Papers by Hamideh darsaraei
Mycological progress, Feb 6, 2024

PubMed, 2022
Phylogenetic and morphological analyses have been conducted on powdery mildew specimens on differ... more Phylogenetic and morphological analyses have been conducted on powdery mildew specimens on different Berberis and Mahonia spp. from Asia, Europe and North America. The present study showed that collections of Erysiphe berberidis exhibit a high degree of morphological plasticity of the sexual morph, in contrast to their morphologically, rather uniform, asexual morph. In phylogenetic tree, all sequences cluster in a large strongly supported clade, without any indication and support for further differentiation into cryptic species. There are three morphological types within E. berberidis s. lat. that contain consistent differences. Until future multi-locus analyses will be available, we prefer to treat these 'morphological types' as varieties. These include Erysiphe berberidis var. berberidis, E. berberidis var. asiatica, and E. berberidis var. dimorpha comb. nov. (≡ Microsphaera berberidis var. dimorpha, M. berberidicola, and M. multappendicis). To fix the application of species name E. berberidis, an appropriate epitype was designated, with an ITS sequences.

The family Berberidaceae comprises approximately 17 genera and 650 species (Flora of China Editor... more The family Berberidaceae comprises approximately 17 genera and 650 species (Flora of China Editorial Committee, 2001). Berberis, a genus of about 500 species of deciduous and evergreen shrubs, is distributed in temperate and subtropical regions of Asia, Europe and the Americas (Sehrawat, Rajasekaran, & Pant, 2008). Berberis species are thought to contain medicinal properties and almost all parts of the plant are used for medical purposes (Mokhber-Dezfuli, Saeidnia, Gohari, & Kurepaz-Mahmoodabadi, 2014). Mahonia, the second largest genus of Berberidaceae, contains about 60 species (Flora of China Editorial Committee, 2001). The status of Mahonia as a genus of its own or as heterotypic synonym of Berberis has been controversially debated for a long time, but the latest phylogenetic studies are clearly in favor of Mahonia as a genus of its own (Yu & Chung, 2017). Mahonia spp. are used in the traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for multiple ailments including tuberculosis, periodontitis, etc. (He & Mu, 2015). The history of Erysiphe spp. on species of Berberis and Mahonia is long and intricate. Braun and Cook (2012) recognized seven taxa belonging to Erysiphe sect. Microsphaera, including E. berberidicola
In April 2014, powdery mildew symptoms were found on Onobrychis caputgalli in Khan Ahmad, Gachsar... more In April 2014, powdery mildew symptoms were found on Onobrychis caputgalli in Khan Ahmad, Gachsaran, Iran. Morphological characters and analysis of ITS and 28S rDNA sequences revealed that this powdery mildew does not match previously recorded species on fabaceous hosts. It is proposed as a new species, Erysiphe iranica, and is described and illustrated, and compared with previous species of powdery mildew recorded on Fabaceae.
Arthrocladiella is a monotypic member of family Erysiphaceae (Ascomycota, Helotiales), which has ... more Arthrocladiella is a monotypic member of family Erysiphaceae (Ascomycota, Helotiales), which has only been reported from Lycium spp. (Solanaceae). Morphological data supplemented with rDNA ITS sequence confirmed that the Arthrocladiella mougeotii infects Lycium sp. in Iran. Moreover, Arthrocladiella is reported as a new genus for Iranian Mycobiota.
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 2021

Species of Phyllosticta are important group of pathogenic and endophytic fungi that are reported ... more Species of Phyllosticta are important group of pathogenic and endophytic fungi that are reported from various crop plants, ornamental and non-fruiting plants. These fungi cause several diseases such as leaf and fruit spots and fruit rot. In order to identify Phyllosticta species in Guilan province, several collections were examined around the region. Altogether 14 taxa were isolated from different plant species. Plant species viz. Prunus laurocerasus, Danae racemosa, Aesculus carnea, Camellia japonica, Citrus sinensis, Rubus sp., Schefflera sp., Diospyros kaki and Ginkgo biloba are recorded as new host for Phyllosticta spp. in Iran. Magnolia soulangeana, Camellia sinensis, Citrus limetta and Rosa sp. are also reported as host plants of Phyllosticta species in this province. Precise recognition of Phyllosticta sp. needs both morphological and molecular studies. Hence, in this study P. theacearum was distincly identified; one collection on Citrus sp. was closely related to P. citricar...
Linum usitatissimum, known as flax, is grown all around the world. Powdery mildew is a common dis... more Linum usitatissimum, known as flax, is grown all around the world. Powdery mildew is a common disease on this crop so that this disease has been described from most flax-growing areas of the world. Clear symptoms of powdery mildew were observed on the field of different flax cultivars of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute of Iran in 2020 growing season. The causal pathogen of flax powdery mildew was identified as Podosphaera lini based on the morphological features and the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer sequence. This is the first documented report of P. lini from flax in Iran.

