Goranka Stanić
Graduated engineerProfessor
Excellent Advisor
researcher in the fields of design, ecology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and the arts
work at the School of Art and Design in Osijek.
Phone: 095 3822861
Address: Zupanijska, 8,
Graduated engineerProfessor
Excellent Advisor
researcher in the fields of design, ecology, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and the arts
work at the School of Art and Design in Osijek.
Phone: 095 3822861
Address: Zupanijska, 8,
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Papers by Goranka Stanić
We are facing a sudden turn in all areas of society and moved into an ONLINE environment,
communication and life.
The long-awaited plan came true in less than a month. Nothing can be the same anymore.
Which direction art goes and how to adapt to the bombastic crowded, non-selective database
of virtual, audio, video and textual data to which everyone has access and the ability to act,
realizes how SF novels about connecting man and computer have become a reality. The digital
doors of all libraries, museums, schools, knowledge have become open and accessible. to all. At
first glance, great progress, but human nature always hides surprises, and individuals misdirect
advantages and technological advances and abuses against ourselves.
We teach children about the dangers of the Internet, data protection, about a fake virtual world,
and that world from which we pulled children of Generation Z is now our environment as well.
Not knowing how to use the internet is a sure illiteracy and handicap. Artists have to master the
elements of programming, run races with new software, tools, appliances, devices. His ideas,
works, messages, ideas, everything that leads the creator to the creation and realization of ideas
with intriguing motivation, is not noticed if it is not confirmed in the digital version.
In my work I analyze the transfer of conventional methods of expression into the abruptly imposed ONLINE life as a potential waste of time and originality of creation itself. , which is in a
way a call from the artist. New generations are coming, a new age that should not be ignored,
but I am committed to not suffocating and burying society, youth with only one way of life. “If
it’s not online, it didn’t happen, nor does it matter”. Plagiarism and theft have never been more
readily available, just as it has never been a greater challenge to create a new, original, human
Key words: internet, creation, man, originality
Physics is a science that covers the entire planet and the universe with its laws. When we talk
about a wave, we get various associations. For some it is a sea wave, some associate it with sound,
some classify it as electromagnetic waves of light.
The wave is found in all the arts and everyday life. Visual expression would be impossible without the visible part of the spectrum, musical expression without sound waves, literature and its
expression can be associated with visual representation or speech, and both are represented by a
wave. Physics introduces us to a scale of waves from those that our body can register with a particular sense to those that we detect with various devices and those that we cannot easily detect.
The connection in the expression is linguistically identical, but depending on which branch we
observe, harmony, rhythm, intensity, purity, color, tone, noises ,, frequency, we see a large presence of wave and physics in each branch of expression. The whole digital revolution we have witnessed in recent months is closely linked to electricity which also has its own kind of radiation
in waveform. Let us mention only the frequency of the electric current which we clearly express
by the formula. The sinusoid with which we most often describe wave motion is identical to the
mathematical expression of circular motion, oscillation, the equation of a wave, or if we represent
it artistically we call it a wavy line. We banally recognize the waves even at football matches,
whereby fans express their connection and transfer of the same idea and common energy.
In my work I connect different areas and emphasize the role and focus of the idea to vibration
and waves that use the same or similar formulas and without which the whole art could not be
realized, either in a physical or digital environment.
Key words: wave, visual representation, sound, everyday life, physics
Goranka Stanić
Professor, graduate engineer, advisor, School of Applied Arts and Design, Osijek, Osijek, Croatia
[email protected]
ABSTRACT: In education, schools, homes, families, institutions throughout the country and the
world, the individual must be neat, punctual, orderly, hardworking, and disciplined. In my work, I
analyze the impact of clutter during creation. Throughout history, we have been convinced that chance
often defines the entire future of humanity, and great discoveries have not always been associated with
the amount of work and dedication invested. Children are prone to clutter, waste, and unrestrained
play. Rules do not burden children, and their world is open to all. Children do not know what is
possible and what is not and do not understand our stereotypes and regulations. Without rules and
laws, society cannot function, but progress and progress into the future always take place when
someone deviates from the pattern. All institutions strive for obedience and typification of ways of
thinking, which often suffocates the inventive mind. A man who is not trapped by stereotypes finds
inspiration and freedom of mind and creation in disorder. In a mess, anything is possible, as in the
imagination. Before any discovery in any area of creativity, a “eureka” and a “click” must occur.
