Gloria Terrats
Licenciada en Psicologia. Master en Terapia Breve Estratégica por el Mental Research Institute de Palo Alto (California) . Master en Ciencias Forenses. Master en Investigación en Salud Mental. Master en Mediación familiar. Coordinadora de Parentalidad: miembro del programa piloto impulsado por el departamento de Justicia de la Generalitat de Cataluña: formada con Aldo Morrone; Dominic D’abate; Debra Carter y Larry Cohen.
Tutora de prácticas externa del Master de Psicología Clínica (UAB) en coordinación con la Unidad de Psiquiatria del Instituto Universitarios Dexeus. Tutora prácticas externas del grado de Psicología de la UOC.
Ponente en el Congreso Internacional de Psicoterapia (Beijin) con el taller“VIRTUAL WORLD AS A NEW SCENARIO OF THERAPEUTICAL INTERVENTION” (22008)Conferencia Internacional Conferencia Internacional sobre Adolescencia y Juventud (Palo Alto California).
Conferencia Europea en Terapia Breve Estratégica (Arezzo) (2003).
Supervisors: Advisor
Tutora de prácticas externa del Master de Psicología Clínica (UAB) en coordinación con la Unidad de Psiquiatria del Instituto Universitarios Dexeus. Tutora prácticas externas del grado de Psicología de la UOC.
Ponente en el Congreso Internacional de Psicoterapia (Beijin) con el taller“VIRTUAL WORLD AS A NEW SCENARIO OF THERAPEUTICAL INTERVENTION” (22008)Conferencia Internacional Conferencia Internacional sobre Adolescencia y Juventud (Palo Alto California).
Conferencia Europea en Terapia Breve Estratégica (Arezzo) (2003).
Supervisors: Advisor
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Papers by Gloria Terrats
Drafts by Gloria Terrats
Teaching Documents by Gloria Terrats
This paper intents ( within the area of Forensic Psychology) to offer an approach that allows us determine if Impulsivity becomes relevant as a factor of antisocial behaviour inside the studied group.
We have had the collaboration of a juvenile justice center that contributed to gather the concerning information.
Statistic analysis of the data show the existence of a positive relation between Impulsivity and tendency to infringe the Law (68% of the explained variance) but this fact cannot be extrapolated outside the range of values obtained within the studied variables.
Although the results shows that there exists a significant relationship between the studied factors, the complexity of the studied subject is evident and for that reason new and continued researches are required in order to deepen the information about the concerned matter.
Key words: Impulsivity; Antisocial Behaviour; Juvenile Justice
This paper intents ( within the area of Forensic Psychology) to offer an approach that allows us determine if Impulsivity becomes relevant as a factor of antisocial behaviour inside the studied group.
We have had the collaboration of a juvenile justice center that contributed to gather the concerning information.
Statistic analysis of the data show the existence of a positive relation between Impulsivity and tendency to infringe the Law (68% of the explained variance) but this fact cannot be extrapolated outside the range of values obtained within the studied variables.
Although the results shows that there exists a significant relationship between the studied factors, the complexity of the studied subject is evident and for that reason new and continued researches are required in order to deepen the information about the concerned matter.
Key words: Impulsivity; Antisocial Behaviour; Juvenile Justice