Papers by Hanns de la Fuente-Mella
para evaluar la creatividad desde el pensamiento divergente (fluidez, flexibilidad, originalidad ... more para evaluar la creatividad desde el pensamiento divergente (fluidez, flexibilidad, originalidad y elaboración) del programa de estudios de Artes Visuales. La metodología responde a un modelo mixto de métodos cualitativo y cuantitativo. La muestra estuvo constituida por 33 docentes que imparten la asignatura de Artes Visuales. Los resultados del análisis cualitativo reportan que las principales dificultades para evaluar la creatividad son cuatro: falta de desarrollo de los sentidos del estudiantado, infraestructura inadecuada, tiempo para elaborar instrumentos de evaluación, necesidad de actualización y especialización en el área artística. Los resultados cuantitativos indican que no existen diferencias significativas en la evaluación de los cuatro criterios de creatividad, así como de variables de género, especialización y años de experiencia en aula.

Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia), 2014
El ciberbullying o acoso cibernético se ha transformado en uno de los fenómenos sociales más comu... more El ciberbullying o acoso cibernético se ha transformado en uno de los fenómenos sociales más comunes en la comunidad escolar, donde el uso de plataformas electrónicas para cometer las agresiones hace que este tipo de acoso posea características propias. El objetivo de la presente investigación es caracterizar las plataformas comunicacionales que son utilizadas en el ciberbullying por los estudiantes de enseñanza básica de dos colegios de diferente estrato socioeconómico de la quinta región, Chile. Los resultados de la investigación muestran que tanto para el establecimiento socioeconómico alto como para el establecimiento socioeconómico medio, la plataforma comunicacional más utilizada por los estudiantes de enseñanza básica para hacer ciberbullying es Facebook; mientras que las víctimas señalan que el medio por el cual reciben este tipo de acoso es también Facebook para el caso de los estudiantes del establecimiento socioeconómico medio, y la telefonía celular para los estudiantes del establecimiento socioeconómico alto.
Estudios Gerenciales, May 1, 2014
Este artículo expone evidencias del efecto que tiene en la calidad de la revelación de informació... more Este artículo expone evidencias del efecto que tiene en la calidad de la revelación de información corporativa al mercado, tanto la participación de las administradoras de fondos de pensiones en la propiedad de las empresas como el nivel de endeudamiento de estas. Para medir y cuantificar estas evidencias, se utilizaron modelos econométricos de corte transversal y de panel de datos, empleando información publicada por sociedades anónimas chilenas, entre el período 2001-2009. El estudio demuestra que mientras mayor es la propiedad de las administradoras de fondos de pensiones en las empresas de la muestra, aumenta la revelación de la información; y por otra parte, el efecto del endeudamiento es negativo, es decir, a mayor apalancamiento menor revelación de información.
AHFE international, 2023
This research try to determine what factors influence the well-being of various communities and c... more This research try to determine what factors influence the well-being of various communities and city council in Chile, based on urban national life quality indicators, the above carried out for communes that are close to the threshold of 50,000 inhabitants, which represents close to 100 communes of the country, reaching approximately 80% of the population. To measure efficiency, an econometric model is developed with a series of variables that explain the levels of well-being, as well as to also find measures of significance and importance in the relationship structure, in order to understand the sensitivity of some factors in the national well-being and quality of life.

The aim of this research is to relate clean energies, CO2 emissions, and economic variables. Rela... more The aim of this research is to relate clean energies, CO2 emissions, and economic variables. Relationships can be generated that characterize countries that manage to relate the use of clean energy with GDP, economic openness, and economic growth. We employ a quantitative methodology that utilizes clustering techniques to identify distinct groups of countries based on their susceptibility to climate change impacts. Subsequently, we employ a generalized linear model approach to estimate the investment behaviors of these country groups in alternative energy sources in relation to CO2 emissions and macroeconomic variables. The clusters reveal that the countries grouped in each cluster exhibit significantly distinct behaviors among the clusters. This differentiation is grounded in the countries under analysis, showing the evolution of the countries in terms of the use of clean energy and the emission of CO2 in relation to macroeconomic variables. According to the conducted research, the...

