Papers by Hamidulloh Ibda hamidullohibda.2021
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 2009
We study the dynamical propensity of the β relaxation using the two-dimensional molecular dynamic... more We study the dynamical propensity of the β relaxation using the two-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation of the binary soft-sphere model. The correlative motion of particles and the dynamical heterogeneity in the β relaxation time regime is studied in detail with the correlation function CM i (t), which has previously been introduced by us and found to be an effective measure of vector-like correlative motions of particles among surrounding particles. It is found that the correlation is enough long-lived and long-ranged to bring significant system-size dependence of the mean-squared displacements in the intermediate time region of our concern.

SITTAH: Journal of Primary Education
The learning outcomes of grade III students in Civic Education (PPKn) subjects are still low. The... more The learning outcomes of grade III students in Civic Education (PPKn) subjects are still low. The cause of the low learning outcomes is that the methods used by teachers are still conventional, namely with lecture methods and using single learning resources. Learning also has not utilized technology in the learning process. To improve the results of these students, researchers used the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model. This study uses a quasi-experiment research model with a nonequivalent control group design. The study results concluded that the TPACK-based CTL learning model affects the learning outcomes of PPKn class III. It is evidenced by the results of the t-test conducted by researchers using the SPSS application. In cognitive learning outcomes, a significant value of 0.004 < 0.05 was obtained, based on the conditions of concluding if the significant value < significant level, Ha was accepted, and H0 was rejected. It was concluded that the TPACK-bas...

KONSELING RELIGI Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam
Human interactions will always exist and humans are patient in need of relationships with other p... more Human interactions will always exist and humans are patient in need of relationships with other people, but from that interaction, an inevitable conflict will arise which is the dark side. One of them is Envy. From a psychological viewpoint, this is a very interesting phenomenon to be studied in more depth, including everything related to Envy as the dark side of interpersonal relationships. The purpose of this study is to understand the factors that cause Envy, the subject who is the target of envy, the behavior, and attitudes towards the envied person, the emotional reactions of envy, and the impact and solutions to minimize the negative impact of envy. This research was conducted using a quantitative approach by giving an open questionnaire to 50 students at one of the Pondok pesantren in Salatiga. The results showed that envy is the negative dark side of interpersonal relationships. There are factors that cause envy, the target of envy, behavior towards the envied person, emotio...

International Journal of Public Health Science (IJPHS)
This article presents systematic literature review related to student academic stress during the ... more This article presents systematic literature review related to student academic stress during the COVID-19 pandemic in the latest literature. Although there have been similar studies, there are still few that present the newest literature review related to student academic stress during the pandemic. This article uses the systematic review literature method to identify, evaluate, and interpret existing research results with the help of Publish or Perish version 7, VOSviewer, and NVIVO 12 plus applications. The release of articles in scopus indexed journals is limited to three years, namely 2020-2022. From the search results in the Publish or Perish version 7 application, there are 248 articles indexed by Scopus, then selected papers according to compatible themes into 50 pieces. The findings of the topics are stress, students, academic-related stress, academic performance, posttraumatic stress disorder, health psychology, academic achievement, emotional intelligence, depression, COVI...

Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial, 2020
The impact of covid-19 requires several local governments to decide on implementing policies to d... more The impact of covid-19 requires several local governments to decide on implementing policies to dismiss students and implement online or online learning systems. This government policy has been effectively enforced in several provinces in Indonesia since March 2020. However, this does not apply to several schools in Temanggung Regency. The learning system in a network is a learning system without face to face directly between teachers and students but is carried out online using the internet network. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of online learning activities at SD Kemloko Temanggung during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative methods and uses interview and observation data collection techniques. The results showed a lack of effectiveness during home learning. Students cannot interact directly with teachers and friends, students do assignments and watch television accompanied by their parents and students have difficulty receiving understanding of the ...

