Papers by Hari Priwiratama

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences
The present study aimed to test the efficiency of Hendersonia GanoEF biofertilizer against Ganode... more The present study aimed to test the efficiency of Hendersonia GanoEF biofertilizer against Ganoderma disease in the seedlings of oil palm (OP) Elaeis guineensis, and was carried out from February 2020 – January 2021 in Pulo Mandi Garden Nursery, at Medan, Indonesia. Experimental set up followed a completely randomized design with four treatments. Observation results showed that the percentage of root colonization by Hendersonia sp. in OP roots reached an average of 70.6% in the treatment with Ganoderma inoculation, and an average of 69.6% in the treatment without Ganoderma inoculation. The GanoEF treatment provided higher growth of seedlings and faster growth of bowl diameter when the seedlings were 9 months old. Three instances of GanoEF application had high potential to inhibit the development of Ganoderma on OP seedlings. Endophytic fungi Hendersonia sp. was capable of symbiosis with OP roots with a colonization rate reaching 70.6%. Disease incidence or percentage of plants infec...
Revista Palmas; Vol. 40 Núm. Especial T (2019); 77-93, Jul 25, 2020

Bakteri perakaran pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR) telah m... more Bakteri perakaran pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman (plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, PGPR) telah menunjukkan keefektifan dalam menekan serangan patogen. Empat galur PGPR (Bacillus polymixa BG25, B. subtilis SB3, Pseudomonas fluorescens PG01, dan P. fluorescens ES32) serta campuran suspensi empat bakteri diaplikasikan melalui perendaman benih. Inokulasi Geminivirus dilakukan di rumah kaca pada 3, 5, dan 6 minggu setelah tanam dengan bantuan vektor Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Tanaman tanpa perlakuan perendaman benih dalam suspensi bakteri digunakan sebagai pembanding. Interaksi antara waktu inokulasi virus dan jenis bakteri yang digunakan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata dalam menghambat masa inkubasi, tetapi berpengaruh nyata terhadap keparahan penyakit daun keriting kuning. Persentase keparahan penyakit rendah pada tanaman yang diinokulasi pada umur tanaman yang lanjut. Beberapa perlakuan bakteri berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, dan bunga.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
Many oil palm planters argue that the application of Bacillus thuringiensis through fogging can o... more Many oil palm planters argue that the application of Bacillus thuringiensis through fogging can only be conducted using double-tank fogging equipment. It was believed that the use of single-tank fogging will be resulting in low efficacy. The study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of single and double-tank fogging machines trial of B. thuringiensis against Mahasena corbetti in oil palm plantations. Two doses of application, i.e., 0.5 L/ha and 1 L/ha, were tested using each fogging machine. A plot of mock fogging application was used as a control treatment. The result showed that B. thuringiensis have high efficacy against M. corbetti. More than 90% of larvae mortality was observed at 14 day s after application via a single-tank and a double-tank fogging machine. This result suggests that a single-tank fogging machine could be used for B. thuringiensis application without reducing its efficacy against target pests.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
Metisa plana is widely known for its destructive impact on oil palm plantations. M. plana infesta... more Metisa plana is widely known for its destructive impact on oil palm plantations. M. plana infestation could reduce the oil palm productivity by 40% if it remains untreated over two consecutive years. The application of insecticide has become a well-known method of controlling M. plana infestation. The experimental design used was a Randomized Block Design with six treatments and six replications. Four doses of Bacillus thuringiensis and selected greenlabelled insecticides (active ingredient: clorantraniliprole) were evaluated for their toxicity based on initial population of M. plana . The folia r spraying bioassay technique was used to expose six replications to the designated treatments. M. plana mortality was observed for 2, 7, 14, and 28 days after application. The results showed that both B. thuringiensis and chlorantraniliprole could cause 96-99% mortality in seven days. Based on these field evaluation, the use of insecticide products with active ingredients Bt with soluble co...

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
A field study to test the efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Kurstaki against Tirathaba ru... more A field study to test the efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Kurstaki against Tirathaba rufivena, the oil palm bunch moth, has been conducted in early mature (5-year-old) oil palm in Kalianta Estate, Riau. The experiment was conducted following a randomized complete block design, consisting of five concentration treatments, namely 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 ml/L of suspension. The B. thuringiensis was sprayed directly onto the inflorescences and fruit bunches of selected palm samples every week for a month duration. The result showed that the intensity of T. rufivena attack was continuously declined since the first week after B. thuringiensis application. The decline of attack intensity is in line with the reduction of the larvae population in the affected fruit bunches. This trial demonstrated that B. thuringiensis had high efficacy against the bunch moth with an efficacy value of 74.90 %, 91.18 %, 96.96 %, and 94.77 % achieved at two weeks after application at the concentrations of ...

