Technical Reports are published for timely dissemination of research results and scientific work ... more Technical Reports are published for timely dissemination of research results and scientific work carried out at the Department of Civil Engineering (DCE) at Aalborg University. This medium allows publication of more detailed explanations and results than typically allowed in scientific journals.
Korea Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 2010
The breakwaters are designed by considering the cost optimization because a human risk is seldom ... more The breakwaters are designed by considering the cost optimization because a human risk is seldom considered. Most breakwaters, however, were constructed without considering the cost optimization. In this study, the optimum return period, target failure probability and the partial safety factors were evaluated by applying the cost optimization to the rubble mound breakwaters in Korea. The applied method was developed by Hans F. Burcharth and John D. Sorensen in relation to the PIANC Working Group 47. The optimum return period was determined as 50 years in many cases and was found as 100 years in the case of high real interest rate. Target failure probability was suggested by using the probabilities of failure corresponding to the optimum return period and those of reliability analysis of existing structures. The final target failure probability is about 60% for the initial limit state of the national design standard and then the overall safety factor is calculated as 1.09. It is required that the nominal diameter and weight of armor are respectively 9% and 30% larger than those of the existing design method. Moreover, partial safety factors considering the cost optimization were compared with those calculated by Level 2 analysis and a fairly good agreement was found between the two methods especially the failure probability less than 40%.
An experimental study of overtopping and rear slope stability of reshaping breakwaters has been c... more An experimental study of overtopping and rear slope stability of reshaping breakwaters has been carried out. The variation of those two parameters with crest width, crest freeboard and sea state was investigated. The tests showed that the variation in overtopping discharge with crest ...
Abstract: Overtopping and rear slope stability of reshaping and non-reshaping berm breakwaters ha... more Abstract: Overtopping and rear slope stability of reshaping and non-reshaping berm breakwaters have been studied in a wave flume. A total of 695 tests have been performed to cover the influence of crest freeboard, crest width, berm width, berm elevation, stone size ...
The paper concerns horizontal wave forces on caisson breakwaters in multidirectional breaking sea... more The paper concerns horizontal wave forces on caisson breakwaters in multidirectional breaking seas. It is based on model tests performed in a 3D wave tank at Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering Laboratory, Aalborg University. The measured horizontal wave forces are compared to the Goda force. Good agreement with the Goda formula is found for waves not breaking directly on the structure, while increasing degree of breaking on the structure results in forces of up to 50 % higher than the Goda force. Furthermore, the reduction of the horizontal wave force on long structures due to the non full correlation of the wave pressure along the structure is investigated. A formula for the force reduction factor based on cross correlation coefficients is given as a function of the mean wave direction and the wave spreading.
Technical Reports are published for timely dissemination of research results and scientific work ... more Technical Reports are published for timely dissemination of research results and scientific work carried out at the Department of Civil Engineering (DCE) at Aalborg University. This medium allows publication of more detailed explanations and results than typically allowed in scientific journals.
Korea Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers, 2010
The breakwaters are designed by considering the cost optimization because a human risk is seldom ... more The breakwaters are designed by considering the cost optimization because a human risk is seldom considered. Most breakwaters, however, were constructed without considering the cost optimization. In this study, the optimum return period, target failure probability and the partial safety factors were evaluated by applying the cost optimization to the rubble mound breakwaters in Korea. The applied method was developed by Hans F. Burcharth and John D. Sorensen in relation to the PIANC Working Group 47. The optimum return period was determined as 50 years in many cases and was found as 100 years in the case of high real interest rate. Target failure probability was suggested by using the probabilities of failure corresponding to the optimum return period and those of reliability analysis of existing structures. The final target failure probability is about 60% for the initial limit state of the national design standard and then the overall safety factor is calculated as 1.09. It is required that the nominal diameter and weight of armor are respectively 9% and 30% larger than those of the existing design method. Moreover, partial safety factors considering the cost optimization were compared with those calculated by Level 2 analysis and a fairly good agreement was found between the two methods especially the failure probability less than 40%.
An experimental study of overtopping and rear slope stability of reshaping breakwaters has been c... more An experimental study of overtopping and rear slope stability of reshaping breakwaters has been carried out. The variation of those two parameters with crest width, crest freeboard and sea state was investigated. The tests showed that the variation in overtopping discharge with crest ...
Abstract: Overtopping and rear slope stability of reshaping and non-reshaping berm breakwaters ha... more Abstract: Overtopping and rear slope stability of reshaping and non-reshaping berm breakwaters have been studied in a wave flume. A total of 695 tests have been performed to cover the influence of crest freeboard, crest width, berm width, berm elevation, stone size ...
The paper concerns horizontal wave forces on caisson breakwaters in multidirectional breaking sea... more The paper concerns horizontal wave forces on caisson breakwaters in multidirectional breaking seas. It is based on model tests performed in a 3D wave tank at Hydraulics and Coastal Engineering Laboratory, Aalborg University. The measured horizontal wave forces are compared to the Goda force. Good agreement with the Goda formula is found for waves not breaking directly on the structure, while increasing degree of breaking on the structure results in forces of up to 50 % higher than the Goda force. Furthermore, the reduction of the horizontal wave force on long structures due to the non full correlation of the wave pressure along the structure is investigated. A formula for the force reduction factor based on cross correlation coefficients is given as a function of the mean wave direction and the wave spreading.
Papers by Hans Burcharth