Papers by Robert Graybill

Advances in Computers, 2008
The historical context surrounding the birth of the DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems (HP... more The historical context surrounding the birth of the DARPA High Productivity Computing Systems (HPCS) program is important for understanding why federal government agencies launched this new, longterm high performance computing program and renewed their commitment to leadership computing in support of national security, large science, and space requirements at the start of the 21 st century. In this chapter we provide an overview of the context for this work as well as various procedures being undertaken for evaluating the effectiveness of this activity including such topics as modeling the proposed performance of the new machines, evaluating the proposed architectures, understanding the languages used to program these machines as well as understanding programmer productivity issues in order to better prepare for the introduction of these machines in the 2011-2015 timeframe.

Procedia Computer Science, 2014
21st Century Smart Manufacturing (SM) is manufacturing in which all information is available when... more 21st Century Smart Manufacturing (SM) is manufacturing in which all information is available when it is needed, where it is needed, and in the form it is most useful [1,2] to drive optimal actions and responses. The 21st Century SM enterprise is data driven, knowledge enabled, and model rich with visibility across the enterprise (internal and external) such that all operating actions are determined and executed proactively by applying the best information and a wide range of performance metrics. SM also encompasses the sophisticated practice of generating and applying data-driven Manufacturing Intelligence throughout the lifecycle of design, engineering, planning and production. Workflow is foundational in orchestrating dynamic, adaptive, actionable decision-making through the contextualization and understanding of data. Pervasive deployment of architecturally consistent workflow applications creates the enterprise environment for manufacturing intelligence. Workflow as a Service (WfaaS) software allows task orchestration and facilitates workflow services and manage environment to integrate interrelated task components. Apps, and toolkits are required to assemble customized SM applications on a common, standards based workflow architecture and deploy on infrastructure that is accessible by small, medium, and large companies. Incorporating dynamic decision-making steps through contextualization of real-time data requires scientific workflow software such as Kepler. By combining workflow, private cloud computing and web services technologies, we built a prototype test bed to test a furnace temperature control model.

The insertion of lightweight composite materials in the applications of military vehicle chassis ... more The insertion of lightweight composite materials in the applications of military vehicle chassis components has the potential of significantly reducing vehicle weight and improves its durability, life, and reliability. The use of hybrid material (composites wrapped over metal) in a double A-Arm suspension of a HMMWV resulted in a weight reduction of 33% as compared to that made from all steel construction. The shapes of the hybrid composite control arms were tailored to produce stiffness that is at least equivalent to the one obtained from a unit made from all steel construction. The double A-Arm unit was evaluated for reliability and durability under static and fatigue loading. With optimization and use of hybrid material, the static ultimate load and fatigue life were improved by 1.2 and 1.75 times, respectively, as compared to all steel design. The redesign required repeated progressive failure analysis (PFA) evaluations to determine load limits coupled with optimization. In addi...
Twenty-Second Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1988
An overview of the MT#rtin Marietta Advanced Systolic Array Processor (ASAP ) will be presented. ... more An overview of the MT#rtin Marietta Advanced Systolic Array Processor (ASAP ) will be presented. The modular design of the ASAP allows a user to build as large a processor as desired by concatenating multiple, independently programmable unit arrays. Each unit array, housed on a single VME card, is composed of a twodimensional grid of 256 bit serial nearest-neighbor connected processors (SIMD), a local controller, and all 1/0 support. Multiple unit arrays can be configured in any configuration desired; that is all SIMD, groups of SIMD arrays with MIMD between groups, or all MIMD. As an example, mapping of a conventional digital time-delay-andsum beamformer algorithm onto a massively parallel ASAP array will be illustrated.
Proceedings., 2nd Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation, 1989
ABSTRACT An overview of the Martin Marietta Advanced Systolic Array Processor (ASAP) is presented... more ABSTRACT An overview of the Martin Marietta Advanced Systolic Array Processor (ASAP) is presented. The modular design of the ASAP allows a user to build as large a processor as desired by concatenating multiple, independently programmable unit arrays. Each unit array, housed on a single VME card, is composed of a two-dimensional grid of 256 bit serial nearest-neighbor connected single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) processors, a local controller, and all I/O support. Multiple unit arrays can have any configuration desired: all SIMD, groups of SIMD arrays with multiple instruction multiple data (MIMD) between groups, or all MIMD. A product description, performance comparisons for five massively parallel bit serial machines, and planned enhancements are also discussed

Annual review of chemical and biomolecular engineering, Jan 16, 2015
Historic manufacturing enterprise outcomes from vertically optimized companies, practices, market... more Historic manufacturing enterprise outcomes from vertically optimized companies, practices, market share, and competitiveness are giving way to enterprises that are responsive to demand dynamic markets and customized product value adds and that facilitate high-velocity technology and product adoption with increased expectations for environmental sustainability, reduced energy usage, and zero incidents. Agile innovation and manufacturing combined with radically increased productivity become engines for competitiveness and reinvestment, not simply for decreased cost. A focus on agility, productivity, energy, and environmental sustainability produces opportunities that are far beyond reducing market volatility. Agility directly impacts innovation, time-to-market, and faster, broader exploration of the trade space. These changes, the forces driving them, and new network-based information technologies offering unprecedented insights and analysis are motivating the advent of smart manufact...

Procedia Computer Science, 2014
21st Century Smart Manufacturing (SM) is manufacturing in which all information is available when... more 21st Century Smart Manufacturing (SM) is manufacturing in which all information is available when it is needed, where it is needed, and in the form it is most useful [1,2] to drive optimal actions and responses. The 21st Century SM enterprise is data driven, knowledge enabled, and model rich with visibility across the enterprise (internal and external) such that all operating actions are determined and executed proactively by applying the best information and a wide range of performance metrics. SM also encompasses the sophisticated practice of generating and applying data-driven Manufacturing Intelligence throughout the lifecycle of design, engineering, planning and production. Workflow is foundational in orchestrating dynamic, adaptive, actionable decision-making through the contextualization and understanding of data. Pervasive deployment of architecturally consistent workflow applications creates the enterprise environment for manufacturing intelligence. Workflow as a Service (WfaaS) software allows task orchestration and facilitates workflow services and manage environment to integrate interrelated task components. Apps, and toolkits are required to assemble customized SM applications on a common, standards based workflow architecture and deploy on infrastructure that is accessible by small, medium, and large companies. Incorporating dynamic decision-making steps through contextualization of real-time data requires scientific workflow software such as Kepler. By combining workflow, private cloud computing and web services technologies, we built a prototype test bed to test a furnace temperature control model.
Abstract: The Department of Defense (DoD) increasingly faces a mix of relatively foreseeable and ... more Abstract: The Department of Defense (DoD) increasingly faces a mix of relatively foreseeable and unforeseeable threat and opportunity profiles. This means that DoD technological superiority relies on rapid and assured development, fielding, and evolution ...
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 2000
Cloud computing services, which allow users to lease time on remote computer systems, must be par... more Cloud computing services, which allow users to lease time on remote computer systems, must be particularly attractive to smaller engineering organizations that use engineering simulation software. Such organizations have occasional need for substantial computing power but may lack the budget and in-house expertise to purchase and maintain such resources locally. The case study presented in this paper examines the potential benefits and practical challenges that a medium-sized manufacturing firm faced when attempting to leverage computing resources in a cloud computing environment to do model-based simulation. Results show substantial reductions in execution time for the problem of interest, but several socio-technical barriers exist that may hinder more widespread adoption of cloud computing within engineering.
Advances in Computers, 2008
The historical context surrounding the birth of the DARPA High
Papers by Robert Graybill