Jurnal Penelitian Kelapa Sawit, 2021
Pengendalian hama tikus di perkebunan kelapa sawit dapat dilakukan secara kimiawi menggunakan rod... more Pengendalian hama tikus di perkebunan kelapa sawit dapat dilakukan secara kimiawi menggunakan rodentisida atau secara biologi dengan memanfaatkan musuh alami, maupun integrasi antar keduanya. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan efikasi dua jenis bahan aktif rodentisida yaitu kumatetralil dan Sarcocystis singaporensis terhadap serangan tikus pohon Rattus tiomanicus pada tanaman kelapa sawit menghasilkan. Percobaan dilakukan dengan Rancangan Acak Kelompok yang terdiri 3 perlakuan dan 6 blok/ulangan. Dosis perlakuan kumatetralil yaitu 1 blok per pohon sedangkan dosis perlakuan S. singaporensis yaitu 2 pelet per pohon. Aplikasi umpan rodentisida dilakukan dengan interval lima hari sekali 4 ulangan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa persentase kejadian serangan tikus mengalami penurunan di seluruh blok percobaan. Kejadian serangan tikus pada blok aplikasi Kumatetralil secara nyata lebih rendah dibandingkan blok kontrol pada pengamatan 5 dan 10 hari setelah aplikasi (hsa), sedangkan pada blok a...

Ulat api merupakan salah satu jenis hama yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan berat pada tajuk tanama... more Ulat api merupakan salah satu jenis hama yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan berat pada tajuk tanaman kelapa sawit. Laporan serangan ulat api dengan intensitas berat seringkali terjadi sepanjang tahun di Sumatera Utara yang selama beberapa tahun terakhir didominasi oleh Setothosea asigna, Setora nitens dan Parasa lepida. Selain ketiga spesies tersebut, beberapa jenis ulat api minor juga telah dilaporkan keberadaannya sejak 30 tahun yang lalu, termasuk ulat api kecil Narosa rosipuncta. Pada semester kedua tahun 2019, ledakan N. rosipuncta terjadi di salah satu kebun kelapa sawit di wilayah Kabupaten Simalungun, Sumatera Utara dengan luas total serangan 28 hektar. Ledakan populasi ulat api minor N. rosipuncta tersebut mengindikasikan tidak berlangsungnya mekanisme pengendalian alami di lapangan selain pelaksanaan monitoring yang tidak konsisten. Upaya pengendalian untuk menurunkan populasi N. rosipuncta secara cepat telah berhasil dilakukan dengan aplikasi insektisida berbahan aktif delt...

Effort to manage basal stem rot disease (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense could be conducted th... more Effort to manage basal stem rot disease (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense could be conducted through several cultural practice approaches. Four series of field experiments was conducted to observe the effectiveness of cultural practice methods for controlling the epidemic of basal stem rot due to G. boninense . Sanitation trial consisted of three treatments i.e root sanitation with big hole planting system, big hole without root sanitation, and standard replanting system as comparison. Hole in hole and standard planting system were compared in the hole in hole trial. Digging and mounding trial was conducted in four treatments, i.e. digging and mounding with teer and Trichoderma , digging and mounding with Trichoderma , mounding with Trichoderma , and infected palm without any treatment as comparison. Meanwhile, a 4 m × 4 m trench was used in the isolation trench trial. Annual observation was conducted to determine the disease incidence of BSR in each trial. Results showed that all...

Tandan buah kelapa sawit yang dipanen dapat menggambarkan proses penyerbukan yang terjadi pada 6 ... more Tandan buah kelapa sawit yang dipanen dapat menggambarkan proses penyerbukan yang terjadi pada 6 bulan sebelumnya dan keadaan nutrisi selama proses perkembangan buah. Penyerbukan sangat dipengaruhi oleh ketersediaan polen dengan viabilitas yang tinggi dan kecukupan populasi serangga penyerbuk Elaeidobius kamerunicus. Penelitian ini mengkaji dua kelompok tanaman dengan kondisi fisik yang berbeda, tanaman jagur dan tanaman kurus. Kajian dilakukan masing-masing pada tanaman tahun tanam 2000, 2006, 2010. Pengamatan meliputi penghitungan nilai fruit set dan fruit to bunch tandan kelapa sawit, produksi dan viabilitas polen dari bunga jantan yang dihasilkan, jumlah populasi kumbang E. kamerunicus per ha, dan analisis hara daun dan tanah. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa nilai fruit set dan fruit to bunch pada tanaman kurus jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan tanaman jagur. Secara umum, semakin tua umur tanaman maka fruit set dan fruit to bunch semakin tinggi. Nilai fruit set sangat dipenga...

