of migration in the world which has experienced a great increase in recent years would be revealed. As the migration is an important agenda today for the International Community, the policy would be analyzed while the West executes "realist" approach although Turkey applies the "people-centered " and "idealistic" one at the continuation of the study. In the conclusion, political economy and future effects of migration would be assessed in the context of Turkey's exemplary approach.

Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2017
Dünya tarihsel süreçte iki büyük dünya savaşı, yüzlerce çatışma yaşamış, bu çatışmalarda milyonla... more Dünya tarihsel süreçte iki büyük dünya savaşı, yüzlerce çatışma yaşamış, bu çatışmalarda milyonlarca insan hayatını kaybetmiş ve çok büyük siyasi, ekonomik, kültürel ve çevresel kayıplar yaşanmıştır. Günümüzde dünyanın birçok bölgesinde çatışmalar devam etmektedir. Bu çalışmada 1990'lı yıllarda Bosna Hersek'te yaşanan Boşnak-Sırp çatışması analizinde elde edilen bilgilerin günümüz çatışmalarının yorumlanmasına katkı yapması hedeflenmiştir. Çatışma analizi literatürdeki çalışmalara benzer bir sistematikle yapılırken, SWOT analizi metodundan yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde tarihsel bir perspektifle sorunun tanımlaması yapılarak Bosna Hersek'in siyasi, sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel durumu ile dini ve etnik yapısı incelenmiştir. Müteakiben çatışmanın nedenleri, mevcut durumu ve sonrası ortaya konmuştur. Sonuçta genel bir değerlendirme yapılarak, tesis edilen barış ortamının sürdürülebilmesi ve Bosna Hersek devletinin gelişmesi için öneriler sunulmuştur.
Two world wars took place in the world historical process while hundreds of millions of people had lost their lives in these conflicts and great political, economic, cultural and environmental losses had occurred. Today, the conflicts are continuing in many parts of the world. This study aims to analyze the Bosnian-Serb conflict took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s and to make a contribution to the interpretation of today's conflicts by the information obtained by this analysis. The analysis has been made by the SWOT method like similar studies in the literature. The problem has been defined by a historical perspective in the beginning of the study, then the political, socioeconomic , cultural, religious and ethnic structure in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been explored. Subsequently, the causes of conflict, current situation and its consequences have been demonstrated. As a result, how Bosnia and Herzegovina can develop and the peace can be maintained have been discussed by holding an overall assessment and proposed some ideas.

Lefke Avrupa Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2016
Kasım 2013'te Ukrayna'da başlayan protestolar ve ülkeye hakim olan kaos Rusya'nın Kırım'a askeri ... more Kasım 2013'te Ukrayna'da başlayan protestolar ve ülkeye hakim olan kaos Rusya'nın Kırım'a askeri birliklerini yerleştirmesiyle tırmanarak büyük bir krize dönüşmüştür. Mart 2014'te Kırım ve Sivastopol'ün referandumla özerkliklerini ilan ederek Rusya'ya bağlandıklarını açıklamaları, uluslararası toplumda büyük bir şaşkınlık ve tepki yaratmıştır. Uluslararası aktörlerin yaptırım kararı alma ve uygulamalarına rağmen, Rusya bugüne kadar izlediği politikadan geri adım atmamıştır. Bu makalede, Ukrayna krizi bağlamında AB-Rusya ilişkilerinin ekonomi politiği incelenmiş, ekonomik bağımlılığın devletlerin dış politikasını belirlemesindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda, başta enerji olmak üzere karşılıklı ekonomik bağımlılık nedeniyle, tüm olumsuzluklara rağmen AB-Rusya ilişkilerinin sürdürülmesinin kaçınılmaz olduğu ortaya konmuştur.
