Jojoba oil is a non-edible oil that has great importance for industrial applications. Naturally f... more Jojoba oil is a non-edible oil that has great importance for industrial applications. Naturally fatty acids derivatives were utilized as intermediate feed stocks in many industrial applications to replace harmful and costly petrochemicals. The aim of this work was to utilize jojoba fatty acids through an ethoxylation reaction to obtain natural fatty ethoxylates, which can be used in the preparation of non-ionic surfactants as a stable and good fat-liquoring agent with a harmless and healthy effect to replace the synthetic oil employed. The ethoxylation of fatty acids derived from jojoba oil was carried out using ethylene oxide gas in the presence of potassium carbonate, which is a cheap conventional catalyst, under different conditions to obtain an economical and valuable ethoxylated material. The obtained products were evaluated for their chemical and physical properties as well as their application as a nonionic fatliquoring agent for the chrome-tanned leather industry. The data o...
The deodorizer distillate (DD) is a byproduct of vegetable oil processing industry and is rich in... more The deodorizer distillate (DD) is a byproduct of vegetable oil processing industry and is rich in functional bioactive components. This study aimed to employ phosphorylation modification for DD to produce a new sustainable fatliquor. The bioactive ingredients in DD, namely fatty acids, sterols, and tocopherols, were determined by using HPLC and GLC. The results revealed that the DD sample contained a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (72.3%) and high levels of γ and δ-tocopherols (54.8% and 31.60%, respectively). Mechanical parameters (tensile strength, elongation at break, and tear strength) of leather were improved after being treated with the prepared fatliquor emulsion. Eventually, SEM showed that the texture of the fatliquored leather had been remarkably enhanced. Moreover, the fatliquored leather possessed effective antibacterial effect against the specified +ve, −ve bacteria, and Candida albicans microorganisms. The strength, fullness, soft handle, and elasticity of ...
Polyacrylic resin, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethyl hexylacrylate, was prepared via microemulsion ... more Polyacrylic resin, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethyl hexylacrylate, was prepared via microemulsion polymerization with ratio 2:1, and then modified with silicon dioxide nanoparticles (SiO 2) prepared by sol-gel process. Different ratios of these nanoparticles combined with acrylic resins were then coated on leather surface. The physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of coated leather were evaluated through various instrumental analysis as nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transmission infrared, dynamic light scattering, thermal gravimetric analysis, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscope. Water vapor permeability was improved with increase in the percentage of the nanoparticles. Tensile, tear strength, and elongation percentage were increased up to 3% of SiO 2 nanoparticles followed by decreasing behavior. The acrylate water-based SiO 2 nanoparticles exhibited good eco-friendly leather finishing system.
Leather finishing processes using toxic organic solvent based produce volatile organic compounds ... more Leather finishing processes using toxic organic solvent based produce volatile organic compounds (VOC), chronic exposure to this chemicals effect on workers' health causing many diseases especially lung cancer. So, polyurethane water-based was synthesized for application in leather finishing instead of organic solvent based because it's economic and safety for industry and workers. Preparation of water-based polyurethane (PU) depends on the reaction of polyethylene glycol (PEG, 300) with isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) and the reaction of IPDI-1,4-butanediol (BDO) together with dimethylolpropionic acid (DMPA), was synthesized by poly-addition polymerization reaction. PU was then modified with different amounts of silicon dioxide nanoparticles (1-5 % SiO 2), used as a binder in leather finishing. Leather coated was characterized physically, chemically and thermally by FTIR, GPC, DLS, TEM, SEM and TGA. The results revel that, water vapor permeability (WVP) of leather coated wit...
