Papers by Hamdani Harahap

Journal of Social Interactions and Humanities, Dec 1, 2022
Deep Ecology has already spread around of scholars as mainstream perspective and ethic in environ... more Deep Ecology has already spread around of scholars as mainstream perspective and ethic in environment conservation system. Indeed, it is required as the specific strategy for the implementation coastal ecosystem conservation approach. Ihis research is aim to found some social capital aspect in coastal community i.e social trust degrees, collective consciences, social values and norms, networking of social institution that need for coastal ecosystem conservation strategy. Based on this research, some aspects of Tapian Nauli coastal ecosystem should be conducted by co-option of local government, communities, corporations, and social organization partnership role to apply social capital capacity manner which is significant to reduct the coastal ecosystem degradation as well as a conservation strategy in Kota Sibolga and Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah.

Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan
This study aims to analyze the effect of knowledge, behavior, and government support on waste man... more This study aims to analyze the effect of knowledge, behavior, and government support on waste management in Labuhanbatu Utara. This study uses research methods to analyze numerical dataprocessed by statistics. This study tries to see the relationship between exogenous variables (X), namely knowledge (X1), behavior (X2), and government support (X3) on endogenous variables (Y), namely waste management. The population in this study is thosin the area of TPA waste management. The population selected is the people of Wonosari Village, Kualuh Hulu District and Damuli Kebun Village, Kualuh Selatan District. The study's results show its effect on waste management in Labuhanbatu Utara Regency. Behavior affects waste management in Labuhanbatu Utara Regency. Good or bad behavior owned by the community, especially regarding waste, affects waste management. Government support does not affect waste management in Labuhanbatu Utara Regency. The support provided by the government could not impro...

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
The existence of disabilities in society still gets various responses. Some people think that dis... more The existence of disabilities in society still gets various responses. Some people think that disability exists and is the same as the general public's. Others consider disability as a burden in society, and there are even groups of people who do not care about the existence of a disability. The reality experienced by people with disabilities is that there are still people who experience discrimination, have difficulty getting jobs, and have difficulty getting access to health to access education, which obstructs persons with disabilities' growth or self-development in order for them to live freely. This is a problem for people with disabilities. Organizations of people with disabilities are one way to ensure that people with disabilities have access to self-development, which are expected to be a place to accommodate aspirations for persons with disabilities to know each other, interact with each other, develop their potential to obtain protection and recognition from the community.

The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the dynamics of the implementation of the... more The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze the dynamics of the implementation of the Facilitation of Campaign Props (APK), the inhibiting factors and the implementation of facilitation in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period in the Election of Regents and their representatives in the Regency. Sergai Year 2020. Based on the description of the problem, the researcher chose to use a qualitative approach that is exploratory and inductive, the postpositivism paradigm with descriptive research type because it clarifies or explores phenomena or facts of social phenomena. The results showed that the implementation of APK facilitation in the 2020 Sergai Regent and Deputy Elections went in an orderly and peaceful manner despite the delay in submitting the APK to the Trendy Faithful Paslon. This is due to the dynamics and the nomination dispute where the KPU cannot print the APK if the Paslon has not been determined. The inhibiting factors in APK facilitation are (a) the lack of response ...

International Journal of Research and Review
The performance of an employee or the work achieved by an employee in carrying out tasks accordin... more The performance of an employee or the work achieved by an employee in carrying out tasks according to the responsibilities assigned to him greatly influences the success of an organization. For this reason, every organization or government agency will try to improve employee performance in the hope that organizational goals can be achieved. Several factors must be considered to optimize employee performance, including improving the recruitment process, training, and skills that improve the performance of direct or intermediate employees through professionalism. This study aims to identify and analyze the direct effect of recruitment, training, and competence on employee performance and the indirect effect, especially through employee professionalism. The data type used is quantitative, such as primary and secondary data. The population of this study is the staff of the Langkat Regional Inspector, as many as 52 people. The sample used is saturated so that all samples are taken. The d...

International Journal of Research and Review, 2021
The limitations of the village in management in various sectors, both in the economic, health, ed... more The limitations of the village in management in various sectors, both in the economic, health, education and infrastructure sectors make the village the main focus of the government in implementing development. Based on Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning villages, making villages have an important role in the implementation of development and empowerment. One of the implementations of the village law is by issuing village fund programs that are prioritized in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). To assist the government in accelerating the achievement of the SDGs, the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Regulations Number 19 of 2020 concerning Amendments to the Regulation of the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Number 18 of 2019 concerning General Guidelines for Assisting Village Communities has been presented. Medan Estate Village is located in Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regen...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development, 2019
International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2019
This study aims to analyze the influence of open space tourism on regional development, both thro... more This study aims to analyze the influence of open space tourism on regional development, both through visitor satisfaction, image or destination image, and visitor interest and loyalty (intention and loyalty). This research was conducted in several Panatapan spots as open-air tourist spaces in Simalungun Regency, with a total of 313 respondents. The data sources used are primary and secondary data obtained through questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis used in this study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0 tools. The results of the study show the importance of developing open space in an effort to build a tourism image, tourist satisfaction, visitor interest and loyalty, in supporting regional development in Simalungun District.