(Following the protests held in November 2013 and the chaos in Ukraine after Russia placed troops in Crimea, the situation accelerated and turned into a huge crisis. In March 2014, international society was shocked and reacted that Crimea and Sivastapol had declared their autonomy in a referendum and had bounded to Russia. Despite the fact that the international actors made decisions about enforcement and applications, Russia has never taken step back from its policy. In this article, EU-Russia relations in political economy has been researched in context of Ukraine crisis while it has been analyzed how economic dependency influences government's foreign policy. It is established at the end of this study that EU-Russian relations are unavoidable despite all negative facts due to the reciprocative economic dependency, mainly as in the case of energy sector.)

Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2016
Bu makalede Machiavelli'nin Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplinine olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Uluslar... more Bu makalede Machiavelli'nin Uluslararası İlişkiler disiplinine olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Uluslararası İlişkiler'de realist paradigmaya önemli katkılar yapmış olan düşünürün fikirleri, " devlet " in tanımlanması, " egemenlik, insan doğası, ulusal menfaat, güç, diplomasi " gibi kavramlara getirdikleri yorumlar çerçevesinde analiz edilmiştir. Uluslararası İlişkiler ve devlet yönetimine yol gösterici düşünceler bırakmış olan Machiavelli'nin söylemlerinin anlaşılması, bugünkü olay ve olguların değişik bir perspektifle yorumlanmasına önemli bir katkı yapacaktır.
The impression of Machiavelli in the discipline of International Relations was researched in this paper. His thoughts have been analysed in the scope of concepts that have made significant contributions to the International Relations discipline due to defining " state " and " sovereignty, human nature, the national interest, power, diplomacy " in realist paradigm. The guiding ideas of philosopher who left discourse in public administration and International Relations will make an important contribution in the analysis of facts and an understanding of current events with a different perspective.

Hacettepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Soğuk savaş döneminden sonra küreselleşmenin hız kazanmasıyla, uluslararası politikadaki aktörler... more Soğuk savaş döneminden sonra küreselleşmenin hız kazanmasıyla, uluslararası politikadaki aktörlerden biri olarak görülmeye başlanan uluslararası terör örgütleri, son dönemde insanlığın en büyük tehditlerinden biri olmaya başlamıştır. Günümüzde yaşanan ve birçok masum sivil insanın hayatını kaybettiği terör olayları uluslararası toplumun öncelikli konusu olmuştur. Bu makalede, uluslararası terörizmde küresel işbirliğinde gelinen noktanın ortaya konması amaçlanmıştır. Başlangıçta uluslararası terörizmin tanımlaması yapılmış, uluslararası hukuktaki yeri ve tarihsel süreç anlatılarak terörizmin finansal kaynakları belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Devamında uluslararası terörizmde mücadele yöntemleri ortaya konarak, bir ütopya olarak görülen küresel işbirliği tartışılmıştır. Sonuçta genel bir değerlendirme yapılarak, mücadele için ihtiyaç duyulan hususlar analiz edilmiştir.
After the Cold War, as the globalization speeds, the international terrorist organizations as an actor in international politics turned into one of the mankind's great threats. The terrorist incidents that many innocent civilians lost their lives recently has gotten importance for the international community. This article aims to demonstrate the point that had been reached in global cooperation on international terrorism. In the outset of the paper, the international terrorism defined while historical process has been explained and international law researched about terrorism as the financial resources noted. In continuation, global cooperation on international terrorism as a utopia discussed. Finally, the article makes a general assestment about the issues that has been needed to fight terrorism.

Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 2015
Bu makale ile cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında izlenen güvenlik politikasının analiz edilerek, bugünkü... more Bu makale ile cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında izlenen güvenlik politikasının analiz edilerek, bugünkü politikalara yol göstermesi amaçlanmıştır. Konuyla ilgili literatürün taranmasıyla elde edilen veriler, dönemin dış politikasının özellikle üzerinde durulmayan güvenlik boyutuyla değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma, dönemin dış politikasıyla sınırlı tutulmuş, günümüzde izlenen politikanın ayrıntısına girilmemiştir. Çalışmada önce dönemin uluslararası ortamının genel çerçevesi çizilerek, ülkenin durumu ve bu dönemde yapılan önemli antlaşmalar ortaya konmuş, sonrasında Türkiye'nin diğer ülkelerle olan ilişkileri ve bölgesel ittifakları açıklanmıştır. Sonuçta, Atatürk dönemi dış politikasının günümüz dış politikasının esasları mukayese edilerek bir analiz yapılmıştır. Bu çalışma, dış politikada izlenen denge ve bölgesel ittifak politikalarının ulusal güvenliğin sağlanmasında temel bir rol oynadığını ortaya koymaktadır.
It has been aspired to analyze security policies in the period of building The Republic of Turkey and to make an example for today's policies by this paper. The literature has been scanned for the same period and the data has been considered especially about the security framework. The research has been delimited by the period's international policies and does not have detailed information about today's policies. In this study, while the general framework of the international environment has been explained, the situation of the country and important treaties within this period has been told. Then, Turkey's relations with other countries and regional alliances have been described. After all, the foreign policy principles of Atatürk's period and the present foreign policy have been compared. It is determined that the stability security policy is very important at the national and regional security.
Uluslararası İlişkiler Dergisi, 2015
ABD’de Clark Üniversitesinde coğrafya profesörü olan Richard PEET tarafından yazılan kitapta, gün... more ABD’de Clark Üniversitesinde coğrafya profesörü olan Richard PEET tarafından yazılan kitapta, güncel küresel ekonomi politikalarının hangi kurumlar tarafından, hangi ideolojik bağlılıklar çerçevesinde oluşturulduğunu ve nasıl uygulandığı incelenmiştir.
The book writen by Professor Richard PEET is analyzed in this paper. He has searched the ways which foundations direct the global economic policies and which ideological ideas govern political and economic system.
ABD’de Binghampton üniversitesinde 2005 yılına kadar çalışmalarını sürdürmüş olan sosyoloji profe... more ABD’de Binghampton üniversitesinde 2005 yılına kadar çalışmalarını sürdürmüş olan sosyoloji profesörü Immanuel Wallerstein tarafından 1970’lerde ortaya atılan “dünya-sistemleri analizi”, 1500’lerde ortaya çıkan modern dünya-sistemin, zamanla çağdaşları olan diğer dünya-sistemlerini yenerek tüm dünyaya hâkim olduğunu iddia etmektedir. “Dünya-Sistemleri Analizi: Bir Giriş” adlı eserde, 1980’lerden sonra dünyaya hâkim olan küreselleşme ve artan bir şekilde etkisini artıran terörizm gibi konular başta olmak üzere dünyada meydana gelen olay ve olguları anlayabilmek için tarihsel bir perspektife sahip, birçok bilim dalını kapsayan interdisipliner ve bütünleşik bir analizin gerekli olduğu savunulmaktadır.
Buğra tarafından yazılan “Devlet ve İşadamları” adlı eser başlangıçta, günümüzde güncelliğini yit... more Buğra tarafından yazılan “Devlet ve İşadamları” adlı eser başlangıçta, günümüzde güncelliğini yitirmiş gibi gözükse de, yer verdiği istatistiklerin çeşitliliği ve atıfta bulunduğu araştırmalar, bu kitabı Türkiye iktisat tarihi ve ekonomi üzerine çalışmalar yapanlar için temel bir kaynak yapmasına yetmektedir.
Bilim ve Ütopya
Ütopyalar, toplumlar üzerine tasarlanan ve gerçekte olmayan idealler üzerine kurulu durumlardır. ... more Ütopyalar, toplumlar üzerine tasarlanan ve gerçekte olmayan idealler üzerine kurulu durumlardır. Birçok ütopyada bilimin ve teknolojinin gelişmesiyle insanoğlunun doğal yaşamını kaybetmesi işlenir. Bu makalede bilim ve ütopya arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir.