As a matter of fact, it has been witnessed that the synthetic leather is becoming the main substi... more As a matter of fact, it has been witnessed that the synthetic leather is becoming the main substitute to its natural leather counterpart. This phenomenon has been observed in the vast majority of fields where these materials are being exploited such as: vehicles interior materials and furniture skin materials. All of which urges the presence of fundamental characteristics that include but not limited to the soft texture, flexibility, mechanical strength and durability. Since these have the responsibility of being easy to burn, flame retardancy is required. In this article inorganic salts with different concentrations are used as flame retardants to synthetic leather as they cheaper and safer than halogenated one; Pot. Persulfate K2S2O8 (FRA), Sod. Nitrite NaNO2 (FRB), Di Sod. Tetaborate (Borax) Na2B4O7(FRC), Sod. Sulphite anhydrous Na2SO3 (FRD) and Sod. thiosulphite-5-hydroxy Na2S2O3 5H2O (FRE). The current article addresses the focal role of inorganic salts with variable concentrations plays in the process of enhancing the synthetic leather flame retardants. The treated leather was evaluated with different tests, physical properties as thickness, hardness, water vapor permeability and water absorption were determined. In addition, mechanical properties, tensile strength and elongation at break % of the treated leather were evaluated. Thermal stability was determined through, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and the enhancement in the flame retardancy of leather was investigated using horizontal burning test. Correspondingly, delaying firing process help in caring the synthetic leather from burning; led to save money. So the treated synthetic leather be able to use for different manufacturing applications.
I N food packaging area, the substantial utilization of synthetic plastics has a huge environment... more I N food packaging area, the substantial utilization of synthetic plastics has a huge environmental impact and there is necessitate really for more biodegradable packaging materials. Blending of poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and extracted gelatin (EG) was investigated as prospective replacements for non-degradable petrochemical polymers. EG is a biopolymer extracted from white leather fibers wastes in the leather industry after alkaline hydrolysis. Both polymers need modification for food packaging requirements. PLA films are very brittle and gelatin is sensitive to water and the properties of its films are reliant on the moisture content with low mechanical strength. An investigation on the blending of PLA and EG films gives better properties more suitable for packaging depending on their paired characteristics. The resulting biodegradable films were characterized using by FTIR, SEM, TGA/DTA, and simulated soil burial respirometric testing. The properties of some characteristics of PLA and EG blends in terms of mechanical and thermal properties have been discussed as biodegradable packaging films. It was found that the addition of 30 wt % of EG offering blended films with good thermal processability, transparency and flexibility, as well as films with good mechanical.
The original version of this article has unfortunately contained a spelling mistake in the third ... more The original version of this article has unfortunately contained a spelling mistake in the third author name. The correct name of the third author is Mohamed Hasanin. The original article has been corrected.
Leather finishing processes using toxic organic solvent based produce volatile organic compounds ... more Leather finishing processes using toxic organic solvent based produce volatile organic compounds (VOC), chronic exposure to this chemicals effect on workers' health causing many diseases especially lung cancer. So, polyurethane water-based was synthesized for application in leather finishing instead of organic solvent based because it's economic and safety for industry and workers. Preparation of water-based polyurethane (PU) depends on the reaction of polyethylene glycol (PEG, 300) with isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) and the reaction of IPDI-1,4-butanediol (BDO) together with dimethylolpropionic acid (DMPA), was synthesized by poly-addition polymerization reaction. PU was then modified with different amounts of silicon dioxide nanoparticles (1-5 % SiO 2), used as a binder in leather finishing. Leather coated was characterized physically, chemically and thermally by FTIR, GPC, DLS, TEM, SEM and TGA. The results revel that, water vapor permeability (WVP) of leather coated with PU modified with SiO 2 showed improvement due to the existence of SiO 2 particles which increases the interspaces of the polyurethane coating. SEM showed that when the amount of SiO 2 nanoparticles increases, there is uniform nanoparticles accumulated can be observed. EDX prove the presence of Si and O 2 elements and the formation of SiO 2 nanoparticles. Mechanical properties discussed that tensile strength; tear strength and elongation at break % increase with increase SiO 2 concentration until 3 % SiO 2 nanoparticles. TGA showed an improvement of thermal stability of coated leather modified with SiO 2. Therefore, this study succeeded in preparation of safe, ecofriendly of water-based polyurethane binders which modified with SiO 2 for using in leather finishing.