The presence of the provision of regional autonomy implies the emergence of authority and obligat... more The presence of the provision of regional autonomy implies the emergence of authority and obligation for regions to carry out various government activities more independently. To realize these goals, namely independent government, regional governments need a large enough source of funds, these sources of funds play an important role in supporting the continuity of government and society itself. This source of funds can be obtained through community participation in various forms, one of which is taxes. As a rule of law, everything concerning taxes has been stipulated in the 1945 Constitution Article 23 A which reads: "Taxes and other levies of a compelling nature for the needs of the state are regulated by law". The imposition of Motor Vehicle Tax on PAD is based on the provisions of Law Number 28 of 2009, articles 3-8. The application of motor vehicle tax in a province is based on the relevant provincial regional regulations which are the operational legal basis for the t...

The tourism sector as one of the pillars of national development has an impact on foreign exchang... more The tourism sector as one of the pillars of national development has an impact on foreign exchange earnings, regional income and also the absorption of investment and labor in various regions in Indonesia. The development of the Lake Toba Tourism Area is one of the government's priority areas in developing tourism. With the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 46 of 2016 concerning the Lake Toba Authority Management Agency, it is an initial capital that the government is currently conceptualizing tourism development in the Lake Toba area. The concept of developing a tourist village in the Lake Toba area is very interesting, where the customs and culture of the people are combined with the natural beauty of Lake Toba to become a tourist attraction. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze what was applied in the development of a tourist village in Meat village. The research method is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The results of this...

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development, 2019
Pesticide toxicity was the problem that difficult to solve cause the improper habit of farmers in... more Pesticide toxicity was the problem that difficult to solve cause the improper habit of farmers in pesticide use. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of GEMPAR as character building of farmers in pesticide toxicity. This is the participatory action research based on qualitative approaches. The study conducted in Karo's farmer of Sumber Mufakat village. The sample taken by purposive technique sampling resulting in 20 farmers that distribute on 9 hamlets. All process gathering with in depth interview and FGD. Data were analyzed using realist evaluation to create the social change into farmer's character building. The results found that GEMPAR has eight step to change the farmer's character when using the pesticide. The steps are recognize the hazard of pesticide, using the appropriate PPE, paying attention to the wind direction, storing pesticides in safe place, safe disposal of pesticide package, personal hygiene, reporting in immediately and use the natural pesticides. All steps are designed to be comprehensive and meet the level of health services. Therefore, GEMPAR as sustainable action could be expected as character building of farmers while using pesticides. The obstacle of GEMPAR lies in the appropriate assistance process which needs to be considered as support of local government.

Ever increasing financial performance is undoubtedly one of the business objectives. Increasing b... more Ever increasing financial performance is undoubtedly one of the business objectives. Increasing business competition drives companies to strive to have a sustainable competitive edge by having various core capabilities such as adaptive capabilities, absorption capabilities, marketing capabilities, and innovation capabilities. Small and medium enterprises are facing rapid environmental change demanding SMEs to be able to adapt quickly with a growing business environment. The population of research is all SMEs in fashion, culinary, and leather in Medan city. The total structural model is estimated using structural equation modeling (WARP-PLS software) with a sample of 237 SMEs in Medan. The author tested a theoretical model that specifies innovative capabilities as the mediation variable that links dynamic capabilities, such as adaptive capabilities, absorptive capabilities, and marketing capabilities to the financial performance. The results indicate that the model fits well with the...

