Papers by Graciela Martínez

Revista de Odontopediatría Latinoamericana, 2022
El fibro - odontoma ameloblástico es un tumor odontogénico benigno que se presenta con poca frecu... more El fibro - odontoma ameloblástico es un tumor odontogénico benigno que se presenta con poca frecuencia y afecta principalmente a niños y adultos jóvenes entre la primera y segunda década de vida. Se presenta una situación clínica de un paciente de sexo masculino de 12 años de edad atendido en el Hospital de Odontología Infantil “Don Benito Quinquela Martín”, al cual se le diagnostica un tumor odontogénico benigno asociado a un canino permanente inferior derecho retenido. Se realiza un plan de tratamiento integral, individualizado y con fuerte componente preventivo, trabajando siempre en constante interrelación con los servicios de Odontología Preventiva, Cirugía Dentomaxilar, Radiología y Ortodoncia del hospital. En una primera etapa se tratan las infecciones prevalentes y se realiza el refuerzo del huésped. Posteriormente se realiza la intervención quirúrgica para extirpar la lesión y las estructuras dentarias asociadas a esta. La evolución del paciente es favorable permitiendo con...

Background: To explore the incidence and characteristics of new-onset pain, its impact on quality... more Background: To explore the incidence and characteristics of new-onset pain, its impact on quality of life (HRQoL), and to quantify the presence of mood disorders in critically ill COVID-19 survivors. Methods: This is a preliminary report of PAIN-COVID clinical trial (NCT04394169) presenting a descriptive analysis in critical ill COVID 19 survivors one month after hospital discharge. Pain was assed using the Brief Pain Inventory short form, Douleur Neuropathique 4 Questions test and Pain Catastrophizing Scale. Health related quality of life (HRQoL) was evaluated with EQoL-5D/5L and mood disorders with Hospital Anxiety and Depression test (HAD).Results: From May 27th to July 19th 2020, 203 patients were consecutively screened for eligibility and 65 were finally included in this analysis. In 33 (50.8%) patients a new-onset pain was reported: 18 (54.5%) reported clinically significant intense pain, 11 (33.3%) a positive screening for neuropathic pain, 3 (9.1%) clinically relevant pain c...

Se realizo una valoracion de la Salud Familiar a traves del uso del modelo teorico-metodologico q... more Se realizo una valoracion de la Salud Familiar a traves del uso del modelo teorico-metodologico que plantea Isabel Louro3. El mismo permite una valoracion de la situacion de salud del grupo familiar, e incluye tres instrumentos que son la prueba de percepcion de funcionamiento familiar (FF-SIL), el inventario de caracteristicas familiares de riesgo y la matriz de salud familiar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar los problemas de salud familiar para identificar la situacion de vulnerabilidad social como factor de riesgo para el mantenimiento del adolescente en el sistema educativo. Se seleccionaron todas las familias de los adolescentes que pertenecian al Barrio de la zona sur de la ciudad de Salto cuyos hijos adolescentes concurrian al liceo de la zona (22 familias). Con la aplicacion de los instrumentos mencionados se destaca como resultado que si bien existen condiciones de riesgo a los que estan expuestos, las familias buscan mecanismos para superarlos, lo que se convi...
Revista Mexicana de Endocrinolog�a, Metabolismo y Nutrici�n, 2021