Materializations thrive after idea and vision. The way to reach these solutions is often inexplicable and
unexpected. It requires courage and departure from the rules and boundaries of time and society.
People who run the world have the burden of fighting stereotypes. They are often unsupported,
misunderstood, ridiculed, and marginalized. Their genius, their freedom is revealed either after death
or by a combination of circumstances.
KEYWORDS: clutter, creativity, innovation, creation, discovery
action. We meet it from the earliest beginnings of human existence. A man’s
mind liberated, stereotyped and elevated above a primitive level meets creativity. It encompasses intellectual thinking, problem solving and challenges and,
with homologous heritage, elevates man, as an individual, and the entire civilization to a degree beyond the beginnings. We distinguish between non-verbal
and verbal communication. In non-verbal communication we classify body
language, sign language, reading, letter. By speech, we formulate sentences
that the interlocutor understands and accepts. We often use the language of
the deaf, the blind, the language of music, the language of informatics, the
natural sciences (mathematics, chemistry, the laws of physics…). We are witnessing the development of digital technologies, and communication itself is
gaining speed and new dimensions. All of humanity is connected and information circulates into all pores of society in seconds, almost instantaneously.
The classic form of information has been replaced by computer technology.
It is almost impossible to keep track of the development of branches and the
progress of all human activities. The great choice of communication slowly
brings us into chaos. We are in the role of constantly storing and sorting data
and information. As much as it seems to us that communication channels are
enriched, we also encounter the problem of overload. The fear of, once upon a
time, the SF thinking and vision of taking over human life by robots and computers becomes reality. We live in parallel worlds of information and simple
everyday reality. The classic form of communication is lost, and communication is faster and easier through social networks and channels. Regardless
of the way of communication, communication, and human creativity in the
whole process of development of the human community, it is by no means to
be forgotten about the basic principles and attitude towards another human
being and community. Laws woven into man’s consciousness can be found in
the sources of ancient civilizations, books about God, or the manifestations of
Keywords: creativity; language; signs; speech; writing
Creativity is the highest form of human creation, thought and action. We have known it since the earliest beginnings of human existence. Freed, stereotyped and elevated above the primitive level, the human mind encounters creativity. It encompasses intellectual thinking, problem solving and challenges, and with its homologous heritage, raises man as an individual and the entire civilisation to a level higher than the very beginnings. The aim of this research is to generate a design that can be followed for creativity. Information is needed for creativity. However, the classic form of information and creation has been replaced by computer technology. It is almost impossible to follow the course of development of the branch and the progress of all human activities. In a sea of new information and data, we are losing the thread and have to opt for a narrowly specialised area or areas that we monitor. A large selection of communications and ideas slowly leads us into chaos. As much as it seems to us that the channels of creativity and opportunities for innovation are enriched, we also encounter the problem of overload. Creativity in ‘design’ translates into creating software with many capabilities, and a true designer is a programmer who designs features and a program for a particular branch of design. The goal of design is not commercialism, but quality and progress, making life easier, instead of creating imaginary desires and needs for the offered product.
