Papers by Graciela García

Proceedings of MOL2NET 2017, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences, 3rd edition, 2017
The topic of imputability has had a different approach in the different Codes of the world in acc... more The topic of imputability has had a different approach in the different Codes of the world in accordance with the development of society and the well each legal system possessing its legislative peculiarities, so that its assessment from the The perspective of comparative law offers us a more complete vision of it and the possi different assessments through the prism of doctrinal and jurisprudence thinking. As Cobo del Rosal and Vives Antón point out: "Those who voluntarily place themselves in situations of unimputability to carry out the crime are already begin liberae in causa dolosa, no there is a dissociation between the moment of action and the moment of imputability. " The basis of this idea falls on the statement of prominent jurists su Carrara and Maurach that indicate that knowingly placing oneself in a situation of unimpeachable means becoming an instrument of crime itself. In the same way that the imputable subjects use the unimputable to achieve their criminal purpos themselves and commit crimes in the same way. The subject who is expressly placed in transitory
Additional file 2 CLUMPAK and DAPC output comparisons for all species: Figure S5. Comparison betw... more Additional file 2 CLUMPAK and DAPC output comparisons for all species: Figure S5. Comparison between CLUMPAK and DAPC outputs for Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) samples (N = 110). Figure S6. Comparison between CLUMPAK and DAPC outputs for common edible cockle (Cerastoderma edule) samples (N = 120). Figure S7. Comparison between CLUMPAK and DAPC outputs for brown trout (Salmo trutta) samples (N = 52). Figure S8. . Comparison between CLUMPAK and DAPC outputs for silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) samples (N = 21). Figure S9. Comparison between CLUMPAK and DAPC outputs for small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) samples (N = 28).
Las siguientes personas, pertenencientes a instituciones de toda la Argentina, constituyeron el C... more Las siguientes personas, pertenencientes a instituciones de toda la Argentina, constituyeron el Comité Revisor de los Artículos entregados en el Número 1 y de los Resúmenes del 5to Congreso Nacional de Extensión Universitaria, publicados en los Volúmenes 1 al 4 del Número 2 de la Revista digital ExT. Desde el Comité Editorial de ExT deseamos hacer explícito nuestro reconocimiento y agradecimiento a la intensa labor de revisión, que desarrollaron con una gran dedicación y que ha enriquecido de manera notable la producción extensionista que se hace pública a escala global, a través de esta Revista digital de la SEU-UNC. Esta tarea desinteresada, colaborativa y compartida, permite mejorar y jerarquizar progresivamente la labor extensionista en las universidades del país.
Helical tomotherapy in the treatment of pediatric malignancies: a preliminary report of feasibili... more Helical tomotherapy in the treatment of pediatric malignancies: a preliminary report of feasibility and acute toxicity
Current Topics in Phylogenetics and Phylogeography of Terrestrial and Aquatic Systems, 2012

Genes, 2020
Rhamdia quelen, a Neotropical fish with hybridization between highly divergent mitochondrial DNA ... more Rhamdia quelen, a Neotropical fish with hybridization between highly divergent mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages, represents an interesting evolutionary model. Previous studies suggested that there might be demographic differences between coastal lagoons and riverine environments, as well as divergent populations that could be reproductively isolated. Here, we investigated the genetic diversity pattern of this taxon in the Southern Neotropical Basin system that includes the La Plata Basin, Patos-Merin lagoon basin and the coastal lagoons draining to the SW Atlantic Ocean, through a population genomics approach using 2b-RAD-sequencing-derived single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The genomic scan identified selection footprints associated with divergence and suggested local adaptation environmental drivers. Two major genomic clusters latitudinally distributed in the Northern and Southern basins were identified, along with consistent signatures of divergent selection between them. ...

Zootaxa, 2008
This article analyzes the available morphological (morphometric, meristic, and coloration pattern... more This article analyzes the available morphological (morphometric, meristic, and coloration patterns) and molecular evidence that supports the taxonomic validity of Austrolebias reicherti. The species can be differentiated from A. charrua Costa & Cheffe, recently proposed as a senior synonym (Costa 2006), by the following combination of characters (characters of A. charrua in parenthesis): 1) origin of dorsal fin anterior to that of the anal fin (origin of dorsal fin posterior to that of the anal fin), 2) 18 to 24 caudal fin rays (23–26), 3) black supraorbital band well developed (moderately developed), 4) a vertical band present on the posterior borders of dorsal and anal fins (band absent), 5) base of dorsal fin banded and anal fin uniformly pigmented (both fins dotted at least on their proximal section), and 6) vertical dark bands on body flank narrower or equal in width to the lighter space between bands (vertical bands equal or wider than space between bands). According to morpho...

