CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Oct 31, 2022
Objectives. The era of globalization has led to increased competition in various industries, with... more Objectives. The era of globalization has led to increased competition in various industries, with increasing competition, and increasing organizational pressure as competition intensifies, such as lowering operational costs, making workers more productive, and doing things more efficiently. Employees are the most important resource in an organization because they are sources capable of directing, maintaining, and developing the organization in response to the needs of society and the times. Methodology: This research conducts a saturated sample with a total of 161 employees. The analysis was carried out quantitatively with the method of collecting questionnaires. Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used as an analytical method and Smart-PLS was used as an analytical tool. Finding: Distributive justice has no significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. This is an interesting finding that employees will remain strong as their original attitude even though the opportunity to get a much better achievement is offered to them. Conclusion: Organizational communication has an effect which significant on organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational communication and distributive justice affected significantly organizational commitment. Organizational commitment affected significantly organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational commitment can be mediated by distributive justice to organizational behavior.
Terdapat fenomena menarik ditengah menurunnya harga minyak dan turunnya ekspor ternyata justru sa... more Terdapat fenomena menarik ditengah menurunnya harga minyak dan turunnya ekspor ternyata justru saham-saham emiten sektor migas mengalami penguatan terbesar di pasar saham Bursa Efek Indonesia. Berdasarkan fenomena yang dijabarkan diatas perlu adanya suatu analisa keuangan dengan bantuan alat ukur agar adanya suatu indikator agar Investor tidak mengalami kerugian Investasi. Pada dasarnya terdapat sejumlah alat ukur yang dapat digunakan oleh analis dan investor untuk menilai kesehatan perusahaan, seperti analisis rasio, analisis struktur modal, penilaian modal kerja, analisis potensi kebangkrutan Altman, Tobin’s Q-ratio. Kinerja perusahaan yang tinggi akan berpengaruh pada tingginya harga saham perusahaan tersebut dipasar. Tujuan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor mendasar yang diwakili oleh rasio keuangan menggunakan variabel Tobin’s Q-ratio untuk pergerakan harga saham sektor pertambangan sub Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas di Bursa Efek...
Seeing the declining condition of Indonesia's economy, it touched negative growth because the... more Seeing the declining condition of Indonesia's economy, it touched negative growth because the world economy was also experiencing negative growth due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is undeniable that every company will be overshadowed by a decline in financial performance which in the end can have an impact on the inability to manage finances so that in this condition if it continues it will cause financial distress. The purpose of this result is to identify and analyze the influence of fundamental factors represented by the ratio using the Ratio Analysis of ROA, DER and Current Ratio in Altman and Zmijewski's Financial Distress Analysis to see the effect of Liquidity, Leverage and Profitability on Financial Distress on mining sector stocks in the Stock Exchange. Indonesian Securities. Data analysis in this study is a oil and gas company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2015-2019. Based on the calculation of ROA, DER and Current Ratio against Altman's Zscore. It can ...
Human resources are important resources that support organizations in achieving competitive advan... more Human resources are important resources that support organizations in achieving competitive advantage. Therefore, it is important to involve employees to drive the strategic goals of the organization. Heavy equipment transportation services in the era of globalization are expected to face increasingly fierce competition. Therefore, the quality of the organization must be considered. This is inseparable from the role of human resources who will be required to carry out their duties and functions properly. The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze job insecurity, compensation, and work conflicts on the turnover intention and the employe performance. This study employs samples consisted of all employes who work at PT. Tangguh Jaya Bersama with a total population of 50 employees. The results indicate that variable job insecurity, and work conflicts have a positive and significant impact on turnover intention. Whereas the compensation has a negative and significant on turnov...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management, Economics and Business (ICMEB 2019), 2020
This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of role conflict, burnout, job stress, and T... more This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of role conflict, burnout, job stress, and Turnover Intention on employees of PT. EDI Indonesia. The method being used for this research is descriptive method. The objects of this research are 80 employees of PT. EDI Indonesia. The approach being used for this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis tool Smart-PLS 3.0. The results showed role conflict has positive and significant effect on employee's job stress. Burnout has positive and significant effect on Job Stress. Burnout has positive and significant effect on turnover intention. Role conflict has positive and significant effect on turnover intention. Job stress has positive and significant effect on turnover intention.
