Papers by Hardyanto Soebono

Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Apr 1, 2024
Classifying skin lesions poses a significant challenge due to the distinctive characteristics and... more Classifying skin lesions poses a significant challenge due to the distinctive characteristics and diverse shapes they can exhibit, particularly in identifying early-stage melanoma. To address the shortcomings of the prior method, a neural network-driven strategy was introduced to differentiate between two types of skin lesions based on dermoscopic images. This new approach comprises four key stages: i) initial image processing, ii) skin lesion segmentation, iii) feature extraction, and iv) classification using deep neural networks (DNNs). Computers can also provide more accurate diagnosis results. In the review process, the articles are analyzed and summarized to contribute to developing methods or application development in skin lesion diagnosis. The stages include defining the relevant theory, input data, methods used (architecture and modules), training process, and model evaluation. This review also explores information based on trends and users, emphasizing the skin lesion segmentation process, skin lesion classification process, and minimal datasets as recommendations for future research.

Contact Dermatitis, May 10, 2012
Background. Tannery workers are at considerable risk of developing occupational contact dermatiti... more Background. Tannery workers are at considerable risk of developing occupational contact dermatitis. Occupational skin diseases in tannery workers in newly industrialized countries have been reported, but neither the prevalence of occupational allergic contact dermatitis nor the skin-sensitizing agents were specifically examined in those studies. Objectives. To assess the prevalence of occupational allergic contact dermatitis in Indonesian tanneries, identify the causative allergens, and propose a tannery work series of patch test allergens. Patients/methods. A cross-sectional study in all workers at two Indonesian tanneries was performed to assess the prevalence of occupational contact dermatitis via a questionnaire-based interview and skin examination. Workers with occupational contact dermatitis were patch tested to identify the causative allergens. Results. Occupational contact dermatitis was suspected in 77 (16%) of the 472 workers. Thirteen (3%) of these 472 workers were confirmed to have occupational allergic contact dermatitis. Potassium dichromate (9.2%), N ,N -diphenylguanidine (5.3%), benzidine (3.9%) and sodium metabisulfite (2.6%) were found to be the occupationally relevant sensitizers. Conclusions. The sensitization pattern showed some differences from the data in studies reported from other newly industrial countries. We compiled a 'tannery work series' of allergens for patch testing. A number of these allergens may also be considered for patch testing in patients with (leather) shoe dermatitis.

Background: Acne scars were caused by destruction of perifollicular pilobaseus due to excessive a... more Background: Acne scars were caused by destruction of perifollicular pilobaseus due to excessive acne inflammation marked by change in color, texture or both that contrast to the surrounding skin. It occurs in 95% of all degrees of acne and more common in dark skin than lighter skinned. Sunlight exposure may increase inflammatory process of acne caused by formation of proinflammatory mediators and increases production of matrix metalloproteinase that can degrade extracellular matrix collagen causing of atrophic scar formation. Sunlight exposure may cause melanogenesis which results in skin pigmentation that can be measured. Research on the effect of sunlight exposure toward wound healing in acne which causes acne scars has never been reported. Objective: To determine correlation between the amount of sunlight exposure measured by skin pigmentation with acne scars severity. Methods: A cross-sectional study in Yogyakarta on June-October,2013th was conducted. Subjects were patients with mild until very severe degree of acne, having IV-V Fitzpatrick skin phototype, without using cosmetic products containing whitening, sunscreen and acne medication in the last month. Sunlight exposure were measured by colorimeter (exposed and non-exposed area) as delta of L*value and delta of L*a*b*value. Acne scars severity were measured by Global Acne Scar Classification (GASC) and scars morphology count. Spearman correlation analysis were used with p<0.05. Results: A total of 81 patients were included and 5 were excluded. Median age of study was 20 years (17-27). A total of 76 subjects had mild grade (22,37%), moderate (69,74%), and severe acne scars (7,89%). Morphological scars were found 96,05% of macular scars and 97,37% of atrophic scars (ice-pick 92,11%, boxcar 85,53% dan rolling scars 36,84%. There were correlation between skin pigmentation measured using delta of L*value (p=0,001, r=0,362) and delta of L*a*b* value (p=0,000, r=0,392) with acne scars severity based on GASC. There were correlation between skin pigmentation and morphology count of atrophic scars (ice-pick, boxcar and rolling scars), without correlation with morphology count of macular scars. Conclusion: There were correlation between the amount of sunlight exposure measured by skin pigmentation with acne scars severity with mild coefficient correlation. Keywords: Sunlight exposure, skin pigmentation, acne scars, macular scars