Utopias are situations based on societies and ideals that are not in reality. The loss of mankind's natural life by the development of science and technology has been handeled in many of the utopias. In this article, the relation between science and utopia is researched.

Günümüzde yaşanan küreselleşme süreci ile ülkelerin sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel, siyasi ve güvenli... more Günümüzde yaşanan küreselleşme süreci ile ülkelerin sosyal, ekonomik, kültürel, siyasi ve güvenlik alanları büyük bir değişim yaşamaktadır. Dünyada insanlığın kullandığı kıt kaynakların azalması ve güçlü ülkelerin bu kaynaklara egemen olma istekleri, ülkelerin mevcut durumu ile geleceklerini ister istemez etkilemektedir.Gelişmekte ve geri kalmış ülkeler ise bu karmaşık uluslararası ortamda ilerleme mücadelesi verirken, aynı zamanda halklarını en iyi şekilde yaşatabilmeye çalışmaktadırlar. İletişim, ulaşım ve teknolojinin hızla gelişmesiyle artık hiçbir şey eskisi kadar durağan değildir. Bu hızla değişen dünyada krizler farklı türleri ve değişik ortaya çıkış biçimleriyle hem ülkelerin ve organizasyonların, hem de bireylerin hayatlarının içerisine girmiştir. Günümüzde tarihin hiçbir döneminde yaşanmamış sıklıkta kriz ve olağan dışı durumlar ile karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu sebeple birçok organizasyon dağılma veya yok olma sürecine girmekte, bir kısmı ise krizlerden fırsatlar yaratarak, daha da güçlenerek ve büyüyerek yollarına devam etmektedirler. Bu makalede her gün sıklıkla karşılaştığımız “kriz”in kavramsal çerçevesi çizilerek, krizin aşamaları ortaya konmuş ve kriz yönetim süreci açıklanmıştır. Sonuçta, krizden başarıyla çıkabilmek için yöneticilere önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Conference Presentations by Harun SEMERCİOĞLU
With this study, it is aimed to reveal the impact of the economy of the Russian Federation (RF) i... more With this study, it is aimed to reveal the impact of the economy of the Russian Federation (RF) in the context of the international political economy of the Russia-Ukraine 2022 War. In this framework, the historical process of the war in question will be briefly explained at the beginning, and then the reflections on the economy by the attitudes of international actors and the sanctions applied to RF will be also examined. During this analysis, a qualitative research method was used, which includes the collection and evaluation of the relevant data. As a result, an assessment has been made about the political economy developments that may be experienced in the future by revealing the point of the RF's economy.

4th International Congress of Multidisciplinary Social Sciences, 2022
With this study, it is aimed to reveal the effect of international political economy in the proce... more With this study, it is aimed to reveal the effect of international political economy in the process in question on Turkish Foreign Policy (TFP) in the context of Turkey-Russian Federation (RF) relations. At the beginning of the paper, the outlines of the pandemic process were drawn, TFP and the global/regional developments were examined, and the diplomacy and bilateral cooperation efforts of Turkey during this difficult process and the issues of disputes were examined. The content analysis method is used for the findings. As a result of the analysis, the current situation in foreign policy has been determined, and the developments that may arise in international politics in the future, especially in Russian Federation relations, have been evaluated. Turkish Foreign Policy and bilateral relations between Turkey and the RF have been limited by analyzing them only within the scope of the last pandemic period. The fact that to analyze the importance of relationship between two countries and TFP in the context of the Ukraine-Russian conflict increases the value of the research. This analysis may contribute to academians and officials to have a quantitative perspective on evaluating the international and regional devellopments.

