Papers by G-p Di Sansebastiano
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00494 Importance of the hexagonal lipid phase in biological membrane organ... more doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00494 Importance of the hexagonal lipid phase in biological membrane organization Juliette Jouhet1,2,3,4*
lyase reveals a new localisation pattern and activation mechanism

Plants, 2020
Plant cells maintain plasmatic concentrations of essential heavy metal ions, such as iron, zinc, ... more Plant cells maintain plasmatic concentrations of essential heavy metal ions, such as iron, zinc, and copper, within the optimal functional range. To do so, several molecular mechanisms have to be committed to maintain concentrations of non-essential heavy metals and metalloids, such as cadmium, mercury and arsenic below their toxicity threshold levels. Compartmentalization is central to heavy metals homeostasis and secretory compartments, finely interconnected by traffic mechanisms, are determinant. Endomembrane reorganization can have unexpected effects on heavy metals tolerance altering in a complex way membrane permeability, storage, and detoxification ability beyond gene’s expression regulation. The full understanding of endomembrane role is propaedeutic to the comprehension of translocation and hyper-accumulation mechanisms and their applicative employment. It is evident that further studies on dynamic localization of these and many more proteins may significantly contribute to...

We investigated the effect of auxin and acetylcholine on the expression of the tomato expansin ge... more We investigated the effect of auxin and acetylcholine on the expression of the tomato expansin gene LeEXPA2, a specific expansin gene expressed in elongating tomato hypocotyl segments. Since auxin interferes with clathrin-mediated endocytosis, in order to regulate cellular and developmental responses we produced protoplasts from tomato elongating hypocotyls and followed the endocytotic marker, FM4-64, internalization in response to treatments. Tomato protoplasts were observed during auxin and acetylcholine treatments after transient expression of chimerical markers of volume-control related compartments such as vacuoles. Here we describe the contribution of auxin and acetylcholine to LeEXPA2 expression regulation and we support the hypothesis that a possible subcellular target of acetylcholine signal is the vesicular transport, shedding some light on the characterization of this small molecule as local mediator in the plant physiological response.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2014
Plant chitinases have been studied for their importance in the defense of crop plants from pathog... more Plant chitinases have been studied for their importance in the defense of crop plants from pathogen attacks and for their peculiar vacuolar sorting determinants. A peculiarity of the sequence of many family 19 chitinases is the presence of a C-terminal extension that seems to be important for their correct recognition by the vacuole sorting machinery. The 7 amino acids long C-terminal vacuolar sorting determinant (CtVSD) of tobacco chitinase A is necessary and sufficient for the transport to the vacuole. This VSD shares no homology with other CtVSDs such as the phaseolin's tetrapeptide AFVY (AlaPheValTyr) and it is also sorted by different mechanisms. While a receptor for this signal has not yet been convincingly identified, the research using the chitinase CtVSD has been very informative, leading to the observation of phenomena otherwise difficult to observe such as the presence of separate vacuoles in differentiating cells and the existence of a Golgi-independent route to the vacuole. Thanks to these new insights in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-vacuole transport, GFPChi (Green Fluorescent Protein carrying the chitinase A CtVSD) and other markers based on chitinase signals will continue to help the investigation of vacuolar biogenesis in plants.