BMC Genomics, 2015
Background: Among teleosts, the South American genus Austrolebias (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae)... more Background: Among teleosts, the South American genus Austrolebias (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae) includes 42 taxa of annual fishes divided into five different species groups. It is a monophyletic genus, but morphological and molecular data do not resolve the relationship among intrageneric clades and high rates of substitution have been previously described in some mitochondrial genes. In this work, the complete mitogenome of a species of the genus was determined for the first time. We determined its structure, gene order and evolutionary peculiar features, which will allow us to evaluate the performance of mitochondrial genes in the phylogenetic resolution at different taxonomic levels. Results: Regarding gene content and order, the circular mitogenome of A. charrua (17,271 pb) presents the typical pattern of vertebrate mitogenomes. It contains the full complement of 13 proteins-coding genes, 22 tRNA, 2 rRNA and one non-coding control region. Notably, the tRNA-Cys was only 57 bp in length and lacks the D-loop arm. In three full sibling individuals, heteroplasmatic condition was detected due to a total of 12 variable sites in seven protein-coding genes. Among cyprinodontiforms, the mitogenome of A. charrua exhibits the lowest G+C content (37 %) and GCskew, as well as the highest strand asymmetry with a net difference of T over A at 1st and 3rd codon positions. Considering the 12 coding-genes of the H strand, correspondence analyses of nucleotide composition and codon usage show that A and T at 1st and 3rd codon positions have the highest weight in the first axis, and segregate annual species from the other cyprinodontiforms analyzed. Given the annual lifestyle , their mitogenomes could be under different selective pressures. All 13 protein-coding genes are under strong purifying selection and we did not find any significant evidence of nucleotide sites showing episodic selection (dN >dS) at annual lineages. When fast evolving third codon positions were removed from alignments, the "supergene" tree recovers our reference species phylogeny as well as the Cytb, ND4L and ND6 genes. Therefore, third codon positions seem to be saturated in the aforementioned coding regions at intergeneric Cyprinodontiformes comparisons. Conclusions: The complete mitogenome obtained in present work, offers relevant data for further comparative studies on molecular phylogeny and systematics of this taxonomic controversial endemic genus of annual fishes.
Life History Strategy, Diversity, and Evolution, 2015

Biotecnologia Aplicada
Tsukamurella paurometabola C-924 strain, previously isolated from banana rhizosphere as antagonis... more Tsukamurella paurometabola C-924 strain, previously isolated from banana rhizosphere as antagonist of phytoparasitic nematodes, was shown to display other beneficial effects in plants. This work was aimed at determining its growth-promoting activity, and characterizing the main mechanism involved in this process. It was confirmed that Tsukamurella paurometabola C-924 displays growth-promoting activity in plants through various mechanisms. Therefore, under the tested conditions, T. paurometabola C-924 was able to release indoleacetic acid, solubilize phosphate, produce ammonia from organic matter and release lytic exoenzymes, which may protect plants during the attack of phytopathogens. Its compatibility with other soil microorganisms used as biofertilizers (Rhizobium leguminosarum, Pseudomonas fluorescens and Azotobacter chrococcum) was also tested, favoring the colonization process of mycorrhizogen fungi and stimulating the formation of arbuscular mycorrhizae. It was further determ...
Tiene por objetivo básico la publicación de trabajos originales, comunicaciones breves, actualiza... more Tiene por objetivo básico la publicación de trabajos originales, comunicaciones breves, actualizaciones o revisiones, temas de divulgación, comentarios bibliográficos, notas técnicas y cartas al editor. Asimismo, se publicarán noticias relacionadas con los diferentes campos de la Toxicología. Acta Toxicológica Argentina Asociación civil (Personería Jurídica Nº 331/90) Adherida a la IUTOX A s o c i a c i ó n Tox i c o l ó g i c a A rg e n t i n a Comisión Directiva

Genetics and Molecular Biology, 2014
Evolution of sex determination and differentiation in fishes involves a broad range of sex strate... more Evolution of sex determination and differentiation in fishes involves a broad range of sex strategies (hermaphroditism, gonochorism, unisexuality, environmental and genetic sex determination). Annual fishes inhabit temporary ponds that dry out during the dry season when adults die. The embryos exhibit an atypical developmental pattern and remain buried in the bottom mud until the next rainy season. To elucidate genomic factors involved in the sex determination in annual fish, we explored the presence of a candidate sex-specific gene related to the cascade network in Austrolebias charrua. All phylogenetic analyses showed a high posterior probability of occurrence for a clade integrated by nuclear sequences (aprox. 900 bp) from both adults (male and female), with partial cDNA fragments of A. charrua from juveniles (male) and the dsx D. melanogaster gene. The expressed fragment was detected from blastula to adulthood stages showing a sexually dimorphic expression pattern. The isolated cDNA sequence is clearly related to dsx D. melanogaster gene and might be located near the top of the sex determination cascade in this species.

PLoS ONE, 2014
The present paper integrates phylogenetic and population genetics analyses based on mitochondrial... more The present paper integrates phylogenetic and population genetics analyses based on mitochondrial and nuclear molecular markers in silversides, genus Odontesthes, from a non-sampled area in the SW Atlantic Ocean to address species discrimination and to define Managements Units for sustainable conservation. All phylogenetic analyses based on the COI mitochondrial gene were consistent to support the monophyly of the genus Odontesthes and to include O. argentinensis, O. perugiae-humensis and some O. bonariensis haplotypes in a basal polytomy conforming a major derivative clade. Microsatellites data revealed somewhat higher genetic variability values in the O. argentinensis-perugia populations than in O. bonariensis and O. perugia-humensis taxa. Contrasting population genetics structuring emerged from mitochondrial and microsatellites analyses in these taxa. Whereas mitochondrial data supported two major groups (O. argentinensis-perugiahumensis vs. O. bonariensis-perugiae-humensis populations), microsatellite data detected three major genetic entities represented by O. bonariensis, O. perugiae-humensis and an admixture of populations belonging to O. argentinensis-perugiae respectively. Therefore, the star COI polytomy in the tree topology involving these taxa could be interpreted by several hypothetic scenarios such as the existence of shared ancestral polymorphisms, incomplete lineage sorting in a radiating speciation process and/or reticulation events. Present findings support that promiscuous and recent contact between incipient species sharing asymmetric gene flow exchanges, blurs taxa boundaries yielding complicated taxonomy and Management Units delimitation in silverside genus Odontesthes from SW Atlantic Ocean basins.

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2000
Phylogenetic relationships based on 324 base pairs of the mitochondria1 cytochrome b gene were ex... more Phylogenetic relationships based on 324 base pairs of the mitochondria1 cytochrome b gene were examined in 14 species of the genus Cynolebias. The monophyly of the genus relative to three outgroup taxa belonging to the famify Rivulidae was supported by the sequence data. Bootstrap values corroborated the existence of intrageneric monophyletic units in both parsimony and Neighbour-joining analyses. These include a Cynolebias bellottii-C. wolterstorclade, a C. adlo#-2, C. duratnensis, C. viarius and C. adlofi-1 group, and a C. gyrnnoventris, C. luteojlammulatus pair and the strongly supported assemblage that includes C. prognuthus and C. cheradophilus clade. Phylogenetic relationships remain poorly supported for C. nigripinnis, C. a@nis and C. alexandri, and unresolved among the previous ingroup clades. Cytochrome b sequences reveal an unexpectedly high level of divergence among species of the genus Cynolebias. Consequently, cytochrome b shows good resolution of recent cladogenetic events but limited phylogenetic information at deeper nodes. High levels of sequence divergence span a broad range within Cjnolebias. The highest sequence divergence (c. 28%) occurred among C. antenori and the remaining species of the genus. The minimum divergence value (4.5%) is exhibited by sympatric species C. cheradophilus and C. prognuthus.
Superficies y …, 2005
2005 Graciela Barrera García / Maricela González Leal / Francisco Prieto García / M. Aurora Ménde... more 2005 Graciela Barrera García / Maricela González Leal / Francisco Prieto García / M. Aurora Méndez Marzo / Ana María Bolarín Miró SÍNTESIS Y CARACTERIZACIÓN DE FERRITAS DE MERCURIO OBTENIDAS POR VÍA HIDROQUÍMICA Superficies y vacío, marzo, año/vol. ...
Chromosome Research, 2001
Extensive chromosome variation involving Robertsonian and non-Robertsonian changes were proposed ... more Extensive chromosome variation involving Robertsonian and non-Robertsonian changes were proposed to explain chromosomal evolution within killifishes of the aplocheiloid group belonging to the order Cyprinodontiforms. In the present work we describe the karyotypes of four Cynolebias species and analyze chromosome changes by means of mitochondrial phylogenetic studies, including 10 taxa of this genus. Diploid numbers varied from 48 to 44

Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 2013
The effect of sodium metavanadate (NaVO3) exposure on lipid oxidative damage in the CNS of suckli... more The effect of sodium metavanadate (NaVO3) exposure on lipid oxidative damage in the CNS of suckling rats was studied. Using histological markers of cellular injury, we also studied the morphological alterations of neurons and astroglial cells in different regions of neonate rats CNS after NaVO3 exposure. Dams of treated litters were intraperitoneally injected with 3mgNaVO3/kgbody weight/day during 12days starting on post-natal day (PND) 10. On the 21st PND, four pups of each litter were sacrificed by decapitation and six brain areas were removed for lipid peroxidation assay by the thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reaction, the other four were transcardially perfused-fixed and their brains were removed and cut with a cryostat. Brain sections were processed for: NADPHd histochemistry and anti-HSP70, anti-GFAP and anti-S100 immunohistochemistry. The relative optical density of the NADPHd stained layers and of S100 (+) astrocytes and the GFAP (+) astrocyte surface area in Cer and Hc were measured. Although MDA levels, S100 immunostaining and NADPHd activity didn't show differences between experimental and control groups, both astrogliosis and HSP70 activation were detected in Cer, while only the former was detected in Hc of V-exposed pups.
Papers by Graciela García