Hugo Marengo
Address: Argentina
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Papers by Hugo Marengo
La composición mineralógica, tanto de la fracción arenosa como de la arcillosa, indica claramente que los sedimentos detríticos del Cuaternario de la región, fueron aportados principalmente desde el oeste o sudoeste, con una muy escasa contribución de materiales procedentes del Macizo Brasileño transportados por el río Paraná.
Abstract: The surface of central Santa Fe Province is dominated by large deposits of homogeneous loess and loess like sediments, with very low percentage of sand; therefore is very difficult to distinguish between them according to their macroscopic features. Also, there are fluvial sandy deposits from the Salado and Paraná riv-ers. An intensive program of sampling and mineralogical and textural analysis help to define different kinds of reworked loess deposits, derived from the typical or primary loess. Fluvial and lacustrine processes that reworked the original loess, led to the partial wasting of the volcanic glass shards and the clay fraction.
The mineralogic composition of the sandy and clay fraction, show that the Quaternary detrital sediments of the region were mainly provided from the west or the southwest, with a very low contribution of sediments from the Brazilian Shield, transported through the Paraná river.
Chaco and the Argentine Pampa Plain (Chaco-Pampa Plain) is presented. Due to the vast extension of the area, satellite
images are the clue to synthesize previous and new multidisciplinary geoscientific results to set up a more reliable regional
picture. For this synoptic view the interpretation of remote sensing data was complemented by ground investigation and physical
age determinations. Luminescence ages (75 IRSL and 12 TL) of loess, loessoids and sands were determined to reconstruct
the climatic history of the study area in the Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 3 to 1. Loess deposition dominated the period prior
to MIS 2. For MIS 2 and MIS 1 the numerical ages of lacustrine and alluvial sediments intercalating the loess provide evidence
for alternating humid and dry periods in the Chaco-Pampa Plain. Prevailing dry climate lasted from 8.5 to 3.5 ka (middle MIS 1)
when sandy sediments deposited as dunes or filled palaeoriver beds. Temporarily limited phases of palaeoriver activity were
related to sporadic torrential rainfall in the Andes Mountains.
Source regions of loess, loessoid and sandy deposits were localized in the south-western Pampa and the neighbouring Andean
slopes and the Altiplano. These sediment were transported towards east and later northeast as reconstructed by the morphological
features and remnants of past aeolian activity periods.
Se estudió la composición micropaleontológica, la estratigrafía y algunos aspectos sedimentológicos de los testigos de unas 200 perforaciones, en las cuencas Chacoparanense y del Salado. Se reconocieron dos niveles marinos representados por asociaciones de foraminíferos, ostrácodos y nanoplancton calcáreo. El nivel marino inferior es casi desconocido, e incluido previamente en la Formación Mariano Boedo del Maastrichtiano-Daniano, es denominado Transgresión de Laguna Paiva (TLP) y posee microfósiles del Oligoceno tardío?-Mioceno temprano. El nivel marino superior corresponde a la Formación Paraná, y es tratado aquí como Transgresión del “Entrerriense-Paranense” (TEP), del Mioceno medio-tardío?. Ambas inundaron todo el territorio de la llanura Chacopampeana, alcanzando algunos sectores de las Sierras Pampeanas, Cuyo y Noroeste. Para la datación de las dos transgresiones se utilizaron criterios bioestratigráficos, eustáticos y tectónicos; se informan los primeros hallazgos de foraminíferos planctónicos y nanofósiles calcáreos para ambas.
Sobre la base de la datación y caracterización de ambos niveles marinos, se propone una nueva división litoestratigráfica para el Cenozoico de la cuenca Chacoparanense. Las Formaciones Laguna Paiva y Paraná, de origen marino, están intercaladas con los miembros Palermo, San Francisco y Pozo del Tigre de la Formación Chaco; estas unidades fueron reunidas en el Grupo Litoral. Se brinda una caracterización sedimentológica y mineralógica de cada unidad.
Como complemento se estudiaron los foraminíferos y algunos aspectos sedimentológicos de tres perfiles levantados en península Valdés.
