Papers by Guilherme Lunardi
RAHIS. Revista de Administração Hospitalar e Inovação em Saúde, Nov 18, 2023
Este é um artigo de acesso aberto distribuído sob os termos da Creative Commons Attribution Licen... more Este é um artigo de acesso aberto distribuído sob os termos da Creative Commons Attribution License This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License Este es un artículo de acceso abierto distribuido bajo los términos de la Creative Commons Attribution License

Existem fortes indícios de que os investimentos realizados em Tecnologia de Informação (TI) têm a... more Existem fortes indícios de que os investimentos realizados em Tecnologia de Informação (TI) têm afetado positivamente o desempenho organizacional, mesmo sendo difícil mostrar e avaliar estes ganhos. A TI por si mesma não garante retorno à organização, mas sim a forma como ela é utilizada e gerenciada pelas mesmas. Entretanto, o modo como a TI é organizada e estruturada aparece como um dos problemas organizacionais mais difíceis de ser equacionado, ajudando a explicar porque muitas organizações obtêm diferentes resultados, utilizando, em muitos casos, a mesma tecnologia. Recentemente, surge na agenda dos executivos o termo governança de TI, buscando justificar e principalmente otimizar os investimentos realizados em TI. Embora alguns estudos tenham mostrado que empresas com bons modelos de governança de TI apresentam resultados superiores aos de seus competidores, as pesquisas científicas realizadas até agora não permitiram concluir se um desempenho superior da governança de TI se reflete no resultado financeiro da organização. Assim, buscou-se nesta tese de doutorado verificar se a governança de TI afeta o desempenho organizacional, investigando também qual a percepção dos executivos de TI quanto ao impacto dos mecanismos de governança de TI na gestão da TI. Para tal, foram realizados dois métodos distintos: um estudo de eventos e uma pesquisa survey. O estudo de eventos verificou se empresas que haviam adotado mecanismos formais de governança de TI melhoraram seu desempenho financeiro, examinando mudanças na performance antes e após a adoção, controlando as mudanças no desempenho através da média do setor. Já a pesquisa survey, realizada junto a executivos de TI de 81 empresas nacionais, verificou as relações existentes entre os diferentes mecanismos de governança de TI, o desempenho (percebido) da gestão da TI (avaliado pelos constructos alinhamento estratégico, valor da TI, gerenciamento de risco, gerenciamento de recursos, medidas de performance e accountability) e a utilização da TI pela organização. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as empresas com governança de TI melhoraram sensivelmente seu desempenho organizacional quando comparadas às demais empresas, especialmente no que se refere às medidas de rentabilidade (como ROA, ROE e Margem Líquida). Identificou-se, também, que o impacto desses mecanismos se potencializa com o tempo, ou seja, à medida que a sua implementação se torna mais madura, mais intensos são os seus benefícios. Vários mecanismos de governança de TI apresentaram correlação positiva significativa com os constructos referentes às áreas-foco da governança, sugerindo que quanto mais efetivos forem estes mecanismos, melhor será o desempenho da gestão da TI. Constatou-se, ainda, que quanto melhor o desempenho (percebido) da gestão da TI, mais eficaz tende a ser o uso da TI pelas organizações.There are strong signs that Information Technology (IT) investments have positive impact on organizational performance; nonetheless, it has been very hard to show and evaluate these gains. IT by itself does not guarantee returns, but the way how it is used and managed by firms. However, the way IT is organized and structured represents one of the hardest organizational problems to be solved, helping to explain why firms can obtain different results using some times the same technology. Recently, it appears on the agenda of many organizations the concept of IT Governance in order to justify and mainly optimize IT investments. Some studies have shown that companies which have good IT Governance models generate superior returns on their IT investments than their competitors. However, there is no enough scientific research that confirms that an effective IT Governance results in a better financial organizational performance. Thus, we intended in this thesis verify if the adoption of Information Technology Governance practices affects the financial performance of companies, investigating too what are the IT executives perception about the impact of IT governance mechanisms on IT management. We proposed the combination of two different methods: an event study and a survey. The latter verified if companies which have adopted IT Governance mechanisms improve their financial performance, examining the change in financial performance pre and post adoption controlling for industry mean changes in performance. The former – applied to IT executives from 81 different firms – verified the existing relations among adopted IT Governance mechanisms, IT Governance domains of application performance (strategic alignment, value delivery, risk management, resource management, performance measurement, and accountability), and IT use. We found that companies which had adopted IT Governance mechanisms improved their organizational performance when compared to the control group, especially regarding about profitability measures (like ROA, ROE, and ROS). We still found that effects of IT Governance mechanisms’ adoption on…
Evidentia: Revista de enfermería basada en la evidencia, 2015
La violencia domestica contra los ninos y adolescentes es considerado en Brasil como un grave pro... more La violencia domestica contra los ninos y adolescentes es considerado en Brasil como un grave problema de salud publica y es considerada una de las principales causas de mortalidad morbilidad, despertando en el sector de la salud una preocupacion importante con este tema. El objetivo de esta revision fue analizar la violencia familiar contra los adolescentes y ninos y su vinculacion con las politicas publicas implementadas en Brasil para su abordaje. Se realizo una busqueda en la legislacion existente y en bases de datos como Lilacs, SciELO y BDENF. Esta revision muestra el impacto negativo de la violencia en la vida de ninos y adolescentes, y que las politicas publicas estan disenadas para fortalecer a profesionales de la salud a desempenar su papel de proteccion de los adolescentes y ninos.
Enfermería global, Mar 28, 2017
Violencia contra niños y adolescentes: características de los casos reportados en un Centro de Re... more Violencia contra niños y adolescentes: características de los casos reportados en un Centro de Referencia del Sur de Brasil Violence against children and adolescents: characteristics of notified cases in a southern Reference Center of Brazil
Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração
O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender os sentidos do trabalho para os funcionários que atuam em... more O objetivo desta pesquisa é compreender os sentidos do trabalho para os funcionários que atuam em uma empresa varejista de supermercados localizada no extremo sul do Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, de natureza quantitativa, realizada com 356 funcionários. As questões relacionadas às dimensões Utilidade social, Cooperação e Relacionamento com Colegas, Retidão Moral e Oportunidades de Aprendizagem foram os aspectos melhor avaliados pelos respondentes, enquanto a Autonomia e o Reconhecimento apresentaram a menor percepção. Identificou-se, ainda, que Retidão Moral, Utilidade Social, Oportunidades de Aprendizagem e Cooperação e Relacionamento com colegas são as variáveis que influenciam significativamente os sentidos do trabalho.