Human resources have an important role for the company, because human resources are a combination... more Human resources have an important role for the company, because human resources are a combination of knowledge, creativity and skills needed to move the company. An employee's performance is an important beginning for the company's performance. The purpose of this research are to to analyze how much the influence of intrinsic motivation, physical work environment and work discipline on employee performance on CV.BCD with 115 respondents. The type of data used in this study is primary data. Where primary data is data obtained directly from respondents. The results showed in partial testing intrinsic motivation, physical work environment and work discipline on employee performance. Between Intrinsic Motivation, Physical Work Environment and Work Discipline shows a positive and significant influence.
This study aims to determine the influence of Organizational Commitment and Work Life Balance on ... more This study aims to determine the influence of Organizational Commitment and Work Life Balance on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance at Balai Teknik Penerbangan. Data collection techniques are done by distributing questionnaires using ordinal scales. This research was conducted on 71 respondents by using quantitative descriptive approach and hypothesis testing. The collected data is then analyzed using the technique analysis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) software. The results of this study show that Organizational Commitment and Work Life Balance positively and significantly influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance at Balai Teknik Penerbangan.
Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) is a non-bank financial institution as an integrated independent busin... more Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) is a non-bank financial institution as an integrated independent business center which is a bayt al-mal wa at-tamwil, which is an institution that develops productive and investment businesses to improve the quality of small entrepreneurs' businesses and encourage business forms. -a form of investment with the aim of empowering worldly and ukhrawi businesses through donations, zakat and alms. In its development, BMTs face the same problems, for example problematic customers. Sometimes there is a customer who is not only having problems in one place, but also in other places. Therefore, each BMT needs efforts to coordinate in order to narrow down the movements of problematic customers. BMTs also tend to face other BMTs as competitors to be defeated, not as partners or partners in an effort to exclude people from the economic problems they face. So that it causes the level of competition that is not Islamic and will even affect the BMT management pattern...
This is a community service related to the treatment and educational assistance on prevention of ... more This is a community service related to the treatment and educational assistance on prevention of drug abuse for parents and families around children. West Jakarta, with a very full population density in DKI Jakarta, has a potential problem with its environment. We try to map sustainable efforts to prevent drug abuse, focusing on providing education from an early age to children aged under five is one way to shape children's character and personality for the future. In the GEPENTA Program (2002), Indonesian Health Officials stated that the daily growth rate was 0.065% of the total population of 200 million people, or the same as 130,000 people per day. The 2018 World Drugs Reports published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), said that as many as 275 million people in the world or 5.6% of the world's population (aged 15-64 years) have used drugs. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as the focal point in the field of Prevention and ...
INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia, 2021
Human resources management is currently a necessity and is no longer an option if a company wants... more Human resources management is currently a necessity and is no longer an option if a company wants to grow. Human Resources is very important in an organization, because the effectiveness and success of an organization is very dependent on the quality and performance of the human resources that exist in the organization. This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Political Organization, Organizational Climate, and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with Job Satisfaction as an intervening variable at PT. Pegadaian Indonesia (PERSERO). The object of this research is the employees as many as 80 respondents. The approach used in this research is the Component or Variance Based Structural Equation Model with Smart-PLS analysis tools. The results showed that the Political Organization had no significant effect on Job Satisfaction on the employees, Organizational Climate has a significant positive effect on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Cultu...
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted various sectors. As for the sectors affected is the education... more The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted various sectors. As for the sectors affected is the education sector. Many countries decide closing schools, colleges as well as universities, including Indonesia as an effort to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. To cut off the spread of Covid-19 and comply government regulations, educators and all students are forced not to be face to face temporarily. The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing schools, colleges and universities to shift their entire instructional device to one online delivery overnight. It is no longer a question of whether online education can deliver on the promise of quality higher education and more to how universities can promptly and effectively embrace the mass adoption of online learning. This research was conducted in locations affected by the covid-19 pandemic, because the covid-19 pandemic has a very significant impact on the survival of the lower class in particular. Entrepreneurs are expected to help overcome the ec...