Al - Azkiya : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MI/SD, 2021
This study aimed to analyze the implementation effectiveness of the learning from home (BDR) proc... more This study aimed to analyze the implementation effectiveness of the learning from home (BDR) process during the Covid-19 pandemic in grade V of MI Muhammadiyah Botoputih Tembarak. This research used mix method. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire given to the students once a month. The subjects of this study were the students of grade V at MI Muhammadiyah Botoputih Tembarak. Based on the results of research conducted by filling out questionnaires, in general, the implementation of learning from home (BDR) in the sixth-grade students of MI Muhammadiyah Botoputih Tembarak run quite effectively with a percentage of 60-79%. The results of the BDR learning implementation questionnaire which had bad effectiveness with the criteria of 48% were in the evaluation process. It is suggested in learning from home (BDR), teachers are required to be able to design learning activities from planning to evaluating in a simpler, more creative and effective way

This article examines the dynamics of radicalism and terrorism, biography, thoughts, and the conc... more This article examines the dynamics of radicalism and terrorism, biography, thoughts, and the concept of moderating Islam perspective KH. Ilyas Kalipaing. The goal will be achieved to give the idea of moderating Islam perspective KH. Ilyas Kalipaing which can be applied by educational institutions. From the results of the discussion, radicalism and terrorism in this country it is very alarming. The humanitarian crime is not in accordance with Islam rahmatal lilalamin . Islam is a religion of love, tolerance and moderation. But the face of Islam was later defiled by the actions of a handful of groups. So the moderation of Islam is urgent because it is very influential for life and the ongoing Islam in this archipelago. In addition to the Qur’an and the Sunnah, Muslims need Ijma’, Qiyas, Urf, Fikih’ and others so that religion is not merely a testament to and doctrine. The Qur’an and Assunah are the main basis, but in the application there must be moderation of Islam that adapts the re...

At-Thullab : Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, 2021
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai hasil belajar siswa saat pandemi covid-19 melalui kegiatan home ... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai hasil belajar siswa saat pandemi covid-19 melalui kegiatan home visit studi di MI Salafiyah Kranggan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis hasil belajar siswa saat pandemi melalui kegiatan home visit studi di MI Salafiyah Kranggan. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif eksploratif. Objek dari penelitian ini yaitu home visit serta hasil belajar siswa dan subjek dari penelitian ini guru kelas 2 B dan siswa kelas 2 B di MI Salafiyah Kranggan. Hasil dari penelitian ini, dengan adanya home visit 21 siswa kelas 2 B MI Salafiyah Kranggan memperoleh hasil belajar yang baik, selain itu dapat mengurangi sedikit kesulitan yang dialami guru, peserta didik dan orang tua. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilaksanakan, kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu: 1) Kebijakan pembelajaran daring dapat menunjang hasil belajar siswa, yaitu melalui home visit. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil penelitian yang dihimpun di lapangan dari 21 peserta didik kelas 2 B MI Salafiyah Kranggan menyatakan hasilnya baik. Tanggapan peserta didik mengenai pembelajaran daring, menginginkan kegiatan pembelajaran dilaksanakan seperti dulu lagi. 2) Home visit dilaksanakan dua minggu sekali dengan tujuan mengevaluasi pembelajaran daring yang sudah terlaksana. Kata Kunci: hasil belajar, home visit, pandemi.

International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL), 2020
This study describes the home visit program in minimizing the total of children stay in class and... more This study describes the home visit program in minimizing the total of children stay in class and dropout at Elementary School, Semarang City. This study uses action research methods that use the model design of Kemmis and Mc. Taggart whose devices consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews and observation. Based on the results of the study, there are significant data on reducing the level of stay in class and dropout in Elementary School of Sampangan 01. In the 2017-2018 school year, there were 11 children stay in class and 4 children who dropout. In the school year 2018-2019 Because the total of children stay in class has been dropped to 6 and dropped out of school 0. From these results obtained significant results from the home visit program in reducing the dropout rate in children.

Dialog, 2021
This research aims to determine caring patterns for student in an integrated Islamic boarding sch... more This research aims to determine caring patterns for student in an integrated Islamic boarding school (SMIT) Bina Amal Semarang. Teacher act as parents in this caring activity to conduct supervision, guidance, discipline, giving reward and punishment. SMIT Bina Amal Semarang is an integrated boarding Islamic school which consists of junior and senior high schools. By using qualitative approach, the research found that caring patterns at these schools were developed in a democratic pattern of pesantren model. All students of the schools were automatically deemed as “santri”(students) of the “pesantren” Bina Amal. Supervision, guidance, discipline, reward and punishment implemented at the Bina Amal Semarang schools were carried out by caregivers along with a clear organizational management consisting of three coordinators: Islamic culture and discipline coordinator, tahsin tahfiz coordinator, and academic coordinator. The rules were strictly enforced through student management guidelin...

