Papers by I Gusti Made Wendri

Jurnal Abdimas Multidisiplin, Oct 5, 2022
The training aims to empower women in the village of Pesaban, through empowerment, participating ... more The training aims to empower women in the village of Pesaban, through empowerment, participating in training in making snacks like this was expected to be a solution in creating the economy. Creatively through the skills of the participants to make Snack Bagina with various improvements through the texture of taste and coloring so that it has aesthetic value and higher selling value. Method: This community service activity is varied out from May to June 2022. The activity is carried out by explaining training materials on food processing, practicing innovative snack processing and facilitating discussions between. Explaining training materials on food processing, practicing innovative snack processing and facilitating discussions between participants. Participants are evaluated through pre-test and post-test. Result: Community Service Activities/PKM Begina Traditional Snack innovation in Pesaban Village Rendang District, Karangasem can be said to be successful both. The results of discussions with participants and the results off evaluating the results off training from participants a total of 14 people re[resenting PKM actors and PKK women assessed the training. From the statements collected that most (100%) participants showed an increased desireto innovate in the processing of traditional snack like this Limitation: This training is to the skill of PKK d and IKM members iin nnovation in processing traditional snack. Contribution: This training fosters innovation in the processing of traditional snack like this in Pasaban Village, Rendang district so that they can compete in local and global market.

Jurnal Bali Membangun Bali
Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan membahas bentuk kerukunan Umat Islam-Hindu di Kampung Loloan, Jembran... more Tujuan: Studi ini bertujuan membahas bentuk kerukunan Umat Islam-Hindu di Kampung Loloan, Jembrana, Bali, dan pendidikan multikultural dalam kehidupan masyarakat setempat. Metode penelitian: Data penelitian diperoleh melalui kajian pustaka, observasi dan wawancara dengan pemerhati budaya Bali dan tokoh masyarakat Kampung Loloan. Hasil dan pembahasan: Bentuk kerukunan itu antara lain tercermin dalam kuatnya tradisi menyamebraya yang diwijudkan dalam bentuk silaturahmi, saling ngejot, pemakaian bahasa Loloan atau bahasa Melayu-Bali, serta kerjasama dalam pangan kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi. Kerukunan dan kehidupan multikultural dalam kehidupan masyarakat Kampung Loloan diperkuat dengan adanya model pendidilkan multikultural yang meliputi lima dimensi: menyadarkan generasi penerus tentang arti peting multikulturalisme; meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang keragaman budaya; menanamkan sikap toleransi, menumbuhkan sikap solidaritas (kerjasama) antar-umat; dan menanamkan sikap cinta damai. Im...

Journal of Applied Sciences in Travel and Hospitality, 2022
This study discusses the analysis of the service quality of room attendants in increasing custome... more This study discusses the analysis of the service quality of room attendants in increasing customer satisfaction at Hotel Vila Lumbung. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of guests’ satisfaction with the services provided by the room attendant and determine the service indicators that need to be improved and maintained by the room attendant at this hotel. The sample is 80 respondents. This study uses a sampling technique that is incidental random sampling. The analysis technique used is SERVQUAL analysis (Service Quality) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The result shows there are sixteen indicators found in the five dimensions of the service quality that show the room attendants’ performance are already categorized as excellent in terms of such dimensions as tangibility, reliability, assurance, and empathy. This indicates that there is only one dimension which service is still need to improve and maintain to make customer satisfied, namely the responsivene...

Jurnal Pemberdayaan Ekonomi, 2022
Purpose: Improving the skill of Pokdarwis members to make innovation in processing the breakfast ... more Purpose: Improving the skill of Pokdarwis members to make innovation in processing the breakfast menu ketela ungu. The food processing is based on the farm produce yielded in local farming, for increasing the selling value of the farm produce. Method: This training uses the socialization method as well as the technique of ketela ungu processing producing ‘bubuh sumsum’, ‘giling-giling’, ‘batun salak’ and ‘ongol-ongol’ as item of breakfast. Participant Assesment: The assessment is based on the participants’ involvement on the training. Result: The output of the training includes; “bubur sumsum’, ‘giling-giling’, ‘batun salak’, and ‘ongol-ongol’ as breakfast menu. These menu are served to the visitors visiting the village. Limitation: This training is to improve participants skill in processing ketela ungu as breakfast menu Contribution: In the form of training on breakfast menu is able to increase the competitiveness of human rresources in serving of breakfast menu , local culinary.
International Journal of Glocal Tourism, Dec 6, 2020
Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Social Science 2021 (iCAST-SS 2021), 2022

