Papers by Guido Nassimbeni

The present investigation along Mithi River of Mumbai deals with the study of physico-chemical pa... more The present investigation along Mithi River of Mumbai deals with the study of physico-chemical parameters like pH, conductivity, solid content, hardness, chloride, sulphate/sulphide, phosphate, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), surfactants, oil/ grease and phenol content in river water samples. The study was performed for the period of two years from 2009 to 2011, at three different sampling stations of Mithi River namely airport, CST Kalina road and Taximen's Colony Bandar Kurla Complex (BKC). From the results it appears that values of most of the physico-chemical parameters were very much above the permissible limit set for inland surface water. The values of various physico-chemical parameters studied in the present investigation were above those reported by Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) in 2004. It was observed that results of various physico-chemical parameters obtained for the year 2010 to 2011 were higher than that of 2009 to 2010.

The decisions regarding the size and the production release of lots are of fundamental importance... more The decisions regarding the size and the production release of lots are of fundamental importance in the productive contexts working on lots: the level of client service, the entity of work-in-process and the respect for delivery times depend on these decisions. The authors have developed a model for the realization of a “ruled-based” expert system prototype, which is able to construct and release, at the appropriate moment, lots of satisfactory dimension in respect to specified constraints. In fact, the expert system approach, particurarly aimed at implementing the knowledge base of the system, requires first of all the drawing up of a functional model that represents the probable typical logical processe of the decisions to be taken by a human expert. The proposed model carries out an interesting integration of the typical procedures of the Material Requirements Planning (MRP), Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP) and detail scheduling.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, Aug 1, 2001
The abundant literature on what determines the export propensity and intensity of firms pays limi... more The abundant literature on what determines the export propensity and intensity of firms pays limited attention to some organisational and operational management variables, especially where small enterprises are concerned. It could be argued, however, that new effective organisation schemes and advanced operational management practices are required for small enterprises given the complexity of foreign ventures. An empirical investigation was carried out on a sample of small units. Exporters and non‐exporters are compared in terms of just‐in‐time, concurrent engineering and total quality management practices adoption, as well as the management of human resources and inter‐organisational relationships.

The authors present some results of an empirical research aimed at investigating the evolution of... more The authors present some results of an empirical research aimed at investigating the evolution of the relationship between large purchasing firms operating on the international market and very small subcontractor firms. The factors that have proved critical in establishing the process of subcontracting are identified and analysed. Under pressure from the high level of international competition, purchasing firms are beginning to demand better qualified and better skilled subcontractors. For many very small firms it effectively means that they are excluded from the large firms’ production cycle or are relegated to a lower position in the supply chain. There are three possible evolutionary paths open to the very small firms, paths which are not alternatives: operational and management repositioning, strategic repositioning in the area of the “product” and strategic repositioning in the area of the “market”.

Production Planning & Control, Jan 25, 2017
Build-operate-transfer (BOT) is a well-established solution used in the engineering and construct... more Build-operate-transfer (BOT) is a well-established solution used in the engineering and construction industries for building different types of infrastructure (e.g. railways, highways, power plants). In recent years, BOT has increasingly been adopted by companies in the service industry as a mode for entering foreign markets. BOT in service offshoring (SO) is characterised by a number of significant peculiarities (e.g. different numbers of involved parties, fee methods, lengths of the concession period), which may call into question the possibility of extending existing findings that relate to infrastructure projects. The aims of this work are as follows: to collect and systematise existing knowledge on engineering and construction BOT projects; to highlight-through an exploratory case study-how these results could be applied to BOT in SO; and to shed light on the factors affecting the choice between different entry modes (including BOT).
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Aug 1, 2020
Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on ... more Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre-including this research content-immediately available in PubMed Central and other publicly funded repositories, such as the WHO COVID database with rights for unrestricted research re-use and analyses in any form or by any means with acknowledgement of the original source. These permissions are granted for free by Elsevier for as long as the COVID-19 resource centre remains active.
On the basis of an empirical research on a sample of Italian plants, this study analyses the rela... more On the basis of an empirical research on a sample of Italian plants, this study analyses the relationships between advanced buyer-supplier operational interaction practices (JIT, CE and TQM Approaches) and the basic options of the buyer’s purchasing strategy, such as: sources selection criteria, supply base reduction policies, long-term supply perspectives. In addition, the study compares these operational practices and purchasing policies in different performing plants.
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2008
The Accenture case study, analysing the organizational best practices of a well known internation... more The Accenture case study, analysing the organizational best practices of a well known international service provider, allows the study in detail of the strategy of providing offshoring/outsourcing services through a western intermediary.