Pergerakan harga minyak sangat berpengaruh pada kinerja harga saham emiten migas, seandainya harg... more Pergerakan harga minyak sangat berpengaruh pada kinerja harga saham emiten migas, seandainya harga minyak dunia mengalami kenaikan maka akan menjadi katalis positif yang akan berpotensi mendongkrak laba emiten-emiten disektor migas sehingga akan membuat harga saham emiten migas pun akan mengalami kenaikan. Meskipun secara signifikan juga memungkinkan investor dapat menderita kerugian (capital loss) ketika melakukan transaksi di pasar modal. Kinerja Keuangan perusahaan yang tinggi, nilai pasar saham perusahaan akan lebih tinggi di pasar. Hal ini sangat berguna bagi keberlangsungan / suistanablity Perusahaan. Sehingga sangat diperlukan adanya suatu model dalam melakukan prediksi terhadap potensi kegagalan keuangan sehingga pada waktunya sangat berguna bagi pelanggan, pemegang saham, karyawan, manajer, pemasok, pemangku kepentingan, pemerintah serta pemberi pinjaman dan investor.Tujuan dari hasil ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor fundamental yang diwaki...
INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to determine whether Transformational Leadership, Internal Commun... more The purpose of this research is to determine whether Transformational Leadership, Internal Communication, and Work Discipline have any influence on Employee Performance at SETJEN MPR RI employees. The object of this research is the civil servants of MPR RI. This research was conducted on 100 civil servants of MPR RI, data were collected using a questionnaire by using quantitative descriptive approach. Therefore, the data analysis used in this research is statistical analysis in the form of multiple linear regression tests. The results of this research indicate that all three independent variables (Transformational Leadership, Internal Communication, and Work Discipline) positively and significantly affect the dependent variable (Employee Performance) at SETJEN MPR RI employees. Where Work Discipline variable has the greatest influence on Employee Performance at SETJEN MPR RI employees. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Internal Communication, Work Discipline
INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Organizational Culture, Job Insecurity, O... more This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Organizational Culture, Job Insecurity, Organizational Commitment, Psychological Meaningfulness Towards Work Engagement in Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) of Central Aceh District, Takengon and Gayo Lues. The research in done through the distribution of questionnaires, and the population of this research is consisted of the employees in the Central Aceh Regency Social Welfare Institution (LKS), Takengon and Gayo Lues. That was done to 50 respondents using a quantitative descriptive approach. The approach used in this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Smart-PLS analysis tools 3.0. The results of this study are that organizational culture, Psychological meaningfulness, Organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on work engagement, and only Job Insecurity has a significant negative effect on work engagement. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Job Insecurity, Commitment Organizational, Psychological...
This study aims to determine the influence of Ethical Leadership on Job Satisfaction, Ethical Cli... more This study aims to determine the influence of Ethical Leadership on Job Satisfaction, Ethical Climate and Organizational Commitment at staff at the Drug Registration Directorate of the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Indonesian FDA). Data collection techniques are done by distributing questionnaires using ordinal scales. This research was conducted on 70 respondents by using quantitative descriptive approach and hypothesis testing. The collected data is then analyzed using the technique analysis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) software. The results of this study show that Ethical Leadership positively and significantly influence on Ethical Climate, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment at the Drug Registration Directorate of the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Indonesian FDA).
Papua is one of the regions that currently receives a lot of investment in plantations and palm o... more Papua is one of the regions that currently receives a lot of investment in plantations and palm oil commodity processing, which previously only focused on Sumatra and Kalimantan. One of the reasons for investment in agribusiness to attract investors and the government is the contribution of the agricultural sector to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is around 13.96% in the third quarter of 2017, so that the agricultural sector is one of the second largest contributors to GDP after the manufacturing industry. The agricultural sector is dominated by the plantation sub-sector, where the largest plantation production in Indonesia is palm oil, and Indonesia is the world's largest exporter of palm oil. The objectives of this research are to find out whether investment in oil palm plantation and processing in Papua falls into the "investment" category in Moody's rating and to find out how to make investment in plantations and oil palm processing in Papua fall into the ...