Whether due to natural causes or human carelessness, forest fires have the power to cause devasta... more Whether due to natural causes or human carelessness, forest fires have the power to cause devastating damage, alter the habitat of animals and endemic species, generate insecurity in the population, and even affect human settlements with significant economic losses. These natural and social disasters are very difficult to control, and despite the multidisciplinary human effort, it has not been possible to create efficient mechanisms to mitigate the effects, and they have become the nightmare of every summer season. This study focuses on forecast models for fire measurements using time-series data from the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture. Specifically, this study proposes a comprehensive methodology of deterministic and stochastic time series to forecast the fire measures required by the programs of the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF). The models used in this research are among those commonly applied for time-series data. For the number of fires series, an Autoregressive Integr...

Human Factors, Business Management and Society
The environment of a knowledge society is dynamic, active, oriented towards innovation. Therefore... more The environment of a knowledge society is dynamic, active, oriented towards innovation. Therefore, the development of skills for the 21st century, such as the fundamental ones, content, and professionals in the Business career, is becoming more critical. Furthermore, the active-cooperative methodologies take more prominence in developing an undergraduate career in business and economics, whose significant increases with the uncertainty, social, and environmental changes that the pandemic is causing.Business education always has the challenge to achieve that student comprehend business dynamics and have the notions of decision-making. Therefore, active learning methods have been used for a long time, especially the case-study method. This research aims to explore the effectiveness of simulation-role playing techniques versus more traditional methods such as lectures. This study analyzes the case of the Business Administration Career at the Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparais...
Contemporary Economics, 2021
An open economy inserted in an environment with increasing participation of global value chains, ... more An open economy inserted in an environment with increasing participation of global value chains, such as the Chilean economy, requires information about how its business integrates into international markets. The contribution of this study is that it evaluates the stages and patterns of Chilean firms’ internationalization by using a value chain activities framework, identifying four categories. The intensity of upstream and downstream business activities allows classifying the mode in each of the four categories. Members of the Sociedad de Fomento Fabril (SOFOFA) answered the survey design for this study. Results illustrate companies' behavior concerning international trade and foresight of further critical issues.
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Transport and Vehicle Engineering, Jun 13, 2016
Sustainability, Jul 28, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

Studies in Higher Education, 2019
This study focuses on identifying personality traits in engineering students and testing whether ... more This study focuses on identifying personality traits in engineering students and testing whether they are related to academic performance. In addition, the importance of the personality construct in the educational and vocational training context was studied. A sample of 235 students from the Construction Engineering and Computer Engineering Schools of the Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso was used. Through correlation and econometrics analysis, the results obtained indicate that there is a relation between academic performance and the personality traits of extraversion, openness and conscientiousness. In addition, these results led to characterization of students based on their personality traits and provided elements that may enhance the development of an effective personality that allows students to successfully face their environment, playing an important role in the educational process.
Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2013
Information asymmetries are an important element in the functioning of capital markets. An indire... more Information asymmetries are an important element in the functioning of capital markets. An indirect means of measuring information asymmetry is through the spread of stock prices. The purpose of this paper is to identify the explanatory variables and the determinants of the bid-ask spread and to quantify the influence that the actors involved in the brokering of publically offered securities may have over the spread. The methodology used to model the time series for each of the analyzed companies is based on a time series from each of the observed econometric multivariate processes. The analysis shows a significantly negative relationship between the spread and the market-maker size, calculated in terms of both the equity and the stock portfolio; likewise, activity is measured by observing the amount offered for purchase and/or sale.
Human Factors, Business Management and Society
The research proposes a logit econometric model that allows determining the factors that improve ... more The research proposes a logit econometric model that allows determining the factors that improve the balance of emotions of people with disabilities in Chile. In the research, the different variables that influence the phenomenon of disability are studied and identified. Through binomial models, the determinants of disability are estimated using the Social Well-being Survey, designed by the Undersecretariat for Social Evaluation of the Ministry of Social Development. The results indicate that factors such as educational level, health conditions, recognition at work, mood and quality of life, significantly indicate the emotional balance of people with disabilities in Chile. This is how the variables related to recognition at work and security at home have the greatest impact on the emotional level of people with disabilities in Chile.

The purpose of this study was to identify and measure the impact of the different effects of entr... more The purpose of this study was to identify and measure the impact of the different effects of entropy states over the high-frequency trade of the cryptocurrency market, especially in Bitcoin, using and selecting optimal parameters of the Bayesian approach, specifically through approximate Bayesian computation (ABC). ABC corresponds to a class of computational methods rooted in Bayesian statistics that could be used to estimate the posterior distributions of model parameters. For this research, ABC was applied to estimate the daily prices of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency from May 2013 to December 2021. The findings suggest that the behaviour of the parameters for our tested trading algorithms, in which sudden jumps are observed, can be interpreted as changes in states of the generated time series. Additionally, it is possible to identify and model the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the series analysed in the research. Finally, the main contribution of this research is that we have c...

