Papers by Hélène COQUEUGNIOT
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2004
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2004
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 1, 2021
The area around Tours offers a unique chance to document examples of medieval surgery. Two sites ... more The area around Tours offers a unique chance to document examples of medieval surgery. Two sites revealed cases of surgical procedures: six trepanations were discovered at St Cosme priory. Another trepanation and one amputation were identified at St Lazare leprosarium. According to medieval texts, trepanation was used for cleaning cranial wounds. If the osseous examples from this study show a good concordance with those texts regarding the modus operandi, the use of 3D imaging tends to favor the treatment of neurological conditions as the main therapeutic motivation. Regarding the amputation, the archaeological context suggests use of this procedure for the treatment of a perforating ulcer of the foot. Isotopic data support the idea that the operation was not conducted in situ.
The 88th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Cleveland, Ohio, 2019
A study of the morphological variation of the skull in children, taking into consideration their ... more A study of the morphological variation of the skull in children, taking into consideration their age, sex and geographical origin. Extensive research (761 skulls were studied) has resulted in an exhaustive report which clearly fills a long-standing gap in the study of human cranial development.
Publication du site des Truels II dans les Grands Causses (Chalcolithique). Bilan des trépanation... more Publication du site des Truels II dans les Grands Causses (Chalcolithique). Bilan des trépanations crâniennes des grands Causses. Historiographie des grands Causses : Dcd Prunière et Paul Broca
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2003
Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris

Les Nouvelles de l'archéologie, 2020
Le projet VIRT.OS, finance par le Conseil regional d'Aquitaine, a permis la creation d'un... more Le projet VIRT.OS, finance par le Conseil regional d'Aquitaine, a permis la creation d'une bibliotheque osseuse virtuelle. Sa vocation est d'aider les disciplines concernees par les etudes osteologiques comme l'anthropologie biologique, l'archeozoologie et la paleontologie, l'anatomie et la paleopathologie. Les specimens contenus dans cette osteotheque virtuelle proviennent de differentes collections squelettiques et osteoarcheologiques. Ils sont numerises par scanner CT, lasergrammetrie ou photogrammetrie. L’objectif de VIRT.OS est de faciliter l'acces a des pieces osteologiques d'interet scientifique ou patrimonial specifique tout en assurant leur conservation. La base de donnees, continuellement enrichie, est stockee sur une plateforme dediee hebergee par l'infrastructure Huma-Num. Les modeles osteologiques 3D presentes sur le site web VIRT.OS sont disponibles pour la recherche, l'enseignement et la valorisation du patrimoine, a destination des chercheurs travaillant sur les os anciens et recents, humains et animaux, mais aussi pour les enseignants et le public.

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2021
The bony labyrinth has received growing attention in the field of human evolution as it is a usef... more The bony labyrinth has received growing attention in the field of human evolution as it is a useful phylogenetic indicator in hominins, and is particularly useful for distinguishing anatomically modern humans and Neanderthals. The partial adult skeleton of Qafzeh 25 dated to 92 ± 5 ka B.P. suffers from serious post-mortem taphonomic damage that has limited its anatomical description and metrical analysis. However, the two petrosal bones are preserved and the bony labyrinths are not affected by post-mortem deformations. In this study, the methodology developed by Spoor (1993) is used to analyze and compare the morphometric data from Qafzeh 25 semi-circular canals and cochlea to that of other fossils from the site and more generally to the published hominin sample (Middle and Late Pleistocene hominins). While this analysis reveals that the Qafzeh 25 bony labyrinth resembles that other Qafzeh individuals, it extends the range of variation within the sample for some variables.
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2019
This contribution presents the first application of micro-computed tomography (µCT) to study path... more This contribution presents the first application of micro-computed tomography (µCT) to study pathological mineral defects associated with the vitamin D deficiency, namely interglobular dentine (IGD), within the mineral matrix of archaeological teeth from three French medieval cases. To date, such an approach has only been used once in a clinical setting. Through this work, we evaluate potential benefits of this alternative approach and the contribution such work could make to anthropological debates, through analysis of rare teeth of human or non-human fossils or teeth of individuals where more destructive techniques cannot be applied.

Dans le domaine de l’anthropologie biologique, l’imagerie medicale et la 3D ont permis le develop... more Dans le domaine de l’anthropologie biologique, l’imagerie medicale et la 3D ont permis le developpement de nouvelles analyses. Or, jusqu’a recemment, ces nouvelles technologies numeriques n’avaient pas reellement atteint le domaine de la paleopathologie, ou les resultats reposent essentiellement sur des lectures macroscopiques de pieces pathologiques, de radiographies ou de scanner CT. Cet article montre, au travers de 2 exemples (un crâne et une articulation sacro-iliaque), comment les techniques 3D permettent des explorations morphologiques tridimensionnelles des structures externes et internes des pieces paleopathologiques. Les methodes tridimensionnelles ameliorent les performances du diagnostic et apportent des resultats supplementaires que ne peuvent fournir les methodes 2D. Ces resultats montrent les interets multiples de l’imagerie medicale et de la 3D au plan diagnostique, didactique et de diffusion-valorisation dans l’etude des pathologies, declinees au present aussi bien ...
10ème journée archéologique de l'Aveyron, 1996
Archéologie de la santé, anthropologie du soin, 2019
Papers by Hélène COQUEUGNIOT