British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2019
Background: We aimed to examine whether using a high fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO 2) in the c... more Background: We aimed to examine whether using a high fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO 2) in the context of an individualised intra-and postoperative open-lung ventilation approach could decrease surgical site infection (SSI) in patients scheduled for abdominal surgery. Methods: We performed a multicentre, randomised controlled clinical trial in a network of 21 university hospitals from June 6, 2017 to July 19, 2018. Patients undergoing abdominal surgery were randomly assigned to receive a high (0.80) or conventional (0.3) FIO 2 during the intraoperative period and during the first 3 postoperative hours. All patients were mechanically ventilated with an open-lung strategy, which included recruitment manoeuvres and individualised positive end-expiratory pressure for the best respiratory-system compliance, and individualised continuous postoperative airway pressure for adequate peripheral oxyhaemoglobin saturation. The primary outcome was the prevalence of SSI within the first 7 postoperative days. The secondary outcomes were composites of systemic complications, length of intensive care and hospital stay, and 6-month mortality. Results: We enrolled 740 subjects: 371 in the high FIO 2 group and 369 in the low FIO 2 group. Data from 717 subjects were available for final analysis. The rate of SSI during the first postoperative week did not differ between high (8.9%) and low (9.4%) FIO 2 groups (relative risk [RR]: 0.94; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.59e1.50; P¼0.90]). Secondary outcomes, such as atelectasis (7.7% vs 9.8%; RR: 0.77; 95% CI: 0.48e1.25; P¼0.38) and myocardial ischaemia (0.6% [n¼2] vs 0% [n¼0]; P¼0.47) did not differ between groups. Conclusions: An oxygenation strategy using high FIO 2 compared with conventional FIO 2 did not reduce postoperative SSIs in abdominal surgery. No differences in secondary outcomes or adverse events were found. Clinical trial registration: NCT02776046.
V Jornadas De Archivos Municipales De Cantabria 2005 Isbn 84 611 3357 9 Pags 173 184, 2005
Bifurcaciones Revista De Estudios Culturales Urbanos, 2004
Arquine Revista Internacional De Arquitectura, 2008
Revista De Nefrologia Dialisis Y Transplante, 1997
Xv Coloquio De Historia Canario Americana 2004 Isbn 84 8103 379 0 Pags 513 546, 2004
Perfiles Latinoamericanos, 2015
Resumen En el presente artículo se analizan los cambios y las continuidades en las rutas del fluj... more Resumen En el presente artículo se analizan los cambios y las continuidades en las rutas del flujo de migración de tránsito irregular o no documentada por México. Con base en los registros administrativos del Instituto Nacional de Migración relacionados con los eventos de retención de migrantes que no acreditan su legal estancia en el país, se delinean las posibles rutas de internación, recorrido y salida de la migración centroamericana que se dirige a Estados Unidos. Los resultados advierten sobre la complejidad que ha adquirido este fenómeno como consecuencia de factores asociados a la seguridad, los fenómenos naturales, la violencia y las políticas migratorias en Estados Unidos y México.
Sirena: poesia, arte y critica, 2010
De Signos y Sentidos, 2006
"1. Hay siempre enunciación (discurso si se quiere), (…) porque lo que es dicho no agota jamás el... more "1. Hay siempre enunciación (discurso si se quiere), (…) porque lo que es dicho no agota jamás el hecho de que sea dicho. 2. La ilusión referencial (…) tiende a hacernos olvidar (…) la incomodidad inoportuna de esta mediación. 3. Lo propio de algunos filmes, particularmente cómplices de 2, es ayudarnos más que otros a olvidar 1".

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2005
Background: EUS is frequently employed to differentiate neoplastic conditions of the pancreas whi... more Background: EUS is frequently employed to differentiate neoplastic conditions of the pancreas which would benefit from surgery (surgery indicated-SI) from benign conditions which do not (No Operation-No). Using microarray studies, we selected a panel of biomarkers that is differentially expressed in pancreatic cancer compared to chronic pancreatitis & normal pancreas. Studies using quantitative RT-PCR (Q-RT-PCR) showed that these markers were differentially expressed in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. We hypothesized that these same biomarkers could be detected in EUS aspiration needle specimens and used to differentiate diseases for which surgery was indicated. Methods: Affymetrix microarray was used to select genes differentially expressed in pancreatic cancer. Q-RT-PCR for a panel of six highly selective biomarkers (CEACAM-1, S100P, cathepsin E, maspin, ATDC, CEA-6) was used to compare microdissected specimens. Results were used to create ROC curves for identification of cancer specimens in the second phase of the study. 19G EUS needles (Echotip Ò Wilson-Cook) were used to obtain samples (N Z 20) from patients undergoing laparotomy for suspected pancreatic cancer. Specimens were analyzed using Q-RT-PCR. Results were compared to final pathology in all cases. Results: All six biomarkers were expressed in the microdissected specimens at significantly higher levels in pancreatic cancer (n Z 10) compared to chronic pancreatitis (n Z 6) and normal pancreas (n Z 10) (p!0.05, all). Surgically obtained specimens included: intrapapillary mucinous tumors (n Z 2), mucinous cystadeno(carcino)ma (n Z 2), and ampullary adenocarcinoma (n Z 2). All of the SI conditions had expression levels for the biomarker S100P above the threshold level (Sensitivity Z 100%, Table). In contrast, none of the NO conditions, including chronic pancreatitis (n Z 1), serous cystadenoma (n Z 2) and normal pancreas (n Z 3) had elevation above threshold for the biomarker CEA-6 (Specificity Z 100%). Two biomarkers alone (cathepsin ECS100P) reliably distinguished SI from NO (c 2 LR Z 14.3, p Z 0.0008). Conclusion: The selected biomarkers are detectable in EUS needle aspirates and can distinguish conditions necessitating surgical intervention. Further study of these biomarkers with EUSguided FNA and in comparison to cytology is warranted.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 2005
Papers by Graciela Martínez