Micropaleontologic composition, stratigraphy and some sedimentologic features were studied in samples from about 200 boreholes in Chacoparanense and Salado Basins. Two marine levels were recognized, each one is characterized by specific associations of foraminifers, ostracods and calcareous nannoplankton. The lower marine level was almost unknown, and was previously included in the Maastrichtian Danian Mariano boedo Formation; in this work it is called Laguna Paiva Transgression (TLP), and bears microfossils of late Oligocene?-early Miocene age. The upper marine level corresponds to the Paraná Formation, and is referred here as “Entrerriense-Paranense” Transgression (TEP), from the middle-early? Miocene. Both transgressions flooded the whole Chaco-Pampa Plains and reached some sectors in the Sierras Pampeanas, and Cuyo and Northwest regions in Argentina. The age of both transgressions was estimated using biostratigraphic, eustatic and tectonic poins of view; it is reported the first finding of planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton in both transgressions.
Based in the datation and characterization of both marine levels, a new litostratigraphic division is proposed for the Ceonozoic in Chacoparanense Basin. Marine Laguna Paiva and Paraná Formations, are interbedded with Palermo, San Francisco and Pozo del Tigre Members of Chaco Formation; all those units are assembled in the Litoral Group. Each unit is characterized by mineralogic and sedimentologic features.
As a complement, foraminifers and some sedimentologic features are reported from three profiles of Península Valdés.
Se estudió la composición micropaleontológica, la estratigrafía y algunos aspectos sedimentológicos de los testigos de unas 200 perforaciones, en las cuencas Chacoparanense y del Salado. Se reconocieron dos niveles marinos representados por asociaciones de foraminíferos, ostrácodos y nanoplancton calcáreo. El nivel marino inferior es casi desconocido, e incluido previamente en la Formación Mariano Boedo del Maastrichtiano-Daniano, es denominado Transgresión de Laguna Paiva (TLP) y posee microfósiles del Oligoceno tardío?-Mioceno temprano. El nivel marino superior corresponde a la Formación Paraná, y es tratado aquí como Transgresión del “Entrerriense-Paranense” (TEP), del Mioceno medio-tardío?. Ambas inundaron todo el territorio de la llanura Chacopampeana, alcanzando algunos sectores de las Sierras Pampeanas, Cuyo y Noroeste. Para la datación de las dos transgresiones se utilizaron criterios bioestratigráficos, eustáticos y tectónicos; se informan los primeros hallazgos de foraminíferos planctónicos y nanofósiles calcáreos para ambas.
Sobre la base de la datación y caracterización de ambos niveles marinos, se propone una nueva división litoestratigráfica para el Cenozoico de la cuenca Chacoparanense. Las Formaciones Laguna Paiva y Paraná, de origen marino, están intercaladas con los miembros Palermo, San Francisco y Pozo del Tigre de la Formación Chaco; estas unidades fueron reunidas en el Grupo Litoral. Se brinda una caracterización sedimentológica y mineralógica de cada unidad.
Como complemento se estudiaron los foraminíferos y algunos aspectos sedimentológicos de tres perfiles levantados en península Valdés.
Micropaleontologic composition, stratigraphy and some sedimentologic features were studied in samples from about 200 boreholes in Chacoparanense and Salado Basins. Two marine levels were recognized, each one is characterized by specific associations of foraminifers, ostracods and calcareous nannoplankton. The lower marine level was almost unknown, and was previously included in the Maastrichtian Danian Mariano boedo Formation; in this work it is called Laguna Paiva Transgression (TLP), and bears microfossils of late Oligocene?-early Miocene age. The upper marine level corresponds to the Paraná Formation, and is referred here as “Entrerriense-Paranense” Transgression (TEP), from the middle-early? Miocene. Both transgressions flooded the whole Chaco-Pampa Plains and reached some sectors in the Sierras Pampeanas, and Cuyo and Northwest regions in Argentina. The age of both transgressions was estimated using biostratigraphic, eustatic and tectonic poins of view; it is reported the first finding of planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton in both transgressions.
Based in the datation and characterization of both marine levels, a new litostratigraphic division is proposed for the Ceonozoic in Chacoparanense Basin. Marine Laguna Paiva and Paraná Formations, are interbedded with Palermo, San Francisco and Pozo del Tigre Members of Chaco Formation; all those units are assembled in the Litoral Group. Each unit is characterized by mineralogic and sedimentologic features.