International Journal of Green Tourism Research and Applications, 2020
Purpose: This study aims to determine the contribution of online platforms to room occupancy rate... more Purpose: This study aims to determine the contribution of online platforms to room occupancy rates in 2017 to 2019 and to find out reservation strategies in increasing room occupancy through online platforms in Desa Visesa Ubud Resort. Research methods: The data used in this study were collected by interview, observation, documentation, and literature study methods which are then processed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques and qualitative descriptive techniques using Excel tools to analyze data. Results and discussion: The percentage of the contribution of the five online platforms that collaborate with Desa Visesa Ubud Resort namely Agoda,, Expedia,, and Waka showed a number of more than 50% which could be interpreted that the online platform contribution was very significant for occupancy rooms at Desa Visesa Ubud Resort in 2017-2019. Conclusion: In increasing room occupancy in Desa Visesa Ubud Resort, all reservation staff use marketing strat...

Journal of Applied Sciences in Travel and Hospitality, 2019
The purpose of this research is to know there is a gap between the guest’s perception and guest’s... more The purpose of this research is to know there is a gap between the guest’s perception and guest’s expectation to the Front Office Department service quality at Padma Resort Legian, and to know which indicators need to be improved and maintained to enhance the service quality of Front Office Department for customer’s satisfaction at Padma Resort Legian. The data used in this research are quantitative data which are collected from observation, literature study, questionnaire with validity and reliability tested and secondary data. The total of respondents are 60 respondents using incidental sampling method. Data analysis technique used is the SERVQUAL Method and Importance-Performance Analysis applied in Cartesian Diagram. The result of this research is show that there are negative and positive gap between perceptions and expectations. The result of the Importance-Performance Analysis found 1 indicator on Quadrant A which as the major weakness and need improvement which is the attribu...

Jurnal Perhotelan Dan Pariwisata Juni 2014, Sep 3, 2014
MICE is a promising industry which receipts have a larger impacts to the Indonesia economy as we... more MICE is a promising industry which receipts have a larger impacts to the Indonesia economy as well as locally at the destination.It is, indeed, believe that MICE to be a sustainable industry. It is due to the fact that Indonesia has been often frequently the host countryof 600 events internationally since 2011- 2013 . The MICE Industry seen from micro point of view is also challenging for the Meeting planner, PCO, hotel Industry, airline, business centre, Travel to be more creative and innovative in improving the service. This research is conducted in order to find out the Function Room set up and its implication to the successof the decision making of the meeting agenda. The research methodology is dealing with obtaining the data. The Primary data is obtained from deep interview with a banqueting staff of certain hotel in Nusa Dua who sometimes handle the function room set up for the meeting. The secondary data is taken from library research. Jurnal review to support the primary data. The Finding that function room set up impact the success of the decision making of the meeting agenda. The data is then analizing presented informally in the form of analytic description. Key words:, Function Room Set Up, Implikasi.

International journal of linguistics, literature and culture, 2019
Wellness tourism is fast growing nowadays as alternative tourism developed from conventional spa ... more Wellness tourism is fast growing nowadays as alternative tourism developed from conventional spa tourism into special-interest tourism. Therefore, it is interesting to study the phenomenon of this fast developing industry in Bali in order to reveal its advantage for one’s wellness on the basis of the following question: What factors are contributive to the tourists’ intention in enjoying wellness tourism?. This study aims to explore the factors of belief-forming the tourists’ intention or interest to enjoy wellness tourism. The research adopts planned behavior theory (PBT) as its theoretical framework. The data was collected by questionnaires distributed to 100 tourist-respondents accessed by purposive sampling technique. The analysis was quantitatively done using factor analysis technique as a data analytical instrument. The result of the analysis shows that there are 8 belief factors identified to form the tourists’ intention in enjoying wellness tourism. These factors include: 1)...

Jurnal Bali Membangun Bali
In the tourism industry, fluctuations in room occupancy are common. Many hotels offer various typ... more In the tourism industry, fluctuations in room occupancy are common. Many hotels offer various types of accommodation and service options needed by guests, causing competition between one hotel and another hotel. The purpose of this study is to find out how the management of room allotment in an effort to increase room occupancy at a one 5-star hotel in the southern part of Bali. This study was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method with analysis of POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling) and SWBR (Strength, Weakness, Benefit, Risk). Data is obtained using the interview method. This study also explains how the implications of room allotment management on management strategy at the hotel. The results of this study indicate that the management of the allotment room has been done quite well but has not provided maximum results in increasing room occupancy. The implications of giving room allotment based on management functions indicate that negotiations still have ...

