Papers by Harriet Eliufoo

Journal of building and land development, 2007
Knowledge transfer has been taken as instrumental in enhancing performance of construction organi... more Knowledge transfer has been taken as instrumental in enhancing performance of construction organisations. This paper discusses the knowledge transfer process of construction organisations and contemplates on a model that could be used to monitor and transfer knowledge effectively and manage change. Two independent studies were made: initially a pilot study was done in Dar es Salaam in 2001 and a main study from 2002 to 2003. A 5-process knowledge transfer model was used as a data collection and analytical tool. The model was able to characterize the knowledge transfer process of construction organisations studied. It is observed from the study that: the process is not strategic, the knowledge transfer is situational and its codification is limited. The paper further proposes the use of the Integration Definition Function Zero (IDEFO) method as an optimal tool of monitoring the knowledge transfer process in organisations so as to manage knowledge effectively.
Utafiti Journal, Feb 23, 2018

The paper has looked into the cost planning process for a building project in Tanzania and analys... more The paper has looked into the cost planning process for a building project in Tanzania and analysed the influence of the user in the process with a view to emphasise the user’s significance for a successful construction process. A brief introduction is given covering social economic conditions of the country and the property market. An analysis is made of the contractual arrangements, project organisation structure, procurement methods, and the building production process and lastly but not least aspects of the building operation stage and the environment with respect to the case studied. It has been observed that the user has a significant role to play in the construction process and can influence effective cost control; poor cost control results to cost overruns and time delays and that cost checking during the design is vital in the cost control of a project. It has also been observed and recommended for actors to incorporate property managers during the design phase as early as ...

International Journal of Social Science Research and Review
Practice-based learning (PBL) pathways is considered to be predominant approach for craftsmen lea... more Practice-based learning (PBL) pathways is considered to be predominant approach for craftsmen learning and acquisition of knowledge and skills in many other developing countries, Tanzania inclusive. The skills and knowledge acquired through this pathway is accepted by both employers and educational stakeholders. However, the workplace context where learning learning and skills is acquired differ across the construction sector due to unique nature of the construction projects, something that can potentially influence the learning and learning trajectory of the learner across similar or different trades. Nonetheless, there exists a contraversy on how different learning and learning trajectories are influenced by different working context of the learning across different sectors. Based on the interview to the selected experienced craftsmen from construction sector, this study critically examined the craftsman learning experiences across the learning trajectories during work practices. ...
Utafiti, 2006
Mitigating performance impediments in the construction industry can be done through managing know... more Mitigating performance impediments in the construction industry can be done through managing knowledge effectively, and specifically through best practice in the transfer of knowledge. This article investigates the knowledge transfer process for 68 construction organisations that consists of professional consulting firms and contractors in the Tanzania construction industry, factors that hinder best practice in these; and how best this can be enhanced. Using a knowledge transfer model as a data collection and an analytical tool, the study establishes hindrances to top performance which include: lack of explicit organisational goals, non-codification of experience the absence of traing programmes, and pro-active information sharing.
International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2021
Education 3-13, 2019
The study has examined the relationship between schools’ building physical condition and students... more The study has examined the relationship between schools’ building physical condition and students’ examination performance in Tanzania. Data was collected through physical observation of schools’ building facilities and examination results from the National Examination Council of Tanzania for O-Level results for a period of seven years. A total of 97 government secondary schools were examined where a correlation analysis was made between a weighted physical condition status of a school and pass/fail ratio in examinations. The study has established though a positive correlation exists between a school’s physical condition and examination performance, such correlation is not of statistical significance.

Public Health Research, 2019
Background/Purpose: The article has investigated the characteristic and modalities of imparting H... more Background/Purpose: The article has investigated the characteristic and modalities of imparting H & S knowledge to workers at construction sites and examining how the outcome can be applied in enhancement of Health and Safety performance in construction sites. Methods: A questionnaire survey was administered to 61 building contracting firms that had projects in the commercial capital city of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. The study investigated approaches used by building contractors class I and II in imparting Health and Safety knowledge to workers at construction sites, the nature of knowledge as whether tacit/explicit or formal/informal and respective challenges pertaining to the process. Results and conclusion: The results have shown explicit form of knowledge as the most dominant type of knowledge used in imparting Health and Safety Knowledge for both classes of building contractors studied. Variation in the priority of approaches used by the two classes of building contractors has b...

