Hakan Kaya
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Papers by Hakan Kaya
exercise full control over the provincial administration in the 18th century, great problems arose among
the tribes, local lords and governors in the provinces.
During this period, many complaint records were
found in the petitions sent from the provinces to the
center about tribes and local lords, and in these records, the complainants stressed the unfair practices
of the tribes and local lords. In this context, it is stated in the relevant archive sources that local lords
and governors committed serious abuses while they
were on duty in the sanjaks of Erzurum Province. On
the other hand, there were also many cases in which
the central government tried to protect the subjects.
However, it is not possible to say that the solution
mechanism against these complaints was operating
effectively because such problems continued throughout the 18th century. Also the administrators who
were put on trial or considered as rebels were assigned again in following decades. In fact, after the second half of the 16th century, such situations were
frequently encountered and people involved in such
events were even assigned to other duties.
Apart from the administrators, it is seen that the
Yezidi tribes were also involved in some events
within the sanjak in this century. During this period,
the Yezidi tribes, which did not want to pay taxes to
the state and acted against the directives of the central
government, also rebelled against the state. After the
revolts of the Yezidi tribes and the revolts of the local
lords, great material and moral damages occurred in
the sanjaks of the province. Although there were trials
of local lords or tribes alleged to have caused great
harm to the rayah, we do not have any record of what
kind of punishment they received. In this study, the
methods used by the governor of sanjaks of Erzurum
Province to obtain power or remain in government
will be discussed and the political alliances they had
with the Yezidi tribes will be investigated.
exercise full control over the provincial administration in the 18th century, great problems arose among
the tribes, local lords and governors in the provinces.
During this period, many complaint records were
found in the petitions sent from the provinces to the
center about tribes and local lords, and in these records, the complainants stressed the unfair practices
of the tribes and local lords. In this context, it is stated in the relevant archive sources that local lords
and governors committed serious abuses while they
were on duty in the sanjaks of Erzurum Province. On
the other hand, there were also many cases in which
the central government tried to protect the subjects.
However, it is not possible to say that the solution
mechanism against these complaints was operating
effectively because such problems continued throughout the 18th century. Also the administrators who
were put on trial or considered as rebels were assigned again in following decades. In fact, after the second half of the 16th century, such situations were
frequently encountered and people involved in such
events were even assigned to other duties.
Apart from the administrators, it is seen that the
Yezidi tribes were also involved in some events
within the sanjak in this century. During this period,
the Yezidi tribes, which did not want to pay taxes to
the state and acted against the directives of the central
government, also rebelled against the state. After the
revolts of the Yezidi tribes and the revolts of the local
lords, great material and moral damages occurred in
the sanjaks of the province. Although there were trials
of local lords or tribes alleged to have caused great
harm to the rayah, we do not have any record of what
kind of punishment they received. In this study, the
methods used by the governor of sanjaks of Erzurum
Province to obtain power or remain in government
will be discussed and the political alliances they had
with the Yezidi tribes will be investigated.