Papers by Gunne Grankvist

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2019
This study investigated whether endorsement of personal values is associated with willingness to ... more This study investigated whether endorsement of personal values is associated with willingness to pay more for mobile phones with an environmental or social sustainability label. Participants were students in Sweden, Norway and Germany. A self-report inventory was used to measure willingness to pay and the importance attached to values of Schwartz's circular model. In Sweden and Norway, participants were willing to pay, on average, 18% extra for a mobile phone with labels for environmental or social sustainability. In Germany, the corresponding share was 12%. To strive for self-enhancement values, that is, social status and prestige, as well as control and dominance over people and resources, was associated with a lower willingness to pay for mobile phones with labels for environmental or social sustainability in all three countries. Furthermore, women were willing to pay more than men for mobile phones with both kinds of sustainability labels. In Sweden and Norway, participants were, on average, willing to pay more for a mobile phone with a label for social sustainability compared to a mobile phone with a label for environmental sustainability.
AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, 2005
Denna rapport ar en oversikt over akademisk forskning om konsumenters installning till och val av... more Denna rapport ar en oversikt over akademisk forskning om konsumenters installning till och val av alternativ med etiska, i meningen sociala, produktmarkningar. Nastan all forskningen inom omradet h ...

Dualists view mind and body as two fundamentally different kinds of “things”. Mind and the physic... more Dualists view mind and body as two fundamentally different kinds of “things”. Mind and the physical body are viewed as equally real and neither of them is, in a primal way, thought to be dependent on the other. Cartesian or “substance” dualism include the idea that mind and body belong to two different substances, the non-physical and the physical. These two substances are furthermore thought to influence each other causally. Physicalism, on the other hand, is the notion that everything is physical or totally dependent of and determined by physical items. In this view everything in the world is composed by the same kind of substance, which is physical or material. All mental states are hence fundamentally physical states. In the current study Swedish university students views on the mind-body relationship as well as the importance they attached to different personal values were measured using a self-report inventory. Students that attached more importance to the power value; that is...
I denna rapport presenteras resultat fran en studie av samband mellan vikt en individ lagger vid ... more I denna rapport presenteras resultat fran en studie av samband mellan vikt en individ lagger vid varderingar och preferens for rattvis handel (fair trade). Respondenterna var gymnasieelever i Vaner ...
To maintain rigor and transparency in the science of personality psychology, we conducted a repli... more To maintain rigor and transparency in the science of personality psychology, we conducted a replication of the often cited “The Big Five Personality Factors and Personal Values” by Roccas, Sagiv, S ...

Open Journal of Nursing
Introduction: Lower health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is associated with fatigue, poor menta... more Introduction: Lower health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is associated with fatigue, poor mental and poor gastrointestinal health during the first three months after colorectal cancer (CRC) treatment. Research indicates that maintaining usual activities has a positive impact on HRQoL after treatment for CRC. Illness perceptions have been associated with HRQoL in other cancer diseases, and self-efficacy has been associated with HRQoL in gastrointestinal cancer survivors. Our knowledge about illness perceptions and selfefficacy in relation to maintaining everyday activities and HRQoL following CRC treatment is incomplete. Aim: To explore associations between HRQoL, fatigue, mental health, gastrointestinal health, illness perceptions and selfefficacy in relation to maintaining everyday activities, three months after surgical CRC treatment. A further aim was to test the Maintain Function Scale in a CRC population. Method: The study was cross-sectional. Forty-six persons participated. Data were collected using questionnaires. Descriptive and analytical statistics were used. Results: Persons who were more fatigued, depressed, worried, and had more diarrhea were more likely to report lower HRQoL. Increased fatigue and diarrhea were associated with decreased HRQoL. Concerning illness perceptions, persons who reported negative emotions and negative consequences of CRC were more likely to report lower HRQoL. Persons scoring higher on self-efficacy were more likely to report higher HRQoL. Increased self-efficacy was associated with increased HRQoL. The Maintain Function Scale was suitable for assessing self-efficacy in relation to maintaining everyday activities. Conclusions: Nursing support to improve self-efficacy and illness perceptions and to minimize symptoms during recovery should have a favorable impact on HRQoL.