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perubahan harga saham selalu menjadi perhatian uta... more Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perubahan harga saham selalu menjadi perhatian utama bagi setiap investor bila dibandingkan dengan pembayaran dividen oleh emiten, karena tingkat pengembalian yang berasal dari pergerakan pasar modal dapat memberikan hasil yang sangat tinggi, dan dapat berlangsung kapan saja (menit dan jam) atau pada hari hari kedepannya.. Meski secara signifikan juga memungkinkan investor bisa menderita kerugian (capital loss) ketika melakukan transaksi di pasar modal.Kinerja perusahaan yang tinggi akan berimplikasi pada harga saham perusahaan yang juga akan tinggi di pasar saham. Tujuan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa factor fundamental yang diwakili oleh rasio keuangan menggunakan model Diskriminan Springate terhadap pergerakan harga saham sector pertambangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah data perusahaan sector pertambangan Sub sector Minyak dan Gasdi BEI selama tahun 2013-2017.Berdasarkan...
This study aims to analyze the application of sustainable finance principle in the palm oil indus... more This study aims to analyze the application of sustainable finance principle in the palm oil industry financing that stipulated by the Financial Services Authority as banking regulator. Sharia Bank X is a member of the First Mover Bank set by the Regulator on the Sustainable Finance project. The identification of the problem in this research is the environmental issues caused by the utilization of oil palm land that does not pay attention to the environmental good governance, so the Regulator involves banks in making policy on sustainable financing of palm oil industry. Design in this research is qualitative approach, with purposive sampling method. Data analysis was conducted by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from internal and external Sharia Bank X. The result of research showed that in applying the principle of sustainable finance, Sharia Bank X has set acceptance criteria which contains the aspects of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) in the fund distribution to companies en...
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Oct 31, 2022
Objectives. The era of globalization has led to increased competition in various industries, with... more Objectives. The era of globalization has led to increased competition in various industries, with increasing competition, and increasing organizational pressure as competition intensifies, such as lowering operational costs, making workers more productive, and doing things more efficiently. Employees are the most important resource in an organization because they are sources capable of directing, maintaining, and developing the organization in response to the needs of society and the times. Methodology: This research conducts a saturated sample with a total of 161 employees. The analysis was carried out quantitatively with the method of collecting questionnaires. Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used as an analytical method and Smart-PLS was used as an analytical tool. Finding: Distributive justice has no significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior. This is an interesting finding that employees will remain strong as their original attitude even though the opportunity to get a much better achievement is offered to them. Conclusion: Organizational communication has an effect which significant on organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational communication and distributive justice affected significantly organizational commitment. Organizational commitment affected significantly organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational commitment can be mediated by distributive justice to organizational behavior.
Terdapat fenomena menarik ditengah menurunnya harga minyak dan turunnya ekspor ternyata justru sa... more Terdapat fenomena menarik ditengah menurunnya harga minyak dan turunnya ekspor ternyata justru saham-saham emiten sektor migas mengalami penguatan terbesar di pasar saham Bursa Efek Indonesia. Berdasarkan fenomena yang dijabarkan diatas perlu adanya suatu analisa keuangan dengan bantuan alat ukur agar adanya suatu indikator agar Investor tidak mengalami kerugian Investasi. Pada dasarnya terdapat sejumlah alat ukur yang dapat digunakan oleh analis dan investor untuk menilai kesehatan perusahaan, seperti analisis rasio, analisis struktur modal, penilaian modal kerja, analisis potensi kebangkrutan Altman, Tobin’s Q-ratio. Kinerja perusahaan yang tinggi akan berpengaruh pada tingginya harga saham perusahaan tersebut dipasar. Tujuan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor mendasar yang diwakili oleh rasio keuangan menggunakan variabel Tobin’s Q-ratio untuk pergerakan harga saham sektor pertambangan sub Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas di Bursa Efek...