Polyacrylic resin, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethyl hexylacrylate, was prepared via microemulsion ... more Polyacrylic resin, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethyl hexylacrylate, was prepared via microemulsion polymerization with ratio 2:1, and then modified with silicon dioxide nanoparticles (SiO 2) prepared by sol-gel process. Different ratios of these nanoparticles combined with acrylic resins were then coated on leather surface. The physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of coated leather were evaluated through various instrumental analysis as nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transmission infrared, dynamic light scattering, thermal gravimetric analysis, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscope. Water vapor permeability was improved with increase in the percentage of the nanoparticles. Tensile, tear strength, and elongation percentage were increased up to 3% of SiO 2 nanoparticles followed by decreasing behavior. The acrylate water-based SiO 2 nanoparticles exhibited good eco-friendly leather finishing system.
Leather making process is recognized as one of the highly polluting extensive industries which ge... more Leather making process is recognized as one of the highly polluting extensive industries which generate huge amounts of solids and liquid tannery wastes. These wastes effect in severely way on the surrounding environment and human health if these polluting not well treated. The aim of this article is to obtain high bloom gelatin from white leather shavings (untanned hide shavings, WLS) via alkaline hydrolysis for improved utilization of leather waste. This research introduces a system of reusing technologies for WLS wastes including preparing gelatin, isolating collagen protein by extracting method then characterization of extracted gelatin. This article recognized to determine efficiency of the thermal and chemical treatments on the white leather waste in recovering the largest amount of gelatin with high bloom strength and a smallest amount of residue. Chemical treatments of white solid wastes by partial hydrolysis of wastes using different factors affecting on hydrolysis such as alkalis concentration, temperature and contact time were discussed. The method verified that the leather wastes can be successfully processed to the powder like leather gelatin products. It was found that the optimum conditions to obtain high bloom gelatin strength from white shaving leather wastes around 150 bloom are 4 % w/v NaOH, 4 hours contact time, 250 rpm at 50 °C. KEY WORDS: alkaline hydrolysis, gelatin, high bloom strength, SEM, white leather shavings OBŢINEREA GELATINEI CU PUTERE GELIFIANTĂ MARE DIN DEŞEURI DE PIELE NETĂBĂCITĂ REZUMAT. Industria de pielărie este recunoscută ca fiind una dintre industriile care poluează foarte mult, care generează cantităţi uriaşe de deşeuri solide şi lichide. Aceste deşeuri au efecte adverse asupra mediului înconjurător şi asupra sănătăţii umane dacă nu sunt tratate cum trebuie. Scopul acestui articol este de a obţine gelatină cu putere gelifiantă mare din deşeuri de piele netăbăcită prin hidroliză alcalină pentru o utilizare mai bună a deşeurilor de piele. Această cercetare introduce un sistem al tehnologiilor de reutilizare a deşeurilor de piele, inclusiv prepararea gelatinei, izolarea proteinei de colagen prin metoda de extracţie, apoi caracterizarea gelatinei extrase. Acest articol a avut scopul de a determina eficienţa tratamentelor termice şi chimice asupra deşeurilor de piele netăbăcită în vederea recuperării unei cantităţi mari de gelatină cu o putere gelifiantă mare şi cu o cantitate mică de reziduuri. S-au discutat tratamente chimice ale deşeurilor solide de piele netăbăcită prin hidroliza parţială a deşeurilor utilizând diferiţi factori care afectează hidroliza, cum ar fi concentraţia de baze, temperatura şi timpul de contact. Metoda a verificat faptul că deşeurile de piele pot fi prelucrate cu succes sub formă de produse din piele gelatină pulbere. Condiţiile optime pentru a obţine gelatină din deşeuri de piele netăbăcită cu putere gelifiantă mare, de 150 grade