Papers by Godwin N Asumugha

Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment
Cassava is a dominant component in crop mixtures in South-Eastern Nigeria. It is a preferred food... more Cassava is a dominant component in crop mixtures in South-Eastern Nigeria. It is a preferred food security crop among smallholder farmers, because it can tolerate drought, low soil fertility and its production requires minimum external inputs. Various constraints have been shown to affect the widespread adoption of improved cassava varieties. This study examines various factors influencing the adoption of selected improved cassava varieties by smallholder farmers in Abia State, Nigeria, using the probit model. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was used to select 510 cassava farmers from 17 Local Government Areas of Abia State in 2007. Results of the study showed that 56.5% of the respondents were females. The majority (90.2%) consisted of those who were in their productive years. Most (78.8%) of the respondents were married, 83% attended formal schools; while75% had a household size of more than 5 persons. All the respondents were basically small-holder farmers; with 47% full ...

Cogent Economics & Finance, 2016
High transaction costs deter entry of small farmers into the market. With the data from 240 small... more High transaction costs deter entry of small farmers into the market. With the data from 240 smallholder cassava farmers in Central Madagascar, this study identified strategies to promote successful smallholder commercialization. The coefficients for membership of cooperatives, native of community and farming experience, have a direct relationship with decision to participate in the market and which is significant at 1% level and road condition to the nearest town is good at 10% level. The coefficients for age, distance to the nearest town and distance from the farm to the market have an indirect relationship with decision to participate in the market and significant at 5, 10 and 1% levels, respectively. The results also show that the coefficients for personal means of transportation and marketing experience have a direct relationship with decision to sell cassava off-farm and at 10 and 1% level of significance, respectively, while distance to the nearest town and distance from the farm to the market had an indirect relationship with decision to sell off-farm at 5% level of significance each and cost of transportation at 1% level. The

This study was conducted to examine the supply of seed yam in major yam producing areas of Northe... more This study was conducted to examine the supply of seed yam in major yam producing areas of Northern and Southern Nigeria using the supply function analysis. A cost-route approach was adopted in eliciting data from 120 seed yam farmers and marketers spread across the six states studied in 2006 using the multi-stage random sampling technique. Results show that price of seed yam and age had a significant relationship with value of seed yam supplied at the 1.0% level. Disposable income was significant at the 5.0% level, while labour cost and supplier experience were negatively related with value of seed yam supplied at the 10.0% and 1.0% levels respectively. Price of substitute and credit had a negative relationship with value of seed yam. The elasticity of supply of seed yam with respect to income is positive but inelastic while the elasticity of supply with respect to years of experience and labour were negative and elastic. Price of seed yam had positive price elasticity. Result of t...

Greener Journal of Agricultural Sciences
The study used the log-linear model derived from the Cobb-Douglas functional form for explaining ... more The study used the log-linear model derived from the Cobb-Douglas functional form for explaining determinants of productivity among male and female cocoyam farmers in Nsukka Agricultural Zone of Enugu State. The study involved a multi-stage random sampling technique of 120 farmers, consisting of 60 males and 60 females. For the male farmers, the coefficients for capital, cocoyam setts, labour and education were directly related to productivity and significant at 5% level. The coefficients for age and farm size were negative and significant at 5%level. The coefficients for fertilizer, manure, and extension contact were positive but not significant. The coefficients for household size and farming experience were negative but not significant. For the female farmers, all the coefficients were highly significant at 1% level except manure. The coefficients for capital, cocoyam setts, fertilizer, labour, household size, education, farming experience and number of extension contacts were directly related to productivity. The coefficients for farm size and age were negatively related to productivity. The results calls for policies aimed at increasing capital inputs and planting materials for cocoyam production. Encouraging the youths to cultivate cocoyam and accessibility to productive resources targeted at the small scale cocoyam enterprise. Given the inverse productivity-farm size relationship in agriculture, what is needed for increased productivity in cocoyam production is land redistribution supported by technical and financial assistance for farmers. There is need, also, for policies aimed at encouraging the experienced cocoyam farmers to remain in production, increase their extension contacts and increased use of fertilizer.
This study addressed the issue of gender and agricultural commercialization among smallholders in... more This study addressed the issue of gender and agricultural commercialization among smallholders in Nigeria with ginger as a case study. It focused on the relative or absolute roles, gains and losses by men and women farmers as a result of commercializing small ginger farm. Ginger is a crop grown mainly for cash in Nigeria. Nigerian ginger is known to produce
African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 2010
A cost return analysis of cocoyam production at the National Root Crops Research Institute Umudik... more A cost return analysis of cocoyam production at the National Root Crops Research Institute Umudike showed that the enterprise is profitable. Labour constituted about 50% of total variable cost of production, which is the most important resource in cocoyam enterprise. A hectare cost of cocoyam production was N140, 114 while total revenue was N257, 400 and net return was N117, 286. The study showed that small-holder cocoyam enterprise is profitable by returning N1.27 for every N1.00 spent.
This study examined the relationship between farm size and technical efficiency in small holder c... more This study examined the relationship between farm size and technical efficiency in small holder cassava production in Ideato LGA of Imo state using data from a 2008 farm-level survey of 90 rural households. The study showed a strong inverse relationship between farm size and technical efficiency. Smaller farms are found to be more technically efficient, than larger farms. These results
... It is an important staple food crop commonly grown by women in Nigeria ... the number of exte... more ... It is an important staple food crop commonly grown by women in Nigeria ... the number of extension contacts made by the farmer in the year, Z4 is household size, Z5 is farm size in ... Z8 is credit access, a dummy variable which takes the value of unity if the farmer has access to credit ...