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji persepsi masyarakat yang bermukim di sepanjang bantaran sungait... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji persepsi masyarakat yang bermukim di sepanjang bantaran sungaiterhadap Sungai Deli di Kota Medan. Mengingat peranan Sungai Deli bagi masyarakat Kota Medanyang bermukim di sekitar Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Deli mampu mempengaruhi fungsi dankegunaan sungai sebagai bagian dari kehidupan sosial masyarakat yang bermukim pada kawasanhulu, tengah dan hilir. Beragam persepsi masyarakat terhadap Sungai Deli yang berfungsi sebagaisumber kehidupan. Sebagian menggunakan air untuk mandi masih dilakukan karena keterpaksaanakibat sulitnya air dan keterbatasan ekonomi untuk memperoleh air bersih. Ada yang menggunakanSungai Deli sebagai jalur keluar masuk kapal masyarakat yang berprofesi sebagai nelayan, dimanasungai menjadi tempat persandaran kapal. Sementara sebagian masyarakat sudah mengupayakanuntuk keberadaan air bersih karena menyadari bahwa air sungai sudah sangat tidak layak untukdigunakan. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk mengumpul...

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
The aim of this research is to analyze the effects of the Policy of Regulation of the Minister of... more The aim of this research is to analyze the effects of the Policy of Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries No.2 of 2015 concerning the prohibition on using cantrang fishing gear and the adaptation strategy of fishermen to the economic condition of fishing community in Medang Deras District, Batu Bara Regency. The type of this research is causal associative research using quantitative approach. Sampling technique used is Taroyamane formula with 5% precision, and then 364 samples are obtained. Data is collected by the writer through observation, interview, and questionnaires. Data is analyzed using descriptive statistics, and multiple linear regression tests, while hypothesis test is through f-test, t-test, and determination test. The results of the test show that there is a positive and significant effect of the Policy of Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries No.2 of 2015 and Adaptation Strategy of Fishermen to the Economic Condition of Fi...

Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development, 2019
This study aims to analyze the characteristics of coffee shops in Medan and how the perception of... more This study aims to analyze the characteristics of coffee shops in Medan and how the perception of coffee shop visitors to the presence of coffee shops in Medan. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection is conducted by interviews with a questionnaire guide to coffee shop owners, employees, and consumers in Medan. Besides, in-depth interviews were conducted with coffee shop entrepreneurs/owners, baristas and coffee consumers. The results showed that there were three types of coffee shops in Medan, namely idealistic, pragmatic and international. Coffee Shop has become a new lifestyle place for young people in Medan City of Medan. The purpose to visit the coffee shop is to have coffee, hang out, hang out with friends, add relationships, chat, play games and discuss with business friends and college friends. Coffee shops have also become a new public area to add business relationships, create new ideas, places of entertainment while enjoying coffee.

Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference, 2019
Every Small and Medium Enterprises should have their own characteristics that can be a strategic ... more Every Small and Medium Enterprises should have their own characteristics that can be a strategic resource. The utilization of strategic resources as core competencies optimally by SMEs will improve their financial performance. The population of this study was Medan’s 93 fashion SMEs. This study uses quantitative methods with inferential statistical analysis using path analysis to measure the effect of marketing capabilities on financial performance through innovation capabilities. The results showed that directly marketing capabilities had a positive and not significant effect on financial performance, marketing capabilities directly had a positive and significant effect on innovation capabilities, innovation capabilities directly had a positive and significant on financial performance, and marketing capabilities had a positive and significant effect towards financial performance through innovation capabilities of fashion SMEs in Medan.

Junior Scientific Researcher, 2018
Indonesia has an abundant fisheries resource. The potential has not been well this is marked by t... more Indonesia has an abundant fisheries resource. The potential has not been well this is marked by the small contribution of marine and fishery sector to the national income of only 14.7% of the total gross domestic product (GDP), compared to other countries. The dramatic phenomenon between the potential and utilization of marine resources implies to the predominant level of coastal communities who mostly work as fishermen at sea. In order to go to sea with a simple technology also with low human resources make the living standard of traditional fishermen may be categorized as poor. When compared to other farming groups in the agricultural sector, traditional fishermen are among the poorest. With an already many government empowerment programs, yet it has not managed to raise the standard of living for the traditional fishermen. The research is aimed to describe the implementation and weakness of Coastal Community Economy Empowerment Program (PEMP) and National Program of Community Emp...

Other Topics Engineering Research eJournal, 2019
This study aims to analyze the influence of open space tourism on regional development (regional ... more This study aims to analyze the influence of open space tourism on regional development (regional development) through visitor satisfaction (image), image or tourist image (destination image), and the interests and loyalty of visitors (intention and loyalty). This research was conducted in several Panatapan spots as open-air tourist spaces in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatera, and Indonesia with 313 respondents. The data sources used are primary and secondary data obtained through questionnaires and documentation. Analysis of the data used in this study using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0 tools. The results of the study show the importance of developing open-air tourism through the development of tourism images, tourist satisfaction, and interest and visitor loyalty, in supporting regional development in Simalungun District.
Papers by Hamdani Harahap