İbn Haldun'un yüzyıllar önce "coğrafyanın insanların kaderini belirlediğini" ortaya koymasından b... more İbn Haldun'un yüzyıllar önce "coğrafyanın insanların kaderini belirlediğini" ortaya koymasından bugüne ülkelerin coğrafi konumları dış politika oluşturulmasındaki en önemli değişmez unsur olagelmiştir. Türk Dış Politikası (TDP) tarih boyunca bulunduğu coğrafyanın zor koşulları ve jeostratejik konumu çerçevesinde şekillenmiş, Cumhuriyet'e kadar hükümdar ve çevresindeki yöneticilerin vizyon ve düşüncelerine göre oluşturulmuş, Cumhuriyetle birlikte daha kurumsal bir kimliğe bürünerek Dışişleri Bakanlığı tarafından şekillendirilmeye başlanmıştır. TDP'nın tarihsel süreci çok geniş ve kapsamlı bir inceleme alanı olduğundan, bu çalışmada Cumhuriyet'ten sonraki dönemdeki temel ilkeleri incelenecek, sonrasında yaklaşık beş yüzyılı aşkın süredir ikili ilişkiler yürüttüğümüz Rusya'nın günümüz "mirasçısı ve temsilcisi" Rusya Federasyonu (RF) ile ilişkilerin mevcut durumu analiz edilecektir. Bu kapsamda, dış politikanın kavramsal çerçevesi çizilerek günümüzde RF ile yürütülen ikili ilişkilerdeki işbirliği alanları ortaya konacak ve uyuşmazlık konuları tartışılacaktır. Sonuçta, RF ile olan ikili ilişkilerin Türkiye açısından bir değerlendirmesi yapılarak, bölgesel ve küresel etkileri değerlendirilecektir.
Since Ibn Khaldun revealed that "geography determined the destiny of people" centuries ago, the geographical position of the countries has been the most important constant in the formation of foreign policy. Turkish Foreign Policy (TFP) has been formed in this framework of the hard geographic position and geostrategic location throughout history, and also according to the vision and ideas of Sovereigns and their Ministers until the Republic. Because the TFP's historical process is an extensive study area, in this paper, the basic principles of the Republic time will be examined firstly, and then the current situation of relations with Russian Federation (RF) will be analyzed. In this context, the conceptual framework of foreign policy will be drawn and the areas of cooperation in bilateral relations with RF will be put forward and the problem areas will be discussed. After all, Turkey made an assessment in terms of the bilateral relations with the RF, regional and global impacts will be assessed.
Papers by Harun SEMERCİOĞLU
community against the annexation of som e regions in Ukraine by the Russian Federation (RF) were explained in general terms. In this process, all of the effects of the war were searched in the selected dimensions, by specifying the diplomacy and mediation efforts carried out by Türkiye within th e scope of the search for balance. This study was conducted with the qualitative research method, which includes the collection, evaluation and analysis of data from various sources. On the conclusion, the situation reached as a result of the policies foll owed by the global and regional actors, including Türkiye, havebeen evaluated for the future by the forecasting possible developments in international politics.
years, the addition of new member states, shifting global power centers, diminishing resources, andincreasing environmental crises have further challenged its ability to achieve this goal. The view that it can not fully function with it scurrent structure as a result of these factors has begun to gain weight in the World public opinion. In this context, various platforms have voiced the need for reform, calling for the UN to be restructured to enhance its effectiveness and restore its credibility, yet no concrete outcomes have been achieved. In this study, the inadequacy of the UN’s intervention in the October 7, 2023, PalestineIsrael War and its ineffectiveness in ending the conflict will be examined. The study will begin by presenting the current structure of the UN, evaluating its impact, and investigating the reasons for its failure to ensure peace. A model proposal will then be introduced to prevent future conflicts. Finally, a general evaluation of the subject will be made, offering suggestions for addressing power imbalances in the emerging world order, for preventing conflicts, and for making the UN a more effective international organization, ensuring fair representation for all societies globally.