As a complement, foraminifers and some sedimentologic features are reported from three profiles of Península Valdés.
significative, given that the first fossil findings in this province date from the second half of the XVIth century. They comprise some Eocene remains, and are abundant and diverse from Miocene to Holocene. The principal remains of the fossil record include invertebrate and vertebrate icnites, root traces or rhizoliths, biodepositional structures, carophytes, diatoms, phytoliths, foraminifera, porifera, gastropods, ostracods, anurans, reptiles and mammals. Today, investigation
also includes study of pollen, holocene megaflora and the isotope content of organic material. The Paleogene
and Neogene fossiliferous outcrops occur in the mountain areas and near mountain regions of Córdoba (the Cosquín,
Saguión, Brochero, Casa Grande and La Playa formations) or lie in the sub-soil of the Chaco Pampeana plain (Laguna
Paiva and Paraná formations). The Quaternary paleontological deposits are principally found in the valleys, in the eastern
foothills of the sierras, in the fluvial belts of the main channels of the Córdoba plain and southwestern plain of the
province. The principal quaternary fossiliferous formations are Toro Muerto, Pampeano, General Paz, La Invernada, Río
Primero, Chocancharava, Mina Clavero, Lagunilla del Plata and Tezanos Pinto. A summary of the principal results obtained
in recent decades on the fossil record from Córdoba Province is presented with updated taxonomic assignments. Biostratigraphic and biogeographic aspects, in comparison with other regions of Argentina are analysed.
Books by Hugo Marengo
and paleontological features of the Early and Middle Miocene,
in the center and North of Argentina, are reviewed.
The advances made in the last years in the dating of the
main stratigraphic columns, allow to provide a consistent evolutionary scheme for
the whole region. The stratigraphic record of the Paleogene can be considered small,
mainly limited to the Andean region. On the other hand, the deposits of the Early
and Middle Miocene possess a great vertical and superficial development, and correspond
to a great variety of environments, from piedmont to shallow marine deposits.
The main conditioners in the distribution and variation of these deposits are of
tectonic origin, related to the migration of the Andean orogenic front towards the
Argentine territory, with clear latitudinal differences, and to the variations in the rate
and obliquity of convergence between Nazca and South America plates throughout
the Miocene. Another important factor was the global eustatic variations, which
generated two large marine ingressions of Atlantic origin, coinciding with periods
of strong subsidence increase. The uplift of the Andes favored the formation of environments
with marked aridity in the Andean area. On the other hand, the eastern
plains were dominated by prairie and shallow marine environments. In general,
throughout the Miocene, there would have been a gradual decrease in temperature
in continental and marine environments, and an increase in aridity.
La composición mineralógica, tanto de la fracción arenosa como de la arcillosa, indica claramente que los sedimentos detríticos del Cuaternario de la región, fueron aportados principalmente desde el oeste o sudoeste, con una muy escasa contribución de materiales procedentes del Macizo Brasileño transportados por el río Paraná.
Abstract: The surface of central Santa Fe Province is dominated by large deposits of homogeneous loess and loess like sediments, with very low percentage of sand; therefore is very difficult to distinguish between them according to their macroscopic features. Also, there are fluvial sandy deposits from the Salado and Paraná riv-ers. An intensive program of sampling and mineralogical and textural analysis help to define different kinds of reworked loess deposits, derived from the typical or primary loess. Fluvial and lacustrine processes that reworked the original loess, led to the partial wasting of the volcanic glass shards and the clay fraction.
The mineralogic composition of the sandy and clay fraction, show that the Quaternary detrital sediments of the region were mainly provided from the west or the southwest, with a very low contribution of sediments from the Brazilian Shield, transported through the Paraná river.
Chaco and the Argentine Pampa Plain (Chaco-Pampa Plain) is presented. Due to the vast extension of the area, satellite
images are the clue to synthesize previous and new multidisciplinary geoscientific results to set up a more reliable regional
picture. For this synoptic view the interpretation of remote sensing data was complemented by ground investigation and physical
age determinations. Luminescence ages (75 IRSL and 12 TL) of loess, loessoids and sands were determined to reconstruct
the climatic history of the study area in the Marine Isotopic Stages (MIS) 3 to 1. Loess deposition dominated the period prior
to MIS 2. For MIS 2 and MIS 1 the numerical ages of lacustrine and alluvial sediments intercalating the loess provide evidence
for alternating humid and dry periods in the Chaco-Pampa Plain. Prevailing dry climate lasted from 8.5 to 3.5 ka (middle MIS 1)
when sandy sediments deposited as dunes or filled palaeoriver beds. Temporarily limited phases of palaeoriver activity were
related to sporadic torrential rainfall in the Andes Mountains.
Source regions of loess, loessoid and sandy deposits were localized in the south-western Pampa and the neighbouring Andean
slopes and the Altiplano. These sediment were transported towards east and later northeast as reconstructed by the morphological
features and remnants of past aeolian activity periods.
