Papers by Giuseppe La Paglia
The traceability for the calibration of power converters and wattmeters is obtained in primary la... more The traceability for the calibration of power converters and wattmeters is obtained in primary laboratory starting from the standards of electrical quantities, such as resistance and voltage. The paper shows the path followed at I.N.Ri.M, which is the primary laboratory in Italy for metrology, to built the traceability for the precision measurement of both the single phase and the three-phase active power in the frequency range from 40 Hz to 60 Hz.
2004 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 2004
The results are described of an international comparison of measurement techniques at direct volt... more The results are described of an international comparison of measurement techniques at direct voltages up to 100 kV. (EUROMET Project 495)

Proceedings of the 21st IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (IEEE Cat. No.04CH37510)
The paper deals with the use of Internet in the dissemination process of low-frequency electrical... more The paper deals with the use of Internet in the dissemination process of low-frequency electrical quantities to secondary colibrotion laboratories; feasihiliy studies on Internet calibration, perfotmed ut the Istitzrlo Elettrotecnico Nazionale Gulileo Ferraris (/EN). arepresentcd. In particulur, the experiments concern the automatic calibration of multi/unction calihrators, hv means ofa travelling standard system (composed of U multiJiinction transfer standard and a laptop computer) using the 1nternet.facililies with commercial or freeware sofhvaie. The adopted solution doesn't require to the calibration laboratory any acquisition of hardware tools or the installotion of dedicoled sofhvan. The role qfrhe secondary laboratory operator is limited to the realization of electrical connections before and during the colibrotion process.

1998 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements Digest (Cat. No.98CH36254), 1998
This pilot study aimed to explore whether criminal psychopaths can learn volitional regulation of... more This pilot study aimed to explore whether criminal psychopaths can learn volitional regulation of the left anterior insula with real-time fMRI neurofeedback. Our previous studies with healthy volunteers showed that learned control of the blood oxygenationlevel dependent (BOLD) signal was specific to the target region, and not a result of general arousal and global unspecific brain activation, and also that successful regulation modulates emotional responses, specifically to aversive picture stimuli but not neutral stimuli. In this pilot study, four criminal psychopaths were trained to regulate the anterior insula by employing negative emotional imageries taken from previous episodes in their lives, in conjunction with contingent feedback. Only one out of the four participants learned to increase the percent differential BOLD in the up-regulation condition across training runs. Subjects with higher Psychopathic Checklist-Revised (PCL:SV) scores were less able to increase the BOLD signal in the anterior insula than their lower PCL:SV counterparts. We investigated functional connectivity changes in the emotional network due to learned regulation of the successful participant, by employing multivariate Granger Causality Modeling (GCM). Learning to up-regulate the left anterior insula not only increased the number of connections (causal density) in the emotional network in the single successful participant but also increased the difference between the number of outgoing and incoming connections (causal flow) of the left insula. This pilot study shows modest potential for training psychopathic individuals to learn to control brain activity in the anterior insula.
Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements. Conference Digest. CPEM 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37031)
ABSTRACT A description of methods for verifying automatic calibration processes, in electrical ca... more ABSTRACT A description of methods for verifying automatic calibration processes, in electrical calibration laboratory accredited by Italian Accreditation Service (SIT Cal Lab), is given in this work.
2004 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, 2004
The high linearity and stability of modern top-level Digital Multimeters (DMM) can be exploited t... more The high linearity and stability of modern top-level Digital Multimeters (DMM) can be exploited to measure voltage ratios with very low uncertainty by making two separate absolute voltage measurements. We developed an integrated approach to apply commercial multimeters as voltage ratio standards for the dissemination of the volt over a wide range of values, based on a JAVS as primary ratio standard and DMiMs as secondary standards. The DMM characterized in linearity can find application in top level calibration laboratories, where it can replace the Kelvin-Varley divider in calibration of meters. Moreover, we developed a GPIB interfaced voltage divider that allows the fully automatic calibration in dc voltage of generators.
2009 IEEE Intrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, 2009
ABSTRACT This paper deals with the management of automatic calibration systems according to quali... more ABSTRACT This paper deals with the management of automatic calibration systems according to quality standards. A set of guide lines is proposed that are based on the development life-cycle model, which requires all the steps of the development process to be managed in a controlled way. Many of these steps are performed by employing suitable check lists, which represent the quality records that allow the correct behavior of the system to be demonstrated, e.g. for third-part accreditation purposes. The system developed at the calibration laboratory of the Politecnico di Torino (SIT center No. 139) is described that has been designed for the verification of digital multimeters and results related to the calibration of specific instruments are reported.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 1985
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 1993
A new multipurpose modular system for comparison of ac-dc converters and other ac measuring devic... more A new multipurpose modular system for comparison of ac-dc converters and other ac measuring devices has been built at IEN. It allows the performance of measurements for a large set of devices in a wide range of voltages and currents. In particular, for currents up to 2 A , a special transconductance amplifier that supplies the current keeping the conjunction point of the two devices under comparison virtually at ground potential has been integrated. The comparison system takes full advantage of automatic procedures, but with accuracy typical of the best manual systems. For example, groups of single-junction thermal converter comparisons show a typical spread (la) of less than 1 * lo-'.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2000
In the traceability transfer process from the national standards of the Istituto Elettrotecnico N... more In the traceability transfer process from the national standards of the Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale "Galileo Ferraris" (IEN) to standards of calibration laboratories accredited by Servizio di Taratura in Italia (SIT), the use of high-precision multifunction instruments, in particular digital multimeters (DMMs), as reference standards turned out to be a good transfer method. In fact, their use provides swift and less expensive transfer at an uncertainty level comparable to that one obtained using high-precision individual standards, such as 10 V dc voltage standards, standard resistors, or ac/dc transfer standards. In this paper, it is described how this transfer process is performed and what results are obtained.
16th IMEKO TC4 Symposium Exploring New Frontiers of Instrumentation and Methods for Electrical an... more 16th IMEKO TC4 Symposium Exploring New Frontiers of Instrumentation and Methods for Electrical and Electronic Measurements Sept. 22-24, 2008, Florence, Italy ... The effect of adjustment on multifunction instruments for electrical metrology: case examples ... Giuseppe La Paglia1, ...
Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements. Conference Digest. CPEM 2000 (Cat. No.00CH37031)
The aim of this work is to describe the facilities developed at E N Electrical Metrology Departme... more The aim of this work is to describe the facilities developed at E N Electrical Metrology Department for calibration of programmable high precision multihnction instruments. The facilities structure, the implemented traceability chain and the performed activity are here reported.
Papers by Giuseppe La Paglia