Papers by Guillermo Zapata
Universitas Philosophica, Dec 20, 2005
LA DESAPARICIÓN DE Pan RIOZEUR suscita, evidentemente, un renovado interés de atender a un sinnúm... more LA DESAPARICIÓN DE Pan RIOZEUR suscita, evidentemente, un renovado interés de atender a un sinnúmero de publicaciones en el mundo acerca de su muy fértil pensamiento. Herrerías investiga el camino intelectual del filósofo francés, a través de un itinerario ontológico para pensar el ser, en lo que él mismo denomina 'Ontología militante', expresión que se halla en el último estudio de una de sus obras más acabadas: Símismo como otro (1990).
Ética y filosofía política, filosofía de la religión e historia de la filosofía, 2008

The data set integrates documentary evidence of national youth civic and political participation ... more The data set integrates documentary evidence of national youth civic and political participation initiatives in Italy, Sweden, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, UK, and Estonia. The evidence are represented as pamphlets, brochures, leaflets, newsletters, social media and websites, you tube videos, meme and vine campaigns. The participation initiatives are selected with a focus on initiatives used by national youth citizenship organizations for generating, supporting, communicating and engaging young people's active participation in diverse and varied causes (the environment, voting at 16, anti-fees and cuts campaigns, rights around civic spaces and youth centers, employment and jobs-related campaigns, issues around race and religion, volunteering, refugees, local housing and education). The data set consists of: (1) a spreadsheet integrating data from all partner countries, and containing qualitative descriptions of activities and cataloguing associated materials of you...

WP7 was designed to address questions concerning young Europeans' EU citizenship, in particul... more WP7 was designed to address questions concerning young Europeans' EU citizenship, in particular to shed light on factors relevant in processes of construction of citizenship and their joint workings by way of the quantitative analysis of questionnaire data provided by adolescents and young adults in various situations of life across eight EU countries representing variations in, e.g., their economic situation/crisis, political conditions, and their history as EU member state. This work package (WP7) sets out to address open questions concerning factors associated with youth's active EU citizenship. In particular, assumed (directions of) influences of relevant factors and their joint workings will be examined among adolescents and young adults in various situations of life, across different EU countries representing variations in, e.g., economic situation/crisis, political conditions, and history as an EU member state. This dataset presents the second wave of data collection....

Franciscanum, 2011
The question that drives our thinking is this: Where does evil come from? Based on Ricoeur, like ... more The question that drives our thinking is this: Where does evil come from? Based on Ricoeur, like other thinkers, evil shows up as embedded in the non-coincidence between the person and himself. From this shortcoming inherent into the human condition, let us take a further step toward its possible intelligibility. It is an essential condition for the reflection on evil, to go through the symbolic language of evil, which ranges both from purity to guilt and from myth to the reflecting consciousness upon the hard difficult forgiveness. However, for today’s man, evil is still a present fact in his history of calamities. On bringing evil face to face with power, still at the politic sphere, the coming up of evil becomes a suffered one, an underwent one, handled by the power itself pushing it unto making it a forgotten evil. It is necessary to make up an analytical horizon for interpreting evil by means of hermeneutics that allows us to transform evil with another kind of power, which, ac...
This dataset was created within the research project Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with Europea... more This dataset was created within the research project Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions (CATCH-EyoU) funded by European Union, Horizon 2020 Programme, Grant Agreement No 649538. Work Package 5 of this project (Representation of the EU and Youth Active EU Citizenship in the Media Environment) is focused in collecting and analyzing data on how the media represent the EU and youth engagement, in national and EU mainstream and progressive/alternative media, in order to deliver a framework on the media environment in 7 countries (Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Estonia and United Kingdom). In particular this dataset contains data from the monitoring of newspapers, radio and TV during four specific periods of time: (1) May 7-21, 2014; (2) September 16-30, 2014; (3) May 7-21, 2015; (4) September 16-30, 2015.

Con este texto, se quiere senalar el aporte que ha realizado Hannah Arendt a la cultura politica ... more Con este texto, se quiere senalar el aporte que ha realizado Hannah Arendt a la cultura politica occidental moderna, al espiritu de la polis, que se inscribe en una democracia radical y participativa. Arendt propone que cada ciudadano se forma en el espiritu de la ciudadania, implementando su accion politica desde la logica de la libertad. Formarse en esta dinamica de la libertad consiste en hacer consciente la diferencia que existe entre la logica de la necesidad del homo faber responsable de la labor, del trabajo y de la accion –entendida como mera praxis– y la logica de la libertad que fundamenta todo lo politico. Ingresar en el espiritu de la polis supone formarse para la accion en el marco de la vita activa, donde los ciudadanos creadores del espacio publico emergen a un nuevo comienzo de una humanidad democratica, libre y participativa en la que tienen sentido el perdon y la promesa. El homo faber se va transformado en homo civilis al cultivar el espiritu plural de la ciudadan...

The purpose of this essay is to reflect on Hannah Arendt’s (1906-1975) political contribution, ta... more The purpose of this essay is to reflect on Hannah Arendt’s (1906-1975) political contribution, taking political anthropology as the point of departure of her thought. The political unveils the core of human existence. The fragility of human existence is particularly evident at birth, which not only founds humanity from a new beginning but is also a free response to the very fact of being born. Every political action is a free one which results from the mutual relationship between speech and action. On the stage of being in common or public forum, word and action define power as the proper trait of the political, as being able to act in a concerted and plural way. The plural and concerted action is a factual truth against every type of violence that crushes plurality. Pluralism is the law of the world and develops itself as political condition. All types of violence make humanity pointless because they weaken not only freedom but also the unsuspected capability of human action. Total...

Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana, 2019
La política y la religión siempre han estado estrechamente relacionadas en tanto que ambas depend... more La política y la religión siempre han estado estrechamente relacionadas en tanto que ambas dependen de la manera en la que el hombre se ve a sí mismo y al mundo que lo rodea. Pero una de las características principales de la democracia, el sistema político mayormente aceptado en el mundo de hoy, es su secularización. La democracia ya no permite tronos, y la religión ha sido reducida a una posibilidad de tantas que tienen los individuos al momento de elegir cómo quieren vivir sus vidas. No obstante, todo sistema político implica una religión diferente, y viceversa. La democracia no es de hecho el momento del fin de la religión, sino una reconfiguración absoluta de la experiencia religiosa que podría llegar a ser considerada la más auténtica de todas. El presente artículo investiga la mutua dependencia entre política y religión a partir de la cosmovisión que el hombre tiene de sí mismo en el contexto de la democracia asumiendo el desafío planteado a la libertad religiosa desde el hori...
Universitas Philosophica, 2005
Con su vida y con su pensamiento fenomenologico de la accion politica, Arendt nos ha senalado que... more Con su vida y con su pensamiento fenomenologico de la accion politica, Arendt nos ha senalado que nuestra vida politica tiene su razon de ser en la categoria que podriamos denominar 'El reino de la accion' y que se inscribe en el seno de procesos historicos. La accion es entendida como la pura capacidad de comenzar, que anima e inspira todas las actividades humanas y constituye la fuente oculta de la produccion de todas las cosas grandes y bellas. La brecha abierta por el totalitarismo y su fuerza aniquiladora de la pluralidad politica, seria cerrada por el pensamiento y por la accion en el reino de los fines.
Papel Politico, 2010
E l e m e n t o s p a r a u n a p a i d e i a p o l í t i c a e n H a n n a h A r e n d t * E l e... more E l e m e n t o s p a r a u n a p a i d e i a p o l í t i c a e n H a n n a h A r e n d t * E l e m e n t s f o r a P o l i t i c a l P a i d e i a i n H a n n a h A r e n d t
Papel Politico, Jun 1, 2012
The realm of being in common or public sphere is structured itself by freedom which in turn const... more The realm of being in common or public sphere is structured itself by freedom which in turn constitutes the foundation for politics. A living together structured by freedom allows both axes of the public sphere to come about: speech and action. Both turn out to be involved one another in such a way that political action remains delimited by language and acts; without these two axes, politics would be a manipulation from power and therefore would bring about violence as its consequence, which in itself is the denial of political action. Opening the sphere for actions and words sets up the world in common that qualifies citizens as responsible speakers with a power that establishes itself horizontally through the exchange of speeches, arguments and acts. Their speeches explain the meaning of their acts. No action would come about without
Papel Politico, 2012
E l e s p a c i o p ú b l i c o y s u f u n d a m e n t o e n l a l i b e r t a d. P e n s a m i ... more E l e s p a c i o p ú b l i c o y s u f u n d a m e n t o e n l a l i b e r t a d. P e n s a m i e n t o p o l í t i c o d e H a n n a h A r e n d t * P u b l i c s p a c e a n d i t s f o u n d a t i o n i n f r e e d o m. P o l i t i c a l t h o u g h t o f H a n n a h A r e n d t

Ciencias Humanas, Dec 1, 2007
A traves del texto se presentan argumentos respecto a como la subjetividad es alterada por la int... more A traves del texto se presentan argumentos respecto a como la subjetividad es alterada por la interpretacion, en cuanto la accion y el lenguaje son las coordenadas de referencia en las que se inscribe la edad hermeneutica de la razon justificada, desde la pluralidad de interpretaciones como critica a los metarrelatos de la modernidad. De alli que se subraye la relevancia del lenguaje como espacio de interpretatividad; si la accion mediada es reflexiva aparece como el acto por medio del cual un sujeto reconquista su identidad, de alla que el lenguaje permita todas las transformaciones y metamorfosis por medio de la configuracion, refiguracion, la trama y la unidad historica de la existencia, de las que emerge la identidad plural. Finalmente, se sugiere, como el trabajo de comprension genera una po�tica de la accion. Tales planteamientos se hacen desde el marco teorico de la fenomenologia hermenautica de Paul Ricoeur y su teoria sobre el sujeto.
Signo Y Pensamiento, Dec 1, 2009
This article approaches the problem of Paul Ricoeur’s personal identity’s ethical dimension. This... more This article approaches the problem of Paul Ricoeur’s personal identity’s ethical dimension. This personal identity’s ethical dimension is presented in three parts. First, we define what does the subject’s personal identity mean, based on the subject’s understanding of his/her-self. Second, we point out how this identity is expressed through narrative. Finally, we show how the aforementioned ethos is narratively understood, thus inspiring the worlds of culture, history, literature, and politics.
Franciscanum Revista De Las Ciencias Del Espiritu, Jul 1, 2011
Papel Politico, Dec 1, 2010
Theologica Xaveriana, 1999
COIl la presente exposicion pretendo presentar la tension que existe entreconocimiento y fe. Comi... more COIl la presente exposicion pretendo presentar la tension que existe entreconocimiento y fe. Comienzo presentando cual es la relacioll entre fe y razon elllaperspectiva de la enciclica. Fillalizo al confrontar la perspectiva de Fides et Ratiocon la manera como se interpreta la razon a partir de algullas hermeneuticascontemporaneas. El conocimiento de lo trascendente se inscribe en el horizonte dela significacion. Considero que para nuestro tiempo es trascendental el dialogo fey razon, dada la relevancia de pensar lo religioso en este amanecer del siglo XXI.Sin embargo, existe todo un camino por recorrer que apenas esta senalado.
Papers by Guillermo Zapata