Seeing the declining condition of Indonesia's economy, it touched negative growth because the... more Seeing the declining condition of Indonesia's economy, it touched negative growth because the world economy was also experiencing negative growth due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is undeniable that every company will be overshadowed by a decline in financial performance which in the end can have an impact on the inability to manage finances so that in this condition if it continues it will cause financial distress. The purpose of this result is to identify and analyze the influence of fundamental factors represented by the ratio using the Ratio Analysis of ROA, DER and Current Ratio in Altman and Zmijewski's Financial Distress Analysis to see the effect of Liquidity, Leverage and Profitability on Financial Distress on mining sector stocks in the Stock Exchange. Indonesian Securities. Data analysis in this study is a oil and gas company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2015-2019. Based on the calculation of ROA, DER and Current Ratio against Altman's Zscore. It can ...
Human resources are important resources that support organizations in achieving competitive advan... more Human resources are important resources that support organizations in achieving competitive advantage. Therefore, it is important to involve employees to drive the strategic goals of the organization. Heavy equipment transportation services in the era of globalization are expected to face increasingly fierce competition. Therefore, the quality of the organization must be considered. This is inseparable from the role of human resources who will be required to carry out their duties and functions properly. The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze job insecurity, compensation, and work conflicts on the turnover intention and the employe performance. This study employs samples consisted of all employes who work at PT. Tangguh Jaya Bersama with a total population of 50 employees. The results indicate that variable job insecurity, and work conflicts have a positive and significant impact on turnover intention. Whereas the compensation has a negative and significant on turnov...
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Management, Economics and Business (ICMEB 2019), 2020
This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of role conflict, burnout, job stress, and T... more This research aims to examine and analyze the effect of role conflict, burnout, job stress, and Turnover Intention on employees of PT. EDI Indonesia. The method being used for this research is descriptive method. The objects of this research are 80 employees of PT. EDI Indonesia. The approach being used for this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis tool Smart-PLS 3.0. The results showed role conflict has positive and significant effect on employee's job stress. Burnout has positive and significant effect on Job Stress. Burnout has positive and significant effect on turnover intention. Role conflict has positive and significant effect on turnover intention. Job stress has positive and significant effect on turnover intention.
Human resources have an important role for the company, because human resources are a combination... more Human resources have an important role for the company, because human resources are a combination of knowledge, creativity and skills needed to move the company. An employee's performance is an important beginning for the company's performance. The purpose of this research are to to analyze how much the influence of intrinsic motivation, physical work environment and work discipline on employee performance on CV.BCD with 115 respondents. The type of data used in this study is primary data. Where primary data is data obtained directly from respondents. The results showed in partial testing intrinsic motivation, physical work environment and work discipline on employee performance. Between Intrinsic Motivation, Physical Work Environment and Work Discipline shows a positive and significant influence.
This study aims to determine the influence of Organizational Commitment and Work Life Balance on ... more This study aims to determine the influence of Organizational Commitment and Work Life Balance on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance at Balai Teknik Penerbangan. Data collection techniques are done by distributing questionnaires using ordinal scales. This research was conducted on 71 respondents by using quantitative descriptive approach and hypothesis testing. The collected data is then analyzed using the technique analysis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) software. The results of this study show that Organizational Commitment and Work Life Balance positively and significantly influence on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Employee Performance at Balai Teknik Penerbangan.
Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) is a non-bank financial institution as an integrated independent busin... more Baitul Mal Wa Tamwil (BMT) is a non-bank financial institution as an integrated independent business center which is a bayt al-mal wa at-tamwil, which is an institution that develops productive and investment businesses to improve the quality of small entrepreneurs' businesses and encourage business forms. -a form of investment with the aim of empowering worldly and ukhrawi businesses through donations, zakat and alms. In its development, BMTs face the same problems, for example problematic customers. Sometimes there is a customer who is not only having problems in one place, but also in other places. Therefore, each BMT needs efforts to coordinate in order to narrow down the movements of problematic customers. BMTs also tend to face other BMTs as competitors to be defeated, not as partners or partners in an effort to exclude people from the economic problems they face. So that it causes the level of competition that is not Islamic and will even affect the BMT management pattern...