KEYWORDS Wealth Ranking. Rural Farmers. Economic Variables. Regression. Nigeria ABSTRACT This stu... more KEYWORDS Wealth Ranking. Rural Farmers. Economic Variables. Regression. Nigeria ABSTRACT This study combined the qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection and analyses. It used the card-sorting technique of wealth ranking to stratify 307 randomly selected soybean-farming households into wealth categories, examined the validity of the key informants' wealth ranking as a way of assessing the socioeconomic status of rural farmers, and consequently investigated the factors that influenced households' socioeconomic status using the empirical multinomial logistic regression model. Data on the explanatory and other standard economic variables were collected using structured questionnaire administered by trained enumerators. Wealth ranking by key informants categorized 12.0% of respondents as rich, 46.6% as middle class, and 41.4% as poor farmers. The high positive and statistically significant associations found between the standard economic variables, including ...

Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment
Cassava is a dominant component in crop mixtures in South-Eastern Nigeria. It is a preferred food... more Cassava is a dominant component in crop mixtures in South-Eastern Nigeria. It is a preferred food security crop among smallholder farmers, because it can tolerate drought, low soil fertility and its production requires minimum external inputs. Various constraints have been shown to affect the widespread adoption of improved cassava varieties. This study examines various factors influencing the adoption of selected improved cassava varieties by smallholder farmers in Abia State, Nigeria, using the probit model. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was used to select 510 cassava farmers from 17 Local Government Areas of Abia State in 2007. Results of the study showed that 56.5% of the respondents were females. The majority (90.2%) consisted of those who were in their productive years. Most (78.8%) of the respondents were married, 83% attended formal schools; while75% had a household size of more than 5 persons. All the respondents were basically small-holder farmers; with 47% full ...
Stakeholders in agricultural development in Nigeria are currently confronted with the onerous tas... more Stakeholders in agricultural development in Nigeria are currently confronted with the onerous task of feeding over hundred million people in the nation. The paper attempts to examine the trends in the production, area and productivity of cocoyam in Nigeria from 1960/61 to 2003/06 in two periods and highlights the relative contributions of area and productivity to the observed growth. Results

Nigeria Agricultural Journal, 2009
This study employed a stochastic frontier translog cost and production functions to measure the l... more This study employed a stochastic frontier translog cost and production functions to measure the level of allocative efficiency and it's determinants in small-holder cocoyam production in Anambra state, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling technique was used to select 120 cocoyam farmers in the state in 2005 from whom input-output data and their prices were obtained using the cost-route approach. The parameters of the stochastic frontier cost function were estimated using the maximum likelihood method. The result of the analysis shows that individual farm level allocative efficiency was about 65%. The study found age and education to be negatively and significantly related to allocative efficiency at 1.0%. Farm size coefficient also had a negative relationship with allocative efficiency and was significant at 5.0%. Fertilizer use and credit access was significant and directly related to allocative efficiency at 5.0% as well as farm experience at 10.0% level of probability. No significant relationship was found between allocative efficiency and extension visit, family size and membership of cooperative societies.

KEYWORDS Wealth Ranking. Rural Farmers. Economic Variables. Regression. Nigeria ABSTRACT This stu... more KEYWORDS Wealth Ranking. Rural Farmers. Economic Variables. Regression. Nigeria ABSTRACT This study combined the qualitative and quantitative techniques of data collection and analyses. It used the card-sorting technique of wealth ranking to stratify 307 randomly selected soybean-farming households into wealth categories, examined the validity of the key informants' wealth ranking as a way of assessing the socioeconomic status of rural farmers, and consequently investigated the factors that influenced households' socioeconomic status using the empirical multinomial logistic regression model. Data on the explanatory and other standard economic variables were collected using structured questionnaire administered by trained enumerators. Wealth ranking by key informants categorized 12.0% of respondents as rich, 46.6% as middle class, and 41.4% as poor farmers. The high positive and statistically significant associations found between the standard economic variables, including ...

This study was conducted to examine the supply of seed yam in major yam producing areas of northe... more This study was conducted to examine the supply of seed yam in major yam producing areas of northern and southern Nigeria using the supply function analysis. A cost-route approach was adopted in eliciting data from 120 seed yam farmers and marketers spread across the six states studied in 2006 using the multi-stage random sampling technique. Results show that age had a significant relationship with seed yam supplied at the 1.0% level. Need for disposable income was significant at the 5.0% level, while labour cost and supplier experience were negatively related with seed yam supplied at the 10.0 and 1.0% levels respectively. The elasticity of supply for seed yam with respect to income is positive and inelastic. Price of seed yam had positive elasticity. The study also shows that there were no commercial structures for supply of seed yam in Nigeria. The rural assemblers and wholesalers limit purchases and supplies to accessible rural markets. Farmer's only sell seed yams after satisfying own requirements.
... It is an important staple food crop commonly grown by women in Nigeria ... the number of exte... more ... It is an important staple food crop commonly grown by women in Nigeria ... the number of extension contacts made by the farmer in the year, Z4 is household size, Z5 is farm size in ... Z8 is credit access, a dummy variable which takes the value of unity if the farmer has access to credit ...
AERC Research Paper, 2006
Papers by Godwin N Asumugha