Papers by Guilherme Teixeira
![Research paper thumbnail of [Screening of sexually transmitted diseases in clinical and non-clinical settings in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil]](
The objectives were to study: (1) acceptance of STD screening in non-clinical settings for asympt... more The objectives were to study: (1) acceptance of STD screening in non-clinical settings for asymptomatic individuals; (2) risk factors and STD prevalence among individuals in non-clinical and clinical settings; and (3) non-clinical screening of asymptomatic populations as a feasible method for STD control. We recruited 139 males and 486 females between 18 and 30 years of age from a family planning clinic, schools, and community centers in low-income neighborhoods. We asked about STD symptoms and STD/HIV risk behaviors and tested the individuals for gonorrhea, Chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV. Except for HIV, women recruited directly from the community had higher STD rates than those who came in for care at the clinic. Screening in non-clinical settings in Brazil is feasible and has a high yield among young adults in low-income communities. Infected participants would likely never have otherwise sought care or been tested or treated. STD control efforts could be implemented in any site th...

Journal of Open Source Software
Effective temperature (Teff), surface gravity (logg), and metallicity ([M/H]) are basic stellar a... more Effective temperature (Teff), surface gravity (logg), and metallicity ([M/H]) are basic stellar atmospheric parameters necessary to characterize a star. Once these parameters are obtained, we can in turn, infer their chemical abundances of various elements and in conjunction with evolutionary models to estimate their evolution, i.e., mass and radius. In this work, we use spectroscopy as a powerful tool to extract this information from stellar atmospheres applied to stars with spectral type FGK both dwarfs and giants. The growing number of spectroscopic surveys dedicated to the study of the Galactic stellar populations has inflated the number of high quality spectra to several hundreds of thousands. This amount is expected to multiply with the forthcoming surveys, such as WEAVE (de Jong et al., 2019) and 4MOST (Dalton et al., 2014). The success of these surveys highly depends on the analysis tools to exploit sufficiently all spectral information. Moreover, it is a well-known axiom in exoplanetary studies that one can only determine the planetary properties once the ones of the host star are known. The planetary properties such as mass, radius, composition, are directly linked to their hosts and therefore, robust tools for the derivation of these parameters are necessary.

Anais Do Congresso Brasileiro De Custos Abc, 2014
O presente artigo aborda um tema da contabilidade de custos, ressaltando sua importância e a apli... more O presente artigo aborda um tema da contabilidade de custos, ressaltando sua importância e a aplicação do método de custeio em uma empresa hospitalar, dando ênfase especial ao critério de departamentalização. Este trabalho tem por objetivo aplicar o critério aos custos indiretos demandados pelo hospital Nelson Salles, na execução do serviço público de saúde, exercício de 2012, com base na estrutura cadastrada no CNES, em apoio ao Município Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin; visando, também, identificar se o critério a ser aplicado fornece informações claras e precisas aos gestores da instituição para atingir a eficiência pretendida. Este trabalho utilizou a pesquisa bibliográfica, para fundamentar o tema proposto; o método exploratório descritivo, para conhecer suas áreas de apoio e específicas, com a finalidade de aplicar o critério da departamentalização na instituição. A aplicação justifica-se: pela inexistência de um controle de custos na instituição e para identificar suas áreas específicas. Para isso, primeiramente, identificou-se os diversos gastos executados pela instituição, através do demonstrativo contábil razão, em seguida, separou os custos diretos dos indiretos; identificou as áreas de apoio e específicas; transferiu os custos indiretos da área de apoio às áreas específicas; permitindo assim, identificar a forma que foram distribuídos os recursos e as áreas que demandam mais recursos. Com isso, é relevante para o hospital conhecer como funciona seu organismo operacional e a área, onde necessita de mais atenção na gestão dos seus recursos, atribuindo a população diretamente interessada um serviço justo e eficiente.

Offshore Technology Conference, 1998
Summary The platform PETROBRAS 25 (P-25) is operating at Albacora field, located at the northeast... more Summary The platform PETROBRAS 25 (P-25) is operating at Albacora field, located at the northeast portion of Campos Basin, offshore Brazil, about I 10 Km from the coast, in a water depth that varies from 230 to 1600 m. This unit, originally a drilling platform, was converted into a production floating system with process capacity of 100,000 bpd of oil and 3,000,000 m3/d of gas, P-25 is moored in a water depth of 520 m, receiving the production from 13 satellite wells and 2 diverless subsea production manifolds (MSPDL-I e MSPDL-2), with 8 wells each. These 2 manifolds were considered the deepest in the world at that time, installed in 500 and 620 m, and are improved with features like multiplex control pod and vertical connection. To reach this important mark, a lot of things have been done, including operational procedures to prevent hydrate formation. Nevertheless, seven months after the unit started producing, a total blockage in two wells in each manifold caused by hydrates occur...

This work investigates pattern recognition tech- niques that can be used to identify the author o... more This work investigates pattern recognition tech- niques that can be used to identify the author of f ine art paintings based on the content of their digitized i mages. The methodology proposed consists of four sequential phases: image acquisition, segmentation, feature ex trac- tion, and classification. For segmenting brushstrok es it is assumed that the hue is quite uniform in a single b rush- stroke. The work uses a wavelet-based technique to measure textures and uses it as a feature to descri be the brushstrokes in the painting. Classification is per formed through two distinct non-parametric algorithms: Fuz zy KNN and Kohonen Map. A system was built in order to evaluate the proposed approach in the task of discr iminat- ing between two different painters. A database cons isting of images from 31 paintings was used in the experiments. The system was able to attain a recognition rate g reather than 99%.
IAPR Workshop on Machine …, 2002
This work investigates pattern recognition techniques that can be used to identify the author of ... more This work investigates pattern recognition techniques that can be used to identify the author of fine art paintings. The methodology proposed consists of four sequential phases: image acquisition, segmentation, feature extraction, and classification. Brushstrokes are segmented assuming that hue is uniform within a single brushstroke. Using a wavelet-based technique, textures are measured and used as features to describe the brustrokes in the painting. Classification is performed through two distinct non-parametric algorithms: Fuzzy KNN and Kohonen Map. A system was built to evaluate the proposed approach in discriminating between two different painters. A database consisting of images from 3 1 paintings was used in the experiments. The system was able to attain a recognition rate better than 99%.
Relation, 2007
This work presents a distributed algorithm for mutual exclusion in a network of computers. The al... more This work presents a distributed algorithm for mutual exclusion in a network of computers. The algorithm uses a dynamic directed tree to decrease the traffic of messages. Mutual exclusion is guaranteed through the usage of a single token. The average number of messages exchanged per critical section is O(log N), where N is the number of nodes in the network. In the situation of saturation, however, only two messages are required per critical section invocation. Through simulation we compare our algorithm to the main algorithms in the literature.
No contexto de producao agricola-pecuaria orgânica, a grande dificuldade de disponibilidade de va... more No contexto de producao agricola-pecuaria orgânica, a grande dificuldade de disponibilidade de variedades de milho com expressivos resultados em relacao ao crescimento e desenvolvimento da planta vem se tornando um problema para o sistema. Assim, apos avaliar sete variedades de milho, pode-se concluir que para o sul de Minas Gerais, as variedades de milho Santa Rita 1 e Santa Rita 2 podem ser indicadas para cultivo orgânico de silagem no que diz respeito as caracteristicas biometricas das plantas.
Papers by Guilherme Teixeira