This is a community service related to the treatment and educational assistance on prevention of ... more This is a community service related to the treatment and educational assistance on prevention of drug abuse for parents and families around children. West Jakarta, with a very full population density in DKI Jakarta, has a potential problem with its environment. We try to map sustainable efforts to prevent drug abuse, focusing on providing education from an early age to children aged under five is one way to shape children's character and personality for the future. In the GEPENTA Program (2002), Indonesian Health Officials stated that the daily growth rate was 0.065% of the total population of 200 million people, or the same as 130,000 people per day. The 2018 World Drugs Reports published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), said that as many as 275 million people in the world or 5.6% of the world's population (aged 15-64 years) have used drugs. Meanwhile in Indonesia, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as the focal point in the field of Prevention and ...
INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia, 2021
Human resources management is currently a necessity and is no longer an option if a company wants... more Human resources management is currently a necessity and is no longer an option if a company wants to grow. Human Resources is very important in an organization, because the effectiveness and success of an organization is very dependent on the quality and performance of the human resources that exist in the organization. This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Political Organization, Organizational Climate, and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) with Job Satisfaction as an intervening variable at PT. Pegadaian Indonesia (PERSERO). The object of this research is the employees as many as 80 respondents. The approach used in this research is the Component or Variance Based Structural Equation Model with Smart-PLS analysis tools. The results showed that the Political Organization had no significant effect on Job Satisfaction on the employees, Organizational Climate has a significant positive effect on Job Satisfaction, Organizational Cultu...
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted various sectors. As for the sectors affected is the education... more The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted various sectors. As for the sectors affected is the education sector. Many countries decide closing schools, colleges as well as universities, including Indonesia as an effort to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19. To cut off the spread of Covid-19 and comply government regulations, educators and all students are forced not to be face to face temporarily. The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing schools, colleges and universities to shift their entire instructional device to one online delivery overnight. It is no longer a question of whether online education can deliver on the promise of quality higher education and more to how universities can promptly and effectively embrace the mass adoption of online learning. This research was conducted in locations affected by the covid-19 pandemic, because the covid-19 pandemic has a very significant impact on the survival of the lower class in particular. Entrepreneurs are expected to help overcome the ec...
Pergerakan harga minyak sangat berpengaruh pada kinerja harga saham emiten migas, seandainya harg... more Pergerakan harga minyak sangat berpengaruh pada kinerja harga saham emiten migas, seandainya harga minyak dunia mengalami kenaikan maka akan menjadi katalis positif yang akan berpotensi mendongkrak laba emiten-emiten disektor migas sehingga akan membuat harga saham emiten migas pun akan mengalami kenaikan. Meskipun secara signifikan juga memungkinkan investor dapat menderita kerugian (capital loss) ketika melakukan transaksi di pasar modal. Kinerja Keuangan perusahaan yang tinggi, nilai pasar saham perusahaan akan lebih tinggi di pasar. Hal ini sangat berguna bagi keberlangsungan / suistanablity Perusahaan. Sehingga sangat diperlukan adanya suatu model dalam melakukan prediksi terhadap potensi kegagalan keuangan sehingga pada waktunya sangat berguna bagi pelanggan, pemegang saham, karyawan, manajer, pemasok, pemangku kepentingan, pemerintah serta pemberi pinjaman dan investor.Tujuan dari hasil ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis pengaruh faktor fundamental yang diwaki...
INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia
The purpose of this research is to determine whether Transformational Leadership, Internal Commun... more The purpose of this research is to determine whether Transformational Leadership, Internal Communication, and Work Discipline have any influence on Employee Performance at SETJEN MPR RI employees. The object of this research is the civil servants of MPR RI. This research was conducted on 100 civil servants of MPR RI, data were collected using a questionnaire by using quantitative descriptive approach. Therefore, the data analysis used in this research is statistical analysis in the form of multiple linear regression tests. The results of this research indicate that all three independent variables (Transformational Leadership, Internal Communication, and Work Discipline) positively and significantly affect the dependent variable (Employee Performance) at SETJEN MPR RI employees. Where Work Discipline variable has the greatest influence on Employee Performance at SETJEN MPR RI employees. Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Internal Communication, Work Discipline
INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Organizational Culture, Job Insecurity, O... more This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Organizational Culture, Job Insecurity, Organizational Commitment, Psychological Meaningfulness Towards Work Engagement in Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) of Central Aceh District, Takengon and Gayo Lues. The research in done through the distribution of questionnaires, and the population of this research is consisted of the employees in the Central Aceh Regency Social Welfare Institution (LKS), Takengon and Gayo Lues. That was done to 50 respondents using a quantitative descriptive approach. The approach used in this research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) with Smart-PLS analysis tools 3.0. The results of this study are that organizational culture, Psychological meaningfulness, Organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on work engagement, and only Job Insecurity has a significant negative effect on work engagement. Keywords: Organizational Culture, Job Insecurity, Commitment Organizational, Psychological...
This study aims to determine the influence of Ethical Leadership on Job Satisfaction, Ethical Cli... more This study aims to determine the influence of Ethical Leadership on Job Satisfaction, Ethical Climate and Organizational Commitment at staff at the Drug Registration Directorate of the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Indonesian FDA). Data collection techniques are done by distributing questionnaires using ordinal scales. This research was conducted on 70 respondents by using quantitative descriptive approach and hypothesis testing. The collected data is then analyzed using the technique analysis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through SmartPLS (Partial Least Square) software. The results of this study show that Ethical Leadership positively and significantly influence on Ethical Climate, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment at the Drug Registration Directorate of the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Indonesian FDA).
Papua is one of the regions that currently receives a lot of investment in plantations and palm o... more Papua is one of the regions that currently receives a lot of investment in plantations and palm oil commodity processing, which previously only focused on Sumatra and Kalimantan. One of the reasons for investment in agribusiness to attract investors and the government is the contribution of the agricultural sector to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which is around 13.96% in the third quarter of 2017, so that the agricultural sector is one of the second largest contributors to GDP after the manufacturing industry. The agricultural sector is dominated by the plantation sub-sector, where the largest plantation production in Indonesia is palm oil, and Indonesia is the world's largest exporter of palm oil. The objectives of this research are to find out whether investment in oil palm plantation and processing in Papua falls into the "investment" category in Moody's rating and to find out how to make investment in plantations and oil palm processing in Papua fall into the ...
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perubahan harga saham selalu menjadi perhatian uta... more Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bagaimana perubahan harga saham selalu menjadi perhatian utama bagi setiap investor bila dibandingkan dengan pembayaran dividen oleh emiten, karena tingkat pengembalian yang berasal dari pergerakan pasar modal dapat memberikan hasil yang sangat tinggi, dan dapat berlangsung kapan saja (menit dan jam) atau pada hari hari kedepannya.. Meski secara signifikan juga memungkinkan investor bisa menderita kerugian (capital loss) ketika melakukan transaksi di pasar modal.Kinerja perusahaan yang tinggi akan berimplikasi pada harga saham perusahaan yang juga akan tinggi di pasar saham. Tujuan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa factor fundamental yang diwakili oleh rasio keuangan menggunakan model Diskriminan Springate terhadap pergerakan harga saham sector pertambangan di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah data perusahaan sector pertambangan Sub sector Minyak dan Gasdi BEI selama tahun 2013-2017.Berdasarkan...
This study aims to analyze the application of sustainable finance principle in the palm oil indus... more This study aims to analyze the application of sustainable finance principle in the palm oil industry financing that stipulated by the Financial Services Authority as banking regulator. Sharia Bank X is a member of the First Mover Bank set by the Regulator on the Sustainable Finance project. The identification of the problem in this research is the environmental issues caused by the utilization of oil palm land that does not pay attention to the environmental good governance, so the Regulator involves banks in making policy on sustainable financing of palm oil industry. Design in this research is qualitative approach, with purposive sampling method. Data analysis was conducted by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from internal and external Sharia Bank X. The result of research showed that in applying the principle of sustainable finance, Sharia Bank X has set acceptance criteria which contains the aspects of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) in the fund distribution to companies en...