Kegiatan budidaya kelapa sawit di Indonesia telah berlangsung selama lebih dari seratus tahun. Be... more Kegiatan budidaya kelapa sawit di Indonesia telah berlangsung selama lebih dari seratus tahun. Beberapa serangga mengalami proses adaptasi untuk dapat melakukan aktivitas makan dan meletakkan telur pada kelapa sawit sebagai tanaman inang. Akibat interaksi tersebut, terdapat berbagai jenis serangga yang bersifat sebagai hama baik mayor maupun minor. Pada waktu tertentu, populasi hama minor mengalami ledakan misalnya spesies O. gateri dan Penthocrates sp. Hal tersebut terjadi karena pengaruh beberapa faktor seperti dominasi hama utama yang bergeser akibat populasinya menurun. Penurunan populasi dapat terjadi karena berbagai pengaruh seperti terkendali oleh musuh alami, penggunaan insektisida, maupun faktor iklim yang tidak sesuai. Monitoring hama yang akurat dan kontinyu menjadi salah satu kunci sukses dalam mencegah ledakan hama minor maupun hama utama pada umumnya. Kata kunci: Olona gateri, Penthocrates sp., resurgensi, dinamika populasi

Germination response of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to concentrations of NaCl. Land in ... more Germination response of some rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties to concentrations of NaCl. Land in Indonesia is very varied according to the character of the soil, such as acid soils, saline soil, andosol and others. Land use for rice planting resulted in the production of rice can not fulfill the population. For which, a study has been carried out at Seed Technology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan with altitude ± 25 m asl, In May 2012 using a completely randomized factorial design 2 factors: varieties (Mekongga, Cigelis, Inpari 1, Cibogo and Ciherang) and NaCl concentrations (0, 1000, 2000, 3000 ppm). Peubah amatans measured were germination rate, germination percentage, sprouts percentage normal, radicle length, fresh weight sprouts. The results showed that the varieties did not significantly affect all peubah amatans were observed. NaCl concentrations significantly affect radicle length and fresh weight sprouts. Keywords: rice, varieties, NaC...

Journal of agricultural science & technology A, 2014
Biological control is usually the first choice of control and prevention method for integrated pe... more Biological control is usually the first choice of control and prevention method for integrated pest management (IPM) strategies and has now been widely implemented by Indonesian oil palm plantations. Entomopathogenic fungus, i.e., Metarhizium anisopliae, Cordyceps militaris and Beauveria bassiana have been demonstrated to control renowned pests of oil palm. Metarhizium has been used to control Oryctes larvae and the mortality has ranged from 91.67% to 100% in laboratory and 7.4% to 88.75% in the field. Metarhizium has been applied in combination with a termite baiting system (TBS) to control termites in the field for preventive and curative action as well. In many oil palm plantations in Indonesia, Cordyceps has been used to reduce the field moth population of Setothosea asigna. Application of Cordyceps within the oil palm circle was able to infect S. asigna pupae up to 80%. Meanwhile, Beauveria in an effervescent formulation was demonstrated to have better efficacy on Darna trima l...

Pengujian herbisida berbahan aktif metil metsulfuron untuk pengendalian gulma di perkebunan kelap... more Pengujian herbisida berbahan aktif metil metsulfuron untuk pengendalian gulma di perkebunan kelapa sawit tanaman menghasilkan dilaksanakan dengan aplikasi tunggal dan campuran dengan glifosat. Pengujian menunjukkan bahwa bobot kering gulma total dipengaruhi oleh seluruh perlakuan herbisida yang diberikan. Berdasarkan jenis gulma yang dikendalikan, herbisida metil metsulfuron tunggal maupun campuran menunjukkan aktivitas pengendalian terhadap gulma Asystasia intrusa, Rivina humilis, dan Cyclosorus aridus. Namun demikian, pengendalian Setaria plicata hanya terlihat signifikan pada perlakuan metil metsulfuron campuran. Secara umum, perlakuan campuran herbisida metil metsulfuron + glifosat juga memiliki kemampuan penekanan pertumbuhan gulma yang lebih baik bila dibandingkan dengan perlakuan tunggal metil metsulfuron. Penggunaan dosis campuran 67 g/ha metil metsulfuron + 2.7 l/ha glifosat (SM3) menunjukkan efikasi yang baik dan sebanding dengan dosis tertinggi pada pengujian ini. Kata ku...

