Papers by Gustavo Horacio Marin
![Research paper thumbnail of Dosis de células madre en el tratamiento de osteoartritis de rodilla l documento]](
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease where conventional treatment includes drugs, physio... more Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease where conventional treatment includes drugs, physiotherapy, or prostheses. Stem cells and growth factors are a promising option in controlling symptoms, functional improvement and cartilage regeneration; however, many treatment details have not been specified, such as type and number of stem cells that should be applied to obtain optimal results. In this study we sought to compare effectiveness, safety and costs of two doses (1X10vs 3X10) of adipose tissue derived stem cells (ADSC), applied intra-articularly. Ten patients, with knee OA grades II and III, were randomized to receive 10 (n=5) or 30 million (n=5) of autologous ADSCs. At baseline and 6 to 10 months after injection, they were evaluated according to clinical (medical evaluation, WOMAC scale, quality of life) and paraclinical criteria (arthroscopy, resonance, biopsy). In terms of effectiveness and safety there were no differences observed among the two dosage groups since all pa...

Cytotherapy, 2019
Background & Aim: Buerger disease (BD) is associated with a substantial risk of amputation and lo... more Background & Aim: Buerger disease (BD) is associated with a substantial risk of amputation and loss of labor ability, and the conventional reconstruction seldom yields satisfactory mid-to-long-term results for it. The current study is to assess the efficacy of autotransplantation of purified CD34 + cells (PCCs) for critical limb ischemia (CLI) in patients with BD. Methods, Results & Conclusion Methods: From 2009 to 2017, 49 CLI patients with BD underwent autotransplantation of PCCs. Mean age was 41 § 13years (range 20-55), and all patients were not eligible for surgical or endovascular revascularization. G-CSF was subcutaneously injected for 5 days before apheresis. Then CliniMACS system was used to isolate the CD34 + cells which were intramuscularly injected into the limbs. Patients were telephoned for inquiry about the rest pain every week during the first 3 weeks and followed-up at 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 months and yearly thereafter. Results: The mean number of transplanted cells (6.8 §2.7) £ 10 5 /kg [(4.1 £ 10 5-2 £ 10 6) /kg]. The follow-up was accomplished in 47 cases, ranging from 12-103M (mean 55 §25M), while two patients were missed. Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale score significantly decreased from 9.0 §2.0 (4-10) to 2.3 §3.0 (P<0.001) at 1 M. The Peak pain-free walking time was significantly improved from 3.9 §2.0min to 15.5 §5.8min (P<0.001) at 3M and 18.5 §3.5min (P<0.001) at 6 M, respectively. The ankle-brachial index increased from 0.48 §0.27 to 0.55 § 0.15 (P<0.05) at 3M and 0.58 §0.14(P<0.05) at 6M, respectively. Transcutaneous partial oxygen pressure rose from 24 §11mmHg to 49 §11mmHg (P<0.001) at 3M and 59 §10mmHg (P<0.001) at 6 M, respectively. Among 32 patients with ulcers, they were healed in 31 patients at 5 §5 M (2-15M), while the ulcer was not healed in 1 patient who had above-knee amputation at 3M. Among the 10 patients with gangrene, the gangrened toe was spontaneously dropped off in 3 patients, while toe amputation was performed in 7 cases in whom the wound was healed in 6 patients and not healed in 1 patient who had the below-knee amputation at 1M. Additionally, CLI reoccurred in 1 patient at 31M and caused below-knee amputation. The overall major-amputation-free survival rate was 95.9% at 12M. Thirtysix patients (73.5%) got back to normal work at 12M. SFÀ36v2 scores were significantly improved at 12 months. Conclusions: Autotransplantation of PCCs could achieve mid-to-long-term limb salvage, labor competence recovery and life quality improvement in patients with CLI caused by BD.