Psychology, 2015
This paper evaluates associations between values and preference for the Fairtrade concept and com... more This paper evaluates associations between values and preference for the Fairtrade concept and compares the ecocentric and anthroprocentric views of Nature. The intention of Fairtrade product labelling is to increase consumers' awareness of products that have a presumably more positive influence on workers' lives in developing countries. The ecocentric view assumes that Nature has an intrinsic value and should be preserved regardless of economic implications. The anthropocentric view, on the other hand, assumes Nature has value only because of the material, physical, or other benefits Nature provides humans. All respondents in the study were residents of Gestad, a small town in a sparsely populated area of Sweden. Among the main results of the study was that self-transcendence values (e.g., universalism and benevolence) were positively correlated with a preference for Fairtrade and ecocentrism, and negatively correlated with anthropocentrism. Conservation values (e.g., tradition and conformity) were positively correlated with anthropocentrism, and negatively correlated with a preference for Fairtrade. Another result was that women were more positive than men towards Fairtrade and ecocentrism.
Thesis (doctoral)--Göteborg University, 2002.

This report is an overview of academic research into consumer attitudes towards, and choice of, a... more This report is an overview of academic research into consumer attitudes towards, and choice of, alternatives with ethical, in the sense of socially aware, product labelling. Nearly all research within this field has been conducted on consumers in (northern) Europe and in the USA. In certain literature on the subject, a broader definition is used of ethical product alternatives; normally products are included in that case with different types of environmental labelling. Socially responsible product labelling focuses on issues linked to how the production of labelled goods influences both the people as well as the local communities where the production of the goods takes place. In order for the product to be socially labelled it is necessary that active work is undertaken in the field of employee rights. Child labour and all forms of discrimination shall be actively opposed while democracy and the right to organise in the workplace, including the right to form trade unions, shall be p...
International Journal of Social Science Studies, 2015
Human Resource Management students' beliefs about how work should be organised will influence the... more Human Resource Management students' beliefs about how work should be organised will influence their behaviour in future professional positions. This prompted a study in which students in a three-year programme in Human Resource Management at University West in Sweden commented on a number of statements about what work should ideally be like. All 140 respondents were born between 1978 and 1990 and hence belong to Generation Y, also known as Generation Me. The respondents generally agreed strongly with humanistic beliefs about work and female students agreed with humanistic beliefs to a far greater extent than male students.
I denna rapport presenteras resultat från en studie av samband mellan vikt en individ lägger vid ... more I denna rapport presenteras resultat från en studie av samband mellan vikt en individ lägger vid värderingar och preferens för rättvis handel (fair trade). Respondenterna var gymnasieelever i Vänersborg (n = 99). Data samlades in med hjälp av enkäter. Vikt vid värderingar mättes med List of Values (LOV) skalan. Större vikt vid värderingarna "Varma

Food Quality and Preference, 2007
Importance attached to environmental consequences, and beliefs about characteristics of eco-label... more Importance attached to environmental consequences, and beliefs about characteristics of eco-labelled food products were examined as predictors of self-reported relative purchase frequency of eco-labelled alternatives. A panel study design with five questionnaires mailed over a period of 18 months was applied. Data were analysed by means of repeated measures analyses of variance and multiple regression analyses. A significant increase in purchase frequency of eco-labelled alternatives was observed during the first six month period. For consumers who initially reported that they never purchased eco-labelled alternatives, importance attached to environmental consequences worked as a predictor of an increased relative purchase frequency six months later. Among consumers who initially sometimes chose eco-labelled alternatives purchase frequency was however best predicted by beliefs about eco-labelled product characteristics such as taste and price.
Papers by Gunne Grankvist