Bloom, au fost: 4% NaOH w/v, timp de contact 4 ore, 250 rpm la 50°C. CUVINTE CHEIE: hidroliză alcalină, gelatină, putere gelifiantă mare, SEM, deşeuri de piele netăbăcită OBTENTION D'UNE GÉLATINE À HAUTE RÉSISTANCE À L'ENFONCEMENT À PARTIR DE DÉCHETS DE PEAU NON TANNÉE RÉSUMÉ. L'industrie du cuir est reconnue comme l'une des vastes industries qui polluent beaucoup, générant d'énormes quantités de déchets solides et liquides. Ces déchets ont des effets néfastes sur l'environnement et la santé humaine s'ils ne sont pas traités correctement. Le but de cet article est d'obtenir une gélatine à haute résistance à l'enfoncement à partir de déchets de peau non tannée par l'hydrolyse alcaline pour une meilleure utilisation des déchets de cuir. Cette recherche introduit un système de réutilisation des technologies de traitement des déchets de cuir, notamment la préparation de gélatine, l'isolement de protéines de collagène par une méthode d'extraction, et puis la caractérisation de la gélatine extraite. Cet article a eu le but de déterminer l'efficacité des traitements thermiques et chimiques sur les déchets de peau non tannée afin de récupérer une grande quantité de gélatine à haute résistance à l'enfoncement et une faible quantité de résidus. Les traitements chimiques des déchets solides de peau non tannée ont été discutés par l'hydrolyse partielle des déchets en utilisant divers facteurs qui influent sur l'hydrolyse, tels que la concentration des alcalis, la température et le temps de contact. La méthode a permis de vérifier que les déchets de peau pouvaient être traités avec succès sous forme de produits à base de poudre de peau en tripe. Les conditions optimales pour obtenir de la gélatine à 150 degrés Bloom à partir de déchets de peau non tannée ont été: 4% NaOH poids/volume, temps de contact 4 heures, 250 tr/min à 50°C. MOTS CLÉS : hydrolyse alcaline, gélatine, haute résistance à l'enfoncement, MEB, déchets de peau non tannée
Jojoba oil is a non-edible oil that has great importance for industrial applications. Naturally f... more Jojoba oil is a non-edible oil that has great importance for industrial applications. Naturally fatty acids derivatives were utilized as intermediate feed stocks in many industrial applications to replace harmful and costly petrochemicals. The aim of this work was to utilize jojoba fatty acids through an ethoxylation reaction to obtain natural fatty ethoxylates, which can be used in the preparation of non-ionic surfactants as a stable and good fat-liquoring agent with a harmless and healthy effect to replace the synthetic oil employed. The ethoxylation of fatty acids derived from jojoba oil was carried out using ethylene oxide gas in the presence of potassium carbonate, which is a cheap conventional catalyst, under different conditions to obtain an economical and valuable ethoxylated material. The obtained products were evaluated for their chemical and physical properties as well as their application as a nonionic fatliquoring agent for the chrome-tanned leather industry. The data o...
The deodorizer distillate (DD) is a byproduct of vegetable oil processing industry and is rich in... more The deodorizer distillate (DD) is a byproduct of vegetable oil processing industry and is rich in functional bioactive components. This study aimed to employ phosphorylation modification for DD to produce a new sustainable fatliquor. The bioactive ingredients in DD, namely fatty acids, sterols, and tocopherols, were determined by using HPLC and GLC. The results revealed that the DD sample contained a high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (72.3%) and high levels of γ and δ-tocopherols (54.8% and 31.60%, respectively). Mechanical parameters (tensile strength, elongation at break, and tear strength) of leather were improved after being treated with the prepared fatliquor emulsion. Eventually, SEM showed that the texture of the fatliquored leather had been remarkably enhanced. Moreover, the fatliquored leather possessed effective antibacterial effect against the specified +ve, −ve bacteria, and Candida albicans microorganisms. The strength, fullness, soft handle, and elasticity of ...