Se estudió la composición micropaleontológica, la estratigrafía y algunos aspectos sedimentológicos de los testigos de unas 200 perforaciones, en las cuencas Chacoparanense y del Salado. Se reconocieron dos niveles marinos representados por asociaciones de foraminíferos, ostrácodos y nanoplancton calcáreo. El nivel marino inferior es casi desconocido, e incluido previamente en la Formación Mariano Boedo del Maastrichtiano-Daniano, es denominado Transgresión de Laguna Paiva (TLP) y posee microfósiles del Oligoceno tardío?-Mioceno temprano. El nivel marino superior corresponde a la Formación Paraná, y es tratado aquí como Transgresión del “Entrerriense-Paranense” (TEP), del Mioceno medio-tardío?. Ambas inundaron todo el territorio de la llanura Chacopampeana, alcanzando algunos sectores de las Sierras Pampeanas, Cuyo y Noroeste. Para la datación de las dos transgresiones se utilizaron criterios bioestratigráficos, eustáticos y tectónicos; se informan los primeros hallazgos de foraminíferos planctónicos y nanofósiles calcáreos para ambas.
Sobre la base de la datación y caracterización de ambos niveles marinos, se propone una nueva división litoestratigráfica para el Cenozoico de la cuenca Chacoparanense. Las Formaciones Laguna Paiva y Paraná, de origen marino, están intercaladas con los miembros Palermo, San Francisco y Pozo del Tigre de la Formación Chaco; estas unidades fueron reunidas en el Grupo Litoral. Se brinda una caracterización sedimentológica y mineralógica de cada unidad.
Como complemento se estudiaron los foraminíferos y algunos aspectos sedimentológicos de tres perfiles levantados en península Valdés.
Micropaleontologic composition, stratigraphy and some sedimentologic features were studied in samples from about 200 boreholes in Chacoparanense and Salado Basins. Two marine levels were recognized, each one is characterized by specific associations of foraminifers, ostracods and calcareous nannoplankton. The lower marine level was almost unknown, and was previously included in the Maastrichtian Danian Mariano boedo Formation; in this work it is called Laguna Paiva Transgression (TLP), and bears microfossils of late Oligocene?-early Miocene age. The upper marine level corresponds to the Paraná Formation, and is referred here as “Entrerriense-Paranense” Transgression (TEP), from the middle-early? Miocene. Both transgressions flooded the whole Chaco-Pampa Plains and reached some sectors in the Sierras Pampeanas, and Cuyo and Northwest regions in Argentina. The age of both transgressions was estimated using biostratigraphic, eustatic and tectonic poins of view; it is reported the first finding of planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton in both transgressions.
Based in the datation and characterization of both marine levels, a new litostratigraphic division is proposed for the Ceonozoic in Chacoparanense Basin. Marine Laguna Paiva and Paraná Formations, are interbedded with Palermo, San Francisco and Pozo del Tigre Members of Chaco Formation; all those units are assembled in the Litoral Group. Each unit is characterized by mineralogic and sedimentologic features.
As a complement, foraminifers and some sedimentologic features are reported from three profiles of Península Valdés.
Se estudió la composición micropaleontológica, la estratigrafía y algunos aspectos sedimentológicos de los testigos de unas 200 perforaciones, en las cuencas Chacoparanense y del Salado. Se reconocieron dos niveles marinos representados por asociaciones de foraminíferos, ostrácodos y nanoplancton calcáreo. El nivel marino inferior es casi desconocido, e incluido previamente en la Formación Mariano Boedo del Maastrichtiano-Daniano, es denominado Transgresión de Laguna Paiva (TLP) y posee microfósiles del Oligoceno tardío?-Mioceno temprano. El nivel marino superior corresponde a la Formación Paraná, y es tratado aquí como Transgresión del “Entrerriense-Paranense” (TEP), del Mioceno medio-tardío?. Ambas inundaron todo el territorio de la llanura Chacopampeana, alcanzando algunos sectores de las Sierras Pampeanas, Cuyo y Noroeste. Para la datación de las dos transgresiones se utilizaron criterios bioestratigráficos, eustáticos y tectónicos; se informan los primeros hallazgos de foraminíferos planctónicos y nanofósiles calcáreos para ambas.