Revista de Administração Contemporânea
Objective: the present study analyzes the relationship between online reviews and consumer trust ... more Objective: the present study analyzes the relationship between online reviews and consumer trust in online stores, considering the conjoint effects of the characteristics of online reviews and product offers in the social commerce context. Methods: the study is characterized as a laboratory experiment that simulated the environment of an online store considering different scenarios, totaling 602 cases for analysis. Results: the results indicate that the relationship established between the consumer and the reviewers moderates the relationship between reviews and trust, suggesting that positive and negative reviews from friends and acquaintances affect the consumer’s trust more than those reviews made from strangers. However, this effect is not always significant, depending on the price offered. Still, the type of the product moderates the effect of the online reviews on trust when the store displays higher prices than the competition. In such cases, the impact of reviews on trust is...
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jul 29, 2022
Disclaimer: The content of the Peer Review Report is the full copy of reviewers and authors' repo... more Disclaimer: The content of the Peer Review Report is the full copy of reviewers and authors' reports. Typing and punctuation errors are not edited. Only comments that violate the journal's ethical policies such as derogatory or defamatory comments will be edited (omitted) from the report. In these cases, it will be clearly stated that parts of the report were edited. Check RAC's policies.

Education and Information Technologies, May 3, 2022
The increasing use of, and dependence on, Information Technology (IT) to support operational teac... more The increasing use of, and dependence on, Information Technology (IT) to support operational teaching, research, and management activities in Higher Education Institutions (HEI)-mainly due to their multi-unit organizational structurehave evidenced the need of encouraging managers to focus more on IT Governance (ITG) effectiveness, which has been an issue for many of these institutions. In this sense, we aim to develop a specific ITG model for Higher Education Institutions, by following the methodological principles of Design Science Research (DSR). The model was developed based on a robust theoretical basis that took into account different approaches substantiated by both the alignment of good practices and ITG focus areas as well as addressing the current ITG context of the Brazilian higher education institutions. The validation of the ITG model was based on its presentation to members of the IT Steering Committee of a Brazilian HEI, who confirmed its usefulness and applicability.