Polyacrylic resin, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethyl hexylacrylate, was prepared via microemulsion ... more Polyacrylic resin, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethyl hexylacrylate, was prepared via microemulsion polymerization with ratio 2:1, and then modified with silicon dioxide nanoparticles (SiO 2) prepared by sol-gel process. Different ratios of these nanoparticles combined with acrylic resins were then coated on leather surface. The physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of coated leather were evaluated through various instrumental analysis as nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transmission infrared, dynamic light scattering, thermal gravimetric analysis, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscope. Water vapor permeability was improved with increase in the percentage of the nanoparticles. Tensile, tear strength, and elongation percentage were increased up to 3% of SiO 2 nanoparticles followed by decreasing behavior. The acrylate water-based SiO 2 nanoparticles exhibited good eco-friendly leather finishing system.
Leather finishing processes using toxic organic solvent based produce volatile organic compounds ... more Leather finishing processes using toxic organic solvent based produce volatile organic compounds (VOC), chronic exposure to this chemicals effect on workers' health causing many diseases especially lung cancer. So, polyurethane water-based was synthesized for application in leather finishing instead of organic solvent based because it's economic and safety for industry and workers. Preparation of water-based polyurethane (PU) depends on the reaction of polyethylene glycol (PEG, 300) with isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) and the reaction of IPDI-1,4-butanediol (BDO) together with dimethylolpropionic acid (DMPA), was synthesized by poly-addition polymerization reaction. PU was then modified with different amounts of silicon dioxide nanoparticles (1-5 % SiO 2), used as a binder in leather finishing. Leather coated was characterized physically, chemically and thermally by FTIR, GPC, DLS, TEM, SEM and TGA. The results revel that, water vapor permeability (WVP) of leather coated wit...
As a matter of fact, it has been witnessed that the synthetic leather is becoming the main substi... more As a matter of fact, it has been witnessed that the synthetic leather is becoming the main substitute to its natural leather counterpart. This phenomenon has been observed in the vast majority of fields where these materials are being exploited such as: vehicles interior materials and furniture skin materials. All of which urges the presence of fundamental characteristics that include but not limited to the soft texture, flexibility, mechanical strength and durability. Since these have the responsibility of being easy to burn, flame retardancy is required. In this article inorganic salts with different concentrations are used as flame retardants to synthetic leather as they cheaper and safer than halogenated one; Pot. Persulfate K2S2O8 (FRA), Sod. Nitrite NaNO2 (FRB), Di Sod. Tetaborate (Borax) Na2B4O7(FRC), Sod. Sulphite anhydrous Na2SO3 (FRD) and Sod. thiosulphite-5-hydroxy Na2S2O3 5H2O (FRE). The current article addresses the focal role of inorganic salts with variable concentrations plays in the process of enhancing the synthetic leather flame retardants. The treated leather was evaluated with different tests, physical properties as thickness, hardness, water vapor permeability and water absorption were determined. In addition, mechanical properties, tensile strength and elongation at break % of the treated leather were evaluated. Thermal stability was determined through, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and the enhancement in the flame retardancy of leather was investigated using horizontal burning test. Correspondingly, delaying firing process help in caring the synthetic leather from burning; led to save money. So the treated synthetic leather be able to use for different manufacturing applications.
I N food packaging area, the substantial utilization of synthetic plastics has a huge environment... more I N food packaging area, the substantial utilization of synthetic plastics has a huge environmental impact and there is necessitate really for more biodegradable packaging materials. Blending of poly (lactic acid) (PLA) and extracted gelatin (EG) was investigated as prospective replacements for non-degradable petrochemical polymers. EG is a biopolymer extracted from white leather fibers wastes in the leather industry after alkaline hydrolysis. Both polymers need modification for food packaging requirements. PLA films are very brittle and gelatin is sensitive to water and the properties of its films are reliant on the moisture content with low mechanical strength. An investigation on the blending of PLA and EG films gives better properties more suitable for packaging depending on their paired characteristics. The resulting biodegradable films were characterized using by FTIR, SEM, TGA/DTA, and simulated soil burial respirometric testing. The properties of some characteristics of PLA and EG blends in terms of mechanical and thermal properties have been discussed as biodegradable packaging films. It was found that the addition of 30 wt % of EG offering blended films with good thermal processability, transparency and flexibility, as well as films with good mechanical.