Sobre la base de la datación y caracterización de ambos niveles marinos, se propone una nueva división litoestratigráfica para el Cenozoico de la cuenca Chacoparanense. Las Formaciones Laguna Paiva y Paraná, de origen marino, están intercaladas con los miembros Palermo, San Francisco y Pozo del Tigre de la Formación Chaco; estas unidades fueron reunidas en el Grupo Litoral. Se brinda una caracterización sedimentológica y mineralógica de cada unidad.
Como complemento se estudiaron los foraminíferos y algunos aspectos sedimentológicos de tres perfiles levantados en península Valdés.
Micropaleontologic composition, stratigraphy and some sedimentologic features were studied in samples from about 200 boreholes in Chacoparanense and Salado Basins. Two marine levels were recognized, each one is characterized by specific associations of foraminifers, ostracods and calcareous nannoplankton. The lower marine level was almost unknown, and was previously included in the Maastrichtian Danian Mariano boedo Formation; in this work it is called Laguna Paiva Transgression (TLP), and bears microfossils of late Oligocene?-early Miocene age. The upper marine level corresponds to the Paraná Formation, and is referred here as “Entrerriense-Paranense” Transgression (TEP), from the middle-early? Miocene. Both transgressions flooded the whole Chaco-Pampa Plains and reached some sectors in the Sierras Pampeanas, and Cuyo and Northwest regions in Argentina. The age of both transgressions was estimated using biostratigraphic, eustatic and tectonic poins of view; it is reported the first finding of planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannoplankton in both transgressions.
Based in the datation and characterization of both marine levels, a new litostratigraphic division is proposed for the Ceonozoic in Chacoparanense Basin. Marine Laguna Paiva and Paraná Formations, are interbedded with Palermo, San Francisco and Pozo del Tigre Members of Chaco Formation; all those units are assembled in the Litoral Group. Each unit is characterized by mineralogic and sedimentologic features.
As a complement, foraminifers and some sedimentologic features are reported from three profiles of Península Valdés.
significative, given that the first fossil findings in this province date from the second half of the XVIth century. They comprise some Eocene remains, and are abundant and diverse from Miocene to Holocene. The principal remains of the fossil record include invertebrate and vertebrate icnites, root traces or rhizoliths, biodepositional structures, carophytes, diatoms, phytoliths, foraminifera, porifera, gastropods, ostracods, anurans, reptiles and mammals. Today, investigation
also includes study of pollen, holocene megaflora and the isotope content of organic material. The Paleogene
and Neogene fossiliferous outcrops occur in the mountain areas and near mountain regions of Córdoba (the Cosquín,
Saguión, Brochero, Casa Grande and La Playa formations) or lie in the sub-soil of the Chaco Pampeana plain (Laguna
Paiva and Paraná formations). The Quaternary paleontological deposits are principally found in the valleys, in the eastern
foothills of the sierras, in the fluvial belts of the main channels of the Córdoba plain and southwestern plain of the
province. The principal quaternary fossiliferous formations are Toro Muerto, Pampeano, General Paz, La Invernada, Río
Primero, Chocancharava, Mina Clavero, Lagunilla del Plata and Tezanos Pinto. A summary of the principal results obtained
in recent decades on the fossil record from Córdoba Province is presented with updated taxonomic assignments. Biostratigraphic and biogeographic aspects, in comparison with other regions of Argentina are analysed.
and paleontological features of the Early and Middle Miocene,
in the center and North of Argentina, are reviewed.
The advances made in the last years in the dating of the
main stratigraphic columns, allow to provide a consistent evolutionary scheme for
the whole region. The stratigraphic record of the Paleogene can be considered small,
mainly limited to the Andean region. On the other hand, the deposits of the Early
and Middle Miocene possess a great vertical and superficial development, and correspond
to a great variety of environments, from piedmont to shallow marine deposits.
The main conditioners in the distribution and variation of these deposits are of
tectonic origin, related to the migration of the Andean orogenic front towards the
Argentine territory, with clear latitudinal differences, and to the variations in the rate
and obliquity of convergence between Nazca and South America plates throughout
the Miocene. Another important factor was the global eustatic variations, which
generated two large marine ingressions of Atlantic origin, coinciding with periods
of strong subsidence increase. The uplift of the Andes favored the formation of environments
with marked aridity in the Andean area. On the other hand, the eastern
plains were dominated by prairie and shallow marine environments. In general,
throughout the Miocene, there would have been a gradual decrease in temperature
in continental and marine environments, and an increase in aridity.