Gustavo Said
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Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Revista Contracampo Brazilian Journal of Communication
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Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
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UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Papers by Gustavo Said
--address and dismantle the racial injustice that persists within the university and the dominant social formations of Brazil and the United States, highlighting the theory, analysis, methodology and knowledge of quilombos of northeastern Brazil;
-- Present a two-directional exchange, by bringing the quilombola to university spaces and by bringing researchers and students to the quilombo to learn and exchange ideas about the structure and rhythm of the quilombo in Piauí, Brazil;
--Promote research collaboration that values the modes of living, relating and creating in quilombola communities;
--Document, disseminate and archive the Encontro de Saberes (an annual meeting where quilombos invite universities to visit and learn from quilombos) and related collaborations in the form of an archive, publications and video documentary.