The Plant Cell, 2002
Syntaxins and other SNARE proteins are crucial for intracellular vesicle trafficking, fusion, and... more Syntaxins and other SNARE proteins are crucial for intracellular vesicle trafficking, fusion, and secretion. Previously, we isolated the syntaxin-related protein NtSyr1 (NtSyp121) from tobacco in a screen for abscisic acid-related signaling elements, demonstrating its role in determining the abscisic acid sensitivity of K ؉ and Cl ؊ channels in stomatal guard cells. NtSyr1 is localized to the plasma membrane and is expressed normally throughout the plant, especially in root tissues, suggesting that it might contribute to cellular homeostasis as well as to signaling. To explore its functions in vivo further, we examined stably transformed lines of tobacco that expressed various constructs of NtSyr1 , including the full-length protein and a truncated fragment, Sp2, corresponding to the cytosolic domain shown previously to be active in suppressing ion channel response to abscisic acid. Constitutively overexpressing NtSyr1 yielded uniformly high levels of protein (Ͼ 10 times the wild-type levels) and was associated with a significant enhancement of root growth in seedlings but not with any obvious phenotype in mature, well-watered plants. Similar transformations with constructs encoding the Sp2 fragment of NtSyr1 showed altered leaf morphology but gave only low levels of Sp2 fragment, suggesting a strong selective pressure against plants expressing this protein. High expression of the Sp2 fragment was achieved in stable transformants under the control of a dexamethasone-inducible promoter. Sp2 expression was correlated positively with altered cellular and tissue morphology in leaves and roots and with a cessation of growth in seedlings. Overexpression of the full-length NtSyr1 protein rescued the wild-type phenotype, even in plants expressing high levels of the Sp2 fragment, supporting the idea that the Sp2 fragment interfered specifically with NtSyr1 function by competing with NtSyr1 for its binding partners. To explore NtSyr1 function in secretion, we used a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-based section assay. When a secreted GFP marker was coexpressed with Sp2 in tobacco leaves, GFP fluorescence was retained in cytosolic reticulate and punctate structures. In contrast, in plants coexpressing secreted GFP and NtSyr1 or secreted GFP alone, no GFP fluorescence accumulated within the cells. A new yellow fluorescent protein-based secretion marker was used to show that the punctate structures labeled in the presence of Sp2 colocalized with a Golgi marker. These structures were not labeled in the presence of a dominant Rab1 mutant that inhibited transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi. We propose that NtSyr1 functions as an element in SNARE-mediated vesicle trafficking to the plasma membrane and is required for cellular growth and homeostasis.
Nature Cell Biology, 2008
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2020
New biologically active compounds are regularly discovered through screening procedures using mic... more New biologically active compounds are regularly discovered through screening procedures using microorganisms. This very cheap procedure is followed by drug discovery that is usually seen as a highly focused approach, testing new compounds on animals or cell lines. In vivo assays of candidate drugs in mammals are expensive and sometimes not affordable at the preliminary stages of drug development. Early screening approaches in transgenic plants would allow chemotherapeutic drug candidates further selection before their characterization in expensive biological models. The proposed screening approach is based on cell subcellular architecture observations in transgenic plants within a short time of treatment, which is better than observing the effects of compounds on growth.

Tribulus terrestris L. (Zygophyllaceae) is an annual plant commonly known as Puncture vine. It is... more Tribulus terrestris L. (Zygophyllaceae) is an annual plant commonly known as Puncture vine. It is dramatically gaining interest as a rich source of saponins. T. terrestris is a promising ingredient for many industries and recent patents on dermatological applications support the use of this plant for cosmetics and hygiene. Nonetheless problems arise in the selection of the material to be used. The extracts of different origins may differ substantially. Natural speciation processes normally influence 'variations' in wild-crafted medicinal plants. The genus Tribulus is emblematic. Taxonomic status of T. terrestris is complicated by the wide geographical distribution leading to high levels of genetic polymorphism. Being aware of such variability we selected 3 commercial Tribulus extracts and compared their biological effect on Candida albicans with the effect produced by an extract from local plants (South of Apulia, Italy). One of the commercial extracts with the best anti-candida performance was used to substitute triclosan in a detergent formulation and it proved to improve the product performance in the control of potentially pathogenic skin flora such as C. albicans. © Di Sansebastiano et al.; Licensee Bentham Open. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.

The acidification of endomembrane compartments is essential for enzyme activities, sorting, traff... more The acidification of endomembrane compartments is essential for enzyme activities, sorting, trafficking, and trans-membrane transport of various compounds. Vacuoles are mildly acidic in most plant cells because of the action of V-ATPase and/or pyrophosphatase proton pumps but are hyperacidified in specific cells by mechanisms that remained unclear. Here, we show that the blue petal color of petunia ph mutants is due to a failure to hyperacidify vacuoles. We report that PH1 encodes a P 3B -ATPase, hitherto known as Mg2 + transporters in bacteria only, that resides in the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast). In vivo nuclear magnetic resonance and genetic data show that PH1 is required and, together with the tonoplast H + P 3A -ATPase PH5, sufficient to hyperacidify vacuoles. PH1 has no H + transport activity on its own but can physically interact with PH5 and boost PH5 H + transport activity. Hence, the hyperacidification of vacuoles in petals, and possibly other tissues, relies on a heteromeric P-ATPase pump.

