Papers by Grzegorz Zeglinski
Acta Physica Polonica A, 2001
Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola, 2007
Proceedings of SPIE, Aug 14, 1997
In this work a problem of the nonlinear electromagnetic surface TM waves at a nonlinear interface... more In this work a problem of the nonlinear electromagnetic surface TM waves at a nonlinear interface is presented. There are given: solutions of Maxwell equations, solution of the dispersion equation and results for two media (medium 1 -- MBBA crystal, medium 2 -- YAG crystal). Dependences of the propagation constant (the electric field) and the power (the electric field) are shown in figures 1 - 3. Solutions of the equations can be applied in transmission of an optic signal, optical waveguides, polarization devices.

IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 2018
Radio access networks must evolve to meet future communication requirements. One of the developme... more Radio access networks must evolve to meet future communication requirements. One of the development directions is the future radio base station architecture and its functional splits. The very last connectivity segment to a simple antenna unit is analogue in nature and, to centralize the important and expensive radio access network resources, one would potentially want to extend it to several kilometers. This sort of requirement calls for development of new fiber-based transport technologies with strong emphasis on reach improvement, bandwidth efficiency, and link reliability. With regards to the later aspect, efficient monitoring of physical links would become essential. It should provide rapid and detailed in-service link quality assessment and troubleshooting while imposing minor additional costs and preserving signal integrity. While link monitoring possibilities in baseband transmission for backhaul or digital radio over fiber for fronthaul have been extensively studied, the analogue radio over fiber transmission brings opportunities for application of novel and potentially more efficient transceiver-embedded techniques. It is the objective of this paper to emphasize the critical importance of analogue radio over fiber link monitoring in the era of rapidly developing mobile communications. Our aim in this communication is to define requirements, which an efficient monitoring solution is expected to satisfy, and provide an overview of recent developments. It is assumed that the readers possess general knowledge of fiber optic transmission, reflectometry, passive optical networks and are familiar with various optical components. Set of selected references is provided for those willing to deepen their knowledge of aspects addressed in this paper.
Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania, 2012
Acta Physica Polonica A, 2001
In the paper numerical calcula tion s of the results of propa gation in a nonlin ear planar w ave... more In the paper numerical calcula tion s of the results of propa gation in a nonlin ear planar w aveguide are perf ormed. A typ e of nonlin eari ty is the K err nonlin eari ty. T he w ave equation, the solution of wave equation are show n, the disp ersion equation, and the numerical solution of disp ersi on equation are analysed.

Open Physics, 2008
The method of paraxial complex geometrical optics (CGO) is presented, which describes Gaussian be... more The method of paraxial complex geometrical optics (CGO) is presented, which describes Gaussian beam diffraction in arbitrary smoothly inhomogeneous media, including lens-like waveguides. By way of an example, the known analytical solution for Gaussian beam diffraction in free space is presented. Paraxial CGO reduces the problem of Gaussian beam diffraction in inhomogeneous media to the system of the first order ordinary differential equations, which can be readily solved numerically. As a result, CGO radically simplifies the description of Gaussian beam diffraction in inhomogeneous media as compared to the numerical methods of wave optics. For the paraxial on-axis Gaussian beam propagation in lens-like waveguide, we compare CGO solutions with numerical results for finite differences beam propagation method (FD-BPM). The CGO method is shown to provide 50-times higher rate of calculation then FD-BPM at comparable accuracy. Besides, paraxial eikonal-based complex geometrical optics is generalized for nonlinear Kerr type medium. This paper presents CGO analytical solutions for cylindrically symmetric Gaussian beam in Kerr type nonlinear medium and effective numerical solutions for the self-focusing effect of Gaussian beam with elliptic cross section. Both analytical and numerical solutions are shown to be in a good agreement with previous results, obtained by other methods.
Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering, 2019
W pracy przedstawiono metodę estymacji SNR przy pomocy cyfrowych filtrów wygładzających. Na podst... more W pracy przedstawiono metodę estymacji SNR przy pomocy cyfrowych filtrów wygładzających. Na podstawie właściwości tych filtrów w procesie przetwarzania sygnałów zaproponowano metodę obliczania współczynnika SNR, a także parametrów rozkładu zakłócenia. Metodę sprawdzono do oceny zakłóceń transmisyjnych w światłowodzie jednomodowym przepływności 1 Gbit/s dla odcinka 53 km. SŁOWA KLUCZOWE: dyspersja chromatyczna, estymacja SNR.
Interferometric tests were performed in the Michelson interferometer setup. The parameters are ca... more Interferometric tests were performed in the Michelson interferometer setup. The parameters are calculated from fourinterference images offerrule endface. The images were caught for phase mismatches crO ,ic/2, 3/4iv, ir. It was realizedby the movable piezoelectric mirror.The geometrical parameters measured by this method are showed in table 1.
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 2021
In the article, the authors present a new method of numerical determination of Q and BER paramete... more In the article, the authors present a new method of numerical determination of Q and BER parameters based on which the quality of transmission in optical fibre transmission systems is determined. The proposed method is based on the use of digital smoothing filters algorithms and does not require the knowledge of the so-called “eye diagram”, which greatly simplifies the entire measurement procedure. This method can be implemented in a simple manner in real-time systems, and in particular it is crucial for ICT systems and networks with a high bit rate of more than 10 Gbps and 40 Gbps and systems with time division or wavelength division multiplexing of 100 GBE and 400 GBE.

IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2018
Radio access networks must evolve to meet future communication requirements. One of the developme... more Radio access networks must evolve to meet future communication requirements. One of the development directions is the future radio base station architecture and its functional splits. The very last connectivity segment to a simple antenna unit is analogue in nature and, to centralize the important and expensive radio access network resources, one would potentially want to extend it to several kilometers. This sort of requirement calls for development of new fiber-based transport technologies with strong emphasis on reach improvement, bandwidth efficiency, and link reliability. With regards to the later aspect, efficient monitoring of physical links would become essential. It should provide rapid and detailed in-service link quality assessment and troubleshooting while imposing minor additional costs and preserving signal integrity. While link monitoring possibilities in baseband transmission for backhaul or digital radio over fiber for fronthaul have been extensively studied, the analogue radio over fiber transmission brings opportunities for application of novel and potentially more efficient transceiver-embedded techniques. It is the objective of this paper to emphasize the critical importance of analogue radio over fiber link monitoring in the era of rapidly developing mobile communications. Our aim in this communication is to define requirements, which an efficient monitoring solution is expected to satisfy, and provide an overview of recent developments. It is assumed that the readers possess general knowledge of fiber optic transmission, reflectometry, passive optical networks and are familiar with various optical components. Set of selected references is provided for those willing to deepen their knowledge of aspects addressed in this paper.
Acta Physica Polonica A, 2001
In this w or k a new typ e of solutio n for T E Ùeld on a plane interf ace of two nona bsorbi ng,... more In this w or k a new typ e of solutio n for T E Ùeld on a plane interf ace of two nona bsorbi ng, optically self-focusing, nonlinea r K err-typ e media has b een presented. N umerical results are obtained for the disp ersi on equation and propagation constants of the Ùeld mo des. T he p ower guided by T E w aves in the nonlin ear interf ace was found and graphicall y illus trated.
Advanced Photonics with Second-Order Optically Nonlinear Processes, 1999
The aim of this work is to present waves guidebility at an nonlinear interface. This paper provid... more The aim of this work is to present waves guidebility at an nonlinear interface. This paper provides solutions of the dispersion equation for two Kerr media (medium 1 — MBBA crystal, medium 2 — YAG crystal) and TM waves at an nonlinear interface. The power for each medium is calculated and showed in this work. This solution can be applied in optical devices.
Laser Technology V: Physics and Research and Development Trends, 1997
In this work a problem of the nonlinear electromagnetic surface TM waves at a nonlinear interface... more In this work a problem of the nonlinear electromagnetic surface TM waves at a nonlinear interface is presented. There are given: solutions of Maxwell equations, solution of the dispersion equation and results for two media (medium 1 -- MBBA crystal, medium 2 -- YAG crystal). Dependences of the propagation constant (the electric field) and the power (the electric field) are shown in figures 1 - 3. Solutions of the equations can be applied in transmission of an optic signal, optical waveguides, polarization devices.
The interferometric method for ferrule geometrical parameters measuring and testing is presented.... more The interferometric method for ferrule geometrical parameters measuring and testing is presented. The geometrical parameters are defined according to the IEC international standards. The quality of the ferrule face has important influence on transmission parameters of optical connectors like the attenuation and reflectance.The measurements results of the spherical height for FC-APC, SC-APC and E2000-APC are presented in this work. The high value of protrusion has influence on thermal and mechanical resistance of optical connectors. The problem is presented for the temperature and vibration tests.
Papers by Grzegorz Zeglinski