Goranka Stanić
Schol of Art and Design, Osijek
The two theories served to us, one is scientific and the other religious speak of the origin of the homosapiens-man The first in the Bible reveals that disobedience and sin work very quickly in human nature. The only one in the vast, distant universe we know of. Another branch describes a man who gradually evolved into a conscious being, less and less like an animal. A frequently asked question is why only man has a developmental question in intelligence, and other species cannot advance. Such a man resembled an animal in his characteristics, he was a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror, he lived in a tribe and nowhere is the virtue of empathy, tenderness, solidarity mentioned. Rare isolated specimens are still found in some tribes on the African continent, which live in harmony with nature and which we do not consider "civilized". When that civilization began it was hidden in the fog and Egypt, Rome, Greece, Byzantium, etc. are mentioned. But the word civilization is hardly associated with the “dark Middle Ages”. The notion of civilizations makes many proud that we live in an advanced world and that we possess so many rich sources of technology, scientific discoveries, the development of computers, the Internet, satellites, space travel. The other side of the coin that is not mentioned in the current "civilized" world is in the form of violence, destruction, scandals, deviations and the like. The two theories served to us, one is scientific and the other religious speak of the origin of the homosapiens. The first in the Bible reveals that disobedience and sin work very quickly in human nature. The only one in the vast, distant universe we know of. Another branch describes a man who gradually evolved into a conscious being, less and less like an animal. A frequently asked question is why only man has a developmental question in intelligence, and other species cannot advance. Such a man resembled an animal in his characteristics, he was a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror, he lived in a tribe and nowhere is the virtue of empathy, tenderness, solidarity mentioned. Rare isolated specimens are still found in some tribes on the African continent, which live in harmony with nature and which we do not consider "civilized". When that civilization began it was hidden in the fog and Egypt, Rome, Greece, Byzantium, etc. are mentioned. But the word civilization is hardly associated with the “dark Middle Ages”. The notion of civilizations makes many proud that we live in an advanced world and that we possess so many rich sources of technology, scientific discoveries, the development of computers, the Internet, satellites, space travel. The other side of the coin that is not mentioned in the current "civilized" world is in the form of violence, destruction, scandals, deviations and the like. If we look at how much violence, wars, rape, slaughter, torture, crime, corruption, fraud, discrimination, intrigue, inhumanity there is in our immediate vicinity, if we really consider ourselves a "man" as a higher being, it will provoke a series of reactions of disgust and questionnaires. . Most believe that they do not fall into that category, that they are moral, honest and exemplary members of society. Many wonder why in a developed society so much deviant behavior. It's not just about pure open manic, psychopathic behavior from the newspapers, but about "respectable" people who represent their countries, people in suits with ties, cell phones and briefcases, people who dictate and determine the fate of everyone by social rank below them. It’s about co-workers who will intrigue from petty envy, meanness, malicious remarks, underestimation, discrimination, and insulting people, or you at work. It is about families where violence takes place on a daily basis both physically and mentally, with quarrels, high tones, breakups, physical assault or spouse or children, to extreme deviations in the form of incest, rape. Families, aware of the ugliness of their lives, shamefully hide everything from the public, creating an image of an exemplary society and their lives. Violence reigns in the 21st century. Nasija is not in the form of cutting off, heads, burning witches, throwing lions, piling, cutting hands, but the germ of evil exists in the individual and most people no matter how good they think of themselves. The people of the 21st century are slaves to labor, material acquisition, taxes, the impossibility of treatment, discrimination on the basis of any diversity, the publication of lies in the media, the so-called crucifixion, which causes irreparable damage to man. People of the 21st century fall into debts, loans, have no job, work for an unworthy salary, live on the streets, in homes for the poor. The gap between the rich and the rejected is too big. And civilization speaks of progress over time several thousand years ago. The idea of rule is the same, subjugation, domination, manipulation, exploitation continues, but the methods are different.
Download Proceedings Book
Goranka Stanic*, School of Applied Arts and Design, Osijek, Croatia
Suggested Citation:
Stanic, G. (2021). Creativity as a complex form of creation and thinking. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on
Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 8(1), pp 76--80. Available from: www.prosoc.eu
Received from December 18, 2020; revised from February 22, 2021; accepted from March 30, 2021.
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof.Dr. Ayse Cakir Ilhan, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
©2021 Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi. All rights reserved.
Creativity is the highest form of human creation, thought and action. We have known it since the earliest beginnings of
human existence. Freed, stereotyped and elevated above the primitive level, the human mind encounters creativity. It
encompasses intellectual thinking, problem solving and challenges, and with its homologous heritage, raises man as an
individual and the entire civilisation to a level higher than the very beginnings. The aim of this research is to generate a
design that can be followed for creativity. Information is needed for creativity. However, the classic form of information and
creation has been replaced by computer technology. It is almost impossible to follow the course of development of the
branch and the progress of all human activities. In a sea of new information and data, we are losing the thread and have to
opt for a narrowly specialised area or areas that we monitor. A large selection of communications and ideas slowly leads us
into chaos. As much as it seems to us that the channels of creativity and opportunities for innovation are enriched, we also
encounter the problem of overload. Creativity in ‘design’ translates into creating software with many capabilities, and a true
designer is a programmer who designs features and a program for a particular branch of design. The goal of design is not
commercialism, but quality and progress, making life easier, instead of creating imaginary desires and needs for the offered
Keywords: Design, creativity, computer design, functionality.