One of the main problems for health service around the world is the antimicrobial resistance (AMR... more One of the main problems for health service around the world is the antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Objective: to describe the antimicrobial consumption (AMC) at hospital level in Latin American countries and compare the amount and type of antibiotics usage among them in order to guide local public health actions towards AMR prevention. Design: A descriptive study of antimicrobial consumption at hospital level among six health institution in Latin America with an analytical comparative stage. Antimicrobials included corresponded to the WHO Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) classification system subgroups: J01, A07A and P01AB. Methods: WHO GLASS methodology was applied for surveillance of AMC, using the ATC classification based on Defined Daily Dose (DDD) and DDD/100 hospital discharges as standard unit of measurement. Antimicrobials consumed were also classified according to the WHO Access-Watch-Reserve (AWaRe) classification. Results: The quantitative data, measured in DDD/100 hospital discharges, showed a wide range of consumption (182.48-2260.95). Qualitative analysis according to the AWaRe classification also showed a wide range in terms of consumption of Access (38.14%-73.64%), Watch (24.93%-60 .53%) and Reserve (0.31%-3.55%) groups expressed as a percentage of the total consumption.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Characterization of the drug supply in Argentina]](
PubMed, 2023
Introduction: Knowing the characteristics of the pharmaceutical market allows obtaining sensitive... more Introduction: Knowing the characteristics of the pharmaceutical market allows obtaining sensitive information to understand the supply, demand and access of the population to medicines. In order to provide primary data regarding the marketing of drugs in Argentina, the following research was performed. Method: This is a cross-sectional quantitative-qualitative descriptive study of the Argentine pharmaceutical market, taking into account 30 years of official information provided by the National Regulatory Agency (ANMAT). Results: Two hundred and sixteen laboratories (182 national) drug producers / importers, 53 distributors and 479 drugstores (wholesale drug distribution establishments) were identified. A high concentration of marketing was detected, grouping 90% in only 5 intermediaries. There are currently 6670 products/certificates in the country, an amount that fluctuated over the last 30 years. Six laboratories are owners of between 116 and 208 certificates; 84% of these products come from national laboratories, 5002 are mono-drugs, while 83% are marketed under a fancy name. The three main indications for which the registration of drugs in Argentina is intended are diseases of digestive system, nervous system and infectious diseases; 58% of the marketed products consist of oral formulations. Discussion: Based on data provided by this study, it is possible to assert that the Argentinian pharmaceutical market has a majority share of national capital, with a great concentration in a few pharmaceutical companies and distributors. The products are mostly available as non-combined drugs, in their oral form, and available by their brand names.

Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, Jan 25, 2022
The pharmaceutical industry currently has computer systems that seek to optimize processes and al... more The pharmaceutical industry currently has computer systems that seek to optimize processes and allow the maximum performance of its resources through the use of computer tools. The objective of the work was to determine the costs and benefits of two different software in management of raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry. Methods: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, study that compared ONDANET and SAP software in positive and negative costs inferred in the implementation of the tools and the benefits in terms of the profitability of the management of raw materials for the elaboration of pharmaceutical products. Results: it has been observed by using direct costs and benefits that the benefit-cost ratio of the SAP software implementation yielded a result of 15.37, whereas the ONDANET software presented a cost-benefit ratio of 0.05, which could have been demonstrated Conclusion: A widely favorable cost-benefit ratio was found for SAP Software compared to the previously used ONDANET Software, indicating that the new software used is profitable. It is desirable to periodically carry out this type of analysis to guarantee not only that the Pharmaceutical Industry has a greater profitability, without also being able to provide its products with continuity and at affordable prices for the population.
Revista panamericana de salud pública (Impresa), 2021
Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commo... more Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la licencia Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 IGO, que permite su uso, distribución y reproducción en cualquier medio, siempre que el trabajo original se cite de la manera adecuada. No se permiten modificaciones a los artículos ni su uso comercial. Al reproducir un artículo no debe haber ningún indicio de que la OPS o el artículo avalan a una organización o un producto específico. El uso del logo de la OPS no está permitido. Esta leyenda debe conservarse, junto con la URL original del artículo. Crédito del logo y texto open access: PLoS, bajo licencia Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported.
Journal de Pharmacie Clinique, Feb 6, 2000
... Bone Marrow Transplant 1997 ; 20 : 889-96. 3. Brice P, Godin S, Libert O, et al. Effect of le... more ... Bone Marrow Transplant 1997 ; 20 : 889-96. 3. Brice P, Godin S, Libert O, et al. Effect of lenograstim on the cost of autologous bone marrow transplantation : preliminary communication. Pharmacoeconomics 1995 ; 7 : 238-41. ...
Journal of Bioanalysis & Biomedicine, Aug 29, 2017
Este audio incorporado al Repositorio Digital de la Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas es pr... more Este audio incorporado al Repositorio Digital de la Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas es producto de una entrevista telefónica realizada al reconocido filósofo de la ciencia Dr. Mario Bunge, residente en Canadá. Tal reportaje se grabó el 27 de agosto de 2016 en los estudios de FM Platense (89.9),y un extracto de la misma fue presentada durante el cierre del III Congreso Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología organizado por la CIC en septiembre de 2016 en la ciudad de La Plata. Tanto la entrevista como la presentación de la misma estuvo a cargo del experto en gestión científica Dr. Gustavo Marín
Primary health care, May 5, 2016