Kejadian penyakit busuk pangkal batang (BPB) pada dua varietas toleran yang sudah dirilis (Tolera... more Kejadian penyakit busuk pangkal batang (BPB) pada dua varietas toleran yang sudah dirilis (Toleran 1 dan Toleran 2) diamati pada areal tanaman belum menghasilkan tahun tanam 2018 (TBM II) dan 2017 (TBM III) di kebun kelapa sawit yang terletak di Kabupaten Deli Serdang. Gejala penyakit BPB pada kedua varietas di areal TBM berupa akumulasi daun tombak, penguningan tajuk tanaman disertai nekrosis pada pelepah bagian bawah, dan pembusukan di bagian pangkal bonggol tanaman. Rata-rata kejadian penyakit BPB kedua varietas pada areal TBM II dan TBM III masih tergolong rendah, yaitu kurang dari 1%. Kejadian penyakit BPB varietas Toleran 1 pada TBM II dan TBM III masing-masing mencapai 0,55% sedangkan pada varietas Toleran 2 berturut-turut mencapai 0,32% dan 0,40%. Pemilihan pola tanam ulang tanpa sanitasi sumber inokulum menjadi salah satu faktor pencetus infeksi Ganoderma pada kedua areal TBM.
Basal stem rot disease (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense is the major pathogen of oil palm in I... more Basal stem rot disease (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense is the major pathogen of oil palm in Indonesia and Malaysia. Sometimes in the same location, especially in the peatland, upper stem rot (USR) disease is also found. This research was carried out to identify the pathogen of upper stem rot by molecular approach. Fruiting bodies of fungus were collected from 3 plants with upper stem rot symptoms and 2 plants with basal stem rot symptoms from Labuhan Batu North Sumatra and Kampar Riau. Results showed that all of the fruiting body samples taken from plants with upper stem rot and basal stem rot symptoms were G. boninense .
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has effectively reduced infection of pathogens. Bacil... more Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) has effectively reduced infection of pathogens. Bacillus polimixa BG25, B. subtilis SB3, Pseudomonas fluorescens PG01, P. fluorescens S32, and their combinations were used as seed treatment. Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) was used to inoculate Geminivirus at 3, 5, and 6 weeks after planting. Seeds without any bacteria treatment were used as controlled plant. Treatment of PGPR and time of inoculation were significantly effect disease intensity, but not incubation period. Late infection of Geminivirus reduced disease intensity. Based on measurement of plant height, number of branch, and flowers it was concluded that some bacterial treatments was significantly effect plant growth. Key words: Bemisia tabaci, Geminivirus, PGPR, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The incidence of BSR was observed over years in 4 historically-different planting areas i.e. land... more The incidence of BSR was observed over years in 4 historically-different planting areas i.e. land converted from rubber, cacao and swamp, and continuous oil palm replanting area. In addition, we observed the effect of surgery-mounding to the lifetime of Ganoderma-infected palms and the effectiveness of different replanting techniques on the incidence of BSR disease. The infection rate of Ganoderma was faster in oil palm replanting area at 7.68% per yr, followed by land conversion from swamp, cacao, and rubber at 4.67%, 3.81%, and 1.06% per yr, respectively. Surgery-mounding of Ganoderma-infected palms can prolong the lifetime of the infected palms with number of death palm up to 4.45%. Meanwhile, removal of Ganoderma inoculum sources during replanting contributes to lower BSR incidence in the first nine years. The lowest incidence of BSR was observed following the complete removal of oil palm debris in combination with big-hole planting system with less than 5% infected palms. On th...
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, 2020
Kejadian penyakit karat daun kelapa sawit yang disebabkan alga Cephaleuros virescens semakin meni... more Kejadian penyakit karat daun kelapa sawit yang disebabkan alga Cephaleuros virescens semakin meningkat di Indonesia. Kerugian karena penyakit ini pada tanaman kelapa sawit belum pernah diukur secara kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengukur laju fotosintesis pada tanaman kelapa sawit umur 5 tahun dengan 3 kategori serangan yaitu ringan, sedang, dan berat. Hasil pengamatan di Kebun Kalianta menunjukkan bahwa serangan karat daun dimulai dari pelepah bawah ke pelepah atas. Kejadian penyakit juga banyak terjadi pada permukaan atas helaian daun dibandingkan dengan permukaan bawah daun. Titik kritis serangan karat daun dimulai dari daun ke-17 ke atas yang akan menurunkan laju fotosintesis kelapa sawit. Pada daun ke-9 penurunan laju fotosintesis antara intensitas penyakit ringan ke berat sebesar 42.48% yaitu dari 15.51 µmol ke 8.92 µmol.
Papers by Hari Priwiratama