Goranka Stanić
School of Art and design, Osijek
The two theories served to us, one is scientific and the other religious speak of the
origin of the homosapiens-man. The first in the Bible reveals that disobedience and
sin work very quickly in human nature. The only one in the vast, distant universe we
know of. Another branch describes a man who gradually evolved into a conscious
being, less and less like an animal. A frequently asked question is why only man has a
developmental question in intelligence, and other species cannot advance. Such a man
resembled an animal in his characteristics, he was a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror,
he lived in a tribe and nowhere is the virtue of empathy, tenderness, solidarity
mentioned. Rare isolated specimens are still found in some tribes on the African
continent, which live in harmony with nature and which we do not consider
"civilized". When that civilization began it was hidden in the fog and Egypt, Rome,
Greece, Byzantium, etc. are mentioned. But the word civilization is hardly associated
with the “dark Middle Ages”. The notion of civilizations makes many proud that we
live in an advanced world and that we possess so many rich sources of technology,
scientific discoveries, the development of computers, the Internet, satellites, space
travel. The other side of the coin that is not mentioned in the current "civilized" world
is in the form of violence, destruction, scandals, deviations and the like. The two
theories served to us, one is scientific and the other religious speak of the origin of the
homosapiens-man. The first in the Bible reveals that disobedience and sin work very
quickly in human nature. The only one in the vast, distant universe we know of.
Another branch describes a man who gradually evolved into a conscious being, less
and less like an animal. A frequently asked question is why only man has a
developmental question in intelligence, and other species cannot advance. Such a man
resembled an animal in his characteristics, he was a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror,
he lived in a tribe and nowhere is the virtue of empathy, tenderness, solidarity
mentioned. Rare isolated specimens are still found in some tribes on the African
continent, which live in harmony with nature and which we do not consider
"civilized". When that civilization began it was hidden in the fog and Egypt, Rome,
Greece, Byzantium, etc. are mentioned. But the word civilization is hardly associated
with the “dark Middle Ages”. The notion of civilizations makes many proud that we
live in an advanced world and that we possess so many rich sources of technology,
scientific discoveries, the development of computers, the Internet, satellites, space
travel. The other side of the coin that is not mentioned in the current "civilized" world
is in the form of violence, destruction, scandals, deviations and the like. If we look at
how much violence, wars, rape, slaughter, torture, crime, corruption, fraud,
discrimination, intrigue, inhumanity there is in our immediate vicinity, if we really
consider ourselves a "man" as a higher being, it will provoke a series of reactions of
ISBN 9781636840819 22nd International Conference on Social Sciences
30-31 October 2020, Amsterdam
Book of
disgust and questionnaires. . Most believe that they do not fall into that category, that
they are moral, honest and exemplary members of society. Many wonder why in a
developed society so much deviant behavior. It's not just about pure open manic,
psychopathic behavior from the newspapers, but about "respectable" people who
represent their countries, people in suits with ties, cell phones and briefcases, people
who dictate and determine the fate of everyone by social rank below them. It’s about
co-workers who will intrigue from petty envy, meanness, malicious remarks,
underestimation, discrimination, and insulting people, or you at work. It is about
families where violence takes place on a daily basis both physically and mentally, with
quarrels, high tones, breakups, physical assault or spouse or children, to extreme
deviations in the form of incest, rape. Families, aware of the ugliness of their lives,
shamefully hide everything from the public, creating an image of an exemplary society
and their lives. Violence reigns in the 21st century. Nasija is not in the form of cutting
off, heads, burning witches, throwing lions, piling, cutting hands, but the germ of evil
exists in the individual and most people no matter how good they think of themselves.
The people of the 21st century are slaves to labor, material acquisition, taxes, the
impossibility of treatment, discrimination on the basis of any diversity, the
publication of lies in the media, the so-called crucifixion, which causes irreparable
damage to man. People of the 21st century fall into debts, loans, have no job, work for
an unworthy salary, live on the streets, in homes for the poor. The gap between the
rich and the rejected is too big. And civilization speaks of progress over time several
thousand years ago. The idea of rule is the same, subjugation, domination,
manipulation, exploitation continues, but the methods ar
Keywords: closed, circle, history
We are facing a sudden turn in all areas of society and moved into an ONLINE environment,
communication and life.