(At the beginning of 2020, a situation defined as “the new normal” occurred due to the Covid-19 virus which spreaded from Wuhan, China to world-wide. With this article, it is aimed to analyze the effects of the new normal in international relations and the reflections of the results in global and domestic politics, like studies in many fields such as medicine, economics, sociology and psychology. At the beginning of the article, because some of the developments due to the epidemic have resembled the city states and the international system in the Middle Ages, this period has been analyzed, and then, a brief conceptual framework of globalization was drawn in the process that extends to the present. Subsequently, within the scope of the new normal, the international system and domestic politics have been presented with their political, economic, social and other dimensions. As a result, an assessment has been made concerning the effects of the new normal in international relations and domestic politics and also a future prediction has been evaluated.)
Two world wars took place in the world historical process while hundreds of millions of people had lost their lives in these conflicts and great political, economic, cultural and environmental losses had occurred. Today, the conflicts are continuing in many parts of the world. This study aims to analyze the Bosnian-Serb conflict took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s and to make a contribution to the interpretation of today's conflicts by the information obtained by this analysis. The analysis has been made by the SWOT method like similar studies in the literature. The problem has been defined by a historical perspective in the beginning of the study, then the political, socioeconomic , cultural, religious and ethnic structure in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been explored. Subsequently, the causes of conflict, current situation and its consequences have been demonstrated. As a result, how Bosnia and Herzegovina can develop and the peace can be maintained have been discussed by holding an overall assessment and proposed some ideas.
(Following the protests held in November 2013 and the chaos in Ukraine after Russia placed troops in Crimea, the situation accelerated and turned into a huge crisis. In March 2014, international society was shocked and reacted that Crimea and Sivastapol had declared their autonomy in a referendum and had bounded to Russia. Despite the fact that the international actors made decisions about enforcement and applications, Russia has never taken step back from its policy. In this article, EU-Russia relations in political economy has been researched in context of Ukraine crisis while it has been analyzed how economic dependency influences government's foreign policy. It is established at the end of this study that EU-Russian relations are unavoidable despite all negative facts due to the reciprocative economic dependency, mainly as in the case of energy sector.)
The impression of Machiavelli in the discipline of International Relations was researched in this paper. His thoughts have been analysed in the scope of concepts that have made significant contributions to the International Relations discipline due to defining " state " and " sovereignty, human nature, the national interest, power, diplomacy " in realist paradigm. The guiding ideas of philosopher who left discourse in public administration and International Relations will make an important contribution in the analysis of facts and an understanding of current events with a different perspective.
After the Cold War, as the globalization speeds, the international terrorist organizations as an actor in international politics turned into one of the mankind's great threats. The terrorist incidents that many innocent civilians lost their lives recently has gotten importance for the international community. This article aims to demonstrate the point that had been reached in global cooperation on international terrorism. In the outset of the paper, the international terrorism defined while historical process has been explained and international law researched about terrorism as the financial resources noted. In continuation, global cooperation on international terrorism as a utopia discussed. Finally, the article makes a general assestment about the issues that has been needed to fight terrorism.
It has been aspired to analyze security policies in the period of building The Republic of Turkey and to make an example for today's policies by this paper. The literature has been scanned for the same period and the data has been considered especially about the security framework. The research has been delimited by the period's international policies and does not have detailed information about today's policies. In this study, while the general framework of the international environment has been explained, the situation of the country and important treaties within this period has been told. Then, Turkey's relations with other countries and regional alliances have been described. After all, the foreign policy principles of Atatürk's period and the present foreign policy have been compared. It is determined that the stability security policy is very important at the national and regional security.
The book writen by Professor Richard PEET is analyzed in this paper. He has searched the ways which foundations direct the global economic policies and which ideological ideas govern political and economic system.
Utopias are situations based on societies and ideals that are not in reality. The loss of mankind's natural life by the development of science and technology has been handeled in many of the utopias. In this article, the relation between science and utopia is researched.