The original version of this article has unfortunately contained a spelling mistake in the third ... more The original version of this article has unfortunately contained a spelling mistake in the third author name. The correct name of the third author is Mohamed Hasanin. The original article has been corrected.
Leather finishing processes using toxic organic solvent based produce volatile organic compounds ... more Leather finishing processes using toxic organic solvent based produce volatile organic compounds (VOC), chronic exposure to this chemicals effect on workers' health causing many diseases especially lung cancer. So, polyurethane water-based was synthesized for application in leather finishing instead of organic solvent based because it's economic and safety for industry and workers. Preparation of water-based polyurethane (PU) depends on the reaction of polyethylene glycol (PEG, 300) with isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) and the reaction of IPDI-1,4-butanediol (BDO) together with dimethylolpropionic acid (DMPA), was synthesized by poly-addition polymerization reaction. PU was then modified with different amounts of silicon dioxide nanoparticles (1-5 % SiO 2), used as a binder in leather finishing. Leather coated was characterized physically, chemically and thermally by FTIR, GPC, DLS, TEM, SEM and TGA. The results revel that, water vapor permeability (WVP) of leather coated with PU modified with SiO 2 showed improvement due to the existence of SiO 2 particles which increases the interspaces of the polyurethane coating. SEM showed that when the amount of SiO 2 nanoparticles increases, there is uniform nanoparticles accumulated can be observed. EDX prove the presence of Si and O 2 elements and the formation of SiO 2 nanoparticles. Mechanical properties discussed that tensile strength; tear strength and elongation at break % increase with increase SiO 2 concentration until 3 % SiO 2 nanoparticles. TGA showed an improvement of thermal stability of coated leather modified with SiO 2. Therefore, this study succeeded in preparation of safe, ecofriendly of water-based polyurethane binders which modified with SiO 2 for using in leather finishing.
Polyacrylic resin, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethyl hexylacrylate, was prepared via microemulsion ... more Polyacrylic resin, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethyl hexylacrylate, was prepared via microemulsion polymerization with ratio 2:1, and then modified with silicon dioxide nanoparticles (SiO 2) prepared by sol-gel process. Different ratios of these nanoparticles combined with acrylic resins were then coated on leather surface. The physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of coated leather were evaluated through various instrumental analysis as nuclear magnetic resonance, Fourier transmission infrared, dynamic light scattering, thermal gravimetric analysis, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscope. Water vapor permeability was improved with increase in the percentage of the nanoparticles. Tensile, tear strength, and elongation percentage were increased up to 3% of SiO 2 nanoparticles followed by decreasing behavior. The acrylate water-based SiO 2 nanoparticles exhibited good eco-friendly leather finishing system.