Jantra., 2019
Kuda Lumping is a Javanese traditional dance commonly called Jaran Kepang, Jathilan, Jaran Eblek,... more Kuda Lumping is a Javanese traditional dance commonly called Jaran Kepang, Jathilan, Jaran Eblek, and others. Accompanied by gamelan music, the dance involves a group of dancers who “ride” on colourful flat horses made of bamboo. The data of this descriptive qualitative research were drawn from interviews and observation. The aim of this research describes how the Gagak Rimang group was established, its form of performance, and its strategies to preserve Kuda Lumping dance. The problems faced by the Gagak Rimang group are among others finance, rehearsals, personnel, lack of female dancers. However, there are circumstances which profit the group, such as, competition among groups of Kuda Lumping, support from the local government, the synergy that has developed between the group and mass organizations, societies, as well as free promotion on social media by its spectators.
Tatar Pasundan : Jurnal Diklat Keagamaan, 2021
The purpose of this study is to describe religious moderation in Ma'arif Literacy Movement p... more The purpose of this study is to describe religious moderation in Ma'arif Literacy Movement program, Nahdlatul Ulama Central Java in the period 2018-2023. This research method is descriptive qualitative by using the techniques of observation, documentation, and interviews to collect the data. The results show that religious moderation through Ma'arif Literacy Movement program was very effective in forming literate and moderate characters. The religious moderation characted instilled in Ma'arif Literacy Movement comes from Strengthening Character Education, basic principles of Aswaja Annahdliyah, Ukhuwah Nahdliyah, and Mabadi Khaira Ummah. The impact of the program makes teachers and students literate and moderate.Keywords: Religious Moderation; GLM, Literacy; Ma'arif; Students

This research aims at finding out social welfare programs for orphaned students and the needy thr... more This research aims at finding out social welfare programs for orphaned students and the needy through educational compensation. The location of the study was chosen at Jamaah Pasrah (JAPA) Vocational High School in Dukuhseti Village, Dukuhseti Subdistrict, Pati District, Central Java. The reason for choosing this school because it implemented an education compensation program for orphans and the needy from entering in school until graduating. Data collection of this study uses interview, observation, and document review techniques. Data and information collected, then analyzed qualitatively and described using narrative. The results of the study show that the social welfare program through education compensation is able to improve the social welfare of orphans through productive assistance to the orphans and the needy students covering all fees from admission to graduation. All models of education provision for orphans are free, while the needy are only free from the cost of donatin...
Perceraian tidak hanya berdampak bagi kedua orang tua, namun juga melibatkan anak khususnya yang ... more Perceraian tidak hanya berdampak bagi kedua orang tua, namun juga melibatkan anak khususnya yang memasuki usia remaja, perceraian merupakan beban tersendiri bagi anak sehingga berdampak pada psikis serta berimbas pada minat dan motivasi belajar anak merupakan salah satu reaksi anak terhadap perceraian orangtuanya, sangat dipengaruhi oleh cara orang tua berperilaku sebelum, selama dan sesudah perceraian.Metode dalam penulisan ini menggunakan pengamatan dan metode deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, sebagai prosedur yang mendekatkan pada metode deskriptif berupa kata-kata tertulis atau lisan dari masyarakat sekitar.Untuk mengatasi perlakuan salah tersebut, maka dalam praktik pekerjaan sosial, seorang pekerja sosial harus berupaya mewujudkan ketercapaian akan kesejahteraan bagi anak.
This study aims to describe and analyze an inclusive madrasah program as a form of partnership be... more This study aims to describe and analyze an inclusive madrasah program as a form of partnership between the Educational Institutions Ma’arif NU of Central Java and Unicef. This descriptive qualitative study was conducted in Banyumas, Brebes, Kebumen and Semarang Districts. Inclusive Madrasah are carried out not only in schools and madrasah, but also in universities, namely in IAINU Kebumen and UNU Purwokerto, Banyumas. There are obstacles and opportunities for developing inclusive madrasah. Of these obstacles, inclusive madrasah have a great opportunity because have the support of various institution, communities, and even universities.

