Papers by Harold Schiffman

Tamil has a number of verbs, sometimes referred to as 'aspectual verbs' that are... more Abstract
Tamil has a number of verbs, sometimes referred to as 'aspectual verbs' that are added to a main or lexical verb to provide semantic distinctions such as duration, completion, habituality, regularity, continuity, simultaneity, definiteness, expectation of result, remainder of result, current relevance, benefaction, antipathy, and certain other notions. Though these aspectual verbs are found all over the Indian linguistic area (Emeneau 1956) researchers have generally found them difficult to describe in a categorical way, and not until Annamalai 1981 has any attempt been made to treat aspect in Tamil (or for that matter, any Dravidian language) as a variable component of the grammar. In what follows I will summarize what has been discovered about aspect in Tamil and place it in a framework that recognizes both variability and the process of grammaticalization, that is, how a category becomes part of the morphology in a given language. I will show that Tamil aspect is a category that is on the road to grammaticalization, and that it is primarily by the process of metaphoric extension that the semantic and grammatical change takes place. Some aspectual verbs are already, as it were, at their destination, others are proceeding with all deliberate speed toward that goal, but some are straggling, some have gotten lost, and some are only just beginning to pack for the journey. I will show that aspect is a variable category within the grammar of a given speaker, but is also variable across dialects and idiolects, and between Literary Tamil (LT) and Spoken Tamil (ST).
ETS Research Bulletin Series, 1965
Normal subjects were gi~en 54 Kent-Rosanoff word-association-test items in one of two different o... more Normal subjects were gi~en 54 Kent-Rosanoff word-association-test items in one of two different orders; antonym-eliciting items were concentrated either (~) near the beginning or (£) near the end of the list. For each order, testing was admintstered under three different test conditions:
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1965
Groups of Ss were given 54 Kent-Rosanoff-list words in one of three different orders, with one of... more Groups of Ss were given 54 Kent-Rosanoff-list words in one of three different orders, with one of two different instructions, and with one of two different test formats. Instructions to give the responses that most people give increased non-antonym popularresponse frequencies, particularly when a multiple-choice format was used instead of an open-ended format. When words that frequently elecit antonyms were presented early or were rectangularly distributed through the list, more popular-antonym responses were elicited than when such words were generally late in the list. It was suggested that antonym set reduces conceptual effort.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2002
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2004
Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1974
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
Southwest Journal of Linguistics, 1995
EJ568752 - Language Shift in the Tamil Communities of Malaysia and Singapore.
ETS Research Bulletin Series, 1964
Psychonomic Science, 1971
Vision research, 1972
... Science, NY 160,1251-1252. VR 12/12 N 2130 HAROLD SCHIFFMAN AND HERBERT F. CROVITZ DAVIDSON, ... more ... Science, NY 160,1251-1252. VR 12/12 N 2130 HAROLD SCHIFFMAN AND HERBERT F. CROVITZ DAVIDSON, M. (1968). Perturbation approach to spatial brightness interaction in human vision. J. Op. Soc. ... J. Opt. Soc. Am. 53, 94-97. HARTUNE, HK and RATLIFF, F. (1954). ...
Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1991
APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser c... more APA PsycNET Our Apologies! - The following features are not available with your current Browser configuration. - alerts user that their session is about to expire - display, print, save, export, and email selected records - get My ...
The Handbook of Language Contact, 2010
Original PowerPoint presentation available upon request.
Papers by Harold Schiffman
Tamil has a number of verbs, sometimes referred to as 'aspectual verbs' that are added to a main or lexical verb to provide semantic distinctions such as duration, completion, habituality, regularity, continuity, simultaneity, definiteness, expectation of result, remainder of result, current relevance, benefaction, antipathy, and certain other notions. Though these aspectual verbs are found all over the Indian linguistic area (Emeneau 1956) researchers have generally found them difficult to describe in a categorical way, and not until Annamalai 1981 has any attempt been made to treat aspect in Tamil (or for that matter, any Dravidian language) as a variable component of the grammar. In what follows I will summarize what has been discovered about aspect in Tamil and place it in a framework that recognizes both variability and the process of grammaticalization, that is, how a category becomes part of the morphology in a given language. I will show that Tamil aspect is a category that is on the road to grammaticalization, and that it is primarily by the process of metaphoric extension that the semantic and grammatical change takes place. Some aspectual verbs are already, as it were, at their destination, others are proceeding with all deliberate speed toward that goal, but some are straggling, some have gotten lost, and some are only just beginning to pack for the journey. I will show that aspect is a variable category within the grammar of a given speaker, but is also variable across dialects and idiolects, and between Literary Tamil (LT) and Spoken Tamil (ST).
Tamil has a number of verbs, sometimes referred to as 'aspectual verbs' that are added to a main or lexical verb to provide semantic distinctions such as duration, completion, habituality, regularity, continuity, simultaneity, definiteness, expectation of result, remainder of result, current relevance, benefaction, antipathy, and certain other notions. Though these aspectual verbs are found all over the Indian linguistic area (Emeneau 1956) researchers have generally found them difficult to describe in a categorical way, and not until Annamalai 1981 has any attempt been made to treat aspect in Tamil (or for that matter, any Dravidian language) as a variable component of the grammar. In what follows I will summarize what has been discovered about aspect in Tamil and place it in a framework that recognizes both variability and the process of grammaticalization, that is, how a category becomes part of the morphology in a given language. I will show that Tamil aspect is a category that is on the road to grammaticalization, and that it is primarily by the process of metaphoric extension that the semantic and grammatical change takes place. Some aspectual verbs are already, as it were, at their destination, others are proceeding with all deliberate speed toward that goal, but some are straggling, some have gotten lost, and some are only just beginning to pack for the journey. I will show that aspect is a variable category within the grammar of a given speaker, but is also variable across dialects and idiolects, and between Literary Tamil (LT) and Spoken Tamil (ST).