The long-awaited plan came true in less than a month. Nothing can be the same anymore.
Which direction art goes and how to adapt to the bombastic crowded, non-selective database
of virtual, audio, video and textual data to which everyone has access and the ability to act,
realizes how SF novels about connecting man and computer have become a reality. The digital
doors of all libraries, museums, schools, knowledge have become open and accessible. to all. At
first glance, great progress, but human nature always hides surprises, and individuals misdirect
advantages and technological advances and abuses against ourselves.
We teach children about the dangers of the Internet, data protection, about a fake virtual world,
and that world from which we pulled children of Generation Z is now our environment as well.
Not knowing how to use the internet is a sure illiteracy and handicap. Artists have to master the
elements of programming, run races with new software, tools, appliances, devices. His ideas,
works, messages, ideas, everything that leads the creator to the creation and realization of ideas
with intriguing motivation, is not noticed if it is not confirmed in the digital version.
In my work I analyze the transfer of conventional methods of expression into the abruptly imposed ONLINE life as a potential waste of time and originality of creation itself. , which is in a
way a call from the artist. New generations are coming, a new age that should not be ignored,
but I am committed to not suffocating and burying society, youth with only one way of life. “If
it’s not online, it didn’t happen, nor does it matter”. Plagiarism and theft have never been more
readily available, just as it has never been a greater challenge to create a new, original, human
Key words: internet, creation, man, originality
Physics is a science that covers the entire planet and the universe with its laws. When we talk
about a wave, we get various associations. For some it is a sea wave, some associate it with sound,
some classify it as electromagnetic waves of light.
The wave is found in all the arts and everyday life. Visual expression would be impossible without the visible part of the spectrum, musical expression without sound waves, literature and its
expression can be associated with visual representation or speech, and both are represented by a
wave. Physics introduces us to a scale of waves from those that our body can register with a particular sense to those that we detect with various devices and those that we cannot easily detect.
The connection in the expression is linguistically identical, but depending on which branch we
observe, harmony, rhythm, intensity, purity, color, tone, noises ,, frequency, we see a large presence of wave and physics in each branch of expression. The whole digital revolution we have witnessed in recent months is closely linked to electricity which also has its own kind of radiation
in waveform. Let us mention only the frequency of the electric current which we clearly express
by the formula. The sinusoid with which we most often describe wave motion is identical to the
mathematical expression of circular motion, oscillation, the equation of a wave, or if we represent
it artistically we call it a wavy line. We banally recognize the waves even at football matches,
whereby fans express their connection and transfer of the same idea and common energy.
In my work I connect different areas and emphasize the role and focus of the idea to vibration
and waves that use the same or similar formulas and without which the whole art could not be
realized, either in a physical or digital environment.
Key words: wave, visual representation, sound, everyday life, physics
Goranka Stanić
Professor, graduate engineer, advisor, School of Applied Arts and Design, Osijek, Osijek, Croatia
[email protected]
ABSTRACT: In education, schools, homes, families, institutions throughout the country and the
world, the individual must be neat, punctual, orderly, hardworking, and disciplined. In my work, I
analyze the impact of clutter during creation. Throughout history, we have been convinced that chance
often defines the entire future of humanity, and great discoveries have not always been associated with
the amount of work and dedication invested. Children are prone to clutter, waste, and unrestrained
play. Rules do not burden children, and their world is open to all. Children do not know what is
possible and what is not and do not understand our stereotypes and regulations. Without rules and
laws, society cannot function, but progress and progress into the future always take place when
someone deviates from the pattern. All institutions strive for obedience and typification of ways of
thinking, which often suffocates the inventive mind. A man who is not trapped by stereotypes finds
inspiration and freedom of mind and creation in disorder. In a mess, anything is possible, as in the
imagination. Before any discovery in any area of creativity, a “eureka” and a “click” must occur.
Materializations thrive after idea and vision. The way to reach these solutions is often inexplicable and
unexpected. It requires courage and departure from the rules and boundaries of time and society.