Proceedings of the International Conference On Applied Science and Technology 2019 - Social Sciences Track (iCASTSS 2019)
Nowadays, spa with its wellness program is becoming ever more trendy among spa goers who want to ... more Nowadays, spa with its wellness program is becoming ever more trendy among spa goers who want to promote their health while having vacation outside their own countries. While relaxation, pampering and escape are central in the visitors' pursuit, the destination should necessarily be capable of responding to this pursuit with the right programs inclusive of the right products and services and activities. The Ubud and South Badung tourist destinations in Bali have succeeded in facilitating the achievement of such pursuit of the visitors so that their products, services and programs can be seen as representing excellent attributes of the destination. This research with the aim to identify the visitors' preferred wellness activities based on push and pull factor theory was conducted in Ubud and South Badung. Adopting a survey technique and using questionnaires the data was obtained from 177 foreign tourist respondents visiting resort hotel spa in two research locations with purposive sampling technique. Using the quantitative method, the data was analyzed under the theoretical frame of Maslow's theory of need hierarchy and the push and pull factor theory. The result of the data analysis shows the presence of 4 driving force activities and 3 attractive force activities representing the tourists' preferred wellness activities. The results of research require the industry are expected to design products that suit the needs of tourists.

The purposes of this study are to identify the competencies the human resources should have for w... more The purposes of this study are to identify the competencies the human resources should have for wellness products creation in supporting sustainable tourism, and to determine human resource development model related to wellness products in Sangkan Gunung village, Karangasem Resgency, Bali Province. This study uses a soft system methodological approach to structure the problems identified in the ‘Pokdarwis’ tourist-concerned group in that village. The conceptual model was built up after the identification of five problems, all pertaining to the ‘Pokdarwis’ lack of understanding of the current wellness trends. This is known from the data collected through in-depth interviews with selected informants within the group. Following the problem formulation, a comparison is made between the conceptual theoretical model and the factual condition of the group by which to see the possibility to make necessary changes through the application of root definition formula. The comparison revealed th...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations
This research tries to obtain certain information about such agents as company, association, pote... more This research tries to obtain certain information about such agents as company, association, potential delegates, PCO and destination attributes behind the decision making of meeting planner in determining MICE’s destination. The data of this research are gained from 7 international journal articles and book chapters relating to the topic of discussion. The methods of analysis is based on descriptive qualitative approach by describing the data as it is.

Soshum : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora, Dec 28, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dianggap penting oleh pelanggan sert... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dianggap penting oleh pelanggan serta faktor-faktor yang perlu mendapatkan prioritas untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang dikuantitatifkan menggunakan skor. Data yang diolah berupa data primer yang diperoleh dari penyebaran kuesioner keresponden. Dengan menggunakan Performance Important Analysis didapat hasil bahwa tidak ada atribut/variable pada kuadran A yang menyebabkan mahasiswa tidak puas/kecewa. Pada kuadran B menunjukkan faktor faktor atau atribut yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan, kuadran ini perlu dipertahankan karena pada umumnya tingkat pelaksanaannya telah sesuai dengan kepentingan dan harapan mahasiswa. Kuadran C menunjukkan beberapa variable yang kurang penting pengaruhnya bagi pelanggan, dalam pelaksanaanya oleh perusahaan biasa biasa saja, dianggap kurang penting dan kinerjanya kurang memuaskan. Kuadran D menunjukkan variabel yang mempengaruhi pelanggan kurang penting tetapi pelaksanaannya berlebihan, dianggap kurang penting tapi kinerjanya memuaskan. Rekomendasi berupa self evaluation bagi Permata Tours dan Peace Tours dan dapat dipakai acuan dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada mahasiswa dalam memberikan pelayanan yang lebih berkualitas.

Soshum : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora
Wellness Spa is developed from conventional spa in response to the influence of the present touri... more Wellness Spa is developed from conventional spa in response to the influence of the present tourism trend which is much in demand of the achievement of wellness aspect of life. Wellness tourism is a subdivision of health tourism. Wellness spa is the core product for wellness tourism. In fact, to date, people’s knowledge about wellness spa is still poor. This fact has motivated the implementation of this research under the title “Spa Products as Main Orientation in Wellness Tourism in Bali”. The objective of the research is to find out what products becomes the orientation in wellness tourism in Ubud as well as in South Badung. This qualitative research uses a phenomenological approach to the study. The determination of the informants is purposively done, and the information concerning the object of the research is obtained by deep interview controlled by a checklist based on Wellness Wheel concept. The location of the research is Ubud and South Badung areas, the latter represented b...
Papers by I Gusti Made Wendri