Papers by Gregory Davrazos
Ζ εξγαζηεξηαθή παξνπζίαζε αθνξά ζην πεξηβάιινλ πξνγξακκαηηζκνύ ηεο γιώζζαο Scratch πνπ αλαπηύζζεη... more Ζ εξγαζηεξηαθή παξνπζίαζε αθνξά ζην πεξηβάιινλ πξνγξακκαηηζκνύ ηεο γιώζζαο Scratch πνπ αλαπηύζζεηαη από ην MIT. Πξόθεηηαη γηα έλα εξγαιείν κε ην νπνίν ε δεκηνπξγία πνιπκεζηθώλ εθαξκνγώλ γίλεηαη πνιύ εύθνια είηε από καζεηέο νη νπνίνη εμνηθεηώλνληαη κε ηηο ηερληθέο θαη ηηο κεζόδνπο ηνπ πξνγξακκαηηζκνύ είηε από εθπαηδεπηηθνύο νη νπνίνη απνθηνύλ κε απηό ηνλ ηξόπν ηελ ηθαλόηεηα δεκηνπξγίαο ησλ δηθώλ ηνπο ςεθηαθώλ εθπαηδεπηηθώλ πεξηβαιιόλησλ. Ζ παξνπζίαζε πεξηιακβάλεη ηε ρξήζε ηεο Scratch γηα ηνλ πξνγξακκαηηζκό ηνπ ξνκπνηηθνύ παθέηνπ Lego WeDo.

Bullying both in its traditional form and in its online version is a real problem in school reali... more Bullying both in its traditional form and in its online version is a real problem in school reality nowadays. The extent of the phenomenon and the negative consequences for all the people involved (bullies, victims, eyewitnesses) have attracted both educational research and practice community’s interest. In our days, among all the other challenges, teachers have to face this new challenge, too. Implementing teaching interventions inside the classroom is considered to be a way of preventing bullying. The aim of this research was to explore the perceptions of teachers in Greek public schools in both primary and secondary education (junior High School and senior High School) on which subjects they consider suitable for the design and implementation of interventions to prevent bullying incidents and on which teaching methodology they consider to be suitable for its accomplishment. For this purpose, a questionnaire was diffused through social networks. In total, 300 primary and secondary school teachers took part in the present study. 200 of them work in primary education while 100 in secondary education. This empirical research will contribute to both the educational community and to the formulation of educational policies in order to prevent and combat the phenomenon.
Papers by Gregory Davrazos