A very important decision for multinational companies\u2019 managers concerns what activities, ph... more A very important decision for multinational companies\u2019 managers concerns what activities, phases, and competences should be located in the home country and what could instead be offshored. Our study seeks to support them in this choice by answering to the following questions: (1) should the specializations assigned to foreign plants be different from those of domestic plants? and (2) should key competences be held only in the domestic manufacturing base or also in the offshore one? We collect and analyze a wide set of data of an international research project, concerning competences and manufacturing practices of 236 MNC plants located in nine countries. We identify through cluster analysis different group profiles within domestic and foreign subsamples and compare the corresponding ones. We then compare domestic and foreign plants in a set of competences and manufacturing practices. Our empirical findings show that (1) the specializations (strategic types) of domestic and foreign plants can be substantially the same and (2) offshore plants rather than domestic ones tend in general to hold the most advanced competences
Global competition requires a global approach to sourcing activities and China now constitutes on... more Global competition requires a global approach to sourcing activities and China now constitutes one of the most attractive sourcing regions. This book highlights the inducements, advantages and obstacles faced by the enterprises in the development of a ...

International Journal of Operations & Production Management
PurposeA positive outlook on the impact of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) on sustainability prevails in the ... more PurposeA positive outlook on the impact of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) on sustainability prevails in the literature. However, some studies have highlighted potential areas of concern that have not yet been systematically addressed. The goal of this study is to challenge the assumption of a sustainable Fourth Industrial Revolution by (1) identifying the possible unintended negative impacts of I4.0 technologies on sustainability; (2) highlighting the underlying motivations and potential actions to mitigate such impacts; and (3) developing and evaluating alternative assumptions on the impacts of I4.0 technologies on sustainability.Design/methodology/approachBuilding on a problematization approach, a systematic literature review was conducted to develop potential alternative assumptions about the negative impacts of I4.0 on sustainability. Then, a Delphi study was carried out with 43 experts from academia and practice to evaluate the alternative assumptions. Two rounds of data collection were p...
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
Publications Office of the European Union, 2019

Negli ultimi decenni, la delocalizzazione (off-shoring) delle attivit\ue0 produttive \ue8 stata u... more Negli ultimi decenni, la delocalizzazione (off-shoring) delle attivit\ue0 produttive \ue8 stata una delle scelte strategiche pi\uf9 frequentemente implementate dalle imprese manifatturiere dei principali Paesi industriali. Tale decisione \ue8 stata solitamente motivata dalla ricerca di minori costi di produzione, anche se non mancano evidenze di strategie volte alla ricerca di nuovi mercati di sbocco. Le strategie di off-shoring sono state spesso accompagnate da modalit\ue0 di governance orientate all\u2019esternalizzazione (out-sourcing) anche se le due decisioni (off-shoring e out-sourcing) sono comunque autonome, essendo la prima di tipo localizzativo (dove produrre) e la seconda relativa alla modalit\ue0 di gestione delle attivit\ue0 produttive (make vs buy) (Gray, 2013). Dal punto di vista geografico, le scelte delocalizzative si sono principalmente concentrate su destinazioni asiatiche \u2013 Cina in primis, tanto da essere assurta a \u201cfabbrica del mondo\u201d (Buckley, 2004). Almeno per le imprese del nostro continente, va poi segnalata la rilevanza delle destinazioni nei Paesi dell\u2019ex Europa dell\u2019Est, specialmente a seguito della caduta del Muro di Berlino
Papers by Guido Nassimbeni