Papers by Guillermo Perez Jimeno

Anatomia, histologia, embryologia, 2013
The anatomy and histology of the male genital tract of the lesser anteater were studied. Fine det... more The anatomy and histology of the male genital tract of the lesser anteater were studied. Fine details of spermatozoa regarding their genesis and morphology were also studied in six adult specimens. The testes lie in the pelvic cavity. The deferent duct emerges from the epididymis and opens into the ejaculatory duct, which drains into the membranous urethra. Accessory glands (prostate, seminal vesicle and bulbourethral gland) are histologically similar to those described in other mammals. The short penis presents an urethral orifice, while the corpus spongiosum becomes thinner at the end indicating the absence of a histologically defined glans. The seminiferous epithelium shows: (1) Sertoli cells with deep nuclear indentations, (2) spermatogonia with crusty-like chromatin, (3) spermatocytes at different stages of maturation and (4) three morphologically distinct stages of spermatid differentiation according to nuclear shape, acrosome development and chromatin condensation. Sperm head...

Journal of Morphology
The morphological and histological features of the unusual reproductive tract of the female lesse... more The morphological and histological features of the unusual reproductive tract of the female lesser anteater, Tamandua tetradactyla (Myrmecophagidae, Xenarthra), are described for the first time. The present study aimed to establish the main similarities and differences between this species and other xenarthrans. The populations of this species are declining rapidly for a number of reasons and our study is relevant to diverse programs related to its conservation. Studies were carried out on five female genital tracts of adult specimens. Ovaries were ovoid, presenting a medulla completely surrounded by the cortex, differently from that described in other xenarthans. Like in Dasypus but different from all other armadillos studied, single oocyte follicles were observed and a simple the uterus. The uterovaginal canal connects the uterus with the urogenital sinus. The simple columnar epithelium of the uterovaginal canal ends abruptly at a septum which resembles a hymen, where the transiti...

Edentata, Dec 1, 2014
Resumen Los valores de referencia de hematología y bioquímica sanguínea son claves en la evaluaci... more Resumen Los valores de referencia de hematología y bioquímica sanguínea son claves en la evaluación clínica y en el manejo sanitario de las especies amenazadas y en peligro de extinción. El presente trabajo se llevó a cabo debido a la escasa y dispersa información de este tipo disponible en el caso del oso hormiguero gigante (Myrmecophaga tridactyla). Los ejemplares estudiados (n=30: 16 machos y 14 hembras) son mantenidos en cautiverio en distintas instituciones zoológicas en la Argentina. Los parámetros hematológicos estudiados incluyeron hemograma completo, fórmula leucocitaria e índices hematimétricos (hemoglobina, VCM, HbCM, CHbCM). Los parámetros de bioquímica sanguínea evaluados incluyeron 27 variables. Si bien, en términos generales, los datos relevados de la mayoría de las variables estudiadas presentan diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P<0,05) con los valores de referencia aportados por la bibliografía, las mismas no parecen ser clínicamente trascendentes. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre sexos a excepción de las determinaciones de lipasa y triglicéridos, siendo el valor mediano de lipasa sérica menor (P=0,0195) y el de trigliceridemia mayor (P=0,0057) en el caso de las hembras. Palabras clave: Argentina, bioquímica sanguínea, cautiverio, hematología, oso hormiguero gigante Hematology and serum biochemistry values in captive giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) in Argentina Abstract Hematological and blood chemistry reference values are key for the clinical assessment and health management of threatened and endangered species. The present study was performed due to the scarce and dispersed information on these topics for Myrmecophaga tridactyla. Hematological and biochemical values were obtained for 30 healthy captive individuals (16 males, 14 females) of M. tridactyla housed at different zoological institutions in Argentina. The assays performed included packed cell volume, white blood cell, red blood cell, haemoglobin, MCV, MCH, and MCHC. Serum chemistry included 27 assays. Although most of these variables showed statistically significant differences (P<0.05) with published reference values, these differences do not seem to be of clinical significance. No statistically significant differences were found between sexes except for lipase and triglycerides, the median value of lipase being lower (P=0.0195) and the median value for triglycerides higher (P=0.0057) in females than in males.
Edentata, 2004
Publicado en: EDENTATA (6) 43 -50. Diciembre de 2004.
Edentata, 2009
Publicado en: EDENTATA (6) 43 -50. Diciembre de 2004.
Papers by Guillermo Perez Jimeno