Background : Leprosy may cause a serious health problem because of its disability and reaction th... more Background : Leprosy may cause a serious health problem because of its disability and reaction that becomes chronic. One of the reaction is ENL which is correlated with higher BI and MB type of leprosy. BI and MI are easy to do for bacteriological parameter. There are some studies supporting the correlation between ENL with BI, but the correlation between bacteriological parameter with onset and episode of ENL hasn�t been studied yet. Objective : To evaluate the correlation of bacteriological parameter to the onset and episode of ENL BL/LL leprosy patients. Methods : Observational study with a retrospective cohort design. Results : A number of 137 (44,3%) patients were included in this study was taken from 309 patients, 92 (67,2%) male and 45 (32,3%) female. 99 (72,3%) BL/LL patients had ENL, 8% patients had acute episodes, 28% patients multiple acute, and 63% patients chronic ones. The mean initial BI was 4,20±0,85 and initial MI was 41,53±23,68%. Initial bacteriological parameter has a significant correlation with ENL onset (p<0,05), but initial parameter has no correlation with ENL episodes. This study showed that there was correlation between onset of ENL and initial BI and initial MI value. The higher initial BI the faster ENL occur while higher initial MI would slow done the onset of ENL. Nevertheless initial BI and MI value did not have any significant correlation with episode of ENL. Conclusion : There is significant correlation between initial bacteriological parameter with ENL onset, but there is no correlation with ENL episodes.

Background: Solar radiation onto human skin, mainly ultraviolet A (UVA), can stimulate premature ... more Background: Solar radiation onto human skin, mainly ultraviolet A (UVA), can stimulate premature aging skin because of its effects on human dermal fibroblasts (proliferations, collagen depositions, migrations, and TGF-I² consumptions). A number of evidence demonstrate that Various biological materials such as platelet lysates (PL), Whartonâ��s Jelly Stem Cells Conditioned Media (WJ) and Adipose Derived Stem Cells Conditioned Media (AD), may improve healing process in chronic ulcers Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate potency of various concentration of PL, WJ, and AD in improving skin aging of human dermal fibroblasts. Methods: A quasi experimental design was done in artificially aged human dermal fibroblasts. Fibroblast cultivated more than 3 passages (11-13 years olds boyâ��s foreskins were divided into two groups: Group I consisted of 10 kJ/cm2 UVA induced aged fibroblasts and Group II were normal fibroblasts without UVA irradiation as positive control. Group I were divided into 4 subgroups: subgroup 1â��3 were treated by various concentration of PL, WJ, AD consecutively and subgroup 4 was a negative control. They were cultured in DMEM standard media. After treatments, they were evaluated its proliferations, migrations, collagen depositions, and level of extracellular TGF-I². Fibroblast proliferation, migration, deposition was measured by using MTT assay, Scratch assay, Insoluble Sirius Red collagen assay, respectively, while the level of TGF- was tested by using ELISA. Results: Cultivation of aged fibroblasts in 50% PL showed significant (P 0.05). Cultivation of aged fibroblasts in 25% PL showed elevation of extracellulary TGF-I² levels significantly (p<0.05). Proliferations, migrations, and collagen depositions of aging fibroblast culture in 50% PL were: 0.87±0.049 OD
Berita kedokteran masyarakat, 1991

Latar belakang. Skabies merupakan penyakit kulit menular yang disebabkan oleh tungau Sarcoptes sc... more Latar belakang. Skabies merupakan penyakit kulit menular yang disebabkan oleh tungau Sarcoptes scabiei var.hominis, dengan prevalensi cukup tinggi terutama di lingkungan pondok pesantren. Permethrin 5% dalam bentuk krim saat ini menjadi terapi standar pengobatan skabies. Beberapa tanaman seperti brotowali (Tinospora cordifolia) dan mimba (Azadirachta indica) merupakan tanaman obat tradisional yang banyak dijumpai di Indonesia memiliki kandungan zat berberine (dalam brotowali) dan azadirachtin (dalam mimba) dipercaya memiliki aktivitas skabisidal yang belum pernah dibuktikan. Tujuan. Membandingkan efikasi krim ekstrak batang brotowali 10%, krim ekstrak daun mimba 10%, kombinasi krim ekstrak brotowali dan mimba, dengan krim permethrin 5% pada pengobatan skabies. Metode. Penelitian menggunakan uji klinis randomisasi buta tunggal. Subyek penelitian adalah santri pondok pesantren An Nur Ngrukem Bantul, dengan diagnosis skabies secara klinis sesuai kriteria IACS tahun 2018. Penelitian dilakukan Maret-April 2018. Sebanyak 113 orang subyek dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok yaitu kelompok krim ekstrak batang brotowali, kelompok krim ekstrak daun mimba, kelompok krim ekstrak kombinasi brotowali dan mimba, dan sebagai kontrolnya adalah kelompok permethrin 5%. Aplikasi krim sehari sekali dibiarkan 8-10 jam tidak terkena air selama 3 hari berturut-turut dalam 1 minggu pertama, diulang lagi pada minggu kedua. Evaluasi efikasi dilakukan dengan mengukur angka kesembuhan pada pengamatan akhir minggu I dan akhir minggu II meliputi tidak munculnya lesi baru dan seluruh lesi aktif telah hilang serta penurunan derajat gatal yang diukur dengan VAS. Hasil. Angka kesembuhan di akhir minggu I didapatkan pada kelompok brotowali 17/22 (77,3%), kelompok mimba 26/29 (89,7%), kelompok brotowali+mimba 26/30 (86,7%) dan kelompok permethrin 28/32 (87,5%). Perbedaan angka kesembuhan di akhir minggu I diantara 4 kelompok perlakuan secara statistik tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0,05). Sedangkan angka kesembuhan di akhir minggu II pada kelompok brotowali 19/22 (86,4%), kelompok mimba 27/29 (93,1%), kelompok brotowali+mimba 27/30 (90%) dan kelompok permethrin 32/32 (100%). Perbedaan angka kesembuhan di akhir minggu II diantara 4 kelompok perlakuan secara statistik juga tidak berbeda bermakna (p>0,05). Kesimpulan. Krim ekstrak batang brotowali 10%, krim ekstrak daun mimba 10%, dan krim ekstrak kombinasi brotowali dan mimba memiliki efikasi yang sebanding dengan krim permethrin 5% dalam pengobatan skabies selama periode pengamatan 2 minggu. Kejadian efek samping obat pada masing-masing kelompok perlakuan tidak bermakna. Background. Scabies is an infection skin disease caused by Sarcoptes scabiei var.hominis with high prevalence mostly in crowded living situations. Permethrin 5% cream is a current standard therapy for scabies. Brotowali (Tinospora cordifolia) and mimba (Azadirachta indica) are traditional medicinal plants of Indonesia which have active compounds such as berberine (in brotowali) and azadirachtin (in mimba) are assumed to have scabisidal activity. Objectives. To compare the efficacy of brotowali cream stem extract, mimba cream leaf extract, their combination cream extract with permethrin 5% cream in the treatment of scabies. Methods. The study used single blind randomized clinical trial. Subjects were students of An Nur Boarding School in Ngrukem, Bantul Special Region of Yogyakarta. Students were clinically diagnosed with scabies according to IACS 2018 criteria. The research was conducted from March to April 2018. The number of subjects were 113 people divided into 4 groups, namely Brotowali extract cream group, Mimba extract cream group, Brotowali-Mimba combination cream extract and permethrin 5% cream as a control group. The creams were applied on whole body once daily and left for 8-10 hours, not exposed to water for three consecutive days in the first week and repeated in the second week. Efficacy evaluation was measured by evaluating the cure rate at the end of week 1 and by the end of week 2. The cure was defined by no new lesions and all active lesions had disappeared with a significant decreased of itching measured by VAS. Results. Cure rate by the end of week 1 in brotowali group was 17/22 (77.3%), mimba group was 26/29 (89,7%), brotowali+mimba group was 26/30 (86,7%) and permethrin group was 28/32 (87,5%). The cure rate differences by the end of week 1 were not statistically significant between the four treatment groups (p>0.05). Cure rate by the end of week 2 in brotowali group was 19/22 (86,4%), mimba group was 27/29 (93,1%), brotowali+mimba group was 27/30 (90%) and permethrin group was 32/32 (100%). The cure rate differences by the end of week 2 were also not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusion. Brotowali stem extract 10% cream, mimba leaf extract 10% cream, and their combination extract cream demonstrate comparable efficacy with permethrin 5% cream in the treatment of scabies by two weeks observation period. The…

Psoriasis vulgaris is chronic inflammatoryskin disease which mediated by T cell and proinflammato... more Psoriasis vulgaris is chronic inflammatoryskin disease which mediated by T cell and proinflammatory cytokines. Proinflammatory cytokines especially TNF-α and IL-6 exert systemic effects on insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is basic pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is the risk of individual cardiometabolic diseasewhich include abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and elevated blood glucose. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between psoriasis vulgaris and metabolic syndrome. A cross-sectional study was done among 40 psoriasis vulgaris patients and 40 non psoriatic healthy subjects visiting outpatient Department of Dermatology and Venereology clinic Dr. Sardjito hospital, Yogyakarta. Blood pressure, fasting bood glucose, HDL cholesterol, waist circumference, triglycerides and TNF-α were examined. Metabolic syndrome was found in 35% psoriatic patients compared to 15 % in non-psoriatic patients(RR 2,3
Berita Kedokteran Masyarakat, 1991
Frontiers in Medicine, Jan 4, 2023
(2023) Modified tarsorrhaphy versus gold weight implant technique for paralytic lagophthalmos tre... more (2023) Modified tarsorrhaphy versus gold weight implant technique for paralytic lagophthalmos treatment in patients with leprosy: One-year observation of a randomized controlled trial study.
Sexually Transmitted Infections, Sep 1, 2015
clinic visitors. In view of the extensive resistance against doxycyclin and ciprofloxacin, these ... more clinic visitors. In view of the extensive resistance against doxycyclin and ciprofloxacin, these antibiotics are not appropriate treatment options for gonorrhoea; instead, extended spectrum cephalosporins are advised. Disclosure of interest statement The study is funded by Indonesian government through Beasiswa Unggulan (The Excellence

Malaysian journal of medical and biological research, Jun 30, 2018
Background: Ultraviolet A radiation (UVA) can photo-age skin by suppressing the proliferation, mi... more Background: Ultraviolet A radiation (UVA) can photo-age skin by suppressing the proliferation, migration, and collagen deposition of human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs). This process occurs because UVA light can inhibit the gene expression of the TGF-β receptor in HDFs. Moreover, Wharton's Jelly Stem Cells-Conditioned Medium (WJSC-CM) is hypothesized to release microvesicles that contain short m-RNA with regenerative properties. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the regenerative properties of WJSC-CM on UVA-Irradiated Human Dermal Fibroblasts (UVA-HDFs) Methods: Passaged fourth of HDFs obtained from the foreskin of six (11-to 13-year-old) boys were repeatedly irradiated with a total of 10 J/cm 2 UVA and treated with various concentrations of WJSC-CM. We used non-irradiated HDFs as positive control. After that, the consumption of TGF-β, cellular proliferation, cellular migration, and collagen deposition of each group were measured and compared. Results: Compared to the non-irradiated groups, the proliferation rates, migration rates, and collagen deposition of UVA-HDFs significantly decreased (p<0.05). WJSC-CM can improve the consumption of TGF-β, proliferation, and cellular migration of UVA-HDFs. However, WJSC-CM failed to improve the collagen deposition of UVA-HDFs (p>0.05). Conclusions: WJSC-CM has regenerative properties and is a candidate material for the treatment of prematurely ageing skin induced by UVA-irradiation.
Papers by Hardyanto Soebono