Conference Presentations by Harun SEMERCİOĞLU
Since Ibn Khaldun revealed that "geography determined the destiny of people" centuries ago, the geographical position of the countries has been the most important constant in the formation of foreign policy. Turkish Foreign Policy (TFP) has been formed in this framework of the hard geographic position and geostrategic location throughout history, and also according to the vision and ideas of Sovereigns and their Ministers until the Republic. Because the TFP's historical process is an extensive study area, in this paper, the basic principles of the Republic time will be examined firstly, and then the current situation of relations with Russian Federation (RF) will be analyzed. In this context, the conceptual framework of foreign policy will be drawn and the areas of cooperation in bilateral relations with RF will be put forward and the problem areas will be discussed. After all, Turkey made an assessment in terms of the bilateral relations with the RF, regional and global impacts will be assessed.
community against the annexation of som e regions in Ukraine by the Russian Federation (RF) were explained in general terms. In this process, all of the effects of the war were searched in the selected dimensions, by specifying the diplomacy and mediation efforts carried out by Türkiye within th e scope of the search for balance. This study was conducted with the qualitative research method, which includes the collection, evaluation and analysis of data from various sources. On the conclusion, the situation reached as a result of the policies foll owed by the global and regional actors, including Türkiye, havebeen evaluated for the future by the forecasting possible developments in international politics.
years, the addition of new member states, shifting global power centers, diminishing resources, andincreasing environmental crises have further challenged its ability to achieve this goal. The view that it can not fully function with it scurrent structure as a result of these factors has begun to gain weight in the World public opinion. In this context, various platforms have voiced the need for reform, calling for the UN to be restructured to enhance its effectiveness and restore its credibility, yet no concrete outcomes have been achieved. In this study, the inadequacy of the UN’s intervention in the October 7, 2023, PalestineIsrael War and its ineffectiveness in ending the conflict will be examined. The study will begin by presenting the current structure of the UN, evaluating its impact, and investigating the reasons for its failure to ensure peace. A model proposal will then be introduced to prevent future conflicts. Finally, a general evaluation of the subject will be made, offering suggestions for addressing power imbalances in the emerging world order, for preventing conflicts, and for making the UN a more effective international organization, ensuring fair representation for all societies globally.
(At the beginning of 2020, a situation defined as “the new normal” occurred due to the Covid-19 virus which spreaded from Wuhan, China to world-wide. With this article, it is aimed to analyze the effects of the new normal in international relations and the reflections of the results in global and domestic politics, like studies in many fields such as medicine, economics, sociology and psychology. At the beginning of the article, because some of the developments due to the epidemic have resembled the city states and the international system in the Middle Ages, this period has been analyzed, and then, a brief conceptual framework of globalization was drawn in the process that extends to the present. Subsequently, within the scope of the new normal, the international system and domestic politics have been presented with their political, economic, social and other dimensions. As a result, an assessment has been made concerning the effects of the new normal in international relations and domestic politics and also a future prediction has been evaluated.)
Two world wars took place in the world historical process while hundreds of millions of people had lost their lives in these conflicts and great political, economic, cultural and environmental losses had occurred. Today, the conflicts are continuing in many parts of the world. This study aims to analyze the Bosnian-Serb conflict took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990s and to make a contribution to the interpretation of today's conflicts by the information obtained by this analysis. The analysis has been made by the SWOT method like similar studies in the literature. The problem has been defined by a historical perspective in the beginning of the study, then the political, socioeconomic , cultural, religious and ethnic structure in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been explored. Subsequently, the causes of conflict, current situation and its consequences have been demonstrated. As a result, how Bosnia and Herzegovina can develop and the peace can be maintained have been discussed by holding an overall assessment and proposed some ideas.
(Following the protests held in November 2013 and the chaos in Ukraine after Russia placed troops in Crimea, the situation accelerated and turned into a huge crisis. In March 2014, international society was shocked and reacted that Crimea and Sivastapol had declared their autonomy in a referendum and had bounded to Russia. Despite the fact that the international actors made decisions about enforcement and applications, Russia has never taken step back from its policy. In this article, EU-Russia relations in political economy has been researched in context of Ukraine crisis while it has been analyzed how economic dependency influences government's foreign policy. It is established at the end of this study that EU-Russian relations are unavoidable despite all negative facts due to the reciprocative economic dependency, mainly as in the case of energy sector.)