Mycological Progress, 2021
Erysiphe adunca s. lat. is a common powdery mildew species, distributed almost worldwide, on host... more Erysiphe adunca s. lat. is a common powdery mildew species, distributed almost worldwide, on hosts of Populus and Salix species. Based on its wide host range and distribution as well as its strong morphological variations, E. adunca s. lat. was previously divided into several species or, alternatively, into varieties. However, comprehensive phylogenetic examinations on the putative monophyly of this species or the existence of a possible E. adunca species complex have not been conducted based on combined morphological and molecular approaches. In this study, we retrieved rDNA (ITS and LSU) sequences of 22 powdery mildew specimens on Populus and Salix spp. collected in China, Germany, Iran, Japan, Russia, and the United States and conducted morphological examinations of these and additional specimens. The morphological and molecular data obtained clearly indicate that E. adunca is a species complex comprised of at least four species., viz., E. adunca s. str. (on Populus spp. in Asia, Europe, and North America), E. capreae , including E. pseudoregularis as a new synonym (on Salix spp., particularly on species in Salix subgen. Vetrix sect. Vetrix in Asia, Europe, and North America), the reinstated E. salicis (on Salix spp. belonging to various subgenera of Salix in Asia and Europe), and E. mandshurica (which has been confirmed as a species of its own on Populus spp., in Asia). In addition to the clear phylogenetic differentiation, the morphology of the asexual and sexual morphs of E. adunca s. str., E. capreae and E. salicis is easily distinguishable. Sequences retrieved from collections on Salix gracilistyla ( Uncinula salicis-gracilistylae ), a species that was previously considered a variety of Uncinula adunca and Erysiphe adunca , formed a small subclade within the E. salicis clade and are now referred to as Erysiphe salicis var. salicis-gracilistylae comb. nov. Alphitomorpha adunca ; Erysiphe capreae and E. salicis are epitypified, and a neotype is designated for Alphitomorpha obtusata , with ex-epitype sequences and, in the latter case, an ex-neotype sequence.

International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 2019
Nowadays, efforts are being made to reduce the side effects of drugs, increase the effectiveness ... more Nowadays, efforts are being made to reduce the side effects of drugs, increase the effectiveness of drugs on the target tissue, etc. using drug delivery knowledge to control the bioavailability of drugs in the human body. Hydrophobin is a low molecular weight hydrophobic fungal protein that can potentially be used as nanocarrier in drug delivery systems. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the hydrophobin of Trichoderma, Cladosporium, Verticillium and Sphaerulina species are closely related to animal hydrophobin. The evolutionary relationship of hydrophobin protein was investigated. The physiological and physicochemical properties of the HYPAI were studied by ProtScale and ProtParam servers. Post-translational modifications and three-dimensional structure of HYPAI were studied using CBS and Phyre 2 servers, respectively. Protein-protein interactions were investigated using the platform of Search Tool for Retrieval of Interacting Genes and proteins (STRING). The results indicated that HYPAI is a highly hydrophobic, water soluble protein. The prediction of post-translational modification showed that this protein lacks a suitable site for glycosylation and mannosylation, but there was a possibility of phosphorylation in 8 sites. Physicochemical properties demonstrated that HYPAI is a stable protein with a half-life of 30 h in mammalian reticulocytes in vitro. In silico analysis of the interaction of HYPAI showed that no interaction has been reported for this protein in humans yet. The bioinformatics results have shown that HYPAI is a stable protein in vitro and has no immune effect in the human body, so that can pass through defense mechanisms of the human body with no immunogenicity reaction. Trichoderma spp., especially T. atroviride, due to its usage in agriculture and industries, can be a suitable candidate as a natural, reliable and safe bioreactor for the production of a cost-effective hydrophobin protein, and is being proposed for application in drug research as a new drug nanocarrier.

Powdery mildew is a common disease of Spiraea spp. worldwide; however, there are no reports of th... more Powdery mildew is a common disease of Spiraea spp. worldwide; however, there are no reports of this destructive disease in Spiraea species from Iran. In recent years, severe powdery mildew symptoms have been observed in Spiraea spp. throughout the Guilan Province. In this study, we collected infected plant specimens and used morphological and molecular approaches to identify the powdery mildew fungus involved in this disease. We did not observe the teleomorphic state of the fungus in this area, and it appears that the fungus occurred only in the anamorphic state. At least six species of Podosphaera occur worldwide, and there is a considerable overlap between the anamorphic characteristics of some species. Hence, the ITS sequence was used to identify common powdery mildew species occurring in Spiraea in the Guilan Province. The results showed that the ITS sequence is useful for Podosphaera species in Spiraea. Podosphaera minor Howe. was identified as the causal agent of powdery mildew disease in this plant. To our knowledge, this is the first report of Podosphaera minor as a fungus in Iran.
Papers by Hamideh darsaraei