People who run the world have the burden of fighting stereotypes. They are often unsupported,
misunderstood, ridiculed, and marginalized. Their genius, their freedom is revealed either after death
or by a combination of circumstances.
KEYWORDS: clutter, creativity, innovation, creation, discovery
action. We meet it from the earliest beginnings of human existence. A man’s
mind liberated, stereotyped and elevated above a primitive level meets creativity. It encompasses intellectual thinking, problem solving and challenges and,
with homologous heritage, elevates man, as an individual, and the entire civilization to a degree beyond the beginnings. We distinguish between non-verbal
and verbal communication. In non-verbal communication we classify body
language, sign language, reading, letter. By speech, we formulate sentences
that the interlocutor understands and accepts. We often use the language of
the deaf, the blind, the language of music, the language of informatics, the
natural sciences (mathematics, chemistry, the laws of physics…). We are witnessing the development of digital technologies, and communication itself is
gaining speed and new dimensions. All of humanity is connected and information circulates into all pores of society in seconds, almost instantaneously.
The classic form of information has been replaced by computer technology.
It is almost impossible to keep track of the development of branches and the
progress of all human activities. The great choice of communication slowly
brings us into chaos. We are in the role of constantly storing and sorting data
and information. As much as it seems to us that communication channels are
enriched, we also encounter the problem of overload. The fear of, once upon a
time, the SF thinking and vision of taking over human life by robots and computers becomes reality. We live in parallel worlds of information and simple
everyday reality. The classic form of communication is lost, and communication is faster and easier through social networks and channels. Regardless
of the way of communication, communication, and human creativity in the
whole process of development of the human community, it is by no means to
be forgotten about the basic principles and attitude towards another human
being and community. Laws woven into man’s consciousness can be found in
the sources of ancient civilizations, books about God, or the manifestations of
Keywords: creativity; language; signs; speech; writing
Creativity is the highest form of human creation, thought and action. We have known it since the earliest beginnings of human existence. Freed, stereotyped and elevated above the primitive level, the human mind encounters creativity. It encompasses intellectual thinking, problem solving and challenges, and with its homologous heritage, raises man as an individual and the entire civilisation to a level higher than the very beginnings. The aim of this research is to generate a design that can be followed for creativity. Information is needed for creativity. However, the classic form of information and creation has been replaced by computer technology. It is almost impossible to follow the course of development of the branch and the progress of all human activities. In a sea of new information and data, we are losing the thread and have to opt for a narrowly specialised area or areas that we monitor. A large selection of communications and ideas slowly leads us into chaos. As much as it seems to us that the channels of creativity and opportunities for innovation are enriched, we also encounter the problem of overload. Creativity in ‘design’ translates into creating software with many capabilities, and a true designer is a programmer who designs features and a program for a particular branch of design. The goal of design is not commercialism, but quality and progress, making life easier, instead of creating imaginary desires and needs for the offered product.
Goranka Stanić
Schol of Art and Design, Osijek
The two theories served to us, one is scientific and the other religious speak of the origin of the homosapiens-man The first in the Bible reveals that disobedience and sin work very quickly in human nature. The only one in the vast, distant universe we know of. Another branch describes a man who gradually evolved into a conscious being, less and less like an animal. A frequently asked question is why only man has a developmental question in intelligence, and other species cannot advance. Such a man resembled an animal in his characteristics, he was a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror, he lived in a tribe and nowhere is the virtue of empathy, tenderness, solidarity mentioned. Rare isolated specimens are still found in some tribes on the African continent, which live in harmony with nature and which we do not consider "civilized". When that civilization began it was hidden in the fog and Egypt, Rome, Greece, Byzantium, etc. are mentioned. But the word civilization is hardly associated with the “dark Middle Ages”. The notion of civilizations makes many proud that we live in an advanced world and that we possess so many rich sources of technology, scientific discoveries, the development of computers, the Internet, satellites, space travel. The other side of the coin that is not mentioned in the current "civilized" world is in the form of violence, destruction, scandals, deviations and the like. The two theories served to us, one is scientific and the other religious speak of the origin of the homosapiens. The first in the Bible reveals that disobedience and sin work very quickly