Plant chitinases have been studied for their importance in the defense of crop plants from pathog... more Plant chitinases have been studied for their importance in the defense of crop plants from pathogen attacks and for their peculiar vacuolar sorting determinants. A peculiarity of the sequence of many family 19 chitinases is the presence of a C-terminal extension that seems to be important for their correct recognition by the vacuole sorting machinery. The 7 amino acids long C-terminal vacuolar sorting determinant (CtVSD) of tobacco chitinase A is necessary and sufficient for the transport to the vacuole. This VSD shares no homology with other CtVSDs such as the phaseolin's tetrapeptide AFVY (AlaPheValTyr) and it is also sorted by different mechanisms. While a receptor for this signal has not yet been convincingly identified, the research using the chitinase CtVSD has been very informative, leading to the observation of phenomena otherwise difficult to observe such as the presence of separate vacuoles in differentiating cells and the existence of a Golgi-independent route to the vacuole. Thanks to these new insights in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-to-vacuole transport, GFPChi (Green Fluorescent Protein carrying the chitinase A CtVSD) and other markers based on chitinase signals will continue to help the investigation of vacuolar biogenesis in plants.
Plants are ideal bioreactors for the production of macromolecules but transport mechanisms are no... more Plants are ideal bioreactors for the production of macromolecules but transport mechanisms are not fully understood and cannot be easily manipulated. Several attempts to overproduce recombinant proteins or secondary metabolites failed. Because of an independent regulation of the storage compartment, the product may be rapidly degraded or cause self-intoxication. The case of the anti-malarial compound artemisinin produced by Artemisia annua plants is emblematic. The accumulation of artemisinin naturally occurs in the apoplast of glandular trichomes probably involving autophagy and unconventional secretion thus its production by undifferentiated tissues such as cell suspension cultures can be challenging.

In this work we explored the possibility of using genetically modified Arabidopsis thaliana plant... more In this work we explored the possibility of using genetically modified Arabidopsis thaliana plants as a rapid and low-cost screening tool for evaluating human anticancer drugs action and efficacy. Here, four different inhibitors with a validated anticancer effect in humans and distinct mechanism of action were screened in the plant model for their ability to interfere with the cytoskeletal and endomembrane networks. We used plants expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) tagged microtubule-protein (TUA6-GFP), and three soluble GFPs differently sorted to reside in the endoplasmic reticulum (GFPKDEL) or to accumulate in the vacuole through a COPII dependent (AleuGFP) or independent (GFPChi) mechanism. Our results demonstrated that drugs tested alone or in combination differentially influenced the monitored cellular processes including cytoskeletal organization and endomembrane trafficking. In conclusion, we demonstrated that A. thaliana plants are sensitive to the action of human chemotherapeutics and can be used for preliminary screening of drugs efficacy. The cost-effective subcellular imaging in plant cell may contribute to better clarify drugs subcellular targets and their anticancer effects.

Journal of Experimental Botany, 2005
Oxylipin metabolism represents one of many defence mechanisms employed by plants. It begins with ... more Oxylipin metabolism represents one of many defence mechanisms employed by plants. It begins with the oxygenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids by lipoxygenases to form fatty acid hydroperoxides that are substrates for several enzymes, including specialized cytochrome P450s known as CYP74s. The targeting of a new CYP74, a 9-hydroperoxide lyase (HPL) from almonds, to the endomembrane system and lipid bodies, both as enzyme activity in almond seeds and as GFP fusions transiently expressed in tobacco protoplasts, is described. Such association of a CYP74 with lipid bodies has not been reported previously. Also described are the properties of a 9-HPL gene, the developmental regulation of its expression, the production and characterization of recombinant 9-HPL in Escherichia coli, and the developmental correlation between gene expression, enzyme activity, and the appearance of volatile C 9 aldehydes from HPL action.

Cell Reports, 2014
The acidification of endomembrane compartments is essential for enzyme activities, sorting, traff... more The acidification of endomembrane compartments is essential for enzyme activities, sorting, trafficking, and trans-membrane transport of various compounds. Vacuoles are mildly acidic in most plant cells because of the action of V-ATPase and/or pyrophosphatase proton pumps but are hyperacidified in specific cells by mechanisms that remained unclear. Here, we show that the blue petal color of petunia ph mutants is due to a failure to hyperacidify vacuoles. We report that PH1 encodes a P 3B -ATPase, hitherto known as Mg2 + transporters in bacteria only, that resides in the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast). In vivo nuclear magnetic resonance and genetic data show that PH1 is required and, together with the tonoplast H + P 3A -ATPase PH5, sufficient to hyperacidify vacuoles. PH1 has no H + transport activity on its own but can physically interact with PH5 and boost PH5 H + transport activity. Hence, the hyperacidification of vacuoles in petals, and possibly other tissues, relies on a heteromeric P-ATPase pump.
Papers by G-p Di Sansebastiano