Papers by Godiah R O C K Y Imbukuleh
This study examines the effectiveness of using non Standard English as a technique in writing fic... more This study examines the effectiveness of using non Standard English as a technique in writing fictional works. The study is based on two novels written by African writers Ken Saro-wiwa’s Sozaboy and Brian Chikwava’s Harare North. In this study I argue, basing on the findings on the effectiveness of using the technique, that non Standard English to write fiction has benefitted the two writers in different ways, but most importantly, it has brought variety into African literature, apart from enhancing originality and creating humour. The study explores critical works on this technique and on the two novels from all corners of the world, and also provides evidence from the two texts and other secondary texts to support these arguments.
JB Publishers, 2019
These are comprehensive essays on the novel The Peal by John Steinbeck, the novel Blossoms of the... more These are comprehensive essays on the novel The Peal by John Steinbeck, the novel Blossoms of the Savanah by Henry Ole Kulet, the play A Doll's House by Henrik Ibsen and the collection of short stories, Memories we Lost specifically the story Window Seat, How Much Land Does A Man Need, The Hansdomest Downed Man in the World, No Need to Lie, Folded Leaf, My Father's Head, Hitting Budapest, The President and Light.

is materialistic. As a result, he makes wrong decision. Write an essay to support this assumption... more is materialistic. As a result, he makes wrong decision. Write an essay to support this assumption, drawing illustrations from Blossoms of Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet. Another example is "Juana's steadfast spirit makes her a pillar of strength to her family members." Drawing illustrations from the novel, write an essay to justify this statement. unwise. This candidate has shown clearly that he or she understands the question and has therefore made a correct interpretation. Such a candidate will score full marks for introduction, often 2 marks. WRITING BODY POINTS Body points should be four, each on its own paragraph. The most effective way of developing body points is by first developing a topic sentence. A topic sentence is merely a summary of what you are going to discuss in each point based on your interpretation of the question. "In life people have to fight for their space". Justify this statement using Minik ene Nkoitoi. A student should remember that details score. Masterly of content is therefore crucial. Details are in characters names, specific actions and specific words uttered. Specific activities must be highlighted where necessary when writing body points. WRITING A CONCLUSION A conclusion is supposed to sum up and close the discussion. It should therefore be simple and relevant. The easiest and the most effective way of writing a conclusion is to agree with or reemphasis the moral or statement of the question. It is important that you set your conclusion off the body points. Let it be in its own paragraph. When writing a conclusion, start with a concluding phrase. The commonest concluding phrases are… To sum up, in conclusion, to conclude and in summary. Examples: (Question) "Suspicion and mistrust is harmful to relationships." Drawing illustrations from the short story 'Stones Bouncing on Water', write an essay to justify this statement. Conclusion: In conclusion, it is true that suspicion and mistrust is harmful to relationships. (Question) "Appearances can be deceiving." Drawing illustrations from the play The Pearl by John Steinbeck, write an essay to validate this premise. Conclusion: To sum up, it is evident that appearances can be deceiving as seen in the activities of Nora, her husband and others discussed above. 3 SHORT STORIES ESSAYS The Umbrella Man People who suffer mental illness are humanly normal. Citing four main character traits, write an essay to support this statement. Draw illustrations from the narrative, The Umbrella Man. In conclusion, it is true that sometimes that people we rely upon for help might end up causing more harm to us or themselves as illustrated above. MEMORIES WE LOST "In the course of helping the people we love, we cause more harm to them or ourselves". Drawing illustrations from the short story "Memories we Lost" by Lidudumalingani Mqombofhi, write an essay to justify this statement. In a nutshell the narrator successfully battles cancer through will power, physical strength and mental strength. STONES BOUNCE ON WATER BY DILMAN DILA "Secretes and mistrust among people can be detrimental to their relationships." Basing your illustrations on the short story, write an essay to justify this statement. HITTING BUDAPEST Poverty creates deep social contrast in the way people live in the society. Write an essay in support of the above statement drawing illustrations from Violet Bulawayo's story, Hitting Budapest. HITTING BUDAPEST BY VIOLET BULAWAYO "You are defined by the company that you keep". Referring closely to the short story, write an essay to justify this statement. Enebeli is unable to manage his daughter's hair. During a conversation via Skype with his wife who is studying in the USA, she gets concerned about their daughter's unkempt hair. His sister-in-law is called to manage Enebeli's hair. WINDOW SEAT "African faces many problems." Drawing illustrations from the short story "Window Seat" by Benjamin Branoff, write an essay to validate this statement. No Need to Lie For every effort made to overcome the challenges of cancer, suffering is experienced. Write an essay to support this statement, drawing illustrations from the narrative, No Need to Lie. marriage. In conclusion, bad decisions made knowingly or unknowingly will definitely have negative impact in our lives or on those that are dear to us. Blossoms of the Savannah Greed dehumanizes people. Drawing illustrations from the text, Blossoms of the Savannah, write an essay to support this statement.