in human nature. The only one in the vast, distant universe we know of. Another branch describes a man who gradually evolved into a conscious being, less and less like an animal. A frequently asked question is why only man has a developmental question in intelligence, and other species cannot advance. Such a man resembled an animal in his characteristics, he was a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror, he lived in a tribe and nowhere is the virtue of empathy, tenderness, solidarity mentioned. Rare isolated specimens are still found in some tribes on the African continent, which live in harmony with nature and which we do not consider "civilized". When that civilization began it was hidden in the fog and Egypt, Rome, Greece, Byzantium, etc. are mentioned. But the word civilization is hardly associated with the “dark Middle Ages”. The notion of civilizations makes many proud that we live in an advanced world and that we possess so many rich sources of technology, scientific discoveries, the development of computers, the Internet, satellites, space travel. The other side of the coin that is not mentioned in the current "civilized" world is in the form of violence, destruction, scandals, deviations and the like. If we look at how much violence, wars, rape, slaughter, torture, crime, corruption, fraud, discrimination, intrigue, inhumanity there is in our immediate vicinity, if we really consider ourselves a "man" as a higher being, it will provoke a series of reactions of disgust and questionnaires. . Most believe that they do not fall into that category, that they are moral, honest and exemplary members of society. Many wonder why in a developed society so much deviant behavior. It's not just about pure open manic, psychopathic behavior from the newspapers, but about "respectable" people who represent their countries, people in suits with ties, cell phones and briefcases, people who dictate and determine the fate of everyone by social rank below them. It’s about co-workers who will intrigue from petty envy, meanness, malicious remarks, underestimation, discrimination, and insulting people, or you at work. It is about families where violence takes place on a daily basis both physically and mentally, with quarrels, high tones, breakups, physical assault or spouse or children, to extreme deviations in the form of incest, rape. Families, aware of the ugliness of their lives, shamefully hide everything from the public, creating an image of an exemplary society and their lives. Violence reigns in the 21st century. Nasija is not in the form of cutting off, heads, burning witches, throwing lions, piling, cutting hands, but the germ of evil exists in the individual and most people no matter how good they think of themselves. The people of the 21st century are slaves to labor, material acquisition, taxes, the impossibility of treatment, discrimination on the basis of any diversity, the publication of lies in the media, the so-called crucifixion, which causes irreparable damage to man. People of the 21st century fall into debts, loans, have no job, work for an unworthy salary, live on the streets, in homes for the poor. The gap between the rich and the rejected is too big. And civilization speaks of progress over time several thousand years ago. The idea of rule is the same, subjugation, domination, manipulation, exploitation continues, but the methods are different.
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Goranka Stanic*, School of Applied Arts and Design, Osijek, Croatia
Suggested Citation:
Stanic, G. (2021). Creativity as a complex form of creation and thinking. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on
Humanities and Social Sciences. [Online]. 8(1), pp 76--80. Available from: www.prosoc.eu
Received from December 18, 2020; revised from February 22, 2021; accepted from March 30, 2021.
Selection and peer review under responsibility of Prof.Dr. Ayse Cakir Ilhan, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
©2021 Birlesik Dunya Yenilik Arastirma ve Yayincilik Merkezi. All rights reserved.
Creativity is the highest form of human creation, thought and action. We have known it since the earliest beginnings of
human existence. Freed, stereotyped and elevated above the primitive level, the human mind encounters creativity. It
encompasses intellectual thinking, problem solving and challenges, and with its homologous heritage, raises man as an
individual and the entire civilisation to a level higher than the very beginnings. The aim of this research is to generate a
design that can be followed for creativity. Information is needed for creativity. However, the classic form of information and
creation has been replaced by computer technology. It is almost impossible to follow the course of development of the
branch and the progress of all human activities. In a sea of new information and data, we are losing the thread and have to
opt for a narrowly specialised area or areas that we monitor. A large selection of communications and ideas slowly leads us
into chaos. As much as it seems to us that the channels of creativity and opportunities for innovation are enriched, we also
encounter the problem of overload. Creativity in ‘design’ translates into creating software with many capabilities, and a true
designer is a programmer who designs features and a program for a particular branch of design. The goal of design is not
commercialism, but quality and progress, making life easier, instead of creating imaginary desires and needs for the offered
Keywords: Design, creativity, computer design, functionality.