Epidemiology international journal, 2022
Background: To measure vaccination`s risks it exists the term "events supposedly attributed to va... more Background: To measure vaccination`s risks it exists the term "events supposedly attributed to vaccination or immunization" (ESAVI). ESAVI monitoring usually consist in passive surveillance based on voluntary notifications done either by beneficiaries or by health professionals. The spontaneous reports are scarce compared with active surveillance. Unfortunately; active methods performed by health service are expensive, laborious and unfeasible due to the few health personnel available. Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of an active method for ESAVI reports associated to COVID19-vaccines performed by university students. Methods: a research comparing two Pharmacovigilance methods for COVID-19-ESAVI was performed (passive vs active surveillance with participation of university students) from May to September 2021. Results: At the end of the study period, in Argentina 52.786.324 anti-COVID-19 vaccines were applied (1st dose 56, 86%; 2nd dose 43, 14%), and 102.358 ESAVIs were validated (1st dose 74, 75%; 2nd dose 23, 96%; other dose 0, 5%; No data 1, 24); 2, 16% among them were considered severe. Although female/male vaccination/ratio was similar (50.31% vs 49.67%), ESAVI were much more reported by females (72.8%). The active pharmacovigilance experience was performed by 933 studentsvolunteers. They contacted 56,824 vaccinated people; obtaining 39,952 "positive" calls (either "no events" or "potential ESAVI" results). The monthly contacts performed by students were 14,206±1124; among them, 1186±436 calls were "refused", while in 3,032±741 cases existed wrong phone number. From 6.652 potential ESAVI reported; 1,037 were validated, which means 1.82% of vaccinated people contacted, certainly a better result than the 0.121%obtained by passive reports (p <0.0001). Conclusion: An active method of pharmacovigilance performed by health students was able to increase 15 times the validated ESAVI reports after COVID-19 vaccination.

Journal Of Public Health, Mar 10, 2021
The aim was to investigate the risk of developing type 2 diabetes according to blood pressure (BP... more The aim was to investigate the risk of developing type 2 diabetes according to blood pressure (BP) levels and presence or absence of hypertensive treatment. This 5-year cohort study comprised 3508 Japanese adults aged 30-74 years without diabetes who had undergone a medical checkup including a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) between April 2008 and March 2009 at Saku Central Hospital. Participants receiving antihypertensive treatment were categorized into controlled hypertension (< 140/90 mmHg) or uncontrolled hypertension (≥ 140/90 mmHg) groups. Participants not receiving antihypertensive treatment were categorized: optimal BP (< 120/80 mmHg), normal BP (120-129/80-84 mmHg), highnormal BP (130-139/85-89 mmHg), grade I hypertension (140-159/90-99 mmHg), and grade II/III hypertension (≥ 160/ 100 mmHg). Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals for the incidence of type 2 diabetes as defined by the 75-g OGTT were estimated using multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazard models in reference to optimal BP. During an average of 4.4 years of follow-up, 295 participants developed type 2 diabetes. Those with high-normal BP, grade I hypertension, grade II/III hypertension, and uncontrolled hypertension were at significantly higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes, with hazard ratios (95% confidence intervals) of 1.53 (1.03-2.29), 1.53 (1.02-2.32), 2.19 (1.01-4.77), and 1.81 (1.10-2.99), respectively. In conclusion, compared with those with optimal BP, individuals with BP ≥ 130/85 mmHg not receiving antihypertensive treatment and uncontrolled hypertensives with BP ≥ 140/90 mmHg receiving antihypertensive treatment were at a significantly higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Keywords Cohort study • High blood pressure • Hypertension • Type 2 diabetes * Yukako Tatsumi

Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes, Nov 21, 2020
The risk of developing type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is related to low socioeconomic status (SES) in deve... more The risk of developing type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is related to low socioeconomic status (SES) in developed countries, but there are few evidences for developing countries. Objective: To verify in a local population, the relationship between frequency of risk of developing T2D and SES. Methods: A cross-sectional study. We interviewed 150 people 45-64 years of age living in a District of Ensenada Municipality (Buenos Aires, Argentina). For the interview we used 3 questionnaires: i) one to record identification data anonymously; ii) the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) and ii) a questionnaire collecting information about educational level and the total household income. Statistical analysis was performed with parametric or nonparametric tests as appropriate. Results: The interviewed were mostly women (56%) with an average low educational and income level; 40% presented a moderate to very high risk for developing T2D, whereas 60% presented a low (24.7%) or slightly high (35.3%) risk. The risk score increased significantly with lower SES. Moreover, respondents that reached a higher education level than their parents showed a non-significantly lower average FINDRISC score than those who did not reach this improvement. Conclusion: Our data show in a developing country an inverse relationship between risk of developing T2D and SES.

Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, Jun 15, 2020
The majority of new drugs registered at Health Global Market are not considered real innovations ... more The majority of new drugs registered at Health Global Market are not considered real innovations and due to their chemical structure similarity of reference's group drug, they are known as "me-too". These "me too" drugs usually has no additional therapeutic benefits but greatly increasing treatment cost. PURPOSE: To demonstrate the economic impact in Social Security budget by covering "me too" medicines. METHODS: An epidemiological-descriptive-analytical study was performed in order to analyze the burden of anti-hypertensive prescription from patients under coverage by Buenos Aires State Social Security (SS). Two types of medicines were compared: "pioneer/classic" or "me-too". Variables considered were: medicine type, therapeutical group, global costs, burden for SS and for patients. RESULTS: From 185865 patients with hypertension treated; in 121748 of the cases the strategy was monotherapy while 64117 of them received at least two or more medicines. 189714 were reference drugs while 64393 were considered "me-too". In average, "me-too" drugs were 41.23% more expensive than classical treatment. The percentage covered by SS varies according to the medicines (between 45 to 51%) and patients must complete the amount of money remaining from their pockets. Paradoxically, the percentage covered by SS of some "me-too" were greater than coverage for most classic medications of each group. CONCLUSIONS: By only choosing the drug of reference from each therapeutical group with has proven effectiveness, the Social Security might increase the coverage to 100% of the cost of all anti-hypertensive treatment for all patients; and even that, still saving almost 2 million dollars per year.
Nos referimos a las personas que han sido designadas o electas para el desempeño de actividades o... more Nos referimos a las personas que han sido designadas o electas para el desempeño de actividades o funciones en nombre del Estado o al servicio del mismo, en todos sus niveles.

OBJECTIVE: The study aim to establish a debate on the different policies implemented at indigenou... more OBJECTIVE: The study aim to establish a debate on the different policies implemented at indigenous population in the American continent and their relationship with the p resen ce of DiegoA antigen (AgDia) in blood phenotype of inhabitants of Buenos Aires,Argentina. METHODS: It is a descriptive study with qualitative/quantitative approach. A com prehensive search of medical/social d atabases, using MeSH words. Limits were applied to include studies published after 1950 written in Portuguese, English and Spanish. RESULTS: Dia antigen in the population of several American countries is relatively high, hence, it should be considered in screening panels perform to blood donors. Noteworthy, the exception of this panorama is Buenos Aires State, where the prevalence of this antigen is low. This data was correlated with indigenous policies carried out by former governments. The results showed in population living in regions where Dia is high policy performed by the colonizers towards the indi genous peoples w as domination+integration+miscegenation. In Buenos Aires, however, that policy w as annihilation of the natives which could explain the low p resen ce of the antigen in the current population. CONCLUSION: The p resen ce of Ag-Dia in the population of Buenos Aires is low com pared to oth er Latin-American regions. The p resen ce of Ag-Dia in Buenos Aires population is low compared to other regions of Latin-America. The reason could be explained by the distinctive indigenous policy performed in this area. It might be possible then to predict the prevalence Dia in the current popu lation, taking into account the history of indigenous policy in colonization of American continent.
F a c u l t a d d e C i e n c i a s J u r í d i c a s y S o c i a l e s M a e s t r í a e n C i e... more F a c u l t a d d e C i e n c i a s J u r í d i c a s y S o c i a l e s M a e s t r í a e n C i e n c i a P o l í t i c a T e s i s " Consecuencias de los cambios políticos en la gestión de programas de un organismo público provincial.
Entrevista aGustavo Marín, Experto en Gestión Pública y responsable de los programas Científicos ... more Entrevista aGustavo Marín, Experto en Gestión Pública y responsable de los programas Científicos por un día y la Ciencia va a la escuela. Se trataron temas como, programas de relación con la comunidad y divulgación de la ciencia;específicamente de los llamados La Ciencia va a la Escuela y Científicos por un Día
Papers by Gustavo Horacio Marin