Electronic procurement (e-procurement) in the Tanzania construction industry is yet to take off a... more Electronic procurement (e-procurement) in the Tanzania construction industry is yet to take off as the Government is continuing to expand and strengthen the prerequisite infrastructure. In the course of preparation for participation of construction companies in e-procurement the paper has set to assess its potential risks of e-procurement. The study has sourced information from key stakeholders in the construction industry in Tanzania, building contractors, professional consultants and public and private procurement entities. Questionnaires and interviews were used to collect information. Out of 49 distributed questionnaires, 43 qualified for data analysis. 16 interviews were conducted from both public and private entities. Prominent risks identified as susceptible to construction companies included, attacks by computer viruses and worms, unreliable internet services, information leakage or hacking and incompatibility of technology. Strategies identified by the study towards mitigat...

The main objective of this study was to assess post project review practice as a means for organi... more The main objective of this study was to assess post project review practice as a means for organizational learning for building contractors in Tanzania. Specifically the study assessed the nature of post project review and examined how it serves as an organizational learning tool for building contractors. The study investigated challenges pertaining to carrying post project reviews. A total of 35 questionnaires were administered to building contractors based in Dar es Salaam City, supported by in-depth unstructured interviews. The study has established that most firms are aware of post project review. However despite it being recognized as an important tool towards organization learning, the review is neither planned for nor structured. Noted that the decision to carry it out or not rested with top management, who are also the major participants whenever it is done. The study recommended that post project review to be formalized hence planned for from commencement of project; organi...
This paper assesses how nature of the public client and user participation can influence cost and... more This paper assesses how nature of the public client and user participation can influence cost and success of Total Quality Management (TQM) practice for a construction project.The study has limited itself to a single public client in a construction project focussing on influential power of users as end customers. The empirical case study has illustrated the significance of understanding the complex nature inherent in public clients when drawing project objectives. The study has established decisions to influence use of resources are not necessarily dictated by ownership of resources.
The article has explored Important Resources and Competence (IRCS) factors of foreign contractors... more The article has explored Important Resources and Competence (IRCS) factors of foreign contractors in the Tanzania construction industry as an attempt to explain their market share value. A survey was made of foreign contractors, consultants and clients’ representatives of what are the perceived variables that give foreign contractors a competitive advantage in the industry. A total of 53 respondents were involved in the study. The result show the top ranked IRCS factors contributing to foreign contractors competitive advantage are: financial capability particularly, good cash flow; good relationship with consultants, ability to allot sufficient funds to plants and equipment, good cost management and capacity to positively resolve problems.

Tanzania Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2007
The paper has investigated and established to what extent are preliminary estimates of building c... more The paper has investigated and established to what extent are preliminary estimates of building costs close to the lowestevaluated tender and how geographical proximity influences the variance between preliminary estimate and the lowestevaluated tender.A multiple case study constituting 43 building projects in Tanzania were statistically analysed covering a period from1995- 1999. Findings reveal a significant variance exists between the quantity surveyor’s preliminary estimate figureand the lowest evaluated tender; and that the variance between the quantity surveyor’s figure and the bidder is smallwhen the proposed building project is geographically closer to the quantity surveyor’s base. Analysis of variance (one -way) has shown geographical distance has a statistical significance on the variance between the preliminary estimatesand the lowest evaluated tender.The study has established that the object of preliminary estimates in building costs, that of making the client aware of hi...

American Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2018
The study has examined risk factors in cost estimation of building construction projects. An inve... more The study has examined risk factors in cost estimation of building construction projects. An investigation was made of risk emanating from risk factors as perceived by building contractors. Data was collected by use of questionnaires were a total of 61 questionnaires were administered to building contractors. The analysis considered four categories of risk factors: construction, physical, financial and estimator's risk factors. The results show estimator's risk factors as perceived to have the highest risk on cost estimates. Overall respondents view indicate all four categories of risk factors have an influence to project performance at a range of moderate to high. The study has also established potential risks that originate from risk factors. Such risks are noted to work against the achievement of project goals and include amongst others, project delays, cost overrun and performance failures. It is hence recommended by the study for not only contractors to be vigilant in mitigation of risk factors, but clients as well should also take this initiative as they are bound to suffer when inaccurate cost estimates are committed to a project.