The impression of Machiavelli in the discipline of International Relations was researched in this paper. His thoughts have been analysed in the scope of concepts that have made significant contributions to the International Relations discipline due to defining " state " and " sovereignty, human nature, the national interest, power, diplomacy " in realist paradigm. The guiding ideas of philosopher who left discourse in public administration and International Relations will make an important contribution in the analysis of facts and an understanding of current events with a different perspective.
After the Cold War, as the globalization speeds, the international terrorist organizations as an actor in international politics turned into one of the mankind's great threats. The terrorist incidents that many innocent civilians lost their lives recently has gotten importance for the international community. This article aims to demonstrate the point that had been reached in global cooperation on international terrorism. In the outset of the paper, the international terrorism defined while historical process has been explained and international law researched about terrorism as the financial resources noted. In continuation, global cooperation on international terrorism as a utopia discussed. Finally, the article makes a general assestment about the issues that has been needed to fight terrorism.
It has been aspired to analyze security policies in the period of building The Republic of Turkey and to make an example for today's policies by this paper. The literature has been scanned for the same period and the data has been considered especially about the security framework. The research has been delimited by the period's international policies and does not have detailed information about today's policies. In this study, while the general framework of the international environment has been explained, the situation of the country and important treaties within this period has been told. Then, Turkey's relations with other countries and regional alliances have been described. After all, the foreign policy principles of Atatürk's period and the present foreign policy have been compared. It is determined that the stability security policy is very important at the national and regional security.
The book writen by Professor Richard PEET is analyzed in this paper. He has searched the ways which foundations direct the global economic policies and which ideological ideas govern political and economic system.
Utopias are situations based on societies and ideals that are not in reality. The loss of mankind's natural life by the development of science and technology has been handeled in many of the utopias. In this article, the relation between science and utopia is researched.
Since Ibn Khaldun revealed that "geography determined the destiny of people" centuries ago, the geographical position of the countries has been the most important constant in the formation of foreign policy. Turkish Foreign Policy (TFP) has been formed in this framework of the hard geographic position and geostrategic location throughout history, and also according to the vision and ideas of Sovereigns and their Ministers until the Republic. Because the TFP's historical process is an extensive study area, in this paper, the basic principles of the Republic time will be examined firstly, and then the current situation of relations with Russian Federation (RF) will be analyzed. In this context, the conceptual framework of foreign policy will be drawn and the areas of cooperation in bilateral relations with RF will be put forward and the problem areas will be discussed. After all, Turkey made an assessment in terms of the bilateral relations with the RF, regional and global impacts will be assessed.
14. yüzyıl düşünürlerinden İbn Haldun’un yüzyıllar önce ortaya koyduğu “coğrafyanın insanların kaderini belirlediği” mealindeki bilindik söylemine benzer şekilde, Türkiye ve komşusu Rusya Federasyonu arasındaki ilişkilerin öncelikle barış içinde sürdürülmesi daha sonra da geliştirilmesi zorunlu gözükmektedir. Son dönemde bölgemizde yaşanan çok önemli gelişmelerin odağını da teşkil eden bu konu tüm boyutlarıyla incelenmeye muhtaçtır. “Soğuk Savaş Sonrası Türk Dış Politikasının Ekonomi Politiği: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti-Rusya Federasyonu İlişkileri Örneği” adlı doktora tezimden istifadeyle hazırlanan bu kitapla tarihsel çerçeveyi de çizmek suretiyle, soğuk savaş sonrasındaki Türk dış politikasının RF ile olan ilişkiler bağlamında ekonomi politik bir perspektifle incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır.