Papers by Hernán María Sampietro

PubMed, May 1, 2024
Background: The Self-Identified Stage of Recovery (SISR) () is a scale used to assess both the st... more Background: The Self-Identified Stage of Recovery (SISR) () is a scale used to assess both the stage of recovery (SISR-A) and the components of the process of personal recovery (SISR-B). This study aimed to develop the Spanish version of the SISR and obtain evidence of validity and reliability in a sample of 230 users of community mental health services. Method: The Spanish version of the SISR was developed following the translation-back translation procedure, with the support of a committee of experienced experts. The SISR was examined in terms of dimensional structure, internal consistency, relationships with other variables (i.e., the Maryland Recovery Assessment Scale [MARS-12] and the Dispositional Hope Scale [DHS]), and temporal stability (n = 66). Differential item functioning (DIF) by gender was analysed. Results: The study confirmed the unidimensionality of the SISR-B and suitable internal consistency of its scores (ω = .83, α = .83). Scores from both SISR-A and SISR-B showed good temporal stability and the SISR-B displayed strong correlations with the MARS-12 (rs = .78) and the DHS (rs = .67). No DIF was found. Conclusions: This study supports the validity and reliability of the scores of the Spanish version of the SISR.

PloS one, Feb 23, 2024
The aim of this study was to adapt and validate a Spanish version of the Maryland Assessment of R... more The aim of this study was to adapt and validate a Spanish version of the Maryland Assessment of Recovery Scale (MARS-12). It was carried out in strict accordance with internationally recognized guidelines for test adaptation. A preliminary Spanish version of the MARS-12 was first produced through a standardized translation/back-translation process, ensuring semantic, linguistic, and contextual equivalence with respect to the original scale. Its psychometric properties were then examined in a sample of 325 people with serious mental illness recruited from six different provinces in the Basque Country (northern Spain) and Catalonia (north-eastern Spain). They were users of a total of 20 community rehabilitation and psychiatry services. Confirmatory factor analysis supported a unidimensional structure, consistent with the original scale. Scores on the MARS-12 were positively correlated (.83) with scores on the Questionnaire about the Process of Recovery, supporting convergent validity, while validity evidence based on relationships with other variables was provided by positive correlations between MARS-12 scores and scores on the Dispositional Hope Scale (.82) and on the three dimensions of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (range .30 to .41). Reliability of MARS-12 scores was high (McDonald's ω = .97), as was temporal stability across a one-week interval (.89). The Spanish version of the MARS-12 is a valid and reliable scale that may be used by mental health professionals to assess recovery among Spanish people with serious mental illness.

International journal of mental health and addiction, May 17, 2024
There is a lack of valid instruments to measure empowerment in Spanish-speaking populations. This... more There is a lack of valid instruments to measure empowerment in Spanish-speaking populations. This study aimed to adapt the Netherlands Empowerment List (NEL), a 40-item scale, into Spanish and to test its psychometric properties examining its dimensional structure, internal consistency, temporal stability, relationships with other variables, and differential item functioning by gender. Participants were 406 users of mental health community rehabilitation services (52.5% male), with a mean age of 47.8 years. Results confirmed a six first-order factor structure of the scale. Internal consistency was excellent for the total score and ranged from excellent to adequate for subscale scores. Temporal stability was excellent for four subscales and good for the remaining two. The analysis of relationships between the Spanish NEL with other variables (i.e., empowerment, recovery, hope, perceived social support) provided additional evidence of its validity. Although four items showed uniform differential item functioning by gender, the effect size was negligible. The Spanish NEL yields valid and reliable scores, and it may be used to assess empowerment in Spanish-speaking countries.
Clínica y Salud
Recovery-oriented care is the proposal incorporated in the new mental health strategic plans of b... more Recovery-oriented care is the proposal incorporated in the new mental health strategic plans of both the World Health Organization and the Spanish National Health System. This article takes a journey from the initial proposals of the recovery model to the way recovery-oriented care is currently defined, understood as a community intervention, personcentred, and based on rights. The existing consensus around the CHIME model is also explained in order to understand what kind of interventions are needed to transform mental health services. Likewise, some of the main existing programs and projects to promote recovery-oriented care are presented, and a number of existing barriers to their implementation are analysed.

BMC Public Health
Background The aim of this study is to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of the universal... more Background The aim of this study is to evaluate the short- and long-term effects of the universal mental health literacy intervention “” in increasing mental health knowledge, help seeking and reducing stigma attitudes in the adolescent population. We also examine whether these effects depend on the intervention intensity. Methods A clustered school-based randomised controlled trial (cRCT) design. Subjects: 1,298 secondary pupils aged 13 and 14 were recruited from 18 schools in Barcelona (Spain) between September 2016 and January 2018. Intervention: Three programmes were assessed: 1) Sensitivity Programme (SP; 1 h); 2) Mental Health Literacy (MHL; 6 h); 3) MHL plus a first-person Stigma Reduction Programme (MHL + SR; 7 h); 4) Control group (CG): waiting list. Outcome measures: 1) MHL: EMHL Test (First part and Second Part); 2) Stigma: RIBS and CAMI; 3) Help-seeking and use of treatment: GHSQ. Analysis: The data was collected at baseline, post-intervention...

BMC Psychiatry
Background Many countries today are undergoing a paradigm shift in mental health policies towards... more Background Many countries today are undergoing a paradigm shift in mental health policies towards a recovery-oriented and rights-based approach. From this perspective, self-determination and self-management are fundamental factors for recovery. Despite this shift, there is still a lack of evidence on the effectiveness of training programmes aimed at promoting self-determination and self-management in recovery processes implemented in southern European or Spanish-speaking countries. The aim of this paper is to present a study protocol that evaluates the effectiveness of a 12-session recovery workshop implemented in community mental health services in Catalonia (Spain). Methods/design This is a 12-week follow-up multi-centre non-randomized controlled trial design. At least 160 users will be recruited from 13 Community Rehabilitation Services (CRS) in Catalonia. Eligible participants are adult (≥ 18 years old) users of a CRS, who sign a written consent to participate. The experimental ...

BMJ Open
BackgroundSince 1997, several tools based on the experiences of users and survivors of psychiatry... more BackgroundSince 1997, several tools based on the experiences of users and survivors of psychiatry have been developed with the goal of promoting self-determination in recovery, empowerment and well-being.ObjectivesThe aims of this study were to identify these tools and their distinctive features, and to know how they were created, implemented and evaluated.MethodThis work was conducted in accordance with a published Scoping Review protocol, following the Arksey and O’Malley approach and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for scoping reviews. Five search strategies were used, including contact with user and survivor networks, academic database searching (Cochrane, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, SCOPUS, PubMed and Web of Science), grey literature searching, Google Scholar searching and reference harvesting. We focused on tools, elaborated by users and survivors, and studies reporting the m...

Quaderns de Psicologia
En este estudio exploramos el significado del concepto de recuperación desde la perspectiva de la... more En este estudio exploramos el significado del concepto de recuperación desde la perspectiva de las personas usuarias de servicios de salud mental en Cataluña. Realizamos cinco grupos focales para recopilar los datos, y utilizamos la teoría fundamentada para el análisis. Identificamos once temas o tópicos en torno a los cuales los participantes organizaron sus argumentos. La manera como las personas entienden la recuperación está vinculada al marco conceptual del que derivan sus ideas: el modelo biomédico o el paradigma de la recuperación. Algunos de estos temas coinciden con el modelo CHIME, propio del marco internacional de las políticas públicas orientadas a la recuperación. Los tópicos o temas que se corresponden con supuestos del modelo biomédico generaron perspectivas en conflicto y contraargumentaciones. Participar en espacios de apoyo mutuo y activismo de salud mental parece favorecer la incorporación del marco conceptual del paradigma de la recuperación.