The Learning Organization, 2008
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate and characterise the knowledge creation proces... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to investigate and characterise the knowledge creation process in construction organisations and explore to what extent organisations facilitate the process.Design/methodology/approachA case study approach is adopted using four construction organisations; a knowledge creation model is also used as the analytical tool.FindingsThe model successfully identifies the characteristics of the knowledge creation process and its uniqueness among the cases studied; and that conscientious effort by organisations to facilitate the process is limited.Research limitations/implicationsThe study is limited to intra‐firm knowledge creation.Practical implicationsUnderstanding of the knowledge creation process by organisations adopting the model is a potential platform for enhancement of the process in organisations.Originality/valueThe article provides the establishment of specific knowledge creation models through an empirical investigation of construction organisa...

Women in Management Review, 2007
PurposeThis paper aims to explore how the gendered division of labour in construction sites in Za... more PurposeThis paper aims to explore how the gendered division of labour in construction sites in Zanzibar influences earnings, resource ownership and wellbeing of female and male construction workers.Design/methodology/approachCase studies were made in five construction sites in Zanzibar where informal interviews and questionnaires were used to collect information; a total of 150 construction workers participated.FindingsFinds that through the gendered division, women are subordinated; and that the social position of women, subjects women to a vicious cycle that hampers acquisition of construction skills.Research limitations/implicationsThe research has limited itself to Zanzibar, a society with an influence of Arab culture. Future research in other cultures could be of interest in order to investigate the influence of culture on such studies.Practical implicationsWomen need to acquire technical training that would improve their employment situation. Women working on construction site...

Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2017
The paper provides an empirical insight into the significance of shared cognition reflected in th... more The paper provides an empirical insight into the significance of shared cognition reflected in the perception of key actors in selected construction projects. It has explored how clients, consultants and contractors prioritize causes of cost overrun in building projects in Tanzania and measured the statistical variance in their order of rank. A total of 55 respondents were selected from public projects that had experienced cost overruns. The results show an inclination of the top 4 causes of cost overrun being technical and originate from internal sources. The Spearman correlation coefficient established a strong positive correlation in the ranking of causes of cost overrun in construction project by clients, consultants and contractors, suggesting a shared cognition is in place for the project team. The outcome provides a good base for contemplating success of mitigation measures for cost overruns and reiterates the significance for a shared cognition for project team success.

Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2016
Key project stakeholders such as clients, consultant teams, contractors and workers have differen... more Key project stakeholders such as clients, consultant teams, contractors and workers have different sources of power to implement projects. How these powers influence health and safety risk management is not well documented. This article therefore assesses the perception and uses of stakeholders' power on health and safety in risk management in construction projects in Tanzania, specifically focuses on sources and types of power, how stakeholders perceive their power, how they use power on health and safety risk management, and what factors hinders their use of power. A case study strategy was adopted and four large ongoing construction projects in Dar es Salaam Tanzania were involved. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with clients, consultants, contractors and construction workers. Findings indicate that stakeholders have different sources of power such as technical expertise, legitimate, political position, resources information to influence health and safety risk management. Nonetheless, the use of these powers was generally limited due to low level of knowledge on health and safety risk management among stakeholders, wrong perception on their roles, insufficient health and safety regulations and weak procurement system. The research recommends that, in order to realize health and safety performance through using stakeholder's power, there is a need of clear definition of stakeholders' role and responsibilities on health and safety, wide knowledge and experiences on health and safety risk management, strong regulatory system and procurement system.
Prevention: Means to …, 2011
Risk perceptions play a prominent role in the decisions people make, that is, differences in risk... more Risk perceptions play a prominent role in the decisions people make, that is, differences in risk perception lie at the heart of disagreements about the best course of action between the individual and their context. In the construction industry risk perception holds a central ...
International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2016
The paper has explored the geographical mobility o f men and wo men emp loyed in construction sit... more The paper has explored the geographical mobility o f men and wo men emp loyed in construction sites. A total of 130 female and male construction workers were interviewed from fifteen construction sites in the City of Dar es Salaam. The paper has established s patial mob ility is gender specific; observing a majo rity o f wo men average travel distance to work sites is 3.4 kilo metres while that for men site workers is 11.8 kilo metres. The study has also established the geographical mobility variation for men and wo men working in construction sites in Dar es Salaam City are of statistical significant. The empirical research study done conforms to theory that mobility is a resource and access to it is influenced by a society"s social construct, cultural values and beliefs, and social economic factors.
Papers by Harriet Eliufoo