Leather making process is recognized as one of the highly polluting extensive industries which ge... more Leather making process is recognized as one of the highly polluting extensive industries which generate huge amounts of solids and liquid tannery wastes. These wastes effect in severely way on the surrounding environment and human health if these polluting not well treated. The aim of this article is to obtain high bloom gelatin from white leather shavings (untanned hide shavings, WLS) via alkaline hydrolysis for improved utilization of leather waste. This research introduces a system of reusing technologies for WLS wastes including preparing gelatin, isolating collagen protein by extracting method then characterization of extracted gelatin. This article recognized to determine efficiency of the thermal and chemical treatments on the white leather waste in recovering the largest amount of gelatin with high bloom strength and a smallest amount of residue. Chemical treatments of white solid wastes by partial hydrolysis of wastes using different factors affecting on hydrolysis such as alkalis concentration, temperature and contact time were discussed. The method verified that the leather wastes can be successfully processed to the powder like leather gelatin products. It was found that the optimum conditions to obtain high bloom gelatin strength from white shaving leather wastes around 150 bloom are 4 % w/v NaOH, 4 hours contact time, 250 rpm at 50 °C. KEY WORDS: alkaline hydrolysis, gelatin, high bloom strength, SEM, white leather shavings OBŢINEREA GELATINEI CU PUTERE GELIFIANTĂ MARE DIN DEŞEURI DE PIELE NETĂBĂCITĂ REZUMAT. Industria de pielărie este recunoscută ca fiind una dintre industriile care poluează foarte mult, care generează cantităţi uriaşe de deşeuri solide şi lichide. Aceste deşeuri au efecte adverse asupra mediului înconjurător şi asupra sănătăţii umane dacă nu sunt tratate cum trebuie. Scopul acestui articol este de a obţine gelatină cu putere gelifiantă mare din deşeuri de piele netăbăcită prin hidroliză alcalină pentru o utilizare mai bună a deşeurilor de piele. Această cercetare introduce un sistem al tehnologiilor de reutilizare a deşeurilor de piele, inclusiv prepararea gelatinei, izolarea proteinei de colagen prin metoda de extracţie, apoi caracterizarea gelatinei extrase. Acest articol a avut scopul de a determina eficienţa tratamentelor termice şi chimice asupra deşeurilor de piele netăbăcită în vederea recuperării unei cantităţi mari de gelatină cu o putere gelifiantă mare şi cu o cantitate mică de reziduuri. S-au discutat tratamente chimice ale deşeurilor solide de piele netăbăcită prin hidroliza parţială a deşeurilor utilizând diferiţi factori care afectează hidroliza, cum ar fi concentraţia de baze, temperatura şi timpul de contact. Metoda a verificat faptul că deşeurile de piele pot fi prelucrate cu succes sub formă de produse din piele gelatină pulbere. Condiţiile optime pentru a obţine gelatină din deşeuri de piele netăbăcită cu putere gelifiantă mare, de 150 grade Bloom, au fost: 4% NaOH w/v, timp de contact 4 ore, 250 rpm la 50°C. CUVINTE CHEIE: hidroliză alcalină, gelatină, putere gelifiantă mare, SEM, deşeuri de piele netăbăcită OBTENTION D'UNE GÉLATINE À HAUTE RÉSISTANCE À L'ENFONCEMENT À PARTIR DE DÉCHETS DE PEAU NON TANNÉE RÉSUMÉ. L'industrie du cuir est reconnue comme l'une des vastes industries qui polluent beaucoup, générant d'énormes quantités de déchets solides et liquides. Ces déchets ont des effets néfastes sur l'environnement et la santé humaine s'ils ne sont pas traités correctement. Le but de cet article est d'obtenir une gélatine à haute résistance à l'enfoncement à partir de déchets de peau non tannée par l'hydrolyse alcaline pour une meilleure utilisation des déchets de cuir. Cette recherche introduit un système de réutilisation des technologies de traitement des déchets de cuir, notamment la préparation de gélatine, l'isolement de protéines de collagène par une méthode d'extraction, et puis la caractérisation de la gélatine extraite. Cet article a eu le but de déterminer l'efficacité des traitements thermiques et chimiques sur les déchets de peau non tannée afin de récupérer une grande quantité de gélatine à haute résistance à l'enfoncement et une faible quantité de résidus. Les traitements chimiques des déchets solides de peau non tannée ont été discutés par l'hydrolyse partielle des déchets en utilisant divers facteurs qui influent sur l'hydrolyse, tels que la concentration des alcalis, la température et le temps de contact. La méthode a permis de vérifier que les déchets de peau pouvaient être traités avec succès sous forme de produits à base de poudre de peau en tripe. Les conditions optimales pour obtenir de la gélatine à 150 degrés Bloom à partir de déchets de peau non tannée ont été: 4% NaOH poids/volume, temps de contact 4 heures, 250 tr/min à 50°C. MOTS CLÉS : hydrolyse alcaline, gélatine, haute résistance à l'enfoncement, MEB, déchets de peau non tannée
Papers by Hamed Elsayed