Goranka Stanić
School of Art and design, Osijek
The two theories served to us, one is scientific and the other religious speak of the
origin of the homosapiens-man. The first in the Bible reveals that disobedience and
sin work very quickly in human nature. The only one in the vast, distant universe we
know of. Another branch describes a man who gradually evolved into a conscious
being, less and less like an animal. A frequently asked question is why only man has a
developmental question in intelligence, and other species cannot advance. Such a man
resembled an animal in his characteristics, he was a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror,
he lived in a tribe and nowhere is the virtue of empathy, tenderness, solidarity
mentioned. Rare isolated specimens are still found in some tribes on the African
continent, which live in harmony with nature and which we do not consider
"civilized". When that civilization began it was hidden in the fog and Egypt, Rome,
Greece, Byzantium, etc. are mentioned. But the word civilization is hardly associated
with the “dark Middle Ages”. The notion of civilizations makes many proud that we
live in an advanced world and that we possess so many rich sources of technology,
scientific discoveries, the development of computers, the Internet, satellites, space
travel. The other side of the coin that is not mentioned in the current "civilized" world
is in the form of violence, destruction, scandals, deviations and the like. The two
theories served to us, one is scientific and the other religious speak of the origin of the
homosapiens-man. The first in the Bible reveals that disobedience and sin work very
quickly in human nature. The only one in the vast, distant universe we know of.
Another branch describes a man who gradually evolved into a conscious being, less
and less like an animal. A frequently asked question is why only man has a
developmental question in intelligence, and other species cannot advance. Such a man
resembled an animal in his characteristics, he was a hunter, a warrior, a conqueror,
he lived in a tribe and nowhere is the virtue of empathy, tenderness, solidarity
mentioned. Rare isolated specimens are still found in some tribes on the African
continent, which live in harmony with nature and which we do not consider
"civilized". When that civilization began it was hidden in the fog and Egypt, Rome,
Greece, Byzantium, etc. are mentioned. But the word civilization is hardly associated
with the “dark Middle Ages”. The notion of civilizations makes many proud that we
live in an advanced world and that we possess so many rich sources of technology,
scientific discoveries, the development of computers, the Internet, satellites, space
travel. The other side of the coin that is not mentioned in the current "civilized" world
is in the form of violence, destruction, scandals, deviations and the like. If we look at
how much violence, wars, rape, slaughter, torture, crime, corruption, fraud,
discrimination, intrigue, inhumanity there is in our immediate vicinity, if we really
consider ourselves a "man" as a higher being, it will provoke a series of reactions of
ISBN 9781636840819 22nd International Conference on Social Sciences
30-31 October 2020, Amsterdam
Book of
disgust and questionnaires. . Most believe that they do not fall into that category, that
they are moral, honest and exemplary members of society. Many wonder why in a
developed society so much deviant behavior. It's not just about pure open manic,
psychopathic behavior from the newspapers, but about "respectable" people who
represent their countries, people in suits with ties, cell phones and briefcases, people
who dictate and determine the fate of everyone by social rank below them. It’s about
co-workers who will intrigue from petty envy, meanness, malicious remarks,
underestimation, discrimination, and insulting people, or you at work. It is about
families where violence takes place on a daily basis both physically and mentally, with
quarrels, high tones, breakups, physical assault or spouse or children, to extreme
deviations in the form of incest, rape. Families, aware of the ugliness of their lives,
shamefully hide everything from the public, creating an image of an exemplary society
and their lives. Violence reigns in the 21st century. Nasija is not in the form of cutting
off, heads, burning witches, throwing lions, piling, cutting hands, but the germ of evil
exists in the individual and most people no matter how good they think of themselves.
The people of the 21st century are slaves to labor, material acquisition, taxes, the
impossibility of treatment, discrimination on the basis of any diversity, the
publication of lies in the media, the so-called crucifixion, which causes irreparable
damage to man. People of the 21st century fall into debts, loans, have no job, work for
an unworthy salary, live on the streets, in homes for the poor. The gap between the
rich and the rejected is too big. And civilization speaks of progress over time several
thousand years ago. The idea of rule is the same, subjugation, domination,
manipulation, exploitation continues, but the methods ar
Keywords: closed, circle, history