BMJ Open, 2020
Introduction Since the emergence in 1997 of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan, a number of other ... more Introduction Since the emergence in 1997 of the Wellness Recovery Action Plan, a number of other tools developed by users and/or ex-users of mental health services have been published and implemented. All these tools aim to promote self-determination in mental health recovery processes. A scoping review will be carried out in order to (1) identify existing tools, (2) describe their distinctive characteristics and (3) examine how they have been implemented and evaluated. Methods and analysis The scoping review will be guided by the methodological framework proposed by Arksey and O’Malley and expanded by Levac et al. It will involve, primarily, a literature search of the following electronic databases: Cochrane database, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, PsycInfo, PsycArticles, Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science. In addition, the search process will consider grey literature databases. Users, ex-users and survivors organisations and networks will be contacted in ...

Quaderns de Psicologia
En este artículo se pretende responder a diversos interrogantes que surgen cuando se considera la... more En este artículo se pretende responder a diversos interrogantes que surgen cuando se considera la manera como la enfermedad mental se presenta en los medios de comunicación asociada a la violencia. Para ello, se realizó una revisión de la literatura, incluyendo 81 investigaciones originales o revisiones previas, intentando comprender cuáles son las significaciones que los medios atribuyen a la enfermedad mental y porqué los/as investigadores/as consideran que estas significaciones son inadecuadas y estigmatizantes. A su vez, se analizó qué dicen las investigaciones respecto a la existencia o no de esta asociación fuera de los medios de comunicación. Y, finalmente, se examinaron diversos trabajos que explican las estrategias desplegadas por los medios para construir esta asociación. La revisión permite concluir que las significaciones atribuidas desde los medios, aunque contradicen las opiniones de profesionales y expertos, son efectivas y funcionales para los criterios comerciales.

BMC public health, Jan 31, 2018
One half of adults who develop any mental disorder do so during adolescence. Previous literature ... more One half of adults who develop any mental disorder do so during adolescence. Previous literature showed that Mental Health Literacy (MHL) interventions impact mental health knowledge, reduce the associated stigma, and promote help-seeking among the adolescent population. However, evidence for the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of these programmes remains inconclusive. The aim of this paper is to present a study protocol that evaluates the effectiveness of the " " programme. " " consists of a universal MHL intervention designed to promote mental health knowledge, increase help-seeking, reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, and prevent mental disorders in Spanish school settings. A school-based clustered randomised controlled trial (cRCT) design with 12 months of follow-up. At least 408 secondary school students who attend the 3rd year of E.S.O (Compulsory secondary education for 13- to 14-year- olds) will be recruited ...

Quaderns de Psicologia
In this article we hope to respond to the various questions that arise when one considers the way... more In this article we hope to respond to the various questions that arise when one considers the way in which the media presents mental illness associated with violence. To do so, a literature review was undertaken, including 81 original studies or previous reviews, in an attempt to understand what are the meanings that the media attributes to mental illness and why the researchers consider these meanings to be inadequate and stigmatizing. At the same time, what the research says with respect to the existence, or non-existence, of this association outside of the media was also analyzed. And, finally, different studies were examined that explain the strategies used by the media to construct this association. The review allows us to conclude that the meanings attributed by the media, even if they contradict the opinions of professionals and experts, are effective and functional for commercial criteria...
Resumen En este artículo se pretende responder a diversos interrogantes que surgen cuando se cons... more Resumen En este artículo se pretende responder a diversos interrogantes que surgen cuando se considera la manera como la enfermedad mental se presenta en los medios de comunicación asociada a la violencia. Para ello, se realizó una revisión de la literatura, incluyendo 81 ...
In this article we hope to respond to the various questions that arise when one considers the way... more In this article we hope to respond to the various questions that arise when one considers the way in which the media presents mental illness associated with violence. To do so, a literature review was undertaken, including 81 original studies or previous reviews, in an attempt to understand what are the meanings that the media attributes to mental illness and why the researchers consider these meanings to be inadequate and stigmatizing. At the same time, what the research says with respect to the existence, or non-existence, of this association outside of the media was also analyzed. And, finally, different studies were examined that explain the strategies used by the media to construct this association.
Papers by Hernán María Sampietro