Penguatan Pendidikan Pancasila di perguruan tinggi menjadi solusi membangun generasi taat konstit... more Penguatan Pendidikan Pancasila di perguruan tinggi menjadi solusi membangun generasi taat konstitusi. Penguatan Pendidikan Pancasila sangat mendukung untuk mewujudkan Gerakan Nasional Revolusi Mental, Kementerian Agama, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan serta Mahkamah Konstitusi. Perkuliahan Pendidikan Pancasila harus mengacu nilai-nilai integritas, etos kerja, dan gotong royong. Ketiga nilai utama itu ditujukan dalam rangka mencapai budaya bangsa yang bermartabat, modern, maju, makmur, dan sejahtera berdasarkan Pancasila. Ketaatan pada konstitusi dimulai dari beberapa hal. Pertama, kesadaran hukum yang bisa dikuatkan dalam perkuliahan Pendidikan Pancasila. Kedua, pemenuhan seorang untuk paham hukum agar tidak melanggarnya dan terkena sanksi. Ketiga, identifikasi terhadap ketakutan terhadap hukum itu sendiri. Keempat, internalisasi ketaatan hukum itu sendiri agar benar-benar memahami dan mengimplementasikan Pancasila, konstitusi, dan hukum itu sendiri. Ketaatan pada konstitusi d...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola asuh peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Islam Terpadu ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola asuh peserta didik Sekolah Menengah Islam Terpadu (SMIT) Bina Amal Semarang. Pola asuh merupakan cara guru sebagai orang tua dalam melakukan pengawasan, bimbingan, disiplin, pemberian hadiah dan hukuman yang diterapkan kepada peserta didik. SMIT Bina Amal Semarang merupakan Sekolah Islam Terpadu yang dikelola dengan sistem asrama (boarding school) terdiri atas jenjang SMP dan SMA. Dengan menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh peserta didik pada SMIT Bina Amal Semarang menerapkan pola demokratis model pesantren. Seluruh peserta didik SMITBina Amal otomatis adalah “santri” pada “pesantren” Bina Amal. Pengawasan, bimbingan, disiplin,pemberian hadiah dan hukuman yang diterapkan di Bina Amal Semarang dilakukan oleh pengasuhbeserta organ struktur organisasi yang jelas: korbid budaya Islami dan kedisiplinan, korbid tahsintahfiz, dan korbid akademik. Aturan diterapkan secara ketat melalui pedoman pengelol...
The purpose of this study is to describe religious moderation in Ma'arif Literacy Movement pr... more The purpose of this study is to describe religious moderation in Ma'arif Literacy Movement program, Nahdlatul Ulama Central Java in the period 2018-2023. This research method is descriptive qualitative by using the techniques of observation, documentation, and interviews to collect the data. The results show that religious moderation through Ma'arif LiteracyMovement program was very effective in forming literate and moderate characters. The religious moderation characted instilled in Ma'arif Literacy Movement comes from Strengthening Character Education, basic principles of Aswaja Annahdliyah, Ukhuwah Nahdliyah, and Mabadi Khaira Ummah. The impact of the program makes teachers and students literate and moderate

Journal of Research and Thought on Islamic Education (JRTIE), 2018
In answering the fourth industrial revolution era, basic Islamic education institutions did not a... more In answering the fourth industrial revolution era, basic Islamic education institutions did not adequately apply old literacy (reading, writing, arithmetic), but had to apply new literacy (data literacy, technology literacy and human resource literacy or humanism). This article discusses the challenges and opportunities of basic Islamic education in the era of the fourth industrial revolution. Strengthening new literacy in Islamic elementary education teachers as a key to change, revitalizing literacy-based curriculum and strengthening the role of teachers who have digital competencies. The teacher plays a role in building competency generation, character, having new literacy skills, and high-level thinking skills. Islamic elementary education as a basis for determining intellectual, spiritual, and emotional intelligence in children must strengthen 21st century literacy skills. Start creative aspects, critical thinking, communicative, and collaborative. Islamic elementary education is urgently needed to strengthen new literacy and revitalize digital-based curriculum. Curriculum revitalization refers to five basic values of good students, namely resilience, adaptability, integrity, competence, and continuous improvement. Islamic elementary education educators must be digital teachers, understand computers, and be free from academic illness. The goal is to realize high competency generation, character and literacy to answer the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution era.
Papers by Hamidulloh Ibda hamidullohibda.2021