In this research, the different types of minority shareholders are studied and horizontal asymmet... more In this research, the different types of minority shareholders are studied and horizontal asymmetry is further investigated to characterize these investors and to identify the causal relations between these characteristics and the asymmetry evaluated through the spread (bid-ask). In Chile, the characterization of minority shareholders is interesting due to the property concentration, the legal framework that protects minority investors, and the accounting rules applied to companies that issue public securities.Thus, this study is descriptive and explanatory in nature and combines primary and secondary information sources. It starts with the characterization of minority shareholders for the 2013 and 2015 terms. Then, a model is proposed to enable the existing relations between the characteristics of such investors and the level of information asymmetry, as measured by the Santiago Stock Exchange (Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago) shares spread with intraday data for the 2013 term, to be...
Política Criminal, 2007
DE LA FUENTE MELLA, Hanns ; CARTAGENA FARIAS, Javiera. Caracterización de los hogares bajo la lí... more DE LA FUENTE MELLA, Hanns ; CARTAGENA FARIAS, Javiera. Caracterización de los hogares bajo la línea de pobreza en un contexto regional: Un análisis econométrico para la Séptima Región del Maule, Chile. Polít. Crim. nº4, 2007. D3, p. 1-20 ... Caracterización de los ...

The absence of a universal measurement of marketing productivity highlights an inability to measu... more The absence of a universal measurement of marketing productivity highlights an inability to measure the influence of marketing assets on company results. It is important, therefore, to develop measurements and quantifiable models of marketing productivity, particularly in the services case, making it possible to understand and evaluate service company performance. Following a review of the literature on the topic, this paper sets forth a Theoretical Model of Marketing Productivity (TMMP), to serve as a base for carrying out measurements of productivity through the identification of possible determinant variables. The TMMP is validated for the case of the retail services companies operating in Spain. The obtained results establish that marketing resources, financial performance, and price all exercise a positive effect on marketing productivity, while market-based assets exercise a negative effect. The implications for service management are that they should control significant facto...

The quality of life index is an indicator published yearly since 2010 by the Institute on Urban a... more The quality of life index is an indicator published yearly since 2010 by the Institute on Urban and Territorial Studies and the Chilean Chamber of Construction, involving 99 municipalities and communes from the national territory. This research provides an approach to understanding how various dimensions and variables interact with quality of life in Chilean communes considering multiple factors and perspectives through information from public sources and social indicators. For the research, variables were analyzed considering demographic, sociodemographic, economics and urban indicators, where the model developed allows for an understanding of how the variables are related. In addition, it was discovered that education, own incomes, municipal spending and green areas directly relate to quality of life, while overcrowding and municipal funds negatively affect rates of communal welfare. Moreover, the variables chosen as explanatory variables allow for the development of an efficiency...

This research arises from the demand in business management for capabilities that put into practi... more This research arises from the demand in business management for capabilities that put into practice—in an autonomous way—skills and knowledge in BI&A of all those who make decisions and lead organizations. To this end, this study aims to analyze the development of scientific production over the last 20 years in order to provide evidence of possible gaps, patterns and emphasis on domains of strategic leadership competencies in BI&A. The study was split into two methodological phases. Methodological Phase 1: Application of analytical techniques of informetrics. Methodological Phase 2: natural language processing and machine learning techniques. The records collected were 1231 articles from the Web of Science and Scopus databases on 16 August 2021. The results confirm, with an r2 = 96.9%, that a small group of authors published the largest number of articles on strategic leadership competencies in BI&A. There is also a strong emphasis on studies in the domain of professional capability...

Human Factors, Business Management and Society
Western media coverage of Covid19 had a focus of special interest in China during 2020, due to gl... more Western media coverage of Covid19 had a focus of special interest in China during 2020, due to globalization and the pandemic nature of the crisis. The news agendas deepened and debated the responsibility of the Asian power in the spread of the disease. However, China's international attitude and diplomatic actions based on donations of medical supplies and vaccine development also began to spread. The research uses econometric models in linear probability to determine which are the main variables that explain Chinese public diplomacy in the news of 24 countries. The investigation shows that the western media give China a high level of interference in the origin of the pandemic. However, the results indicate that certain features of Chinese public diplomacy entered significantly in the news that mentioned the Asian giant, spreading a type of international leadership that disputes positions with the global hegemony of the United States.
Papers by Hanns de la Fuente-Mella