These are detailed summary notes of areas covered in the English and Literature syllabus in Kenya... more These are detailed summary notes of areas covered in the English and Literature syllabus in Kenyan Secondary Schools.
This paper briely examines how Oral narratives in Africa influence Oral History,
A view on the relationship between Oral Narratives and Oral history in Africa.
These are notes on East African drama, exploring some of the playwrights, summaries of their play... more These are notes on East African drama, exploring some of the playwrights, summaries of their plays and critical works undertaken so far on East African drama.
A story about a man called Pilipo with his two friends, who becomes a terrorist and masterminds t... more A story about a man called Pilipo with his two friends, who becomes a terrorist and masterminds the bombings of the Kenyan Parliament buildings. But his true nature in terms of thoughts, actions and beliefs is brought to the fore by his best friend who is bewildered that his best friend by now missing, was all along, a terrorist.
This study examines the effectiveness of using non Standard English as a technique in writing fi... more This study examines the effectiveness of using non Standard English as a technique in writing fictional works. The study is based on two novels written by African writers Ken Saro-wiwa’s Sozaboy and Brian Chikwava’s Harare North. In this study I argue, basing on the findings on the effectiveness of using the technique, that non Standard English to write fiction has benefitted the two writers in different ways, but most importantly, it has brought variety into African literature, apart from enhancing originality and creating humour. The study explores critical works on this technique and on the two novels from all corners of the world, and also provides evidence from the two texts and other secondary texts to support these arguments.
In Caryl Philips's novel The Final Passage, characters try to escape their conditions in varied f... more In Caryl Philips's novel The Final Passage, characters try to escape their conditions in varied forms but eventually they realize that their efforts are futile. This paper captures this futility.
This paper examines the sly character in Kikuyu narratives of Kenya. It investigates the extent o... more This paper examines the sly character in Kikuyu narratives of Kenya. It investigates the extent of how oral narratives captures the stereotypes of a community when pitted against others.
The paper examines how African American writers addressed the issues of Slavery in their works.
The paper examines how African American writers addressed the issues of Slavery in their works.
A criticism of African critics mainly Adewale Meja Piearce view on A Man of the People by Chinua ... more A criticism of African critics mainly Adewale Meja Piearce view on A Man of the People by Chinua Achebe.
Nuruddin Farah is a prolific author having written 13 books so far. His fame has grown beyond his... more Nuruddin Farah is a prolific author having written 13 books so far. His fame has grown beyond his war-stricken homeland of Somalia, and has spread beyond Africa to Europe, America and other areas of the world. The reason for this recognition is largely because of the issues he tackles in his books and the techniques that he employs in order to creatively communicate with the universal audience and at the same time entertain them with fascinating and sometimes baffling stories. In this paper I will attempt to look closely at Nuruddin, following closely on his two novels mentioned above. I would put my assertion to test and see if he really meets the threshold to be called the greatest Somali Novelist of all time.
Drafts by Godiah R O C K Y Imbukuleh
These are philosophical quotes and aphorisms from Godiah Rocky Imbukuleh.
Papers by Godiah R O C K Y Imbukuleh
Drafts by Godiah R O C K Y Imbukuleh
The Samaritan
Feathers of Nations
Parliament of Owls
Silent Songs and Other Stories
Romance is a game of supply and demand. Scarcity is rewarded and abundance avoided. Pain is ironically necessary for love to develop and niceness a turn off... romantic love is a very complex web of hormones and desires where what is hard to get excites and what is easy to get repels