Brazilian Business Review
Intensive use of social media has helped online travel agencies (OTAs) to identify what things co... more Intensive use of social media has helped online travel agencies (OTAs) to identify what things consumers find more relevant when planning their vacations online. Several online companies have emerged and started competing with well-established players in this market. However, unlike in developed countries, where online tourism seems to have already reached maturity, in emerging countries-such as Brazil-the e-market is still tiny, but with great potential. In this study, we analyze the effects of brand and online reviews on consumer trust and purchase intention for OTAs in Brazil. We conducted a 2 x 2 factorial design experiment comparing well-known and lesser-known brands with the presence (or not) of online reviews. Our results indicate that brand equity is the primary driver of trust, although online reviews are very important to consumers of lesser-known brands. We also confirmed qualified antecedents of trust that drive consumer's purchase intention. The study provides useful information for start-ups, small businesses, and larger and well-known companies to set up their e-commerce strategies.
PRISMA.COM; n. 28 (2015): Especial (Pesquisa e Formação no Território Hipermediatizado); 184-208, Apr 19, 2018
XXIII Encontro Nac. de Eng. de Produção, 2003
O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o processo de construcao, validacao e analise de um ... more O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o processo de construcao, validacao e analise de um instrumento que possibilitou compreender o operar da modalidade a distância de uma instituicao de Ensino Superior, a partir da percepcao dos estudantes de graduacao. Durante a sua construcao foi possivel esclarecer e aprofundar a compreensao sobre o funcionamento dessa modalidade de ensino na instituicao onde o estudo foi realizado. A validacao incitou-nos a conhecer os varios aspectos da realidade investigada e pela analise compreendeu-se a percepcao dos estudantes de graduacao sobre a experiencia da Educacao a Distância que estavam vivenciando. Refletir sobre esses tres processos construcao, validacao e analise do instrumento, auxiliaram no repensar e na reestruturacao dos cursos de graduacao oferecidos nessa modalidade na instituicao.
The issues involving environmental problems have become a major global concern in recent years. E... more The issues involving environmental problems have become a major global concern in recent years. Even though Information Technology (IT) has contributed significantly to build this scenario, IT directors and managers have expressed concerns about the environmental impact provided by IT. This situation has driven different practices to reduce waste and increase the efficiency of processes related to computer operations, being commonly reported by practitioners as Green IT initiatives. Thus, this study aimed to identify the main Green IT practices adopted by organizations. The study, based on the analysis of 196 announcements published on internet sites, identified 37 different Green IT practices, grouped into seven categories: practices of awareness, green data center, disposal and recycling, alternative energy sources, hardware, printing and software.

BAR - Brazilian Administration Review, 2019
The evolution of Web 2.0 technologies and social media has changed the way online business is con... more The evolution of Web 2.0 technologies and social media has changed the way online business is conducted. With increasingly popular social networks, the connections among Internet users emerge as an important source of information, allowing consumers to share their ideas, opinions, or even content on the web, in order to find better and cheaper products, originating a new type of electronic commerce, known as social commerce (s-commerce). In this context, price and trust stand out as two important factors influencing the decision to buy online. Thus, we aimed to analyze the effects of trust and competitive price on the purchase intention of Brazilian consumers in s-commerce. Through a survey conducted with 160 online consumers, we identified trust as the main predictor of consumer purchase intention in s-commerce followed by competitive prices. We also indicated a set of important antecedents of trust in the context of s-commerce. The study contributes to the literature surrounding the effects of competitive price and trustand its antecedents-as important factors that influence the intention to buy in s-commerce, providing managers with some key elements they can use to improve their firm's competitiveness in this new business environment.

Revista de Gestão, 2018
Purpose The popularity of social networks has created business opportunities to the electronic co... more Purpose The popularity of social networks has created business opportunities to the electronic commerce environment, being recently named as social commerce. The purpose of this paper is to analyze – from the perspective of the consumer – the main factors and characteristics (personal or related to the products bought) that have influenced consumers to participate in social commerce buying, recommending, comparing and sharing information about products and services in online marketplace and communities. Design/methodology/approach The study is characterized as an exploratory descriptive research, operationalized through a survey, applied to 229 participants of the social network Facebook. The research involves a qualitative stage for identifying potential variables that influence the participation of consumers in social commerce, followed by a quantitative one, including data collection procedures, validation and data analysis. Findings The results show trust, perceived usefulness a...

RAUSP Management Journal, 2019
Purpose Health is at the center of society concerns, being characterized by the dilemma of contri... more Purpose Health is at the center of society concerns, being characterized by the dilemma of contributing to the population well-being, while demanding high financial investments at the same time. In this sense, information technology (IT) becomes essential for the progress of the sector, directly impacting on how care practices are performed. This study aims to analyze the adoption of mobile devices in the mobile emergency care service (MECS) of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Design/methodology/approach The authors carried out a multi-method study with an initial qualitative exploration through a focal group, followed by a survey. Potential determinants and impacts of mobile device use on the work context of the MECS teams were identified. Following, we tested the proposed conceptual model applying a questionnaire to 350 professionals from a total of 160 bases throughout the State. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses herein. Fin...

In Brazil, education is a segment which has been target for criticism in relation to its capacity... more In Brazil, education is a segment which has been target for criticism in relation to its capacity of rendering services with qualities. In the universities, several are the problems which affect the academic formation. The objective of the present work is to describe the methodology "Soft Systems Methodology" (SSM) and apply it in the identification and elaboration of proposals that could solve the problem in a post-graduation programme. The study evaluated the master courses of the Post-Graduation Program of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGA/UFRGS), under the students standpoint of the "Information System and Support for Decision-Making". The applied methodology aims at identifying and structuring the problem situations with definition difficulties, relating the real world with the systemic thinking. The SSM demonstrated to be an interactive educational process, characterized by constant debates and participation of all the individuals involved. Its execution allowed the proposition of actions to solve the problems identified.
Papers by Guilherme Lunardi